blob: 400a670380fa519906a1dc12cdebe144fb59843f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library defines the representation of runtime types.
part of dart._runtime;
final metadata = JS('', 'Symbol("metadata")');
/// The symbol used to store the cached `Type` object associated with a class.
final _typeObject = JS('', 'Symbol("typeObject")');
/// Types in dart are represented internally at runtime as follows.
/// - Normal nominal types, produced from classes, are represented
/// at runtime by the JS class of which they are an instance.
/// If the type is the result of instantiating a generic class,
/// then the "classes" module manages the association between the
/// instantiated class and the original class declaration
/// and the type arguments with which it was instantiated. This
/// association can be queried via the "classes" module".
/// - All other types are represented as instances of class TypeRep,
/// defined in this module.
/// - Dynamic, Void, and Bottom are singleton instances of sentinal
/// classes.
/// - Function types are instances of subclasses of AbstractFunctionType.
/// Function types are represented in one of two ways:
/// - As an instance of FunctionType. These are eagerly computed.
/// - As an instance of TypeDef. The TypeDef representation lazily
/// computes an instance of FunctionType, and delegates to that instance.
/// These above "runtime types" are what is used for implementing DDC's
/// internal type checks. These objects are distinct from the objects exposed
/// to user code by class literals and calling `Object.runtimeType`. In DDC,
/// the latter are represented by instances of WrappedType which contain a
/// real runtime type internally. This ensures that the returned object only
/// exposes the API that Type defines:
/// get String name;
/// String toString();
/// These "runtime types" have methods for performing type checks. The methods
/// have the following JavaScript names which are designed to not collide with
/// static methods, which are also placed 'on' the class constructor function.
/// Implements 'o is T'.
/// Implements 'o as T'.
/// T._check(o): Implements the type assertion of 'T x = o;'
/// By convention, we used named JavaScript functions for these methods with the
/// name 'is_X', 'as_X' and 'check_X' for various X to indicate the type or the
/// implementation strategy for the test (e.g 'is_String', 'is_G' for generic
/// types, etc.)
// TODO(jmesserly): we shouldn't implement Type here. It should be moved down
// to AbstractFunctionType.
class TypeRep implements Type {
String get name => this.toString();
// TODO(jmesserly): these should never be reached.
bool is_T(object) => instanceOf(object, this);
as_T(object) => cast(object, this, false);
check_T(object) => cast(object, this, true);
class Dynamic extends TypeRep {
toString() => 'dynamic';
bool is_T(object) => true;
as_T(object) => object;
check_T(object) => object;
class LazyJSType extends TypeRep {
final Function() _rawJSType;
final String _dartName;
LazyJSType(this._rawJSType, this._dartName);
toString() => typeName(_rawJSType());
rawJSTypeForCheck() {
var raw = _rawJSType();
if (raw != null) return raw;
_warn('Cannot find native JavaScript type ($_dartName) for type check');
return _dynamic;
bool is_T(obj) {
return JS('bool', '# instanceof #', obj, rawJSTypeForCheck());
as_T(obj) =>
JS('bool', '# instanceof #', obj, rawJSTypeForCheck()) || obj == null
? obj
: castError(obj, this, false);
check_T(obj) =>
JS('bool', '# instanceof #', obj, rawJSTypeForCheck()) || obj == null
? obj
: castError(obj, this, true);
/// An anonymous JS type
/// For the purposes of subtype checks, these match any JS type.
class AnonymousJSType extends TypeRep {
final String _dartName;
toString() => _dartName;
bool is_T(obj) => JS('bool', '# === # || #', getReifiedType(obj), jsobject,
instanceOf(obj, this));
as_T(obj) =>
JS('bool', '# == null || # === #', obj, getReifiedType(obj), jsobject)
? obj
: cast(obj, this, false);
check_T(obj) =>
JS('bool', '# == null || # === #', obj, getReifiedType(obj), jsobject)
? obj
: cast(obj, this, true);
void _warn(arg) {
JS('void', 'console.warn(#)', arg);
var _lazyJSTypes = JS('', 'new Map()');
var _anonymousJSTypes = JS('', 'new Map()');
lazyJSType(Function() getJSTypeCallback, String name) {
var ret = JS('', '#.get(#)', _lazyJSTypes, name);
if (ret == null) {
ret = new LazyJSType(getJSTypeCallback, name);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _lazyJSTypes, name, ret);
return ret;
anonymousJSType(String name) {
var ret = JS('', '#.get(#)', _anonymousJSTypes, name);
if (ret == null) {
ret = new AnonymousJSType(name);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _anonymousJSTypes, name, ret);
return ret;
final _dynamic = new Dynamic();
class Void extends TypeRep {
toString() => 'void';
final _void = new Void();
class Bottom extends TypeRep {
toString() => 'bottom';
final bottom = new Bottom();
class JSObject extends TypeRep {
toString() => 'NativeJavaScriptObject';
final jsobject = new JSObject();
class WrappedType extends Type {
final _wrappedType;
toString() => typeName(_wrappedType);
// Marker class for generic functions, typedefs, and non-generic functions.
abstract class AbstractFunctionType extends TypeRep {}
/// Memo table for named argument groups. A named argument packet
/// {name1 : type1, ..., namen : typen} corresponds to the path
/// n, name1, type1, ...., namen, typen. The element of the map
/// reached via this path (if any) is the canonical representative
/// for this packet.
final _fnTypeNamedArgMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for positional argument groups. A positional argument
/// packet [type1, ..., typen] (required or optional) corresponds to
/// the path n, type1, ...., typen. The element reached via
/// this path (if any) is the canonical representative for this
/// packet. Note that required and optional parameters packages
/// may have the same canonical representation.
final _fnTypeArrayArgMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for function types. The index path consists of the
/// path length - 1, the returnType, the canonical positional argument
/// packet, and if present, the canonical optional or named argument
/// packet. A level of indirection could be avoided here if desired.
final _fnTypeTypeMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for small function types with no optional or named
/// arguments and less than a fixed n (currently 3) number of
/// required arguments. Indexing into this table by the number
/// of required arguments yields a map which is indexed by the
/// argument types themselves. The element reached via this
/// index path (if present) is the canonical function type.
final List _fnTypeSmallMap = JS('', '[new Map(), new Map(), new Map()]');
_memoizeArray(map, arr, create) => JS('', '''(() => {
let len = $arr.length;
$map = $_lookupNonTerminal($map, len);
for (var i = 0; i < len-1; ++i) {
$map = $_lookupNonTerminal($map, $arr[i]);
let result = $map.get($arr[len-1]);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
$map.set($arr[len-1], result = $create());
return result;
// Map dynamic to bottom. If meta-data is present,
// we slice off the remaining meta-data and make
// it the second element of a packet for processing
// later on in the constructor.
_normalizeParameter(a) => JS('', '''(() => {
if ($a instanceof Array) {
let result = [];
result.push(($a[0] == $dynamic) ? $bottom : $a[0]);
return result;
return ($a == $dynamic) ? $bottom : $a;
List _canonicalizeArray(definite, array, map) => JS('', '''(() => {
let arr = ($definite)
? $array
: $$_normalizeParameter);
return $_memoizeArray($map, arr, () => arr);
// TODO(leafp): This only canonicalizes of the names are
// emitted in a consistent order.
_canonicalizeNamed(definite, named, map) => JS('', '''(() => {
let key = [];
let names = $getOwnPropertyNames($named);
let r = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
let name = names[i];
let type = $named[name];
if (!definite) r[name] = type = $_normalizeParameter(type);
if (!$definite) $named = r;
return $_memoizeArray($map, key, () => $named);
_lookupNonTerminal(map, key) => JS('', '''(() => {
let result = $map.get($key);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
$map.set($key, result = new Map());
return result;
// TODO(leafp): This handles some low hanging fruit, but
// really we should make all of this faster, and also
// handle more cases here.
_createSmall(count, definite, returnType, required) => JS('', '''(() => {
let map = $_fnTypeSmallMap[$count];
let args = ($definite) ? $required
: $$_normalizeParameter);
for (var i = 0; i < $count; ++i) {
map = $_lookupNonTerminal(map, args[i]);
let result = map.get($returnType);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
result = new $$returnType, args, [], {});
map.set($returnType, result);
return result;
class FunctionType extends AbstractFunctionType {
final returnType;
List args;
List optionals;
final named;
// TODO(vsm): This is just parameter metadata for now.
List metadata = [];
String _stringValue;
* Construct a function type. There are two arrow constructors,
* distinguished by the "definite" flag.
* The fuzzy arrow (definite is false) treats any arguments
* of type dynamic as having type bottom, and will always be
* called with a dynamic invoke.
* The definite arrow (definite is true) leaves arguments unchanged.
* We eagerly normalize the argument types to avoid having to deal with
* this logic in multiple places.
* This code does best effort canonicalization. It does not guarantee
* that all instances will share.
static create(definite, returnType, List args, extra) {
// Note that if extra is ever passed as an empty array
// or an empty map, we can end up with semantically
// identical function types that don't canonicalize
// to the same object since we won't fall into this
// fast path.
if (extra == null && JS('bool', '#.length < 3', args)) {
return _createSmall(JS('', '#.length', args), definite, returnType, args);
args = _canonicalizeArray(definite, args, _fnTypeArrayArgMap);
var keys;
var create;
if (extra == null) {
keys = [returnType, args];
create = () => new FunctionType(returnType, args, [], JS('', '{}'));
} else if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', extra)) {
var optionals = _canonicalizeArray(definite, extra, _fnTypeArrayArgMap);
keys = [returnType, args, optionals];
create =
() => new FunctionType(returnType, args, optionals, JS('', '{}'));
} else {
var named = _canonicalizeNamed(definite, extra, _fnTypeNamedArgMap);
keys = [returnType, args, named];
create = () => new FunctionType(returnType, args, [], named);
return _memoizeArray(_fnTypeTypeMap, keys, create);
List _process(List array) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; JS('bool', '# < #.length', i, array); ++i) {
var arg = JS('', '#[#]', array, i);
if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', arg)) {
JS('', '#.push(#.slice(1))', metadata, arg);
JS('', '#.push(#[0])', result, arg);
} else {
JS('', '#.push([])', metadata);
JS('', '#.push(#)', result, arg);
return result;
FunctionType(this.returnType, this.args, this.optionals, this.named) {
this.args = _process(this.args);
this.optionals = _process(this.optionals);
// TODO(vsm): Add named arguments.
toString() => name;
get name {
if (_stringValue != null) return _stringValue;
var buffer = '(';
for (var i = 0; JS('bool', '# < #.length', i, args); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
buffer += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', args, i));
if (JS('bool', '#.length > 0', optionals)) {
if (JS('bool', '#.length > 0', args)) buffer += ', ';
buffer += '[';
for (var i = 0; JS('bool', '# < #.length', i, optionals); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
buffer += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', optionals, i));
buffer += ']';
} else if (JS('bool', 'Object.keys(#).length > 0', named)) {
if (JS('bool', '#.length > 0', args)) buffer += ', ';
buffer += '{';
var names = getOwnPropertyNames(named);
JS('', '#.sort()', names);
for (var i = 0; JS('bool', '# < #.length', i, names); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
var typeNameString = typeName(JS('', '#[#[#]]', named, names, i));
buffer += '${JS('', '#[#]', names, i)}: $typeNameString';
buffer += '}';
var returnTypeName = typeName(returnType);
buffer += ') -> $returnTypeName';
_stringValue = buffer;
return buffer;
bool is_T(obj) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) {
var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType);
// If there's no actual type, it's a JS function.
// Allow them to subtype all Dart function types.
return JS('bool', '# == null || !!#', actual, isSubtype(actual, this));
return false;
as_T(obj, [bool typeError]) {
if (obj == null) return obj;
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) {
var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType);
// If there's no actual type, it's a JS function.
// Allow them to subtype all Dart function types.
if (actual == null) return obj;
var result = isSubtype(actual, this);
if (result == true) return obj;
if (result == null && JS('bool', 'dart.__ignoreWhitelistedErrors')) {
JS('', "console.warn(#)",
'Ignoring cast fail from ${typeName(actual)} to ${typeName(this)}');
return obj;
return castError(obj, this, typeError);
check_T(obj) => as_T(obj, true);
class Typedef extends AbstractFunctionType {
dynamic _name;
AbstractFunctionType Function() _closure;
AbstractFunctionType _functionType;
Typedef(this._name, this._closure) {}
toString() =>
JS('String', '# + "(" + #.toString() + ")"', _name, functionType);
get name => _name;
AbstractFunctionType get functionType {
var ft = _functionType;
return ft == null ? _functionType = _closure() : ft;
bool is_T(object) => functionType.is_T(object);
as_T(object) => functionType.as_T(object);
check_T(object) => functionType.check_T(object);
/// A type variable, used by [GenericFunctionType] to represent a type formal.
class TypeVariable extends TypeRep {
final String name;
toString() => name;
class GenericFunctionType extends AbstractFunctionType {
final bool definite;
final _instantiateTypeParts;
final int formalCount;
final _instantiateTypeBounds;
List<TypeVariable> _typeFormals;
this.definite, instantiateTypeParts, this._instantiateTypeBounds)
: _instantiateTypeParts = instantiateTypeParts,
formalCount = JS('int', '#.length', instantiateTypeParts);
List<TypeVariable> get typeFormals {
if (_typeFormals != null) return _typeFormals;
// Extract parameter names from the function parameters.
// This is not robust in general for user-defined JS functions, but it
// should handle the functions generated by our compiler.
// TODO(jmesserly): names of TypeVariables are only used for display
// purposes, such as when an error happens or if someone calls
// `Type.toString()`. So we could recover them lazily rather than eagerly.
// Alternatively we could synthesize new names.
var str = JS('String', '#.toString()', _instantiateTypeParts);
var hasParens = str[0] == '(';
var end = str.indexOf(hasParens ? ')' : '=>');
if (hasParens) {
_typeFormals = str
.substring(1, end)
.map((n) => new TypeVariable(n.trim()))
} else {
_typeFormals = [new TypeVariable(str.substring(0, end).trim())];
return _typeFormals;
checkBounds(List typeArgs) {
var bounds = instantiateTypeBounds(typeArgs);
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
for (var i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) {
checkTypeBound(typeArgs[i], bounds[i], typeFormals[i]);
instantiate(typeArgs) {
var parts = JS('', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeParts, typeArgs);
return JS('', '#.create(#, #[0], #[1], #[2])', FunctionType, definite,
parts, parts, parts);
List instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) {
var boundsFn = _instantiateTypeBounds;
if (boundsFn == null) {
// The Dart 1 spec says omitted type parameters have an upper bound of
// Object. However strong mode assumes `dynamic` for all purposes
// (such as instantiate to bounds) so we use that here.
return new List.filled(formalCount, _dynamic);
// If bounds are recursive, we need to apply type formals and return them.
return JS('List', '#.apply(null, #)', boundsFn, typeArgs);
toString() {
String s = "<";
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
var typeBounds = instantiateTypeBounds(typeFormals);
for (int i = 0, n = typeFormals.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i != 0) s += ", ";
s += JS('String', '#[#].name', typeFormals, i);
var typeBound = typeBounds[i];
if (!identical(typeBound, _dynamic)) {
s += " extends $typeBound";
s += ">" + instantiate(typeFormals).toString();
return s;
/// Given a [DartType] [type], if [type] is an uninstantiated
/// parameterized type then instantiate the parameters to their
/// bounds and return those type arguments.
/// See the issue for the algorithm description:
/// <>
List instantiateDefaultBounds() {
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
// All type formals
var all = new HashMap<Object, int>.identity();
// ground types, by index.
// For each index, this will be a ground type for the corresponding type
// formal if known, or it will be the original TypeVariable if we are still
// solving for it. This array is passed to `instantiateToBounds` as we are
// progressively solving for type variables.
var defaults = new List<Object>(typeFormals.length);
// not ground
var partials = new Map<TypeVariable, Object>.identity();
var typeBounds = this.instantiateTypeBounds(typeFormals);
for (var i = 0; i < typeFormals.length; i++) {
var typeFormal = typeFormals[i];
var bound = typeBounds[i];
all[typeFormal] = i;
if (identical(bound, _dynamic)) {
defaults[i] = bound;
} else {
defaults[i] = typeFormal;
partials[typeFormal] = bound;
bool hasFreeFormal(Object t) {
if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true;
// Generic classes and typedefs.
var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(t);
if (typeArgs != null) return typeArgs.any(hasFreeFormal);
if (t is GenericFunctionType) {
return hasFreeFormal(t.instantiate(t.typeFormals));
if (t is FunctionType) {
return hasFreeFormal(t.returnType) || t.args.any(hasFreeFormal);
return false;
var hasProgress = true;
while (hasProgress) {
hasProgress = false;
for (var typeFormal in partials.keys) {
var partialBound = partials[typeFormal];
if (!hasFreeFormal(partialBound)) {
int index = all[typeFormal];
defaults[index] = instantiateTypeBounds(defaults)[index];
hasProgress = true;
// If we stopped making progress, and not all types are ground,
// then the whole type is malbounded and an error should be reported
// if errors are requested, and a partially completed type should
// be returned.
if (partials.isNotEmpty) {
throwTypeError('Instantiate to bounds failed for type with '
'recursive generic bounds: ${typeName(this)}. '
'Try passing explicit type arguments.');
return defaults;
bool is_T(obj) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) {
var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType);
return JS('bool', '# != null && !!#', actual, isSubtype(actual, this));
return false;
as_T(obj) {
if (obj == null || JS('bool', '#', is_T(obj))) return obj;
return castError(obj, this, false);
check_T(obj) {
if (obj == null || JS('bool', '#', is_T(obj))) return obj;
return castError(obj, this, true);
typedef(name, AbstractFunctionType Function() closure) =>
new Typedef(name, closure);
/// Create a definite function type.
/// No substitution of dynamic for bottom occurs.
fnType(returnType, List args, [extra = undefined]) =>
FunctionType.create(true, returnType, args, extra);
/// Create a "fuzzy" function type.
/// If any arguments are dynamic they will be replaced with bottom.
fnTypeFuzzy(returnType, List args, [extra = undefined]) =>
FunctionType.create(false, returnType, args, extra);
/// Creates a definite generic function type.
/// A function type consists of two things: an instantiate function, and an
/// function that returns a list of upper bound constraints for each
/// the type formals. Both functions accept the type parameters, allowing us
/// to substitute values. The upper bound constraints can be omitted if all
/// of the type parameters use the default upper bound.
/// For example given the type <T extends Iterable<T>>(T) -> T, we can declare
/// this type with `gFnType(T => [T, [T]], T => [Iterable$(T)])`.\
gFnType(instantiateFn, typeBounds) =>
new GenericFunctionType(true, instantiateFn, typeBounds);
gFnTypeFuzzy(instantiateFn, typeBounds) =>
new GenericFunctionType(false, instantiateFn, typeBounds);
/// TODO(vsm): Remove when mirrors is deprecated.
/// This is a temporary workaround to support dart:mirrors, which doesn't
/// understand generic methods.
getFunctionTypeMirror(AbstractFunctionType type) {
if (type is GenericFunctionType) {
var typeArgs = new List.filled(type.formalCount, dynamic);
return type.instantiate(typeArgs);
return type;
bool isType(obj) => JS('', '# === #', _getRuntimeType(obj), Type);
void checkTypeBound(type, bound, name) {
if (JS('bool', '#', isSubtype(type, bound))) return;
throwTypeError('type `$type` does not extend `$bound`'
' of `$name`.');
String typeName(type) => JS('', '''(() => {
if ($type === void 0) return "undefined type";
if ($type === null) return "null type";
// Non-instance types
if ($type instanceof $TypeRep) {
return $type.toString();
// Wrapped types
if ($type instanceof $WrappedType) {
return "Wrapped(" + $unwrapType($type) + ")";
// Instance types
let tag = $_getRuntimeType($type);
if (tag === $Type) {
let name = $;
let args = $getGenericArgs($type);
if (!args) return name;
let result = name;
let allDynamic = true;
result += '<';
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) result += ', ';
let argName = $typeName(args[i]);
if (argName != 'dynamic') allDynamic = false;
result += argName;
result += '>';
// Don't print the type arguments if they are all dynamic. Show "raw"
// types as just the bare type name.
if (allDynamic) return name;
return result;
if (tag) return "Not a type: " +;
return "JSObject<" + $ + ">";
/// Returns `true` if we have a non-generic function type representation or the
/// type for `Function`, which is a supertype of all functions in Dart.
bool _isFunctionType(type) => JS('bool', '# instanceof # || # === #', type,
AbstractFunctionType, type, Function);
/// Returns true if [ft1] <: [ft2].
/// Returns false if [ft1] </: [ft2] in both spec and strong mode
/// Returns null if [ft1] </: [ft2] in strong mode, but spec mode
/// may differ
/// If [isCovariant] is true, then we are checking subtyping in a covariant
/// position, and hence the direction of the check for function types
/// corresponds to the direction of the check according to the Dart spec.
isFunctionSubtype(ft1, ft2, isCovariant) => JS('', '''(() => {
if ($ft2 === $Function) {
return true;
if ($ft1 === $Function) {
return false;
let ret1 = $ft1.returnType;
let ret2 = $ft2.returnType;
let args1 = $ft1.args;
let args2 = $ft2.args;
if (args1.length > args2.length) {
// If we're in a covariant position, then Dart's arity rules
// agree with strong mode, otherwise we can't be sure.
return ($isCovariant) ? false : null;
for (let i = 0; i < args1.length; ++i) {
if (!$_isSubtype(args2[i], args1[i], !$isCovariant)) {
// Even if isSubtype returns false, assignability
// means that we can't be definitive
return null;
let optionals1 = $ft1.optionals;
let optionals2 = $ft2.optionals;
if (args1.length + optionals1.length < args2.length + optionals2.length) {
return ($isCovariant) ? false : null;
let j = 0;
for (let i = args1.length; i < args2.length; ++i, ++j) {
if (!$_isSubtype(args2[i], optionals1[j], !$isCovariant)) {
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < optionals2.length; ++i, ++j) {
if (!$_isSubtype(optionals2[i], optionals1[j], !$isCovariant)) {
return null;
let named1 = $ft1.named;
let named2 = $ft2.named;
let names = $getOwnPropertyNames(named2);
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
let name = names[i];
let n1 = named1[name];
let n2 = named2[name];
if (n1 === void 0) {
return ($isCovariant) ? false : null;
if (!$_isSubtype(n2, n1, !$isCovariant)) {
return null;
// Check return type last, so that arity mismatched functions can be
// definitively rejected.
// For `void` we will give the same answer as the VM, so don't return null.
if (ret1 === $_void) return $_isTop(ret2);
if (!$_isSubtype(ret1, ret2, $isCovariant)) return null;
return true;
/// Returns true if [t1] <: [t2].
/// Returns false if [t1] </: [t2] in both spec and strong mode
/// Returns undefined if [t1] </: [t2] in strong mode, but spec
/// mode may differ
bool isSubtype(t1, t2) {
// TODO(leafp): This duplicates code in operations.dart.
// I haven't found a way to factor it out that makes the
// code generator happy though.
var map;
bool result;
if (JS('bool', '!#.hasOwnProperty(#)', t1, _subtypeCache)) {
JS('', '#[#] = # = new Map()', t1, _subtypeCache, map);
} else {
map = JS('', '#[#]', t1, _subtypeCache);
result = JS('bool|Null', '#.get(#)', map, t2);
if (JS('bool', '# !== void 0', result)) return result;
result =
JS('bool|Null', '# === # || #(#, #, true)', t1, t2, _isSubtype, t1, t2);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, t2, result);
return result;
final _subtypeCache = JS('', 'Symbol("_subtypeCache")');
_isBottom(type) => JS('bool', '# == # || # == #', type, bottom, type, Null);
_isTop(type) {
if (_isFutureOr(type)) {
return _isTop(JS('', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(type)));
return JS('bool', '# == # || # == # || # == #', type, Object, type, dynamic,
type, _void);
bool _isFutureOr(type) =>
JS('bool', '# === #', getGenericClass(type), getGenericClass(FutureOr));
bool _isSubtype(t1, t2, isCovariant) => JS('', '''(() => {
if ($t1 === $t2) return true;
// Trivially true.
if ($_isTop($t2) || $_isBottom($t1)) {
return true;
// Trivially false.
if ($_isBottom($t2)) return null;
if ($_isTop($t1)) {
if ($t1 === $dynamic) return null;
return false;
// Handle FutureOr<T> union type.
if ($_isFutureOr($t1)) {
let t1TypeArg = $getGenericArgs($t1)[0];
if ($_isFutureOr($t2)) {
let t2TypeArg = $getGenericArgs($t2)[0];
// FutureOr<A> <: FutureOr<B> iff A <: B
return $_isSubtype(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg, $isCovariant);
// given t1 is Future<A> | A, then:
// (Future<A> | A) <: t2 iff Future<A> <: t2 and A <: t2.
let t1Future = ${getGenericClass(Future)}(t1TypeArg);
return $_isSubtype(t1Future, $t2, $isCovariant) &&
$_isSubtype(t1TypeArg, $t2, $isCovariant);
if ($_isFutureOr($t2)) {
// given t2 is Future<A> | A, then:
// t1 <: (Future<A> | A) iff t1 <: Future<A> or t1 <: A
let t2TypeArg = $getGenericArgs($t2)[0];
var t2Future = ${getGenericClass(Future)}(t2TypeArg);
let s1 = $_isSubtype($t1, t2Future, $isCovariant);
let s2 = $_isSubtype($t1, t2TypeArg, $isCovariant);
if (s1 === true || s2 === true) return true;
if (s1 === null || s2 === null) return null;
return false;
// "Traditional" name-based subtype check. Avoid passing
// function types to the class subtype checks, since we don't
// currently distinguish between generic typedefs and classes.
if (!($t1 instanceof $AbstractFunctionType) &&
!($t2 instanceof $AbstractFunctionType)) {
let result = $isClassSubType($t1, $t2, $isCovariant);
if (result === true || result === null) return result;
if ($t2 instanceof $AnonymousJSType) {
// All JS types are subtypes of anonymous JS types.
return $t1 === $jsobject;
if ($t2 instanceof $LazyJSType) {
return $_isSubtype($t1, $t2.rawJSTypeForCheck(), isCovariant);
// Function subtyping.
// Handle Objects with call methods. Those are functions
// even if they do not *nominally* subtype core.Function.
if (!$_isFunctionType($t1)) {
$t1 = $getMethodType($t1, 'call');
if ($t1 == null) return false;
// Unwrap typedefs.
if ($t1 instanceof $Typedef) $t1 = $t1.functionType;
if ($t2 instanceof $Typedef) $t2 = $t2.functionType;
// Handle generic functions.
if ($t1 instanceof $GenericFunctionType) {
if (!($t2 instanceof $GenericFunctionType)) return false;
// Given generic functions g1 and g2, g1 <: g2 iff:
// g1<TFresh> <: g2<TFresh>
// where TFresh is a list of fresh type variables that both g1 and g2 will
// be instantiated with.
if ($t1.formalCount !== $t2.formalCount) return false;
// Using either function's type formals will work as long as they're both
// instantiated with the same ones. The instantiate operation is guaranteed
// to avoid capture because it does not depend on its TypeVariable objects,
// rather it uses JS function parameters to ensure correct binding.
let fresh = $t2.typeFormals;
// Check the bounds of the type parameters of g1 and g2.
// given a type parameter `T1 extends U1` from g1, and a type parameter
// `T2 extends U2` from g2, we must ensure that:
// U2 <: U1
// (Note the reversal of direction -- type formal bounds are contravariant,
// similar to the function's formal parameter types).
let t1Bounds = $t1.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh);
let t2Bounds = $t2.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh);
// TODO(jmesserly): we could optimize for the common case of no bounds.
for (let i = 0; i < $t1.formalCount; i++) {
if (!$_isSubtype(t2Bounds[i], t1Bounds[i], !$isCovariant)) {
return false;
return $isFunctionSubtype(
$t1.instantiate(fresh), $t2.instantiate(fresh), $isCovariant);
if ($t2 instanceof $GenericFunctionType) return false;
// Handle non-generic functions.
if ($_isFunctionType($t1) && $_isFunctionType($t2)) {
return $isFunctionSubtype($t1, $t2, $isCovariant);
return false;
isClassSubType(t1, t2, isCovariant) => JS('', '''(() => {
// We support Dart's covariant generics with the caveat that we do not
// substitute bottom for dynamic in subtyping rules.
// I.e., given T1, ..., Tn where at least one Ti != dynamic we disallow:
// - S !<: S<T1, ..., Tn>
// - S<dynamic, ..., dynamic> !<: S<T1, ..., Tn>
if ($t1 == $t2) return true;
if ($t1 == $Object) return false;
// If t1 is a JS Object, we may not hit core.Object.
if ($t1 == null) return $t2 == $Object || $t2 == $dynamic;
// Check if t1 and t2 have the same raw type. If so, check covariance on
// type parameters.
let raw1 = $getGenericClass($t1);
let raw2 = $getGenericClass($t2);
if (raw1 != null && raw1 == raw2) {
let typeArguments1 = $getGenericArgs($t1);
let typeArguments2 = $getGenericArgs($t2);
let length = typeArguments1.length;
if (typeArguments2.length == 0) {
// t2 is the raw form of t1
return true;
} else if (length == 0) {
// t1 is raw, but t2 is not
if (typeArguments2.every($_isTop)) return true;
return null;
if (length != typeArguments2.length) $assertFailed();
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
let result =
$_isSubtype(typeArguments1[i], typeArguments2[i], $isCovariant);
if (!result) {
return result;
return true;
let indefinite = false;
function definitive(t1, t2) {
let result = $isClassSubType(t1, t2, $isCovariant);
if (result == null) {
indefinite = true;
return false;
return result;
if (definitive($t1.__proto__, $t2)) return true;
// Check mixins.
let mixins = $getMixins($t1);
if (mixins) {
for (let m1 of mixins) {
// TODO(jmesserly): remove the != null check once we can load core libs.
if (m1 != null && definitive(m1, $t2)) return true;
// Check interfaces.
let getInterfaces = $getImplements($t1);
if (getInterfaces) {
for (let i1 of getInterfaces()) {
// TODO(jmesserly): remove the != null check once we can load core libs.
if (i1 != null && definitive(i1, $t2)) return true;
// We found no definite supertypes, and at least one indefinite supertype
// so the answer is indefinite.
if (indefinite) return null;
// We found no definite supertypes and no indefinite supertypes, so we
// can return false.
return false;