blob: bade4391b4bfa01678867c71c8d64fe5623fbd95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'result_models.dart';
import '../try.dart';
import '../logger.dart';
import '../cache_new.dart';
import '../logdog_new.dart';
import '../logdog_rpc.dart';
import '../luci_api.dart';
import '../luci.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// Gets a test-result from a [path], which can either be a [url] or a local
/// path.
Future<Try<TestResult>> getTestResult(
String path, Logger logger, CreateCacheFunction createCache) {
if (path.startsWith("http")) {
return getTestResultFromLogdog(path, logger, createCache);
} else {
var file = new File(path);
return getTestResultFromFile(file);
/// Gets the latest result from a builder with [name] in a [project].
Future<Try<TestResult>> getLatestTestResultForBuilder(String project,
String name, Logger logger, CreateCacheFunction createCache) async {
// TODO(mkroghj): Needs implementation.
return null;
/// Get test results for a build [buildNumber] on a builder with [name] in a
/// [project].
Future<Try<TestResult>> getTestResultForBuilder(String project, String name,
int buildNumber, Logger logger, CreateCacheFunction createCache) async {
var cache = createCache(duration: new Duration(days: 365));
var logdog = new LogdogRpc();'Querying $name for logs in $buildNumber...');
var result = await logdog.query(
return (await result.bindAsync((streams) async {
var testResults = <TestResult>[];
for (var stream in streams) {'Getting the log ${stream.path}...');
var logResult = await logdog.get(project, stream.path, cache);
if (logResult.isError) {
logger.warning("Could not fetch the log ${stream.path}. The error "
"reported was: ${logResult.error}");
testResults.add(new TestResult.fromJson(JSON.decode(logResult.value)));
return testResults;
})).bind((testResults) {
return combineTestResults(testResults);
/// Get latest test-result for a builder group with [name].
/// TODO(mkroghj): Needs project to allow for FYI.
Future<Try<TestResult>> getLatestTestResultForBuilderGroup(
String name, Logger logger, CreateCacheFunction createCache) async {
var cache = createCache(duration: new Duration(days: 1));
LuciApi luciApi = new LuciApi();"Getting builders in builder-group $name.");
var tryBuilders =
await getBuildersInBuilderGroup(luciApi, "client.dart", cache, "vm");"Getting latest build numbers for all builders. "
"Query takes around 10-15 seconds.");
// TODO(mkroghj): Get commit hash and use as a key to caching instead.
var tryLatestBuildNumbers = await getLatestBuilderNumbers(
createCache(duration: new Duration(hours: 1)));
return await tryBuilders.bindAsync((builders) async {
if (tryLatestBuildNumbers.isError) {
logger.warning("Could not find build numbers by calling logdog.");
List<TestResult> testResults = [];
await tryLatestBuildNumbers.bindAsync((buildNumberMap) async {
await Future.forEach(builders, (builder) async {
int buildNumber = buildNumberMap[builder];
if (buildNumber != null) {
var builderTestResults = await getTestResultForBuilder(
BUILDER_PROJECT, builder, buildNumber, logger, createCache);
builderTestResults.fold((err, st) {
logger.warning("Could not find test result for $builder with "
"$buildNumber. The error was:\n$err\n$st");
}, (testResult) => testResults.add(testResult));
return combineTestResults(testResults);
/// Reads the test result from a [file].
Future<Try<TestResult>> getTestResultFromFile(File file) async {
return tryStartAsync(() async {
var json = await file.readAsString();
return new TestResult.fromJson(JSON.decode(json));
/// Get a test result from logdog by massaging the [uri] passed in, if it is not
/// in the correct format.
/// TODO(mkroghj): This needs to be tested with a CQ url
Future<Try<TestResult>> getTestResultFromLogdog(
String uri, Logger logger, CreateCacheFunction createCache) async {
var logName = null;
// If it is an (invalid) buildbot url:
if (uri.contains("uberchrome")) {
logger.debug("Assuming that $uri is an uberchrome url.");
uri = Uri.decodeFull(uri);
var reg = new RegExp(r"^https:\/\/uberchromegw\.corp\.google\.com\/i\/"
var match = reg.firstMatch(uri);
if (match != null) {
logName = "bb/${}/${}/"
"${}/+/recipes${' ', '_')}"
} else if (uri.contains("luci-logdog")) {
// If it is an luci log-dog url:
logger.debug("Assuming that $uri is a luci-logdog url.");
logName = "${Uri.decodeFull(uri.substring(48))}";
} else {
.debug("Assuming that $uri is a logdog url that can be used directly");
// Assume it is a logdog url and use it directly.
logName = uri;
if (logName == null) {
return new Exception("Could not identify URL $uri"), null);
var logdog = new LogdogRpc();
var tryGet = await logdog.get(
BUILDER_PROJECT, logName, createCache(duration: new Duration(days: 365)));
return tryGet.bind((json) => new TestResult.fromJson(JSON.decode(json)));
/// Combines multiple test-results into a single test-result, potentially by
/// giving new names to later configurations.
TestResult combineTestResults(List<TestResult> results) {
// We build a new Test Result iteratively by going through results.
var returnResult = new TestResult();
results.forEach((tr) {
Map<String, String> translatedConfigurations = {};
for (var confKey in tr.configurations.keys) {
var newKey = findExistingConfiguration(
tr.configurations[confKey], returnResult.configurations);
newKey ??= "conf${returnResult.configurations.length + 1}";
translatedConfigurations[confKey] = newKey;
returnResult.configurations[newKey] = tr.configurations[confKey];
returnResult.results.addAll( {
res.configuration = translatedConfigurations[res.configuration];
return res;
return returnResult;
/// Finds an existing configuration based on the arguments passed to
String findExistingConfiguration(Configuration configurationToFind,
Map<String, Configuration> existingConfigurations) {
String thisArgs = configurationToFind.toArgs().join();
for (var confKey in existingConfigurations.keys) {
String confArgs = existingConfigurations[confKey].toArgs().join();
if (confArgs == thisArgs) {
return confKey;
return null;