blob: f0e261daa6b8f5fcc7e60e6517a54578e69d72ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library isolate_profile_element;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:dprof/model.dart' as dprof;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'observatory_element.dart';
/// Displays an IsolateProfile
class IsolateProfileElement extends ObservatoryElement {
IsolateProfileElement.created() : super.created();
@observable int methodCountSelected = 0;
final List methodCounts = [10, 20, 50];
@observable List topInclusiveCodes = toObservable([]);
@observable List topExclusiveCodes = toObservable([]);
@observable bool disassemble = false;
void _startRequest() {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Indicate visually.
print('Request sent.');
void _endRequest() {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Indicate visually.
print('Request finished.');
methodCountSelectedChanged(oldValue) {
print('Refresh top');
var isolateId = app.locationManager.currentIsolateId();
var isolate = app.isolateManager.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (isolate == null) {
print('No isolate found.');
void toggleDisassemble(Event e, var detail, CheckboxInputElement target) {
disassemble = target.checked;
void refreshData(Event e, var detail, Node target) {
var isolateId = app.locationManager.currentIsolateId();
var isolate = app.isolateManager.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (isolate == null) {
print('No isolate found.');
var request = '/$isolateId/profile';
app.requestManager.request(request).then((response) {
var profile;
try {
profile = JSON.decode(response);
} catch (e) { print(e); }
if ((profile is Map) && (profile['type'] == 'Profile')) {
var codes = profile['codes'];
var samples = profile['samples'];
_loadProfileData(isolate, samples, codes);
}).catchError((e) {
void _loadProfileData(Isolate isolate, int totalSamples, List codes) {
isolate.profiler = new dprof.Isolate(0, 0);
var loader = new dprof.Loader(isolate.profiler);
loader.load(totalSamples, codes);
void _refreshTopMethods(Isolate isolate) {
if ((isolate == null) || (isolate.profiler == null)) {
var count = methodCounts[methodCountSelected];
var topExclusive = isolate.profiler.topExclusive(count);
var topInclusive = isolate.profiler.topInclusive(count);
String codeTicks(dprof.Code code, bool inclusive) {
if (code == null) {
return '';
return inclusive ? '${code.inclusiveTicks}' : '${code.exclusiveTicks}';
String codePercent(dprof.Code code, bool inclusive) {
if (code == null) {
return '';
var isolateId = app.locationManager.currentIsolateId();
var isolate = app.isolateManager.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (isolate == null) {
return '';
var ticks = inclusive ? code.inclusiveTicks : code.exclusiveTicks;
var total = ticks / isolate.profiler.totalSamples;
return (total * 100.0).toStringAsFixed(2);
String codeName(dprof.Code code) {
if ((code == null) || (code.method == null)) {
return '';
String instructionTicks(dprof.Instruction instruction) {
if (instruction == null) {
return '';
if (instruction.ticks == 0) {
return '';
return '${instruction.ticks}';
String instructionPercent(dprof.Instruction instruction,
dprof.Code code) {
if ((instruction == null) || (code == null)) {
return '';
if (instruction.ticks == 0) {
return '';
var ticks = instruction.ticks;
var total = ticks / code.inclusiveTicks;
return (total * 100.0).toStringAsFixed(2);
String instructionDisplay(dprof.Instruction instruction) {
if (instruction == null) {
return '';
return instruction.human;