blob: db5b5f1c07e7b952c93a4bae6c0ebd98cb9b82af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library serialization_test;
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:serialization/serialization.dart';
import 'package:serialization/src/serialization_helpers.dart';
import 'package:serialization/src/mirrors_helpers.dart';
part 'test_models.dart';
main() {
var p1 = new Person();
var a1 = new Address();
a1.street = 'N 34th'; = 'Seattle';
var formats = [const SimpleFlatFormat(), const SimpleMapFormat(),
const SimpleJsonFormat(storeRoundTripInfo: true)];
test('Basic extraction of a simple object', () {
// TODO(alanknight): Switch these to use literal types. Issue
var s = new Serialization()
Map extracted = states(a1, s).first;
expect(extracted.length, 4);
expect(extracted['street'], 'N 34th');
expect(extracted['city'], 'Seattle');
expect(extracted['state'], null);
expect(extracted['zip'], null);
Reader reader = setUpReader(s, extracted);
Address a2 = readBackSimple(s, a1, reader);
expect(a2.street, 'N 34th');
expect(, 'Seattle');
expect(, null);
test('Slightly further with a simple object', () {
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
var s = new Serialization()
// TODO(alanknight): Need a better API for getting to flat state without
// actually writing.
var w = new Writer(s);
var personRule = s.rules.firstWhere(
(x) => x is BasicRule && x.type == reflect(p1).type);
var flatPerson = w.states[personRule.number].first;
var primStates = w.states.first;
expect(primStates.isEmpty, true);
expect(flatPerson["name"], "Alice");
var ref = flatPerson["address"];
expect(ref is Reference, true);
var addressRule = s.rules.firstWhere(
(x) => x is BasicRule && x.type == reflect(a1).type);
expect(ref.ruleNumber, addressRule.number);
expect(ref.objectNumber, 0);
expect(w.states[addressRule.number].first['street'], 'N 34th');
test('exclude fields', () {
var s = new Serialization()
excludeFields: ['state', 'zip']).configureForMaps();
var extracted = states(a1, s).first;
expect(extracted.length, 2);
expect(extracted['street'], 'N 34th');
expect(extracted['city'], 'Seattle');
Reader reader = setUpReader(s, extracted);
Address a2 = readBackSimple(s, a1, reader);
expect(a2.state, null);
expect(, 'Seattle');
test('list', () {
var list = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
var s = new Serialization();
var extracted = states(list, s).first;
expect(extracted.length, 5);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
expect(extracted[i], (5 - i));
Reader reader = setUpReader(s, extracted);
var list2 = readBackSimple(s, list, reader);
expect(list, list2);
test('different kinds of fields', () {
var x = new Various.Foo("d", "e");
x.a = "a";
x.b = "b";
x._c = "c";
var s = new Serialization()
constructor: "Foo",
constructorFields: ["d", "e"]);
var state = states(x, s).first;
expect(state.length, 4);
var expected = "abde";
for (var i in [0,1,2,3]) {
expect(state[i], expected[i]);
Reader reader = setUpReader(s, state);
Various y = readBackSimple(s, x, reader);
expect(x.a, y.a);
expect(x.b, y.b);
expect(x.d, y.d);
expect(x.e, y.e);
expect(y._c, 'default value');
test('Stream', () {
// This is an interesting case. The Stream doesn't expose its internal
// collection at all, and sets it in the constructor. So to get it we
// read a private field and then set that via the constructor. That works
// but should we have some kind of large red flag that you're using private
// state.
var stream = new Stream([3,4,5]);
expect((, 4);
expect(stream.position, 2);
// The Symbol class does not allow us to create symbols for private
// variables. However, the mirror system uses them. So we get the symbol
// we want from the mirror.
// TODO(alanknight): Either delete this test and decide we shouldn't
// attempt to access private variables or fix this properly.
var _collectionSym = reflect(stream).type.variables.keys.firstWhere(
(x) => MirrorSystem.getName(x) == "_collection");
var s = new Serialization()
constructorFields: [_collectionSym]);
var state = states(stream, s).first;
// Define names for the variable offsets to make this more readable.
var _collection = 0, position = 1;
expect(state[position], 2);
test('date', () {
var date = new;
var s = new Serialization()
constructorFields : ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute",
"second", "millisecond", "isUtc"])
var state = states(date, s).first;
expect(state["millisecond"], date.millisecond);
test('Iteration helpers', () {
var map = {"a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : 3};
var list = [1, 2, 3];
var set = new Set.from(list);
var m = keysAndValues(map);
var l = keysAndValues(list);
var s = keysAndValues(set);
m.forEach((key, value) {expect(key.codeUnits[0], value + 96);});
l.forEach((key, value) {expect(key + 1, value);});
var index = 0;
var seen = new Set();
s.forEach((key, value) {
expect(key, index++);
expect(seen.contains(value), isFalse);
expect(seen.length, 3);
var i = 0;
m = values(map);
l = values(list);
s = values(set);
m.forEach((each) {expect(each, ++i);});
i = 0;
l.forEach((each) {expect(each, ++i);});
i = 0;
s.forEach((each) {expect(each, ++i);});
i = 0;
seen = new Set();
for (var each in m) {
expect(seen.contains(each), isFalse);
expect(seen.length, 3);
i = 0;
for (var each in l) {
expect(each, ++i);
Node n1 = new Node("1"), n2 = new Node("2"), n3 = new Node("3");
n1.children = [n2, n3];
n2.parent = n1;
n3.parent = n1;
test('Trace a cyclical structure', () {
var s = new Serialization();
var trace = new Trace(new Writer(s));
trace.writer.trace = trace;
var all = trace.writer.references.keys.toSet();
expect(all.length, 4);
expect(all.contains(n1), isTrue);
expect(all.contains(n2), isTrue);
expect(all.contains(n3), isTrue);
expect(all.contains(n1.children), isTrue);
test('Flatten references in a cyclical structure', () {
var s = new Serialization();
var w = new Writer(s);
w.trace = new Trace(w);
expect(w.states.length, 6); // prims, lists, essential lists, basic, symbol
var children = 0, name = 1, parent = 2;
var nodeRule = s.rules.firstWhere((x) => x is BasicRule);
List rootNode = w.states[nodeRule.number].where(
(x) => x[name] == "1").toList();
rootNode = rootNode.first;
expect(rootNode[parent], isNull);
var list = w.states[1].first;
expect(w.stateForReference(rootNode[children]), list);
var parentNode = w.stateForReference(list[0])[parent];
expect(w.stateForReference(parentNode), rootNode);
test('round-trip', () {
test('round-trip ClosureRule', () {
test('round-trip with essential parent', () {
test('round-trip, flat format', () {
test('round-trip using Maps', () {
test('round-trip, flat format, using maps', () {
test('round-trip with Node CustomRule', () {
test('round-trip with Node CustomRule, to maps', () {
test('eating your own tail', () {
// Create a meta-serializer, that serializes serializations, then
// use it to serialize a basic serialization, then run a test on the
// the result.
var s = new Serialization.blank()
// Add the rules in a deliberately unusual order.
..addRuleFor(new Node(''), constructorFields: ['name'])
..addRule(new ListRule())
..addRule(new PrimitiveRule())
..selfDescribing = false;
var meta = metaSerialization();
var metaWithMaps = metaSerializationUsingMaps();
for (var eachFormat in formats) {
for (var eachMeta in [meta, metaWithMaps]) {
var serialized = eachMeta.write(s, eachFormat);
var reader = new Reader(eachMeta, eachFormat);
var newSerialization =,
{"serialization_test.Node" : reflect(new Node('')).type});
runRoundTripTest((x) => newSerialization);
test("Verify we're not serializing lists twice if they're essential", () {
Node n1 = new Node("1"), n2 = new Node("2"), n3 = new Node("3");
n1.children = [n2, n3];
n2.parent = n1;
n3.parent = n1;
var s = new Serialization()
..addRuleFor(n1, constructorFields: ["name"]).
setFieldWith("children", (parent, child) =>
parent.reflectee.children = child);
var w = new Writer(s);
expect(w.rules[2] is ListRuleEssential, isTrue);
expect(w.rules[1] is ListRule, isTrue);
expect(w.states[1].length, 0);
expect(w.states[2].length, 1);
s = new Serialization()
..addRuleFor(n1, constructorFields: ["name"]);
w = new Writer(s);
expect(w.states[1].length, 1);
expect(w.states[2].length, 0);
test('Identity of equal objects preserved', () {
Node n1 = new NodeEqualByName("foo"),
n2 = new NodeEqualByName("foo"),
n3 = new NodeEqualByName("3");
n1.children = [n2, n3];
n2.parent = n1;
n3.parent = n1;
var s = new Serialization()
..selfDescribing = false
..addRuleFor(n1, constructorFields: ["name"]);
var w = new Writer(s);
var r = new Reader(s);
var m1 =;
var m2 = m1.children.first;
var m3 = m1.children.last;
expect(m1, m2);
expect(identical(m1, m2), isFalse);
expect(m1 == m3, isFalse);
expect(identical(m2.parent, m3.parent), isTrue);
test("Constant values as fields", () {
var s = new Serialization()
..selfDescribing = false
constructor: 'withData',
constructorFields: ["street", "Kirkland", "WA", "98103"],
fields: []);
var out = s.write(a1);
var newAddress =;
expect(newAddress.street, a1.street);
expect(, "Kirkland");
expect(newAddress.state, "WA");
expect(, "98103");
test("Straight JSON format", () {
var s = new Serialization();
var writer = s.newWriter(const SimpleJsonFormat());
var out = json.stringify(writer.write(a1));
var reconstituted = json.parse(out);
expect(reconstituted.length, 4);
expect(reconstituted[0], "Seattle");
test("Straight JSON format, nested objects", () {
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
var s = new Serialization()..selfDescribing = false;
var addressRule = s.addRuleFor(a1)..configureForMaps();
var personRule = s.addRuleFor(p1)..configureForMaps();
var writer = s.newWriter(const SimpleJsonFormat(storeRoundTripInfo: true));
var out = json.stringify(writer.write(p1));
var reconstituted = json.parse(out);
var expected = {
"name" : "Alice",
"rank" : null,
"serialNumber" : null,
"_rule" : personRule.number,
"address" : {
"street" : "N 34th",
"city" : "Seattle",
"state" : null,
"zip" : null,
"_rule" : addressRule.number
expect(expected, reconstituted);
test("Straight JSON format, round-trip", () {
// Note that we can't use the usual round-trip test because it has cycles.
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
// Use maps for one rule, lists for the other.
var s = new Serialization()
var p2 = writeAndReadBack(s,
const SimpleJsonFormat(storeRoundTripInfo: true), p1);
expect(, "Alice");
var a2 = p2.address;
expect(a2.street, "N 34th");
expect(, "Seattle");
test("Straight JSON format, non-string key", () {
// This tests what happens if we have a key that's not a string. That's
// not allowed by json, so we don't actually turn it into a json string,
// but someone might reasonably convert to a json-able structure without
// going through the string representation.
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
var s = new Serialization()
..addRule(new PersonRuleReturningMapWithNonStringKey());
var p2 = writeAndReadBack(s,
const SimpleJsonFormat(storeRoundTripInfo: true), p1);
expect(, "Alice");
expect(p2.address.street, "N 34th");
test("Root is a Map", () {
// Note that we can't use the usual round-trip test because it has cycles.
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
// Use maps for one rule, lists for the other.
var s = new Serialization()
for (var eachFormat in formats) {
var w = s.newWriter(eachFormat);
var output = w.write({"stuff" : p1});
var r = s.newReader(w.format);
var result =;
var p2 = result["stuff"];
expect(, "Alice");
var a2 = p2.address;
expect(a2.street, "N 34th");
expect(, "Seattle");
test("Root is a List", () {
var s = new Serialization();
for (var eachFormat in formats) {
var result = writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, [a1]);
var a2 = result.first;
expect(a2.street, "N 34th");
expect(, "Seattle");
test("Root is a simple object", () {
var s = new Serialization();
for (var eachFormat in formats) {
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, null), null);
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, [null]), [null]);
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, 3), 3);
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, [3]), [3]);
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, "hello"), "hello");
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, [3]), [3]);
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, {"hello" : "world"}),
{"hello" : "world"});
expect(writeAndReadBack(s, eachFormat, true), true);
test("Simple JSON format, round-trip with named objects", () {
// Note that we can't use the usual round-trip test because it has cycles.
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
// Use maps for one rule, lists for the other.
var s = new Serialization()
..selfDescribing = false
..addRule(new NamedObjectRule())
..namedObjects["foo"] = a1;
var writer = s.newWriter(const SimpleJsonFormat(storeRoundTripInfo: true));
var out = writer.write(p1);
var reader = s.newReader(const SimpleJsonFormat(storeRoundTripInfo: true));
var p2 =, {"foo" : 12});
expect(, "Alice");
var a2 = p2.address;
expect(a2, 12);
test("More complicated Maps", () {
var s = new Serialization()..selfDescribing = false;
var p1 = new Person() = 'Alice'..address = a1;
var data = new Map();
data["simple data"] = 1;
data[p1] = a1;
data[a1] = p1;
for (var eachFormat in formats) {
var output = s.write(data, eachFormat);
var reader = s.newReader(eachFormat);
var input =;
expect(input["simple data"], data["simple data"]);
var p2 = input.keys.firstWhere((x) => x is Person);
var a2 = input.keys.firstWhere((x) => x is Address);
if (eachFormat is SimpleJsonFormat) {
// JSON doesn't handle cycles, so these won't be identical.
expect(input[p2] is Address, isTrue);
expect(input[a2] is Person, isTrue);
var a3 = input[p2];
expect(a3.state, a2.state);
expect(a3.state, a2.state);
var p3 = input[a2];
expect(p3.rank, p2.rank);
} else {
expect(input[p2], same(a2));
expect(input[a2], same(p2));
test("Map with string keys stays that way", () {
var s = new Serialization()..addRuleFor(new Person());
var data = {"abc" : 1, "def" : "ghi"};
data["person"] = new Person() = "Foo";
var output = s.write(data, const SimpleMapFormat());
var mapRule = s.rules.firstWhere((x) => x is MapRule);
var map = output["data"][mapRule.number][0];
expect(map is Map, isTrue);
expect(map["abc"], 1);
expect(map["def"], "ghi");
expect(new Reader(s).asReference(map["person"]) is Reference, isTrue);
test("MirrorRule with lookup by qualified name rather than named object", () {
var s = new Serialization()..addRule(new MirrorRule());
var m = reflectClass(Address);
var output = s.write(m);
var input =;
expect(input is ClassMirror, isTrue);
expect(MirrorSystem.getName(input.simpleName), "Address");
* The end of the tests and the beginning of various helper functions to make
* it easier to write the repetitive sections.
writeAndReadBack(Serialization s, Format format, object) {
var w = s.newWriter(format);
var output = w.write(object);
var r = s.newReader(w.format);
/** Create a Serialization for serializing Serializations. */
Serialization metaSerialization() {
// Make some bogus rule instances so we have something to feed rule creation
// and get their types. If only we had class literals implemented...
var basicRule = new BasicRule(reflect(null).type, '', [], [], []);
var meta = new Serialization()
..selfDescribing = false
..addRuleFor(new ListRule())
..addRuleFor(new PrimitiveRule())
// TODO(alanknight): Handle CustomRule as well.
// Note that we're passing in a constant for one of the fields.
constructorFields: ['type',
'constructorFields', 'regularFields', []],
fields: [])
..addRuleFor(new Serialization(), constructor: "blank")
(InstanceMirror s, List rules) {
rules.forEach((x) => s.reflectee.addRule(x));
..addRule(new NamedObjectRule())
..addRule(new MirrorRule())
..addRule(new MapRule());
return meta;
Serialization metaSerializationUsingMaps() {
var meta = metaSerialization();
meta.rules.where((each) => each is BasicRule)
.forEach((x) => x.configureForMaps());
return meta;
* Read back a simple object, assumed to be the only one of its class in the
* reader.
readBackSimple(Serialization s, object, Reader reader) {
var rule = s.rulesFor(object, null).first;
var list2 = reader.allObjectsForRule(rule).first;
return list2;
* Set up a basic reader with some fake data. Hard-codes the assumption
* of how many rules there are.
Reader setUpReader(aSerialization, sampleData) {
var reader = new Reader(aSerialization);
// We're not sure which rule needs the sample data, so put it everywhere
// and trust that the extra will just be ignored.
var fillValue = [sampleData];
var data = [];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
} = data;
return reader;
/** Return a serialization for Node objects, using a reflective rule. */
Serialization nodeSerializerReflective(Node n) {
return new Serialization()
..addRuleFor(n, constructorFields: ["name"])
..namedObjects['Node'] = reflect(new Node('')).type;
* Return a serialization for Node objects but using Maps for the internal
* representation rather than lists.
Serialization nodeSerializerUsingMaps(Node n) {
return new Serialization()
..addRuleFor(n, constructorFields: ["name"]).configureForMaps()
..namedObjects['Node'] = reflect(new Node('')).type;
* Return a serialization for Node objects but using Maps for the internal
* representation rather than lists.
Serialization nodeSerializerCustom(Node n) {
return new Serialization()
..addRule(new NodeRule());
* Return a serialization for Node objects where the "parent" instance
* variable is considered essential state.
Serialization nodeSerializerWithEssentialParent(Node n) {
// Force the node rule to be first, in order to make a cycle which would
// not cause a problem if we handled the list first, because the list
// considers all of its state non-essential, thus breaking the cycle.
var s = new Serialization.blank()
constructor: "parentEssential",
constructorFields: ["parent"])
..namedObjects['Node'] = reflect(new Node('')).type
..selfDescribing = false;
return s;
/** Return a serialization for Node objects using a ClosureToMapRule. */
Serialization nodeSerializerNonReflective(Node n) {
var rule = new ClosureRule(
(o) => {"name" :, "children" : o.children, "parent" : o.parent},
(map) => new Node(map["name"]),
(object, map) {
..children = map["children"]
..parent = map["parent"];
return new Serialization()
..selfDescribing = false
* Run a round-trip test on a simple tree of nodes, using a serialization
* that's returned by the [serializerSetUp] function.
runRoundTripTest(Function serializerSetUp) {
Node n1 = new Node("1"), n2 = new Node("2"), n3 = new Node("3");
n1.children = [n2, n3];
n2.parent = n1;
n3.parent = n1;
var s = serializerSetUp(n1);
var output = s.write(n2);
var s2 = serializerSetUp(n1);
var reader = new Reader(s2);
var m2 =;
var m1 = m2.parent;
expect(m1 is Node, isTrue);
var children = m1.children;
var m3 = m1.children.last;
expect(, "2");
expect(, "3");
expect(m2.parent, m1);
expect(m3.parent, m1);
expect(m1.parent, isNull);
* Run a round-trip test on a simple of nodes, but using the flat format
* rather than the maps.
runRoundTripTestFlat(serializerSetUp) {
Node n1 = new Node("1"), n2 = new Node("2"), n3 = new Node("3");
n1.children = [n2, n3];
n2.parent = n1;
n3.parent = n1;
var s = serializerSetUp(n1);
var output = s.write(n2, const SimpleFlatFormat());
expect(output is List, isTrue);
var s2 = serializerSetUp(n1);
var reader = new Reader(s2, const SimpleFlatFormat());
var m2 =;
var m1 = m2.parent;
expect(m1 is Node, isTrue);
var children = m1.children;
var m3 = m1.children.last;
expect(, "2");
expect(, "3");
expect(m2.parent, m1);
expect(m3.parent, m1);
expect(m1.parent, isNull);
/** Extract the state from [object] using the rules in [s] and return it. */
states(object, Serialization s) {
var rules = s.rulesFor(object, null);
return => x.extractState(object, doNothing, null)).toList();
/** A hard-coded rule for serializing Node instances. */
class NodeRule extends CustomRule {
bool appliesTo(instance, _) => instance.runtimeType == Node;
getState(instance) => [instance.parent,, instance.children];
create(state) => new Node(state[1]);
setState(Node node, state) {
node.parent = state[0];
node.children = state[2];
* This is a rather silly rule which stores the address data in a map,
* but inverts the keys and values, so we look up values and find the
* corresponding key. This will lead to maps that aren't allowed in JSON,
* and which have keys that need to be dereferenced.
class PersonRuleReturningMapWithNonStringKey extends CustomRule {
appliesTo(instance, _) => instance is Person;
getState(instance) {
return new Map()
..[] = "name"
..[instance.address] = "address";
create(state) => new Person();
setState(Person a, state) { = findValue("name", state);
a.address = findValue("address", state);
findValue(String key, Map state) {
var answer;
for (var each in state.keys) {
var value = state[each];
if (value == key) return each;
return null;