blob: 93593890152097bd7fb3edaeb72e4a11fae3cf63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dds/dds.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dds_impl.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/rpc_error_codes.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'common/fakes.dart';
class StreamCancelDisconnectPeer extends FakePeer {
Future<dynamic> sendRequest(String method, [args]) async {
final completer = Completer<dynamic>();
switch (method) {
case 'streamCancel':
StateError('The client closed with pending request "streamCancel".'),
// Notify listeners that this client is closed.
case 'foo':
StateError('The client closed with pending request "foo".'),
StateError('The client closed with pending request "foo".'),
completer.complete(await super.sendRequest(method, args));
return completer.future;
void main() {
webSocketBuilder = (Uri _) => FakeWebSocketChannel();
peerBuilder =
(WebSocketChannel _, dynamic __) async => StreamCancelDisconnectPeer();
test('StateError handled by _StreamManager.clientDisconnect', () async {
final dds = await DartDevelopmentService.startDartDevelopmentService(
Uri(scheme: 'http'));
final ws = WebSocketChannel.connect(dds.uri!.replace(scheme: 'ws'));
// Create a VM service client that connects to DDS.
final client = json_rpc.Client(ws.cast<String>());
// Listen to a non-core DDS stream so that DDS will cancel it once the
// client disconnects.
await client.sendRequest('streamListen', {
'streamId': 'Service',
// Closing the client should result in DDS cleaning up stream subscriptions
// with no more clients subscribed to them. This will result in
// streamCancel being invoked, which StreamCancelDisconnectPeer overrides
// to act as if the VM service has shutdown with the request in flight
// which would result in a StateError being thrown by sendRequest. This
// test ensures that this exception is handled and doesn't escape outside
// of DDS.
await client.close();
await dds.done;
test('StateError handled by _DartDevelopmentServiceClient request forwarder',
() async {
final dds = await DartDevelopmentService.startDartDevelopmentService(
Uri(scheme: 'http'));
final ws = WebSocketChannel.connect(dds.uri!.replace(scheme: 'ws'));
// Create a VM service client that connects to DDS.
final client = json_rpc.Client(ws.cast<String>());
bool caught = false;
// Make a request that causes the VM service peer to close in the middle of
// handling a request. This is meant to mimic a device being disconnected
// unexpectedly.
try {
await client.sendRequest('foo');
} on json_rpc.RpcException catch (e) {
// This RPC exception is expected. This test is ensuring that DDS exits
// gracefully even if the VM service disappears.
expect(e.code, RpcErrorCodes.kServiceDisappeared);
caught = true;
expect(caught, true);
// DDS should shutdown if the VM service peer disconnects.
await dds.done;