blob: f40f3e7c979ed23a912f48dcc00f671d43343364 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:gardening/src/luci_api.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/luci.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/logger.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/cache_new.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/util.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
ArgParser setupArgs() {
return new ArgParser()
abbr: "c", defaultsTo: DART_CLIENT, help: "Set which client to use.")
abbr: "v", negatable: false, help: "Print debugging information.")
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: false,
help: "Use this flag to bypass caching. This may be slower.")
negatable: false,
help: "Shows information on how to use the luci tool.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this flag to see the primary build bots for --client.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this flag to see all build bots for --client.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this flag to see information about master for --client.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this flag to see all builder-groups not -dev, -stable "
"or -integration for --client.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this flag as `--build-bot-details <group>` to see all "
"builders (incl. shards) for a build group <group>.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this flag as `--build-bot-details <name>` where "
"<name> is the name of the build bot, to see details of "
"a specific build bot.")
negatable: false,
help: "Use this option as `--build-details <name> <buildNo>` where "
"<name> is the name of the bot and "
"<buildNo> is the number of the build.")
negatable: false,
help: "Fetches all builds with a specific commit. Use this flag as "
"`--builds-with-commit <commit-hash>` where the <commit-hash> is "
"the hash of the commit");
void printHelp(ArgParser parser) {
print("This tool calls different pages on Luci and aggregate the information "
"found. Below is stated information about flags and options:");
main(List<String> args) async {
var parser = setupArgs();
var results = parser.parse(args);
if (results["help"]) {
var luciApi = new LuciApi();
Logger logger = createLogger(verbose: results[Flags.verbose]);
CreateCacheFunction createCache =
createCacheFunction(logger, disableCache: results[Flags.noCache]);
if (results["build-bots"]) {
await performBuildBotsPrimary(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["build-bots-all"]) {
await performBuildBotsAll(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["master"]) {
await performMaster(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["builder-groups"]) {
await performBuilderGroups(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["builders-in-group"]) {
await performBuildersInGroup(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["build-bot-details"]) {
await performBuildBotDetails(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["build-details"]) {
await performBuildDetails(luciApi, createCache, results);
} else if (results["builds-with-commit"]) {
await performFindBuildsForCommit(luciApi, createCache, logger, results);
} else {
/// Get the primary build bots for a `results[client]` (not -dev, -stable etc.).
Future performBuildBotsPrimary(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction createCache, ArgResults results) {
return getPrimaryBuilders(luciApi, results['client'],
createCache(duration: new Duration(hours: 1)))
.then((bots) => bots.forEach(print),
onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Get all build bots for a `results[client]`.
Future performBuildBotsAll(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction cache, ArgResults results) {
return getAllBuilders(
luciApi, results['client'], cache(duration: new Duration(hours: 1)))
.then((bots) => bots.forEach(print),
onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Get master information for `results[client]`.
Future performMaster(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction cache, ArgResults results) {
return luciApi
.getMaster(results['client'], cache(duration: new Duration(minutes: 15)))
.then(print, onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Get build groups for a `results[client]`.
Future performBuilderGroups(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction cache, ArgResults results) {
return getBuilderGroups(luciApi, results['client'],
cache(duration: new Duration(minutes: 15)))
.then((result) => result.forEach(print),
onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Get builders in a group, passed in [results].
Future performBuildersInGroup(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction cache, ArgResults results) {
if ( == 0) {
print("No argument given for <group>. To see help, use --help");
return null;
return getBuildersInBuilderGroup(luciApi, results['client'],
cache(duration: new Duration(minutes: 15)),[0])
.then((result) => result.forEach(print),
onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Get latest details of builds for a buildbot, passed in [results].
Future performBuildBotDetails(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction cache, ArgResults results) {
if ( == 0) {
print("No argument given for <name>. To see help, use --help");
return null;
return luciApi
cache(duration: new Duration(minutes: 15)))
.then(print, onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Get build details for a build on a buildbot, passed in [results].
Future performBuildDetails(
LuciApi luciApi, CreateCacheFunction createCache, ArgResults results) {
if ( < 2) {
print("Missing argument for <name> or <buildNo>. To see help, use --help");
return null;
int buildNumber = int.parse([1], onError: (source) => 0);
if (buildNumber <= 0) {
print("The buildnumber ${results['build-details']} must be a integer "
"greater than zero");
return null;
return luciApi
.getBuildBotBuildDetails(results['client'],[0], buildNumber,
createCache(duration: new Duration(minutes: 15)))
.then(print, onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));
/// Find all builds for a commit hash, passed in [results].
Future performFindBuildsForCommit(LuciApi luciApi,
CreateCacheFunction createCache, Logger logger, ArgResults results) {
if ( == 0) {
print("Missing argument for <commit>. To see help, use --help");
return null;
int amount = 25;
return fetchBuildsForCommmit(luciApi, logger, results['client'],[0], createCache, amount).then((List<BuildDetail> details) {
print("The commit '${[0]} is used in the following builds:");
details.forEach((detail) {
String url = ""
print("${detail.botName}: #${detail.buildNumber}\t$url");
}, onError: exceptionPrint("Could not perform command"));