blob: 93ef00b4fd3756ddaebbfab70b0b6111dd944a83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
struct InstrAttrs {
enum Attributes {
_ = 0, // No special attributes.
// The instruction is guaranteed to not trigger GC on a non-exceptional
// path. If the conditions depend on parameters of the instruction, do not
// use this attribute but overload CanTriggerGC() instead.
kNoGC = 1
V(AllocateArray) \
V(AllocateObject) \
V(NonBoolTypeError) \
V(NullError) \
M(GraphEntry, kNoGC) \
M(JoinEntry, kNoGC) \
M(TargetEntry, kNoGC) \
M(FunctionEntry, kNoGC) \
M(Phi, kNoGC) \
M(Parameter, kNoGC) \
M(Return, kNoGC) \
M(Goto, kNoGC) \
M(Branch, kNoGC) \
M(RelationalOp, kNoGC) \
M(CheckStackOverflow, _) \
M(Constant, kNoGC) \
M(UnboxedConstant, kNoGC) \
M(BoxInt64, _) \
M(UnboxInt64, kNoGC) \
M(CheckNull, kNoGC) \
M(PushArgument, kNoGC) \
M(StaticCall, _) \
M(BinaryInt64Op, kNoGC) \
M(LoadIndexedUnsafe, kNoGC) \
M(SpecialParameter, kNoGC) \
M(InstanceCall, kNoGC) \
M(EqualityCompare, KNoGC) \
M(StrictCompare, KNoGC) \
M(PolymorphicInstanceCall, _) \
M(LoadStaticField, kNoGC) \
M(LoadClassId, kNoGC) \
M(AssertBoolean, _) \
M(CheckedSmiComparison, _) \
M(AssertAssignable, _) \
M(AllocateObject, _) \
M(CreateArray, _) \
M(LoadField, kNoGC) \
M(StoreInstanceField, kNoGC) \
M(LoadIndexed, kNoGC) \
M(StoreIndexed, kNoGC) \
M(GenericCheckBound, kNoGC) \
M(OneByteStringFromCharCode, kNoGC) \
M(StoreStaticField, kNoGC) \
M(BooleanNegate, kNoGC) \
M(IfThenElse, kNoGC) \
M(BinaryUint32Op, kNoGC) \
M(BoxUint32, _) \
M(UnboxUint32, kNoGC) \
M(UnboxedIntConverter, _) \
M(ShiftInt64Op, kNoGC) \
M(CheckedSmiOp, _) \
M(CheckSmi, kNoGC) \
M(BinarySmiOp, kNoGC)
namespace dart_llvm {
V(kNoRepresentation) \
V(kTagged) \
V(kUntagged) \
V(kUnboxedDouble) \
V(kUnboxedFloat) \
V(kUnboxedInt32) \
V(kUnboxedUint32) \
V(kUnboxedInt64) \
V(kUnboxedFloat32x4) \
V(kUnboxedInt32x4) \
V(kUnboxedFloat64x2) \
V(kPairOfTagged) \
enum Representation {
enum RelationalOpCid { kInt64, kDouble };
TOK(kEOS, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kLPAREN, "(", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kRPAREN, ")", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kLBRACK, "[", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kRBRACK, "]", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kLBRACE, "{", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kRBRACE, "}", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kARROW, "=>", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kCOLON, ":", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kSEMICOLON, ";", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kPERIOD, ".", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kQM_PERIOD, "?.", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kINCR, "++", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kDECR, "--", 0, kNoAttribute) \
/* Assignment operators. */ \
/* Please update IsAssignmentOperator() if you make */ \
/* any changes to this block. */ \
TOK(kASSIGN, "=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_OR, "|=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_XOR, "^=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_AND, "&=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_SHL, "<<=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_SHR, ">>=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_ADD, "+=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_SUB, "-=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_MUL, "*=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_TRUNCDIV, "~/=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_DIV, "/=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_MOD, "%=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
/* Avoid trigraph ??= below. */ \
TOK(kASSIGN_COND, "?\?=", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kCASCADE, "..", 2, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kCOMMA, ",", 1, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kOR, "||", 5, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kAND, "&&", 6, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kBIT_OR, "|", 9, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kBIT_XOR, "^", 10, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kBIT_AND, "&", 11, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kBIT_NOT, "~", 0, kNoAttribute) \
/* Shift operators. */ \
TOK(kSHL, "<<", 12, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kSHR, ">>", 12, kNoAttribute) \
/* Additive operators. */ \
TOK(kADD, "+", 13, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kSUB, "-", 13, kNoAttribute) \
/* Multiplicative operators */ \
TOK(kMUL, "*", 14, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kDIV, "/", 14, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kTRUNCDIV, "~/", 14, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kMOD, "%", 14, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kNOT, "!", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kCONDITIONAL, "?", 3, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kIFNULL, "??", 4, kNoAttribute) \
/* Equality operators. */ \
/* Please update IsEqualityOperator() if you make */ \
/* any changes to this block. */ \
TOK(kEQ, "==", 7, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kNE, "!=", 7, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kEQ_STRICT, "===", 7, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kNE_STRICT, "!==", 7, kNoAttribute) \
/* Relational operators. */ \
/* Please update IsRelationalOperator() if you make */ \
/* any changes to this block. */ \
TOK(kLT, "<", 8, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kGT, ">", 8, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kLTE, "<=", 8, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kGTE, ">=", 8, kNoAttribute) \
/* Internal token for !(expr is Type) negative type test operator */ \
TOK(kISNOT, "", 11, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kINDEX, "[]", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kASSIGN_INDEX, "[]=", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kNEGATE, "unary-", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kIDENT, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kSTRING, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kINTEGER, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kDOUBLE, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kINTERPOL_VAR, "$", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kINTERPOL_START, "${", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kINTERPOL_END, "}", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kAT, "@", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kHASH, "#", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kNEWLINE, "\n", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kWHITESP, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kERROR, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
TOK(kILLEGAL, "", 0, kNoAttribute) \
/* Support for Dart scripts. */ \
TOK(kSCRIPTTAG, "#!", 0, kNoAttribute) \
/* Support for optimized code */ \
TOK(kREM, "", 0, kNoAttribute)
// List of keywords. The list must be alphabetically ordered. The
// keyword recognition code depends on the ordering.
// If you add a keyword at the beginning or end of this list, make sure
// to update kFirstKeyword and kLastKeyword below.
KW(kABSTRACT, "abstract", 0, kPseudoKeyword) /* == kFirstKeyword */ \
KW(kAS, "as", 11, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kASSERT, "assert", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kBREAK, "break", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kCASE, "case", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kCATCH, "catch", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kCLASS, "class", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kCONST, "const", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kCONTINUE, "continue", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kCOVARIANT, "covariant", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kDEFAULT, "default", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kDEFERRED, "deferred", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kDO, "do", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kELSE, "else", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kENUM, "enum", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kEXPORT, "export", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kEXTENDS, "extends", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kEXTERNAL, "external", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kFACTORY, "factory", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kFALSE, "false", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kFINAL, "final", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kFINALLY, "finally", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kFOR, "for", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kGET, "get", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kIF, "if", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kIMPLEMENTS, "implements", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kIMPORT, "import", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kIN, "in", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kIS, "is", 11, kKeyword) \
KW(kLIBRARY, "library", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kNEW, "new", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kNULL, "null", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kOPERATOR, "operator", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kPART, "part", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kRETHROW, "rethrow", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kRETURN, "return", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kSET, "set", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kSTATIC, "static", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kSUPER, "super", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kSWITCH, "switch", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kTHIS, "this", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kTHROW, "throw", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kTRUE, "true", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kTRY, "try", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kTYPEDEF, "typedef", 0, kPseudoKeyword) \
KW(kVAR, "var", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kVOID, "void", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kWHILE, "while", 0, kKeyword) \
KW(kWITH, "with", 0, kKeyword) /* == kLastKeyword */
#define T(t, s, p, a) t,
enum TokenKind { DART_TOKEN_LIST(T) DART_KEYWORD_LIST(T) kNumTokens };
#undef T
enum ArgcTagBits {
kArgcBit = 0,
kArgcSize = 24,
kFunctionBit = kArgcBit + kArgcSize,
kFunctionSize = 3,
kReverseArgOrderBit = kFunctionBit + kFunctionSize,
kReverseArgOrderSize = 1,
} // namespace dart_llvm