blob: 882e275541f984c36fb63cd79a2a9a21907798c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:kernel/ast.dart";
import "package:kernel/core_types.dart";
import "package:kernel/testing/mock_sdk_program.dart";
import "package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart";
import "package:kernel/transformations/erasure.dart";
void main([List<String> arguments = const []]) {
new Tester().testLocalFunction();
class Tester {
final Program program;
final Library library;
final Procedure mainMethod;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
static final Uri base =
new Uri(scheme: "org.dartlang.kernel", host: "", path: "/");
Tester.internal(this.program, this.library, this.mainMethod)
: coreTypes = new CoreTypes(program);
factory Tester() {
Program program = createMockSdkProgram();
Library library = new Library(base.resolve("main.dart"))..parent = program;
Procedure mainMethod = buildProcedure("main");
program.mainMethod = mainMethod;
return new Tester.internal(program, library, mainMethod);
void addStatement(Statement statement) {
Block body = mainMethod.function.body;
statement.parent = body;
void testLocalFunction() {
FunctionDeclaration fDeclaration = buildFunctionDeclaration(
"f", buildFunctionNodeWithTypesAndParameters());
FunctionExpression functionExpression =
new FunctionExpression(buildFunctionNodeWithTypesAndParameters());
addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(functionExpression));
"<T extends dynamic, S extends dart.core::List<T>>(S) → T",
"<T extends dynamic, S extends dart.core::List<T>>(S) → T",
transformProgram(coreTypes, program);
Expect.stringEquals("(dart.core::List<dynamic>) → dynamic",
Expect.stringEquals("(dart.core::List<dynamic>) → dynamic",
/// Builds this function: `f<T, S extends List<T>>(S argument) → T {}`.
FunctionNode buildFunctionNodeWithTypesAndParameters() {
TypeParameter tVariable = new TypeParameter("T", const DynamicType());
TypeParameter sVariable = new TypeParameter("S", const DynamicType());
TypeParameterType tType = new TypeParameterType(tVariable);
TypeParameterType sType = new TypeParameterType(sVariable);
sVariable.bound = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.listClass, <DartType>[tType]);
return new FunctionNode(buildBlock(),
positionalParameters: <VariableDeclaration>[
new VariableDeclaration("argument", type: sType),
typeParameters: <TypeParameter>[tVariable, sVariable],
returnType: tType);
static Block buildBlock([List<Statement> statements]) {
return new Block(statements ?? <Statement>[]);
static FunctionNode buildFunction([Statement body]) {
return new FunctionNode(body ?? buildBlock());
static Procedure buildProcedure(String name, [FunctionNode function]) {
return new Procedure(
new Name(name), ProcedureKind.Method, function ?? buildFunction());
static FunctionDeclaration buildFunctionDeclaration(
String name, FunctionNode function) {
return new FunctionDeclaration(
new VariableDeclaration(name,
type: function.functionType, isFinal: true),