blob: 9debfe6c668af9912a827351335005f383285bfc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.redirecting_factory_body;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
import 'body_builder.dart' show EnsureLoaded;
/// Name used for a static field holding redirecting factory information.
const String redirectingName = "_redirecting#";
/// Returns `true` if [member] is synthesized field holding the names of
/// redirecting factories declared in the same class.
/// This field should be special-cased by backends.
bool isRedirectingFactoryField(Member member) {
return member is Field &&
member.isStatic && == redirectingName;
/// Name used for a synthesized let variable used to encode redirecting factory
/// information in a factory method body.
const String letName = "#redirecting_factory";
/// Name used for a synthesized let variable used to encode type arguments to
/// the redirection target in a factory method body.
const String varNamePrefix = "#typeArg";
class RedirectingFactoryBody extends ReturnStatement {
RedirectingFactoryBody._internal(Expression value) : super(value);
Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments, FunctionNode function)
: this._internal(_makeForwardingCall(target, typeArguments, function));
RedirectingFactoryBody.error(String errorMessage)
: this._internal(new InvalidExpression(errorMessage));
Member? get target {
final Expression? value = this.expression;
if (value is StaticInvocation) {
} else if (value is ConstructorInvocation) {
return null;
String? get errorMessage {
final Expression? value = this.expression;
return value is InvalidExpression ? value.message : null;
bool get isError => errorMessage != null;
List<DartType>? get typeArguments {
final Expression? value = this.expression;
if (value is InvocationExpression) {
return value.arguments.types;
return null;
static Expression _makeForwardingCall(
Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments, FunctionNode function) {
final List<Expression> positional = function.positionalParameters
.map((v) => new VariableGet(v)..fileOffset = v.fileOffset)
final List<NamedExpression> named = function.namedParameters
.map((v) => new NamedExpression(!, new VariableGet(v)..fileOffset = v.fileOffset)
..fileOffset = v.fileOffset)
final Arguments args =
new Arguments(positional, named: named, types: typeArguments);
if (target is Procedure) {
return new StaticInvocation(target, args)
..fileOffset = function.fileOffset;
} else if (target is Constructor) {
return new ConstructorInvocation(target, args)
..fileOffset = function.fileOffset;
} else {
throw 'Unexpected target for redirecting factory:'
' ${target.runtimeType} $target';
static void restoreFromDill(Procedure factory) {
// This is a hack / work around for storing redirecting constructors in
// dill files. See `ClassBuilder.addRedirectingConstructor` in
// [kernel_class_builder.dart](kernel_class_builder.dart).
FunctionNode function = factory.function;
Expression value = (function.body as ReturnStatement).expression!;
function.body = new RedirectingFactoryBody._internal(value)
..parent = function;
static bool hasRedirectingFactoryBodyShape(Procedure factory) {
final FunctionNode function = factory.function;
final Statement? body = function.body;
if (body is! ReturnStatement) return false;
final Expression? value = body.expression;
if (body is InvalidExpression) {
return true;
} else if (value is StaticInvocation || value is ConstructorInvocation) {
// Verify that invocation forwards all arguments.
final Arguments args = (value as InvocationExpression).arguments;
if (args.positional.length != function.positionalParameters.length) {
return false;
int i = 0;
for (Expression arg in args.positional) {
if (arg is! VariableGet) {
return false;
if (arg.variable != function.positionalParameters[i]) {
return false;
if (args.named.length != function.namedParameters.length) {
return false;
i = 0;
for (NamedExpression arg in args.named) {
final Expression value = arg.value;
if (value is! VariableGet) {
return false;
final VariableDeclaration param = function.namedParameters[i];
if (value.variable != param) {
return false;
if ( != {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
String toString() {
return "RedirectingFactoryBody(${toStringInternal()})";
String toStringInternal() {
return "";
bool isRedirectingFactory(Member? member, {EnsureLoaded? helper}) {
assert(helper == null || helper.isLoaded(member));
return member is Procedure && member.function.body is RedirectingFactoryBody;
RedirectingFactoryBody? getRedirectingFactoryBody(Member? member) {
return isRedirectingFactory(member)
? member!.function!.body as RedirectingFactoryBody
: null;
class RedirectionTarget {
final Member target;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
RedirectionTarget(, this.typeArguments);
RedirectionTarget? getRedirectionTarget(Procedure member, EnsureLoaded helper) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = new List<DartType>.generate(
member.function.typeParameters.length, (int i) {
return new TypeParameterType.withDefaultNullabilityForLibrary(
member.function.typeParameters[i], member.enclosingLibrary);
}, growable: true);
// We use the [tortoise and hare algorithm]
// ( to
// handle cycles.
Member tortoise = member;
RedirectingFactoryBody? tortoiseBody = getRedirectingFactoryBody(tortoise);
Member? hare = tortoiseBody?.target;
RedirectingFactoryBody? hareBody = getRedirectingFactoryBody(hare);
while (tortoise != hare) {
if (tortoiseBody == null || tortoiseBody.isError) {
return new RedirectionTarget(tortoise, typeArguments);
Member nextTortoise =!;
List<DartType>? nextTypeArguments = tortoiseBody.typeArguments;
if (nextTypeArguments != null) {
Substitution sub = Substitution.fromPairs(
tortoise.function!.typeParameters, typeArguments);
typeArguments =
new List<DartType>.generate(nextTypeArguments.length, (int i) {
return sub.substituteType(nextTypeArguments[i]);
}, growable: true);
} else {
typeArguments = <DartType>[];
tortoise = nextTortoise;
tortoiseBody = getRedirectingFactoryBody(tortoise);
hare = getRedirectingFactoryBody(hareBody?.target)?.target;
hareBody = getRedirectingFactoryBody(hare);
return null;