blob: be1c3a2d7e8744820c2e08fb2637648814d6f61e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
sync_generator2_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 22324
sync_generator2_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 22324
sync_generator2_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 22324
getter_setter_in_lib_test: Fail # Issue 23288
async_star_test/02: RuntimeError # 22853
async_star_test/05: RuntimeError, Timeout
try_catch_on_syntax_test/10: Fail # Issue 19823
try_catch_on_syntax_test/11: Fail # Issue 19823
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == jsshell ]
await_for_test: Skip # Jsshell does not provide periodic timers, Issue 7728
async_star_test: RuntimeError # Jsshell does not provide non-zero timers, Issue 7728
[ $compiler == dart2js || $compiler == dart2dart ]
symbol_literal_test/*: Fail # Issue 21825
constructor_duplicate_final_test/01: Fail # Issue 13363
constructor_duplicate_final_test/02: Fail # Issue 13363
override_inheritance_mixed_test/08: Fail # Issue 18124
override_inheritance_mixed_test/09: Fail # Issue 18124
bad_constructor_test/05: CompileTimeError # Issue 13669
full_stacktrace1_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698
full_stacktrace2_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698
full_stacktrace3_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698
stacktrace_test: Pass, RuntimeError # # Issue 12698
stacktrace_rethrow_nonerror_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698
stacktrace_rethrow_error_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698
instantiate_type_variable_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 13631
library_ambiguous_test/00: CompileTimeError # Issue 13632
library_ambiguous_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 13632
library_ambiguous_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 13632
library_ambiguous_test/03: CompileTimeError # Issue 13632
type_variable_conflict_test/01: Fail # Issue 13702
type_variable_conflict_test/02: Fail # Issue 13702
type_variable_conflict_test/03: Fail # Issue 13702
type_variable_conflict_test/04: Fail # Issue 13702
type_variable_conflict_test/05: Fail # Issue 13702
type_variable_conflict_test/06: Fail # Issue 13702
mixin_forwarding_constructor4_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 15101
mixin_forwarding_constructor4_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 15101
mixin_forwarding_constructor4_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 15101
mixin_super_constructor_named_test/01: Fail # Issue 15101
mixin_super_constructor_positionals_test/01: Fail # Issue 15101
ref_before_declaration_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
ref_before_declaration_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
ref_before_declaration_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
ref_before_declaration_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
ref_before_declaration_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
ref_before_declaration_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
ref_before_declaration_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
regress_22976_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 23132
regress_22976_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 23132
# Null-aware operators aren't implemented in dart2js yet.
if_null_evaluation_order_test: CompileTimeError
if_null_precedence_test: CompileTimeError
if_null_behavior_test: CompileTimeError
if_null_assignment_behavior_test: CompileTimeError
if_null_assignment_static_test: CompileTimeError
conditional_property_assignment_test: CompileTimeError
conditional_property_access_test: CompileTimeError
conditional_method_invocation_test: CompileTimeError
super_conditional_operator_test/none: CompileTimeError
# VM specific tests that should not be run by dart2js.
vm/*: Skip # Issue 12699
[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ]
type_variable_bounds_test/02: Fail # Issue 12702
type_variable_bounds2_test/01: Fail # Issue 12702
type_variable_bounds2_test/04: Fail # Issue 12702
type_variable_bounds2_test/06: Pass # Issue 12702 (pass for the wrong reasons).
type_variable_bounds3_test/00: Fail # Issue 12702
closure_type_test: Fail # Issue 12745
malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/02: Fail # Issue 12825
malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/03: Fail # Issue 12825
malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/02: Fail # Issue 12825
malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/03: Fail # Issue 12825
malbounded_instantiation_test/01: Fail # Issue 12702
malbounded_type_cast_test: Fail # Issue 14121
malbounded_type_cast2_test: Fail # Issue 14121
malbounded_type_test_test/03: Fail # Issue 14121
malbounded_type_test_test/04: Fail # Issue 14121
malbounded_type_test2_test: Fail # Issue 14121
default_factory2_test/01: Fail # Issue 14121
[ ($compiler == dart2js || $compiler == dart2dart) && $checked ]
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/06: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/07: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/10: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/11: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/12: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/15: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/16: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/17: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/20: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/21: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/22: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/23: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/24: Fail # Issue 23182
compile_time_constant_checked5_test/25: Fail # Issue 23182
[ $compiler == dart2js && $unchecked ]
type_checks_in_factory_method_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12746
assertion_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12748
generic_test: RuntimeError, OK
map_literal4_test: RuntimeError, OK # Checked mode required.
named_parameters_type_test/01: MissingRuntimeError, OK
named_parameters_type_test/02: MissingRuntimeError, OK
named_parameters_type_test/03: MissingRuntimeError, OK
positional_parameters_type_test/01: MissingRuntimeError, OK
positional_parameters_type_test/02: MissingRuntimeError, OK
issue13474_test: RuntimeError, OK
generic_field_mixin3_test: Crash # Issue 18651
[ $compiler == dart2js && $unchecked && $minified ]
f_bounded_quantification5_test: Fail, OK # Issue 12605
[ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ]
cyclic_type_test/0*: Fail # Issue 12605
cyclic_type2_test: Fail # Issue 12605
f_bounded_quantification4_test: Fail, OK # Issue 12605
mixin_generic_test: Fail # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin2_test: Fail # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin3_test: Fail # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin4_test: Fail # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin5_test: Fail # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin6_test: Fail # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin_bound_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605
mixin_mixin_bound2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
malformed_test/none: Fail # Expect failure in lib/_internal/compiler/js_lib/preambles/d8.js
generic_field_mixin4_test: Crash # Issue 18651
generic_field_mixin5_test: Crash # Issue 18651
type_variable_conflict2_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 19725
branch_canonicalization_test: RuntimeError # Issue 638.
identical_closure2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533, Issue 12596
integer_division_by_zero_test: RuntimeError # Issue 8301
built_in_identifier_prefix_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 6972
number_identity2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12596
new_expression_type_args_test/00: CompileTimeError # Issue 5519
new_expression_type_args_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 5519
double_int_to_string_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533
mint_arithmetic_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533
left_shift_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533
factory_redirection_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 12752
bad_override_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 11496
bad_override_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 11496
constructor_named_arguments_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 5519
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 12838
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 12838
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/05: CompileTimeError # Issue 12838
metadata_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 5841
infinity_test: RuntimeError # Issue 4984
mixin_mixin2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 13109.
mixin_mixin3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 13109.
mixin_mixin7_test: RuntimeError # Issue 13109.
mixin_regress_13688_test: RuntimeError # Issue 13109.
modulo_test: RuntimeError # Issue 15246
truncdiv_test: RuntimeError # Issue 15246
invocation_mirror2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 6490 (wrong retval).
generic_closure_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605
const_switch_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 17960
const_switch_test/04: RuntimeError # Issue 17960
enum_const_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 21817
const_dynamic_type_literal_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 23009
const_dynamic_type_literal_test/03: CompileTimeError # Issue 23009
# Compilation errors.
method_override5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12809
external_test/10: CompileTimeError # Issue 12887
external_test/13: CompileTimeError # Issue 12887
external_test/20: CompileTimeError # Issue 12887
list_literal4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12890
built_in_identifier_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 13022
scope_variable_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 13016
numbers_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 1533
canonical_const2_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 1533
bit_operations_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 1533
expect_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 13080
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == none ]
*: Fail, Pass # TODO(ahe): Triage these tests.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome && $system == macos ]
await_future_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 22695.
async_await_test/none: Pass, Timeout # Issue 22695.
async_await_test/02: Pass, Timeout # Issue 22695.
async_await_test/03: Pass, Timeout # Issue 22695.
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == safari || $runtime == safarimobilesim)]
round_test: Fail, OK # Common JavaScript engine Math.round bug.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff ]
round_test: Pass, Fail, OK # Fixed in ff 35. Common JavaScript engine Math.round bug.
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == safari || $runtime == safarimobilesim)]
# Safari codegen bug, fixed on some versions of Safari 7.1 (Version 7.1 (9537.
call_through_getter_test: Fail, OK
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ]
override_field_test/02: Pass, Slow # TODO(kasperl): Please triage.
[ $compiler == dart2dart && $builder_tag == new_backend ]
regress_13494_test: Pass # Issue 22370, passes for the wrong reason
[ $compiler == dart2dart && $minified == true ]
type_variable_conflict2_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 16180
[ $compiler == dart2dart ]
sync_generator2_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 22324
sync_generator2_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 22324
sync_generator2_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 22324
regress_13494_test: Fail # Issue 22370
enum_duplicate_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 22169
built_in_identifier_prefix_test: Fail # Issue 6972
constructor_initializer_test/none: Fail # Issue 12633
# Mixins fail on the VM.
mixin_with_two_implicit_constructors_test: Fail # Issue 11889
# Calling unresolved class constructor:
call_nonexistent_constructor_test/01: Fail # Issue 13082
call_nonexistent_constructor_test/02: Fail # Issue 13082
private_access_test/05: Fail # Issue 13082
private_access_test/06: Fail # Issue 13082
bad_override_test/01: Fail # Issue 11496
bad_override_test/02: Fail # Issue 11496
constructor_named_arguments_test/01: Fail # Issue 5519
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/01: Fail # Issue 12839
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/02: Fail # Issue 12839
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/05: Fail # Issue 12839
metadata_test: Fail # Issue 12762
const_evaluation_test/01: Fail # Issue 12762
built_in_identifier_test/01: Fail # Issue 13022
method_override4_test: Fail # Issue 12810
method_override5_test: Fail # Issue 12810
scope_variable_test/01: Fail # Issue 13016
factory_redirection_test/01: Fail # Issue 12753
# DartVM problem.
constructor5_test: Fail
constructor6_test: Fail
closure_in_initializer_test: Fail
new_expression_type_args_test/00: Fail # Wrongly reports compile-time error.
new_expression_type_args_test/01: Fail # Wrongly reports compile-time error.
deferred*: skip # Issue 17523
cha_deopt1_test: skip # Issue 17523
cha_deopt2_test: skip # Issue 17523
cha_deopt3_test: skip # Issue 17523
issue_1751477_test: skip # Issue 17523
external_test/21: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 12888
external_test/24: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 12888
function_propagation_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21673
function_subtype_call0_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21673
function_subtype_call1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21673
function_subtype_call2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21673
instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: Fail # Issue 23363
[ $compiler == dart2dart && $minified ]
cyclic_type_test/0*: Fail # Issue 12605.
cyclic_type2_test: Fail # Issue 12605.
super_getter_setter_test: Fail # Issue 11065.
f_bounded_quantification4_test: Fail # Issue 12605.
f_bounded_quantification5_test: Fail # Issue 12605.
type_variable_typedef_test: Fail # Issue 11467
invocation_mirror_test: Fail, OK # Issue 12706 (hardcoded names).
super_call4_test: Fail, OK # hardcoded names.
[ $minified ]
stack_trace_test: Fail, OK # Stack trace not preserved in minified code.
regress_21795_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $system == windows ]
# Detection of d8 runtime does not work on Windows so the runtime result is
# unreliable; at the time of writing, 32 passed, 31 failed with runtime error.
# Marked with Pass,RuntimeError to avoid undetected compile-time failures.
*deferred*: Pass,RuntimeError # Issue 17458
cha_deopt*: Pass,RuntimeError # Issue 17458
regress_22443_test: Pass,RuntimeError # Issue 17458
[ $compiler == dart2js && $cps_ir ]
aborting_switch_case_test: Crash # (switch (42){case 42:foo();foo();break;}): Unhandled node
abstract_exact_selector_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_exact_selector_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_getter_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
abstract_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
abstract_object_method_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_runtime_error_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_runtime_error_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_runtime_error_test/03: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_runtime_error_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
abstract_syntax_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
abstract_syntax_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
abstract_syntax_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ackermann_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
adjacent_const_string_literals_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
adjacent_string_literals_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
allocate_large_object_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
allocate_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
allocation_sinking_inlining_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
and_operation_on_non_integer_operand_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
application_negative_test: Crash # (Expect): Error expression `Expect` unhandled.
argument_definition_test/01: Crash # (test(1,b:2,c:3)): Error expression `test(1,b:2,c:3)` unhandled.
argument_definition_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
arithmetic2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
arithmetic_canonicalization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
arithmetic_smi_overflow_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
arithmetic_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
assertion_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
assign_op_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
assign_top_method_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
assign_to_type_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
assign_to_type_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
assign_to_type_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
assign_to_type_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
async_and_or_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_await_catch_regression_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_await_syntax_test/a01a: Crash # (a01a()async=>null;): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a02a: Crash # (a02a()async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a03a: Crash # (a03a()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a03b: Crash # (a03b()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a04a: Crash # (a04a()sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a04b: Crash # (a04b()): Error expression `a04b()` unhandled.
async_await_syntax_test/a04c: Crash # (a04c()sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a05a: Crash # (a05a()async{await 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a05b: Crash # (a05b()async{await (a){};await (0);}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a06a: Crash # (a06a()async{await for(var o in st){}}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a07a: Crash # (a07a()sync*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a07b: Crash # (a07b()): Error expression `a07b()` unhandled.
async_await_syntax_test/a08a: Crash # (a08a()sync*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a08b: Crash # (a08b()): Error expression `a08b()` unhandled.
async_await_syntax_test/a09a: Crash # (a09a()async*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a10a: Crash # (a10a()async*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a11a: Crash # (sync): Error expression `sync` unhandled.
async_await_syntax_test/a11b: Crash # (get sync sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a11c: Crash # (get async async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a11d: Crash # (get async async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/a12g: Crash # (get a12g async=>null;): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b01a: Crash # (b01a()async=>null;): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b02a: Crash # (b02a()async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b03a: Crash # (b03a()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b04a: Crash # (b04a()sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b05a: Crash # (b05a()async{await 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b06a: Crash # (b06a()async{await for(var o in st){}}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b07a: Crash # (b07a()sync*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b08a: Crash # (b08a()sync*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b09a: Crash # (b09a()async*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b10a: Crash # (b10a()async*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b11b: Crash # (get sync sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b11c: Crash # (get async async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b11d: Crash # (get async async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/b12g: Crash # (get b12g async=>null;): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c01a: Crash # (c01a()async=>null;): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c02a: Crash # (c02a()async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c03a: Crash # (c03a()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c04a: Crash # (c04a()sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c05a: Crash # (c05a()async{await 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c06a: Crash # (c06a()async{await for(var o in st){}}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c07a: Crash # (c07a()sync*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c08a: Crash # (c08a()sync*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c09a: Crash # (c09a()async*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/c10a: Crash # (c10a()async*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d01a: Crash # (()async=>null): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d02a: Crash # (()async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d03a: Crash # (()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d04a: Crash # (()sync*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d05a: Crash # (()async{await 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d06a: Crash # (()async{await for(var o in st){}}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d07a: Crash # (()sync*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d08a: Crash # (()sync*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d08b: Crash # (()sync*{yield* 0+1;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d09a: Crash # (()async*{yield 0;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_syntax_test/d10a: Crash # (()async*{yield* [] ;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_test/02: Crash # (f()async{return id(42);}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_test/03: Crash # (f()async{return id(42);}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_await_test/none: Crash # (f()async{return id(42);}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_break_in_finally_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_continue_label_test/await_in_body: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_continue_label_test/await_in_condition: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_continue_label_test/await_in_init: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_continue_label_test/await_in_update: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_continue_label_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_control_structures_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
async_finally_rethrow_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
async_regression_23058_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_rethrow_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_return_types_test/nestedFuture: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_return_types_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_return_types_test/tooManyTypeParameters: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_return_types_test/wrongReturnType: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_return_types_test/wrongTypeParameter: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_star_cancel_and_throw_in_finally_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
asyncstar_concat_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_star_regression_23116_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_star_test/01: Crash # (f()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_star_test/02: Crash # (f()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_star_test/03: Crash # (f()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_star_test/04: Crash # (f()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_star_test/05: Crash # (f()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_star_test/none: Crash # (f()async*{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
asyncstar_throw_in_catch_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
asyncstar_yieldstar_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
asyncstar_yield_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_switch_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_switch_test/withDefault: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_test/constructor2: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/constructor3: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/constructor4: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/none: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/setter1: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/type-mismatch1: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/type-mismatch2: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/type-mismatch3: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_test/type-mismatch4: Crash # (bar(int p1,p2)async{var z=8;return p2+z+foo;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
async_this_bound_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_throw_in_catch_test/forceAwait: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
async_throw_in_catch_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_backwards_compatibility_test/await1: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
await_backwards_compatibility_test/await2: Crash # (test1()): Error expression `test1()` unhandled.
await_backwards_compatibility_test/await3: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
await_backwards_compatibility_test/await4: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
await_backwards_compatibility_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
await_exceptions_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_for_cancel_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_for_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_for_use_local_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_future_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_nonfuture_test: Crash # (foo()async{Expect.equals(X,10);return await 5;}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
await_not_started_immediately_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
await_postfix_expr_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
await_regression_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
await_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
bad_constructor_test/06: Crash # (new A()): Error expression `new A()` unhandled.
bad_named_constructor_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `BadNamedConstructorNegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
bad_named_parameters2_test/01: Crash # (try {caught=false;;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters2_test/none: Crash # (try {caught=false;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters_test/02: Crash # (try {caught=false;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters_test/03: Crash # (try {caught=false;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters_test/04: Crash # (try {caught=false;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters_test/05: Crash # (try {caught=false;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bad_named_parameters_test/none: Crash # (try {caught=false;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
bailout2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bailout3_test: Crash # (throw 0): Unhandled node
bailout4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bailout5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bailout6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bailout7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bailout_container_type_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
bailout_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bind_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bit_operations_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
bit_operations_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
bit_operations_test/03: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
bit_operations_test/04: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
bit_operations_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
bit_shift_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bool_check_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bool_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bound_closure_equality_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
bound_closure_primitives_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
branch_canonicalization_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
branches_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
break_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
built_in_identifier_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_argument_inference_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
call_closurization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/01: Crash # (new A()): Error expression `new A()` unhandled.
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/02: Crash # (new Error expression `new` unhandled.
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/03: Crash # (new lib.A()): Error expression `new lib.A()` unhandled.
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/04: Crash # (new A()): Error expression `new A()` unhandled.
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/05: Crash # (new Error expression `new` unhandled.
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/06: Crash # (new lib.A()): Error expression `new lib.A()` unhandled.
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/07: Crash # (new A()): Error expression `new A()` unhandled.
call_nonexistent_constructor_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
call_nonexistent_constructor_test/02: Crash # (try {}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){i=-1;}on String catch (e){i=1;}): "on T" catch block
call_nonexistent_constructor_test/none: Crash # (try {}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){i=-1;}on String catch (e){i=1;}): "on T" catch block
call_nonexistent_static_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_nonexistent_static_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_operator_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_property_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_this_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_through_getter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_through_null_getter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_type_literal_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
call_with_no_such_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
canonical_const2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
canonical_const3_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
canonical_const_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
cascade_2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cascade2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cascade_in_expression_function_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cascade_in_initializer_list_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cascade_precedence_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cascade_test/none: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
cast2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/13: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/14: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/15: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cast_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
catch_liveness_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
cha_deopt1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cha_deopt2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cha_deopt3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
char_escape_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
checked_null_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
checked_setter2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
checked_setter3_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
checked_setter3_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
checked_setter3_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
checked_setter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_codegen_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_cycle_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_cycle_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_cycle_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_cycle_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_cycle_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/13: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/14: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/15: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/16: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/17: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/18: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/19: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/20: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/21: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/22: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/23: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/24: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/25: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_literal_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
class_override_test/00: Crash # (try {;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (error){}finally {}): "on T" catch block
class_override_test/none: Crash # (try {;}finally {}): not exactly one catch block
class_syntax2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
class_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure8_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
closure_break1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_break2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_break_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_in_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_in_field_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_in_initializer2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_in_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_internals_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_parameter_types_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_self_reference_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_shared_state_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_side_effect_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closures_initializer2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closures_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closures_with_complex_params_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_type_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
closure_type_test/none: Crash # "on T" catch block
closure_type_variables_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_type_variable_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_variable_shadow_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_with_super_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
closure_with_super_send_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
code_after_try_is_executed_test/01: Crash # (try {throw 'foo';}on String catch (ex){exception=ex;}): "on T" catch block
code_after_try_is_executed_test/none: Crash # (try {throw 'foo';}on String catch (ex){exception=ex;}): "on T" catch block
comparison_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant10_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant10_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant10_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant11_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant6_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant8_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant9_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant_a_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_b_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_d_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_e_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_f_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_g_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_h_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_i_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant_j_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_k_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_k_test/02: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_k_test/03: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_k_test/none: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_l_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_m_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant_n_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
compile_time_constant_o_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_o_test/02: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_o_test/none: Crash # Please triage this failure.
compile_time_constant_p_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_p_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
compile_time_constant_test/01: Crash # unable to build cps definition of generative_constructor(Bad#)
compound_assignment_operator_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
cond_expr_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
condition_bailout_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
constant_fold_equals_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
constant_propagation_phis_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constant_string_interpolation_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/03: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/04: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/05: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/06: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/07: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/08: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/09: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/10: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_conditional_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_constructor_nonconst_field_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_constructor_nonconst_field_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_constructor_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_counter_negative_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_dynamic_type_literal_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_escape_frog_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_evaluation_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_evaluation_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_factory_redirection_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_global_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_init_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_list_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_locals_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_local_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_map2_test/none: Crash # Please triage this failure.
const_map3_test/none: Crash # Please triage this failure.
const_map4_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
const_map_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
const_named_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_nested_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
const_objects_are_immutable_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
const_objects_are_immutable_test/none: Crash # Please triage this failure.
constructor10_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
constructor10_test/02: Crash # Please triage this failure.
constructor11_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor12_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor3_negative_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
constructor3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor8_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_body_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
constructor_default_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_initializer_test/01: Crash # (new A(3)): Error expression `new A(3)` unhandled.
constructor_initializer_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_name_clash_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_named_arguments_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_named_arguments_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_name_test/01: Crash # (new Foo.Foo()): Error expression `new Foo.Foo()` unhandled.
constructor_name_test/02: Crash # (new Foo()): Error expression `new Foo()` unhandled.
constructor_name_test/03: Crash # (new Foo()): Error expression `new Foo()` unhandled.
constructor_redirect_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_redirect_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_return_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_return_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_return_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_return_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_return_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_return_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
constructor_with_mixin_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_string_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
const_switch2_test/none: Crash # (switch (a){case 1:print("OK");}): Unhandled node
const_switch_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_switch_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_switch_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_switch_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_syntax_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
const_types_test/23: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/24: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/25: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/26: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/27: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/28: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/29: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/30: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
const_types_test/41: Crash # (new Superclass()): Error expression `new Superclass()` unhandled.
context2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
context_args_with_defaults_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
context_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
continue_test: Crash # (switch (0){case 0:i=22;continue;default:i=25;break;}): Unhandled node
core_type_check_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
crash_12118_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
crash_6725_test/01: Crash # (throw 'f.key != 42 (${f.key})'): Unhandled node
create_unresolved_type_test/01: Crash # (new F<int>()): Error expression `new F<int>()` unhandled.
critical_edge2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
critical_edge_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ct_const3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ct_const4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ct_const_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
custom_await_stack_trace_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
cyclic_import_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cyclic_type2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cyclic_type_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cyclic_type_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cyclic_type_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cyclic_type_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
cyclic_type_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dangling_else_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
default_class_implicit_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
default_factory_library_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
default_factory_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
default_factory_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
default_implementation_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
default_init_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_closurize_load_library_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constant_list_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/constructor1: Crash # (const lib.Const()): Error expression `const lib.Const()` unhandled.
deferred_constraints_constants_test/constructor2: Crash # Error expression `const lib.Const.namedConstructor()` unhandled.
deferred_constraints_constants_test/default_argument1: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/default_argument2: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/metadata1: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/metadata2: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/metadata3: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference1: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference2: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference_after_load: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/as_operation: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/catch_check: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/is_check: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_before_load: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic1: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic1: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic2: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic2: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic3: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic3: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/none: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/static_method: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/static_method: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation1: Crash # handleStaticGetterInvoke: foreign: function(loadLibrary)
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic1: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic1: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic2: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic2: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic3: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic3: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic4: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic4: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_non_deferred: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_non_deferred: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_null: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_null: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_top_level: CompileTimeError # Please triage this failure.
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_top_level: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_function_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_global_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_inheritance_constraints_test/mixin: Crash # (new C()): Error expression `new C()` unhandled.
deferred_inlined_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_load_constants_test/01: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_load_constants_test/02: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_load_constants_test/03: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_load_constants_test/04: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_load_constants_test/05: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_load_constants_test/none: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_load_inval_code_test: Crash # handleStaticGetterInvoke: foreign: function(loadLibrary)
deferred_load_library_wrong_args_test/01: Crash # handleStaticGetterInvoke: foreign: function(loadLibrary)
deferred_load_library_wrong_args_test/none: Crash # handleStaticGetterInvoke: foreign: function(loadLibrary)
deferred_mixin_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_no_such_method_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_not_loaded_check_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
deferred_only_constant_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_optimized_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_regression_22995_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_shadow_load_library_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deferred_shared_and_unshared_classes_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deferred_static_seperate_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
deoptimized_function_on_stack_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deopt_inlined_function_lazy_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deopt_inlined_function_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deopt_lazy_finalization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deopt_no_feedback_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
deopt_smi_op_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
div_by_zero_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
div_with_power_of_two2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
div_with_power_of_two_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_int_addition_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_int_to_string_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_modulo_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_nan_comparison_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_exponential2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_exponential3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_exponential_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_fixed2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_fixed_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_precision2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_precision3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_as_precision_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
double_to_string_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
do_while2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
do_while3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
do_while4_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
do_while_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
duplicate_implements_test/03: Crash # (new Z()): Error expression `new Z()` unhandled.
duplicate_implements_test/04: Crash # (new Z()): Error expression `new Z()` unhandled.
duplicate_interface_negative_test: Crash # (Expect): Error expression `Expect` unhandled.
duplicate_interface_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dynamic_call_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dynamic_field_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dynamic_field_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dynamic_prefix_core_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dynamic_prefix_core_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
dynamic_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
dynamic_type_literal_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
emit_const_fields_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
empty_block_case_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
enum_const_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
enum_const_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
enum_duplicate_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_duplicate_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_duplicate_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_index_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_mirror_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_private_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_private_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_private_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
enum_syntax_test/09: Crash # handleStaticFunctionGet: function(topLevelFunction)
enum_syntax_test/10: Crash # (C.bla): Error expression `C.bla` unhandled.
enum_test: Crash # Unhandled node
equality_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
error_stacktrace_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
evaluation_redirecting_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
example_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
exception_identity_test: Crash # (throw exception): Unhandled node
exception_test: Crash # (try {throw "Hello";}on String catch (s){print(s);i+= 10;}): "on T" catch block
execute_finally10_test: Crash # (throw 'Expected exception'): Unhandled node
execute_finally11_test: Crash # (throw 'Expected exception'): Unhandled node
execute_finally12_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
execute_finally1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally8_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
execute_finally9_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
exhaustive_for_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
expect_test: Crash # (try {"fail now");}on Exception catch (msg){print(msg);return;}): "on T" catch block
extends_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
extend_type_parameter2_negative_test: Crash # (new A()): Error expression `new A()` unhandled.
external_test/16: Crash # (new Foo()): Error expression `new Foo()` unhandled.
factory3_test: Crash # (throw "0 is not a T"): Unhandled node
factory_arrow_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_implementation_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_implementation_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection3_cyclic_test/01: Crash # (new Error expression `new` unhandled.
factory_redirection_test/01: Crash # (new A<List>.test01()): Error expression `new A<List>.test01()` unhandled.
factory_redirection_test/02: Crash # (new A<List>.test02()): Error expression `new A<List>.test02()` unhandled.
factory_redirection_test/03: Crash # (new A<List>.test03()): Error expression `new A<List>.test03()` unhandled.
factory_redirection_test/04: Crash # (new C.test04()): Error expression `new C.test04()` unhandled.
factory_redirection_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/13: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/14: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_redirection_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_return_type_checked_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_type_parameter2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
factory_type_parameter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fannkuch_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fast_method_extraction_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fauxverride_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
f_bounded_equality_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
f_bounded_quantification4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
f_bounded_quantification5_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
f_bounded_quantification_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
f_bounded_quantification_test/02: Crash # (try {}on TypeError catch (error){got_type_error=true;}): "on T" catch block
f_bounded_quantification_test/none: Crash # (try {}on TypeError catch (error){got_type_error=true;}): "on T" catch block
fibo_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field3a_negative_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field3_negative_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_increment_bailout_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_inference_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_initialization_order_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_optimization2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_optimization3_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
field_optimization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override3_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override4_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override4_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override4_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override4_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_override_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_parameter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_field_initialization_order_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_for_in_variable_test/01: Crash # (i=4): Error expression `i=4` unhandled.
final_is_not_const_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_is_not_const_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
finally_test: Crash # (try {i=12;}finally {Expect.equals(12,i);executedFinally=true;}): not exactly one catch block
final_param_test/01: Crash # (x=2): Error expression `x=2` unhandled.
final_syntax_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_syntax_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_syntax_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_syntax_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_syntax_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_syntax_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
final_used_in_try_test: Crash # (rethrow;): Unhandled node
final_variable_assignment_test/01: Crash # (x=0): Error expression `x=0` unhandled.
final_variable_assignment_test/02: Crash # (x+= 1): Error expression `x+= 1` unhandled.
final_variable_assignment_test/03: Crash # ( ++x): Error expression ` ++x` unhandled.
final_variable_assignment_test/04: Crash # (x++ ): Error expression `x++ ` unhandled.
first_class_types_constants_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
first_class_types_libraries_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
first_class_types_literals_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_literals_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
first_class_types_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
fixed_length_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable2_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable2_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable2_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable2_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
fixed_type_variable_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
flatten_test/01: Crash # (test()async{int x=await new Derived<int>();}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/02: Crash # (test()async{Future<int> f()async=>new Derived<int>();}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/03: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/04: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/05: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/06: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/07: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/08: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/09: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/10: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/11: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/12: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
flatten_test/none: Crash # (test()async{}): cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
for2_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
for_in2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
for_inlining_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
for_in_side_effects_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
for_in_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
for_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
for_variable_capture_test: Crash # (i=0): For-loop variable captured in loop header
forwarding_factory_constructor_default_values_test: Crash # (throw "FAILED"): Unhandled node
forwarding_factory_constructor_default_values_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure.
for_without_condition_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
full_stacktrace1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
full_stacktrace2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
full_stacktrace3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_argument_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_getter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_literals2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
function_literals_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_malformed_result_type_test: Crash # (try {f();}on TypeError catch (error){got_type_error=true;}): "on T" catch block
function_propagation_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure5a_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_bound_closure7_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
function_subtype_call0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_call1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_call2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_cast0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_cast1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_cast2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_cast3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_checked0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_closure0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_closure1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_factory0_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
function_subtype_factory1_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
function_subtype_inline0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_inline1_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
function_subtype_inline2_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
function_subtype_local0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_local1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_local2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_local3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_local4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_local5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_named1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_named2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_not0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_not1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_not2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_not3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_optional1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_optional2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_setter0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_simple0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_simple1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_simple2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_top_level0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_top_level1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_typearg0_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
function_subtype_typearg1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_typearg2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_typearg3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_subtype_typearg4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/05: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/06: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/07: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/11: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/12: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/13: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/14: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/15: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/16: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/17: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/18: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/19: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/20: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/21: Crash # (testNestedFunctions()): Error expression `testNestedFunctions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/22: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/23: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/24: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/25: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/26: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/27: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/28: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/29: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/30: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/31: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/32: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/33: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/34: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/35: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/36: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/37: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/44: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/45: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/46: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/47: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/48: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/49: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/50: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/51: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/52: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/53: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/54: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/55: Crash # (testFunctionExpressions()): Error expression `testFunctionExpressions()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/64: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/65: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/66: Crash # (testPrecedence()): Error expression `testPrecedence()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/67: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/68: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/69: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/70: Crash # Error expression `testFunctionIdentifierExpression()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/71: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/72: Crash # (testFunctionIdentifierStatement()): Error expression `testFunctionIdentifierStatement()` unhandled.
function_syntax_test/73: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_syntax_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type2_test: Crash # (try {new B<String>();}on TypeError catch (e){caughtException=true;}): "on T" catch block
function_type3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_alias2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_alias3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_alias4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_alias6_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_alias8_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: fromThing:field
function_type_alias_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_call_getter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_parameter2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_parameter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
function_type_test: Crash # (try {FListInt fli=f();}on TypeError catch (error){got_type_error=true;}): "on T" catch block
function_type_this_parameter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
generic_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_constructor_mixin2_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
generic_constructor_mixin3_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
generic_constructor_mixin_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
generic_creation_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_deep_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_field_mixin2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_field_mixin6_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
generic_field_mixin_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_inheritance_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_instanceof2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_instanceof3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_instanceof4_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
generic_instanceof5_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
generic_instanceof_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_is_check_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
generic_list_checked_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_native_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
generic_object_type_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
generic_parameterized_extends_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generics_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_syntax_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
generic_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_closure_execution_order_test: Crash # (throw "${failures.length~/2} tests failed."): Unhandled node
getter_no_setter2_test/00: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
getter_no_setter2_test/01: Crash # (nextVar++ ): Error expression `nextVar++ ` unhandled.
getter_no_setter2_test/03: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
getter_no_setter_test/00: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
getter_no_setter_test/01: Crash # (nextVar=0): Error expression `nextVar=0` unhandled.
getter_no_setter_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
getter_no_setter_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
getter_override2_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_override2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_override2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_override2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_override_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_override_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_setter_in_lib_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_setter_interceptor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getter_setter_order_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
getters_setters2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters2_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters_type2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters_type3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters_type_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
getters_setters_type_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
guess_cid_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
gvn_field_access_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
gvn_interceptor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
gvn_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
hash_code_mangling_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
hash_map_null_key_foreach_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
hello_script_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
identical_closure2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
identical_closure_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
identical_const_test/05: Crash # Please triage this failure.
identical_const_test/06: Crash # Please triage this failure.
identical_const_test/07: Crash # Please triage this failure.
identical_const_test/08: Crash # Please triage this failure.
identical_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
if_and_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
if_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
illegal_invocation_test/01: Crash # (foo()): Error expression `foo()` unhandled.
implicit_closure1_test: Crash # handleStaticFunctionGet: function(Hello#handler1)
implicit_closure2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implicit_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implicit_scope_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implicit_super_constructor_call_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implicit_this_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implicit_this_test/02: Crash # (new Abstract()): Error expression `new Abstract()` unhandled.
implicit_this_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implicit_this_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
implied_interface_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
import_combinators_negative_test: Crash # (ugly): Error expression `ugly` unhandled.
import_combinators_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
import_core_prefix_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
import_self_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
import_self_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
import_show_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
incr_op_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
index_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inference_captured_variable2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inference_captured_variable_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inference_list_or_null_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inference_mixin_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inference_super_constructor_call_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_closure_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
inferrer_constructor2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_constructor3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_constructor4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_constructor5_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_named_parameter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_synthesized_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inferrer_synthesized_super_constructor_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
inferrer_this_access_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
infinite_switch_label_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
infinity_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_argument_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_closure_with_constant_arguments_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inlined_conditional_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inlined_throw_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
inline_effect_context_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_getter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_in_for_initializer_and_bailout_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_super_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_super_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_test_context_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inline_value_context_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instance_compound_assignment_operator_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instance_field_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instance_incr_deopt_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instance_inline_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instanceof2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instanceof3_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
instanceof4_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
instanceof4_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
instanceof_optimized_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
instanceof_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
inst_field_initializer1_negative_test: Crash # unable to build cps definition of generative_constructor(A#)
inst_field_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
int2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
integer_division_by_zero_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interceptor2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interceptor3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interceptor4_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
interceptor5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interceptor6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interceptor7_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
interceptor8_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: a:field
interceptor9_test: Crash # (throw e): Unhandled node
interceptor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interface_constants_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
interface_static_method_negative_test: Crash # (new A()): Error expression `new A()` unhandled.
interface_static_non_final_fields_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `InterfaceStaticNonFinalFieldsNegativeTest` unhandled.
internal_library_test/01: Crash # (JS('int','0')): handleStaticFunctionInvoke: foreign: function(JS)
internal_library_test/02: Crash # (JS('int','0')): Error expression `JS('int','0')` unhandled.
intrinsified_methods_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
int_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
invocation_mirror2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
invocation_mirror_invoke_on2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
invocation_mirror_invoke_on_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
invocation_mirror_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
is_function_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_interfaces2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_interfaces_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_malformed_type_test/94: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_malformed_type_test/95: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_malformed_type_test/96: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_malformed_type_test/97: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_malformed_type_test/98: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_malformed_type_test/99: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_nan_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_not_class1_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `IsNotClass1NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
is_not_class2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_not_class4_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `IsNotClass4NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
isnot_malformed_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_object_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_operator_clash_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
is_operator_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue10204_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue10321_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue10561_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
issue10581_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue10721_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue10747_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue10783_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue11724_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue11793_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: otherArray:field
issue12023_test: Crash # Unhandled node
issue12284_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue12336_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
issue13179_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue13474_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue1363_test: Crash # (try {contents=libCup.getContents();}on TypeError catch (e){hasThrown=true;}): "on T" catch block
issue13673_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue14014_3_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
issue15606_test/01: Crash # (Unresolved): Error expression `Unresolved` unhandled.
issue_1751477_test: Crash # handleStaticGetterInvoke: foreign: function(loadLibrary)
issue20476_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue21159_test: Crash # (try {foo();}on StackOverflowError catch (e){exceptionCaught=true;}): "on T" catch block
issue4515170_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue7513_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
issue7525_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue9687_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
issue9939_test: Crash # (throw e): Unhandled node
issue9949_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
js_properties_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
label8_negative_test: Crash # (Label8NegativeTest.errorMethod()): Error expression `Label8NegativeTest.errorMethod()` unhandled.
label_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
large_class_declaration_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
large_implicit_getter_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: panels:field
lazy_map_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
lazy_static2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
lazy_static3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
lazy_static4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
lazy_static5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
lazy_static6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
lazy_static_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
left_shift_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library_ambiguous_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library_juxtaposition_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library_negative_test: Crash # (LibraryNegativeTest.testMain(args)): handleStaticFunctionIncompatibleInvoke
library_prefixes_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library_private_in_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
library_same_name_used_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
licm2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
licm3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
licm_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_double_index_in_loop2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_double_index_in_loop_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_in_closure_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
list_is_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_length_tracer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `ListLiteralNegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
list_literal_syntax_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal_syntax_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal_syntax_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal_syntax_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_literal_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
list_tracer_in_map_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
list_tracer_return_from_tearoff_closure_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
liveness_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
load_indexed_constant_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
local_export_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
local_function2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
local_function3_test: Crash # (try {;}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){exception_caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
local_function_non_equal_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
local_function_test: Crash # (try {f(1,2);}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){exception_caught=true;}): "on T" catch block
logical_expression2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
logical_expression3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
logical_expression4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
logical_expression5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
logical_expression_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
loop_exchange2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
loop_exchange3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
loop_exchange4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
loop_exchange_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
loop_hoist_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_cast2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_cast_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_literal_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
malbounded_type_test2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_test_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_test_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_test_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malbounded_type_test_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malformed2_test/00: Crash # (throw 'Test failed.'): Unhandled node
malformed_inheritance_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malformed_inheritance_test/03: Crash # Please triage this failure.
malformed_inheritance_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malformed_inheritance_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
malformed_inheritance_test/09: Crash # Please triage this failure.
malformed_inheritance_test/10: Crash # Please triage this failure.
malformed_test/06: Crash # "on T" catch block
malformed_test/none: Crash # "on T" catch block
malformed_type_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: x:field
many_calls_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
many_generic_instanceof_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
many_named_arguments_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
many_overridden_no_such_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
map_literal10_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
map_literal2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
map_literal3_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
map_literal4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
map_literal5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
map_literal6_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
map_literal7_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
map_literal8_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
map_literal9_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
map_literal_negative_test: Crash # (MapLiteralNegativeTest.testMain()): Error expression `MapLiteralNegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
map_literal_syntax_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
map_literal_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
map_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mega_load_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
megamorphic_no_such_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_binding_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_invocation_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_name_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override3_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override3_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override3_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override3_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override7_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override7_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override8_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override8_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override8_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
method_override_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
methods_as_constants2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
methods_as_constants_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
minify_closure_variable_collision_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
mint_arithmetic_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mint_compares_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_black_listed_test/01: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_black_listed_test/02: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_black_listed_test/05: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_black_listed_test/06: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_black_listed_test/07: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_black_listed_test/08: Crash # (new F2()): Error expression `new F2()` unhandled.
mixin_black_listed_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_bound_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_cyclic_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_extends_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_extends_is_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_extends_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_field_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_forwarding_constructor1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_forwarding_constructor2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_forwarding_constructor3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_generic_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_getter_regression_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_constructor_test/13: MissingRuntimeError # Please triage this failure.
mixin_illegal_constructor_test/14: Crash # (new C0.named()): Error expression `new C0.named()` unhandled.
mixin_illegal_constructor_test/15: MissingRuntimeError # Please triage this failure.
mixin_illegal_constructor_test/16: Crash # (new D0.named()): Error expression `new D0.named()` unhandled.
mixin_illegal_cycles_test/02: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_illegal_cycles_test/03: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_illegal_cycles_test/04: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_illegal_cycles_test/06: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_illegal_static_access_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_super_use_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_illegal_syntax_test/13: Crash # (new T0()): Error expression `new T0()` unhandled.
mixin_implements_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_invalid_inheritance1_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_invalid_inheritance1_test/02: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_invalid_inheritance1_test/03: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_invalid_inheritance2_test/01: Crash # (new C<C>()): Error expression `new C<C>()` unhandled.
mixin_invalid_inheritance2_test/02: Crash # (new C<C>()): Error expression `new C<C>()` unhandled.
mixin_invalid_inheritance2_test/03: Crash # (new C<C>()): Error expression `new C<C>()` unhandled.
mixin_issue10216_2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_issue10216_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_is_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_lib_extends_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_lib_extends_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin_bound2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin_bound_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_mixin_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_naming_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_only_for_rti_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
mixin_override_regression_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_prefix_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_regress_11398_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_regress_13688_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor_default_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor_multiple_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor_named_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor_named_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor_positionals_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
mixin_super_constructor_positionals_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_super_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_this_use_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_typedef_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameter1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameter2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameter3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameter4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameters_mixin_extends_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameters_mixin_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameters_simple_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameters_super_extends_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_type_parameters_super_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mixin_with_two_implicit_constructors_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
modulo_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
mul_recipr_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
multi_assign_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
multiline_strings_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
multi_pass2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
multi_pass_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
multiple_field_assignment_constructor_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: a:field
named_argument_in_const_creation_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_argument_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_constructor_test/01: Crash # (new Class.named<int>()): Error expression `new Class.named<int>()` unhandled.
named_constructor_test/03: Crash # (new prefix<int>.Class()): Error expression `new prefix<int>.Class()` unhandled.
named_constructor_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameter_clash_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters2_test: Crash # (try {test(10,25,b:26);}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){foundError=true;}): "on T" catch block
named_parameters3_test: Crash # (try {test(10,x:99);}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){foundError=true;}): "on T" catch block
named_parameters4_test: Crash # (try {test(10,x:99);}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){foundError=true;}): "on T" catch block
named_parameters_aggregated_test/02: Crash # Error expression `NamedParametersAggregatedTests.f_missing_comma(10,25)` unhandled.
named_parameters_aggregated_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_named_count_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_passing_false_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_passing_falsy_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_passing_null_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_passing_zero_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_with_conversions_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_with_dollars_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
named_parameters_with_object_property_names_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
namer2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
namer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
naming2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
naming3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
naming_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
native_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
nested_comments_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
nested_if_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
nested_switch_label_test: Crash # Unhandled node
new_expression1_negative_test: Crash # (NewExpression1NegativeTest): Error expression `NewExpression1NegativeTest` unhandled.
new_expression2_negative_test: Crash # (NewExpression2NegativeTest): Error expression `NewExpression2NegativeTest` unhandled.
new_expression3_negative_test: Crash # (NewExpression3NegativeTest): Error expression `NewExpression3NegativeTest` unhandled.
new_prefix_test/01: Crash # (new prefix()): Error expression `new prefix()` unhandled.
new_statement_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
non_const_constructor_without_body_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
non_const_super_negative_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
non_dominating_loop_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_constructor2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_constructor_test/01: MissingRuntimeError # Please triage this failure.
no_such_method2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_method3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_method_dispatcher_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_method_empty_selector_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_method_subtype_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
no_such_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/00: MissingRuntimeError # Please triage this failure.
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/03: Crash # Please triage this failure.
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/06: Crash # (foo(b:1)): handleStaticFunctionIncompatibleInvoke
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/06: MissingRuntimeError # Please triage this failure.
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/07: Crash # Please triage this failure.
null2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_access_error_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
null_inline_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_is2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
null_is_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_method_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
null_no_such_method_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: array:field
null_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_to_string2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
null_to_string_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_constant_folding1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_identifier_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_identifier_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_identifier_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_identifier_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_identity2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
number_identity_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
numbers_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
number_syntax_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
on_catch_malformed_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator2_negative_test: Crash # (new Helper(10)): Error expression `new Helper(10)` unhandled.
operator2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator5_test: Crash # (try {Expect.equals(42,a>=a);}on TypeError catch (e){}): "on T" catch block
operator6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator_equals_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator_index_evaluation_order_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
operator_negate_and_method_negate_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
operator_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_constant_array_string_access_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_hoisting_checked_mode_assert_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_isempty_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_lists_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_setter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_string_charat_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimized_string_charcodeat_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optimize_redundant_array_load_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
optional_named_parameters_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ordered_maps_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
osr_test: Crash # (throw "No progress made"): Unhandled node
overridden_no_such_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
override_inheritance_no_such_method_test/03: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
override_inheritance_no_such_method_test/04: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
override_inheritance_no_such_method_test/08: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
override_inheritance_no_such_method_test/11: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
override_inheritance_no_such_method_test/13: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
override_method_with_field_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
override_method_with_field_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
param2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parameter_initializer2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parameter_initializer4_negative_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
parameter_initializer6_negative_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parameter_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parameter_name_conflict_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parameter_types_specialization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
param_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parse_closures_in_initializers_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
parser_quirks_test: Crash # handleStaticFunctionGet: function(f)
parse_types_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
partial_min_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
patch_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
phi_merge_test: Crash # (switch (value){case 42:break;case 43:break;}): Unhandled node
positive_bit_operations_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix101_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix10_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix11_negative_test: Crash # (new lib12.Library11(1)): Error expression `new lib12.Library11(1)` unhandled.
prefix11_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix12_negative_test: Crash # (lib12.top_level11): Error expression `lib12.top_level11` unhandled.
prefix12_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix14_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix15_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix16_test: Crash # (try {myFunc i=0;}on TypeError catch (error){got_type_error=true;}): "on T" catch block
prefix1_negative_test: Crash # (library1): Error expression `library1` unhandled.
prefix21_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix24_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix2_negative_test: Crash # (lib2.Library2): Error expression `lib2.Library2` unhandled.
prefix3_negative_test: Crash # ( Error expression `` unhandled.
prefix4_negative_test: Crash # (new lib11.Library11(1)): Error expression `new lib11.Library11(1)` unhandled.
prefix5_negative_test: Crash # (lib11): Error expression `lib11` unhandled.
prefix_new_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
prefix_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private3_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
private4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_access_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_access_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_access_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_access_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_access_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_access_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_clash_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_mixin2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
private_selector_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
private_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
propagated_argument_type_check_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
propagate_past_constant_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
property_field_override_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
pure_function2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
pure_function_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
range_analysis2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
range_analysis3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
range_analysis_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
raw_string_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
recursive_calls_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
recursive_loop_phis_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
redirecting_factory_default_values_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
redirecting_factory_default_values_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
redirecting_factory_default_values_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
redirecting_factory_incompatible_signature_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
redirecting_factory_long_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reexport_core_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ref_before_declaration_test/00: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/01: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/02: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/03: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/04: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/05: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/06: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/07: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
ref_before_declaration_test/none: Crash # (throw "ball"): Unhandled node
refine_receiver_null_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reg_exp2_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
reg_exp3_test: Crash # (try {RegExp exp=new RegExp("[");i=100;}on FormatException catch (e){i=0;}): "on T" catch block
reg_exp_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_10996_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_11010_test: Crash # (throw 'unexpected result'): Unhandled node
regress_11800_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_12561_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_13494_test: Crash # (A.unknown=p(2)): Error expression `A.unknown=p(2)` unhandled.
regress_14105_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_17382_test: Crash # (tl(m(0))): Error expression `tl(m(0))` unhandled.
regress_18435_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
regress_18535_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
regress_19413_test/01: Crash # (foo.f()): Error expression `foo.f()` unhandled.
regress_21016_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: list:field
regress_21793_test/01: Crash # (new A()(499)): Error expression `new A()(499)` unhandled.
regress_21795_test: Crash # (throw "Expected foo in stacktrace!"): Unhandled node
regress_21998_1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_21998_2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_21998_3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_21998_4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_22438_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
regress_22443_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_22445_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
regress_22579_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
regress_22700_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
regress_22719_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_22728_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
regress_22777_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
regress_22822_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_22858_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
regress_22936_test/01: Crash # (try {x=foo();}on NoSuchMethodError {}): "on T" catch block
regress_22936_test/none: Crash # (try {foo();}on NoSuchMethodError {}): "on T" catch block
regress_23046_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
regress_r24720_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reify_typevar_static_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reify_typevar_static_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reify_typevar_static_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reify_typevar_static_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reify_typevar_static_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
reify_typevar_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
resolution_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
resolve_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rethrow_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
return_in_loop_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
return_this_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
return_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_assign_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_compound_assign_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_conditional_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_for_update_order_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_if_empty_then_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_if_return_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_if_swap_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_implicit_this_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_logical_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_nested_if1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_nested_if2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_nested_if3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_swap_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_variable_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_while_many_exits_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
rewrite_while_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
round_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
runtime_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
savannah_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
scoped_variables_try_catch_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
scope_variable_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
scope_variable_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
second_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter0_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_no_getter_call_test/01: Crash # (topLevel(3)): Error expression `topLevel(3)` unhandled.
setter_no_getter_call_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_no_getter_test/01: Crash # (topLevel++ ): Error expression `topLevel++ ` unhandled.
setter_override2_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override2_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
setter_override_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
side_effect_throw_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
skip_expression_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
smaller_4_Interface_Types_A11_t01_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
smaller_4_Interface_Types_A11_t02_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
smi_type_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
stack_overflow_stacktrace_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
stack_overflow_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
stacktrace_rethrow_error_test/none: Crash # (throw "Expected: ${expected} actual: ${actual}"): Unhandled node
stacktrace_rethrow_error_test/withtraceparameter: Crash # (throw "Expected: ${expected} actual: ${actual}"): Unhandled node
stacktrace_rethrow_nonerror_test: Crash # (throw "Expected: ${expected} actual: ${actual}"): Unhandled node
stacktrace_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
stack_trace_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
state_mangling2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
state_mangling3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
state_mangling4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
state_mangling_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
statement_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Crash # (Niesen.goodCall(1,2,3,4)): handleStaticFunctionIncompatibleInvoke
static_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Fail # Please triage this failure.
static_closure_identical_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_const_field_test: Crash # Please triage this failure.
static_field3_test/01: Crash # (Foo.x): Error expression `Foo.x` unhandled.
static_field3_test/02: Crash # (Foo.m): Error expression `Foo.m` unhandled.
static_field3_test/03: Crash # (Foo.m=1): Error expression `Foo.m=1` unhandled.
static_field3_test/04: Crash # (Foo.x=1): Error expression `Foo.x=1` unhandled.
static_field_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_field_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_field_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_field_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_field_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_final_field2_test/01: Crash # (A.x=2): Error expression `A.x=2` unhandled.
static_implicit_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_initializer_type_error_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_inline_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
static_postfix_operator_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
strict_equal_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
string_charcode_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_escapes_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_interpolate2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_interpolate_null_test: Crash # (try {s="Hello Mr. ${}";}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){return;}): "on T" catch block
string_interpolate_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_interpolation1_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `StringInterpolation1NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
string_interpolation2_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `StringInterpolation2NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
string_interpolation4_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `StringInterpolation4NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
string_interpolation5_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `StringInterpolation5NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
string_interpolation6_negative_test: Crash # Error expression `StringInterpolation6NegativeTest.testMain()` unhandled.
string_interpolation7_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_interpolation8_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
string_interpolation_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_interpolation_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_intrinsics_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
string_join_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_optimizations_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_supertype_checked_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
string_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
substring_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
substring_test/none: Crash # (try {}on TypeError catch (e){}on ArgumentError catch (e){}): "on T" catch block
super_abstract_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_all_named_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_assign_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_bound_closure_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_bound_closure_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_call3_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_call3_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_call3_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_call4_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
super_call_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_field_2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_field_access_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_field_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_first_constructor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_getter_setter_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_implicit_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_inferrer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_operator_index2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_operator_index3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_operator_index4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_operator_index5_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_index6_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_index7_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_index8_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_index_test/01: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_index_test/02: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_index_test/03: Crash # (super[4]=42): Error expression `super[4]=42` unhandled.
super_operator_index_test/04: Crash # (super[4]+=5): Error expression `super[4]+=5` unhandled.
super_operator_index_test/05: Crash # (super[4]=42): Error expression `super[4]=42` unhandled.
super_operator_index_test/06: Crash # (super[4]+=5): Error expression `super[4]+=5` unhandled.
super_operator_index_test/07: Crash # (super[2]): Error expression `super[2]` unhandled.
super_operator_index_test/none: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
super_operator_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_setter_interceptor_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_setter_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
super_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
switch6_test: Crash # (switch (a){case 0:{x=0;break;}case 1:x=1;break;}): Unhandled node
switch8_test: Crash # (switch (new List(1)[0]){case const A():throw 'Test failed';}): Unhandled node
switch_bad_case_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
switch_bad_case_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
switch_bad_case_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
switch_case_static_const_test: Crash # (switch (p){case S:break;case A.S:break;case 'abc':break;}): Unhandled node
switch_case_test/none: Crash # (switch (new B()){}): Unhandled node
switch_fallthru_test: Crash # (try {test(1);}on FallThroughError catch (e){fallthroughCaught=true;}): "on T" catch block
switch_label2_test: Crash # Unhandled node
switch_label_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
switch_scope_test: Crash # Unhandled node
switch_test: Crash # (switch (input){case true:result=12;break;case false:result=22;}): Unhandled node
switch_try_catch_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator1_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator1_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/20: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/30: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/40: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/41: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/50: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/51: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/52: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator3_test/test1: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
sync_generator3_test/test2: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
syncstar_yieldstar_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions
syncstar_yield_test/copyParameters: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
syncstar_yield_test/none: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
temp_mangling_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
ternary_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
test_negative_test: Crash # (TestNegativeTest): Error expression `TestNegativeTest` unhandled.
third_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw4_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw5_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throw8_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
throw_expr_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
throwing_lazy_variable_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
throw_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_func_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_getter_arrow_syntax_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_in_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_method_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_multiple_files_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_non_prefixed_library_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
top_level_prefixed_declaration_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
top_level_var_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
transitive_private_library_access_test: Crash # (ClassID): Error expression `ClassID` unhandled.
tree_shake_typed_selector_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
truncdiv_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
truncdiv_uint32_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
try_catch2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
try_catch3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
try_catch4_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
try_catch5_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
try_catch_on_syntax_test/02: Crash # (test1()): Error expression `test1()` unhandled.
try_catch_on_syntax_test/03: Crash # (test1()): Error expression `test1()` unhandled.
try_catch_on_syntax_test/04: Crash # (test1()): Error expression `test1()` unhandled.
try_catch_on_syntax_test/05: Crash # (test1()): Error expression `test1()` unhandled.
try_catch_on_syntax_test/06: Crash # (test1()): Error expression `test1()` unhandled.
try_catch_on_syntax_test/07: Crash # (throw "catch this!"): Unhandled node
try_catch_on_syntax_test/10: Crash # (throw "catch this!"): Unhandled node
try_catch_on_syntax_test/11: Crash # (throw "catch this!"): Unhandled node
try_catch_on_syntax_test/none: Crash # (throw "catch this!"): Unhandled node
try_catch_optimized1_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
try_catch_optimized2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
try_catch_optimized3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
try_catch_optimized4_test: Crash # (try {String res=m.maythrow(i);failed=true;}on MyError catch (e){}): "on T" catch block
try_catch_osr_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
try_catch_syntax_test/02: Crash # (testMissingTry()): Error expression `testMissingTry()` unhandled.
try_catch_syntax_test/03: Crash # (testMissingTry()): Error expression `testMissingTry()` unhandled.
try_catch_syntax_test/04: Crash # (testMissingTry()): Error expression `testMissingTry()` unhandled.
try_catch_syntax_test/06: Crash # (testIllegalFinally()): Error expression `testIllegalFinally()` unhandled.
try_catch_syntax_test/08: Crash # (try {}on MammaMia catch (e){}): "on T" catch block
try_catch_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
try_catch_test/none: Crash # (throw "up"): Unhandled node
type_argument_in_super_type_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_argument_substitution_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_check_const_function_typedef2_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_check_const_function_typedef2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_check_const_function_typedef_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_checks_in_factory_method_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
type_check_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_conversion_ssa_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
typedef_is_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
typed_equality_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
typed_message_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node
typed_selector_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_error_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
type_guard_conversion_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_intersection_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
type_literal_prefix_call_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_literal_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_parameter_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/13: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/14: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/15: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/16: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_closure_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/13: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/14: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_functions_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/08: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/10: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/11: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/12: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/13: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_promotion_more_specific_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_propagation2_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention.
type_propagation3_test: Crash # (throw 'Test failed'): Unhandled node
type_propagation_assert_assignable_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
type_propagation_in_for_update_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_propagation_phi_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_propagation_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/02: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/06: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds2_test/none: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds3_test/00: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_bounds4_test/01: Crash # "on T" catch block
type_variable_bounds4_test/none: Crash # "on T" catch block
type_variable_closure2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_conflict2_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_conflict2_test/03: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_conflict2_test/04: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_conflict2_test/05: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_conflict2_test/07: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_conflict2_test/09: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_field_initializer_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_field_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_function_type_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
type_variable_identifier_expression_test: Crash # (try {var buf=new B<A>().doFunc();print(buf);}on NoSuchMethodError catch (e){}): "on T" catch block
type_variable_initializer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_nested_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
type_variable_scope2_test: Crash # "on T" catch block
typevariable_substitution2_test/01: Crash # Please triage this failure.
typevariable_substitution2_test/02: Crash # "on T" catch block
typevariable_substitution2_test/none: Crash # Please triage this failure.
type_variable_typedef_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node
unary2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unary_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unicode_bom_middle_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unicode_hash_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unnamed_closure_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unqual_name_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unresolved_default_constructor_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
unresolved_in_factory_negative_test: Crash # (foo()): Error expression `foo()` unhandled.
unresolved_top_level_method_negative_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: a:field
unresolved_top_level_var_negative_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: a:field
value_range2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
value_range3_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
value_range_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
variable_declaration_metadata_test/06: Crash # (new C()): Error expression `new C()` unhandled.
variable_declaration_metadata_test/08: Crash # (new C()): Error expression `new C()` unhandled.
var_init_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator
void_type_test: Crash # (try {var x=func();}on TypeError catch (error){got_type_error=true;}): "on T" catch block
while_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator