blob: fcbb437f328bb2ac80f003470368e4773992a065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/api.dart';
const Map<String, ClassData> expectedClassData = {
'Class1': ClassData(
superclassOf: 'Object', fieldsOf: ['field1'], constructorsOf: ['']),
'Class2': ClassData(isAbstract: true, superclassOf: 'Object'),
'Class3': ClassData(
superclassOf: 'Class2',
superSuperclassOf: 'Object',
interfacesOf: [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we require a specific order?
fieldsOf: [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we require a specific order?
methodsOf: [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we require a specific order?
constructorsOf: [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we normalize no-name constructor names?
'Class4': ClassData(
superclassOf: 'Class1',
superSuperclassOf: 'Object',
mixinsOf: ['Mixin1']),
'Class5': ClassData(
superclassOf: 'Class2',
superSuperclassOf: 'Object',
mixinsOf: ['Mixin1', 'Mixin2'],
interfacesOf: ['Interface1', 'Interface2']),
'Interface1': ClassData(isAbstract: true, superclassOf: 'Object'),
'Interface2': ClassData(isAbstract: true, superclassOf: 'Object'),
const Map<String, FunctionData> expectedFunctionData = {
'topLevelFunction1': FunctionData(
returnType: NamedTypeData(name: 'void'),
positionalParameters: [
type: NamedTypeData(name: 'Class1'), isRequired: true),
namedParameters: [
type: NamedTypeData(name: 'Class1', isNullable: true),
isNamed: true,
isRequired: false),
type: NamedTypeData(name: 'Class2', isNullable: true),
isNamed: true,
isRequired: true),
'topLevelFunction2': FunctionData(
isExternal: true,
returnType: NamedTypeData(name: 'Class2'),
positionalParameters: [
ParameterData('a', type: NamedTypeData(name: 'Class1'), isRequired: true),
ParameterData('b', type: NamedTypeData(name: 'Class2', isNullable: true)),
expect(expected, actual, property) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw 'Expected $expected, actual $actual on $property';
Future<void> throws(Future<void> Function() f, property) async {
try {
await f();
} catch (_) {
throw 'Expected throws on $property';
void checkTypeAnnotation(
TypeData expected, TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation, String context) {
expect(expected.isNullable, typeAnnotation.isNullable, '$context.isNullable');
expect(expected is NamedTypeData, typeAnnotation is NamedTypeAnnotation,
'$context is NamedTypeAnnotation');
if (expected is NamedTypeData && typeAnnotation is NamedTypeAnnotation) {
expect(,, '$');
// TODO(johnniwinther): Test more properties.
void checkParameterDeclaration(
ParameterData expected, ParameterDeclaration declaration, String context) {
expect(,, '$');
expect(expected.isNamed, declaration.isNamed, '$context.isNamed');
expect(expected.isRequired, declaration.isRequired, '$context.isRequired');
checkTypeAnnotation(expected.type, declaration.type, '$context.type');
Future<void> checkClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration declaration,
{ClassIntrospector? classIntrospector}) async {
String name =;
ClassData? expected = expectedClassData[name];
if (expected != null) {
expect(expected.isAbstract, declaration.isAbstract, '$name.isAbstract');
expect(expected.isExternal, declaration.isExternal, '$name.isExternal');
if (classIntrospector != null) {
ClassDeclaration? superclassOf =
await classIntrospector.superclassOf(declaration);
expect(expected.superclassOf, superclassOf?,
if (superclassOf != null) {
ClassDeclaration? superSuperclassOf =
await classIntrospector.superclassOf(superclassOf);
expect(expected.superSuperclassOf, superSuperclassOf?,
List<ClassDeclaration> mixinsOf =
await classIntrospector.mixinsOf(declaration);
expected.mixinsOf.length, mixinsOf.length, '$name.mixinsOf.length');
for (int i = 0; i < mixinsOf.length; i++) {
expect(expected.mixinsOf[i], mixinsOf[i],
List<ClassDeclaration> interfacesOf =
await classIntrospector.interfacesOf(declaration);
expect(expected.interfacesOf.length, interfacesOf.length,
for (int i = 0; i < interfacesOf.length; i++) {
expect(expected.interfacesOf[i], interfacesOf[i],
List<FieldDeclaration> fieldsOf =
await classIntrospector.fieldsOf(declaration);
expected.fieldsOf.length, fieldsOf.length, '$name.fieldsOf.length');
for (int i = 0; i < fieldsOf.length; i++) {
expect(expected.fieldsOf[i], fieldsOf[i],
List<MethodDeclaration> methodsOf =
await classIntrospector.methodsOf(declaration);
expect(expected.methodsOf.length, methodsOf.length,
for (int i = 0; i < methodsOf.length; i++) {
expect(expected.methodsOf[i], methodsOf[i],
List<ConstructorDeclaration> constructorsOf =
await classIntrospector.constructorsOf(declaration);
expect(expected.constructorsOf.length, constructorsOf.length,
for (int i = 0; i < constructorsOf.length; i++) {
expect(expected.constructorsOf[i], constructorsOf[i],
// TODO(johnniwinther): Test more properties when there are supported.
} else {
throw 'Unexpected class declaration "${name}"';
void checkFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration actual) {
String name =;
FunctionData? expected = expectedFunctionData[name];
if (expected != null) {
expect(expected.isAbstract, actual.isAbstract, '$name.isAbstract');
expect(expected.isExternal, actual.isExternal, '$name.isExternal');
expect(expected.isOperator, actual.isOperator, '$name.isOperator');
expect(expected.isGetter, actual.isGetter, '$name.isGetter');
expect(expected.isSetter, actual.isSetter, '$name.isSetter');
expected.returnType, actual.returnType, '$name.returnType');
for (int i = 0; i < expected.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
expect(expected.namedParameters.length, actual.namedParameters.length,
for (int i = 0; i < expected.namedParameters.length; i++) {
actual.namedParameters.elementAt(i), '$name.namedParameters[$i]');
// TODO(johnniwinther): Test more properties.
} else {
throw 'Unexpected function declaration "${name}"';
Future<void> checkIdentifierResolver(
IdentifierResolver identifierResolver) async {
Uri dartCore = Uri.parse('dart:core');
Uri macroApiData = Uri.parse('package:macro_api_test/api_test_data.dart');
Future<void> check(Uri uri, String name, {bool expectThrows: false}) async {
if (expectThrows) {
await throws(() async {
await identifierResolver.resolveIdentifier(uri, name);
}, '$name from $uri');
} else {
Identifier result = await identifierResolver.resolveIdentifier(uri, name);
expect(name,, '$name from $uri');
await check(dartCore, 'Object');
await check(dartCore, 'String');
await check(dartCore, 'override');
await check(macroApiData, 'Class1');
await check(macroApiData, 'getter');
await check(macroApiData, 'setter=');
await check(macroApiData, 'field');
await check(macroApiData, 'non-existing', expectThrows: true);
await check(macroApiData, 'getter=', expectThrows: true);
await check(macroApiData, 'setter', expectThrows: true);
await check(macroApiData, 'field=', expectThrows: true);
class ClassData {
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isExternal;
final String superclassOf;
final String? superSuperclassOf;
final List<String> interfacesOf;
final List<String> mixinsOf;
final List<String> fieldsOf;
final List<String> methodsOf;
final List<String> constructorsOf;
const ClassData(
{this.isAbstract: false,
this.isExternal: false,
required this.superclassOf,
this.interfacesOf: const [],
this.mixinsOf: const [],
this.fieldsOf: const [],
this.methodsOf: const [],
this.constructorsOf: const []});
class FunctionData {
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isExternal;
final bool isOperator;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
final TypeData returnType;
final List<ParameterData> positionalParameters;
final List<ParameterData> namedParameters;
const FunctionData(
{this.isAbstract: false,
this.isExternal: false,
this.isOperator: false,
this.isGetter: false,
this.isSetter: false,
required this.returnType,
this.positionalParameters: const [],
this.namedParameters: const []});
class TypeData {
final bool isNullable;
const TypeData({this.isNullable: false});
class NamedTypeData extends TypeData {
final String? name;
final List<TypeData>? typeArguments;
const NamedTypeData({bool isNullable: false,, this.typeArguments})
: super(isNullable: isNullable);
class ParameterData {
final String name;
final TypeData type;
final bool isRequired;
final bool isNamed;
const ParameterData(,
{required this.type, this.isNamed: false, this.isRequired: false});