blob: be252a84661818950e9891a0e241e630062a5ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
(* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.SetoidList.
Require Import Common.
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import ObjectModel.
Require Import OperationalSemantics.
Import Common.NatMapFacts.
Lemma maps_in_mapsto :
forall A (m : NatMap.t A) key,
NatMap.In key m ->
exists el, NatMap.MapsTo key el m.
pose proof (NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff m key).
pose proof (NatMapFacts.in_find_iff m key).
unfold iff in H1. destruct H1 as [H1a H1b].
pose proof (H1a H).
destruct (NatMap.find key m) eqn:?.
exists a. pose proof (H0 a). unfold iff in H2. destruct H2 as [H2a H2b].
apply H2b. congruence.
Section OperationalSemanticsSpec.
Variable CE : class_env.
Variable FE : func_env.
(** Placeholder for the well-formedness properties of the program. *)
(** Predicate for [class_env] [CE] being well-formed w.r.t. [func_env] [FE]. *)
Hypothesis program_wf:
forall class_id intf proc_desc,
NatMap.MapsTo class_id intf CE ->
List.In proc_desc (procedures intf) ->
NatMap.In (pr_ref proc_desc) FE.
Lemma runtime_value_interface_wf :
forall val intf type proc_desc,
value_of_type CE FE val intf type ->
List.In proc_desc (procedures intf) ->
NatMap.In (pr_ref proc_desc) FE.
intros. destruct H.
(* Case 1. Value of Interface Type. *)
apply program_wf with (class_id := class_id) (intf := intf).
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff. auto.
(* Case 2. Value of Function Type. *)
rewrite H1 in H0.
pose proof (List.in_inv H0).
destruct H6.
rewrite <- H6. auto.
pose proof (List.in_nil H6). contradiction.
(* Case 3. Null Value. *)
rewrite H in H0. pose proof (List.in_nil H0). contradiction.
Theorem step_configuration_wf :
forall conf1, configuration_wf CE FE conf1 ->
exists conf2, step CE FE conf1 conf2.
(* Construct the second configuration from the preconditions of
well-formedness of the first configuration. *)
destruct H.
(* Case 1. Eval Variable Get. *)
unfold env_in in H.
destruct (
(fun entry : environment_entry => Nat.eqb var_id (variable_id entry))
) eqn:?; try contradiction.
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration cont (value e)).
unfold env_get. auto.
(* Case 2. Eval Method Invocation. *)
exists (Eval_Configuration rcvr env
(Method_Invocation_Ek name arg env cont)).
(* Case 3. Eval Property Get. *)
exists (Eval_Configuration rcvr env (Property_Get_Ek name cont)).
(* Case 4. Eval Constructor Invocation. *)
pose proof (maps_in_mapsto interface CE class_id H).
destruct H0 as (intf & H1).
set (type := DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type class_id)).
set (new_val := mk_runtime_value (Some type)).
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration cont new_val).
constructor 14 with (intf := intf) (type := Some type); try auto.
constructor 1 with (class_id := class_id); try (simpl; auto).
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff. auto.
(* Case 5. Exec. *)
destruct stmt.
(* Case 5.1. Exec Expression Statement. *)
destruct e.
exists (Eval_Configuration e env (Expression_Ek env ret_cont next_cont)).
(* Case 5.2. Exec Block. *)
destruct b. destruct l.
(* Case 5.2.1. Exec Empty Block. *)
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont env).
(* Case 5.2.2. Exec Non-Empty Block. *)
exists (Exec_Configuration s env ret_cont
(Block_Sk l env ret_cont next_cont)).
(* Case 5.3. Exec Return Statement. *)
destruct r.
exists (Eval_Configuration e env ret_cont).
(* Case 5.4. Exec Variable Declaration. *)
destruct v. destruct o.
(* Case 5.4.1. Exec Variable Declaration with Initializer. *)
exists (Eval_Configuration e env (Var_Declaration_Ek n env next_cont)).
(* Case 5.4.2. Exec Variable Declaration without Initializer. *)
set (null_val := mk_runtime_value None).
set (env' := env_extend n null_val env).
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont env').
constructor 15 with (null_val := null_val).
constructor 3. simpl. congruence.
simpl. congruence.
(* Case 6. Pass Value to MethodInvocationEK. *)
exists (Eval_Configuration arg env (Invocation_Ek val name env cont)).
(* Case 7. Pass Value to InvocationEK. *)
pose proof (runtime_value_interface_wf rcvr_val intf type proc_desc H).
pose proof (H2 H0).
apply maps_in_mapsto in H3. destruct H3 as (el & H4).
destruct el eqn:?. destruct v eqn:?.
set (env' := env_extend n arg_val empty_env).
set (null_val := mk_runtime_value None).
set (next_cont := Exit_Sk ret_cont null_val).
exists (Exec_Configuration s env' ret_cont next_cont).
constructor 10 with (intf := intf) (type := type) (proc_desc := proc_desc)
(func_node := el) (var_id := n) (var_type := d0) (var_init := o)
(ret_type := d) (null_val := null_val).
rewrite Heqf; auto.
rewrite Heqf; auto.
constructor. simpl. congruence.
simpl. congruence.
(* Case 8. Pass Value to PropertyGetEK. *)
set (func_type := pr_type proc_desc).
set (func_proc_desc :=
mk_procedure_desc "call" (pr_ref proc_desc) func_type).
set (func_val := mk_runtime_value (Some (DT_Function_Type func_type))).
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration cont func_val).
constructor 12 with (rcvr_intf := intf) (rcvr_type := type)
(rcvr_proc_desc := proc_desc) (func_proc_desc := func_proc_desc); try auto.
destruct func_type eqn:?.
constructor 2 with
(par_type := d)
(ret_type := d0)
(proc := func_proc_desc); (try (simpl; congruence)).
simpl. apply runtime_value_interface_wf with
(val := rcvr_val) (intf := intf) (type := type); auto.
(* Case 9. Forward. *)
destruct cont.
(* Case 9.1. Forward to Exit. *)
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration e r).
(* Case 9.2. Forward to the Next Statement in Block. *)
destruct l.
(* Case 9.2.1. Block is Empty. *)
exists (Forward_Configuration cont e).
(* Case 9.2.2. Block is Non-Empty. *)
exists (Exec_Configuration s env e0 (Block_Sk l e e0 cont)).
End OperationalSemanticsSpec.