blob: 4da77ce3ad78adee07a5593687b8e3a7da6e57f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
import "const_constructor_coverage_lib1.dart";
import "const_constructor_coverage_lib2.dart";
const Foo foo1 = const Foo();
const Foo foo2 = const Foo.named1();
const Foo foo3 = const Foo.named2();
const Foo foo4 = const Foo.named3();
main() {
// This file in itself should mark the following as const-constructor-covered:
// * "Foo", "Foo.named1", "Foo.named2" and "Foo.named3" from constant-evaluating
// the const fields.
// Notice, that combined these 3 files should have coverage for:
// * "Foo", "Foo.named1", "Foo.named2", "Foo.named3",
// * "Bar", "Bar.named1", "Bar.named2", "Bar.named3",
// * "Baz", "Baz.named1", "Baz.named4", "Baz.named5", "Baz.named6"
// but NOT have any coverage for
// * "Bar.named4",
// * "Baz.named2" and "Baz.named3".