blob: 8949604c643a47367d4f2870343ba7d82c549409 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:browser_launcher/browser_launcher.dart';
import 'package:devtools_shared/devtools_shared.dart';
import 'package:http_multi_server/http_multi_server.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf;
import 'src/devtools/client.dart';
import 'src/devtools/handler.dart';
import 'src/devtools/machine_mode_command_handler.dart';
import 'src/devtools/memory_profile.dart';
import 'src/devtools/utils.dart';
import 'src/utils/console.dart';
class DevToolsServer {
static const protocolVersion = '1.1.0';
static const defaultTryPorts = 10;
static const commandDescription =
'Open DevTools (optionally connecting to an existing application).';
static const argHelp = 'help';
static const argVmUri = 'vm-uri';
static const argEnableNotifications = 'enable-notifications';
static const argAllowEmbedding = 'allow-embedding';
static const argAppSizeBase = 'appSizeBase';
static const argAppSizeTest = 'appSizeTest';
static const argHeadlessMode = 'headless';
static const argDebugMode = 'debug';
static const argLaunchBrowser = 'launch-browser';
static const argMachine = 'machine';
static const argHost = 'host';
static const argPort = 'port';
static const argProfileMemory = 'record-memory-profile';
static const argTryPorts = 'try-ports';
static const argVerbose = 'verbose';
static const argVersion = 'version';
static const launchDevToolsService = 'launchDevTools';
MachineModeCommandHandler? _machineModeCommandHandler;
late ClientManager clientManager;
final bool _isChromeOS = File('/dev/.cros_milestone').existsSync();
/// Builds an arg parser for the DevTools server.
/// [includeHelpOption] should be set to false if this arg parser will be used
/// in a Command subclass.
static ArgParser buildArgParser({
bool verbose = false,
bool includeHelpOption = true,
int? usageLineLength,
}) {
final argParser = ArgParser(
usageLineLength: usageLineLength,
if (includeHelpOption) {
negatable: false,
abbr: 'h',
help: 'Prints help output.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Prints the DevTools version.',
negatable: false,
abbr: 'v',
help: 'Output more informational messages.',
valueHelp: 'host',
help: 'Hostname to serve DevTools on (defaults to localhost).',
defaultsTo: '9100',
valueHelp: 'port',
help: 'Port to serve DevTools on; specify 0 to automatically use any '
'available port.',
'Launches DevTools in a browser immediately at start.\n(defaults to on unless in --machine mode)',
negatable: false,
help: 'Sets output format to JSON for consumption in tools.',
..addSeparator('Memory profiling options:')
valueHelp: 'file',
defaultsTo: 'memory_samples.json',
'Start devtools headlessly and write memory profiling samples to the '
'indicated file.',
if (verbose) {
argParser.addSeparator('App size options:');
// TODO(devoncarew): --appSizeBase and --appSizeTest should be renamed to
// something like --app-size-base and --app-size-test; #3146.
valueHelp: 'appSizeBase',
help: 'Path to the base app size file used for app size debugging.',
hide: !verbose,
valueHelp: 'appSizeTest',
'Path to the test app size file used for app size debugging.\nThis '
'file should only be specified if --$argAppSizeBase is also specified.',
hide: !verbose,
if (verbose) {
argParser.addSeparator('Advanced options:');
// Args to show for verbose mode.
defaultsTo: DevToolsServer.defaultTryPorts.toString(),
valueHelp: 'count',
help: 'The number of ascending ports to try binding to before failing '
'with an error. ',
hide: !verbose,
negatable: false,
help: 'Requests notification permissions immediately when a client '
'connects back to the server.',
hide: !verbose,
help: 'Allow embedding DevTools inside an iframe.',
hide: !verbose,
negatable: false,
help: 'Causes the server to spawn Chrome in headless mode for use in '
'automated testing.',
hide: !verbose,
// Deprecated and hidden args.
// TODO: Remove this - prefer that clients use the rest arg.
defaultsTo: '',
help: 'VM Service protocol URI.',
hide: true,
// Development only args.
negatable: false,
help: 'Run a debug build of the DevTools web frontend.',
hide: true,
return argParser;
/// Serves DevTools.
/// `handler` is the [shelf.Handler] that the server will use for all requests.
/// If null, [defaultHandler] will be used. Defaults to null.
/// `customDevToolsPath` is a path to a directory containing a pre-built
/// DevTools application.
// Note: this method is used by the Dart CLI and by package:dwds.
Future<HttpServer?> serveDevTools({
bool enableStdinCommands = true,
bool machineMode = false,
bool debugMode = false,
bool launchBrowser = false,
bool enableNotifications = false,
bool allowEmbedding = true,
bool headlessMode = false,
bool verboseMode = false,
String? hostname,
String? customDevToolsPath,
int port = 0,
int numPortsToTry = defaultTryPorts,
shelf.Handler? handler,
String? serviceProtocolUri,
String? profileFilename,
String? appSizeBase,
String? appSizeTest,
}) async {
hostname ??= 'localhost';
// Collect profiling information.
if (profileFilename != null && serviceProtocolUri != null) {
final Uri? vmServiceUri = Uri.tryParse(serviceProtocolUri);
if (vmServiceUri != null) {
await _hookupMemoryProfiling(
return null;
if (machineMode) {
'machineMode only works with enableStdinCommands.',
clientManager = ClientManager(
requestNotificationPermissions: enableNotifications,
handler ??= await defaultHandler(
buildDir: customDevToolsPath!,
clientManager: clientManager,
HttpServer? server;
SocketException? ex;
while (server == null && numPortsToTry >= 0) {
// If we have tried [numPortsToTry] ports and still have not been able to
// connect, try port 0 to find a random available port.
if (numPortsToTry == 0) port = 0;
try {
server = await HttpMultiServer.bind(hostname, port);
} on SocketException catch (e) {
ex = e;
// Re-throw the last exception if we failed to bind.
if (server == null && ex != null) {
throw ex;
final _server = server!;
if (allowEmbedding) {
_server.defaultResponseHeaders.remove('x-frame-options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
// The origin-agent-cluster header is required to support the embedding of
// Dart DevTools in Chrome DevTools.
_server.defaultResponseHeaders.add('origin-agent-cluster', '?1');
// Ensure browsers don't cache older versions of the app.
// Serve requests in an error zone to prevent failures
// when running from another error zone.
() => shelf.serveRequests(_server, handler!),
(e, _) => print('Error serving requests: $e'),
final devToolsUrl = 'http://${}:${_server.port}';
if (launchBrowser) {
if (serviceProtocolUri != null) {
serviceProtocolUri =
final queryParameters = {
if (serviceProtocolUri != null) 'uri': serviceProtocolUri,
if (appSizeBase != null) 'appSizeBase': appSizeBase,
if (appSizeTest != null) 'appSizeTest': appSizeTest,
String url = Uri.parse(devToolsUrl)
.replace(queryParameters: queryParameters)
// If app size parameters are present, open to the standalone `appsize`
// page, regardless if there is a vm service uri specified. We only check
// for the presence of [appSizeBase] here because [appSizeTest] may or may
// not be specified (it should only be present for diffs). If [appSizeTest]
// is present without [appSizeBase], we will ignore the parameter.
if (appSizeBase != null) {
final startQueryParamIndex = url.indexOf('?');
if (startQueryParamIndex != -1) {
url = '${url.substring(0, startQueryParamIndex)}'
try {
await Chrome.start([url]);
} catch (e) {
print('Unable to launch Chrome: $e\n');
if (enableStdinCommands) {
String message = '''Serving DevTools at $devToolsUrl.
Hit ctrl-c to terminate the server.''';
if (!machineMode && debugMode) {
// Add bold to help find the correct url to open.
message = ConsoleUtils.bold('$message\n');
'event': 'server.started',
// TODO(dantup): Remove this `method` field when we're sure VS Code
// users are all on a newer version that uses `event`. We incorrectly
// used `method` for the original releases.
'method': 'server.started',
'params': {
'port': _server.port,
'pid': pid,
'protocolVersion': protocolVersion,
machineMode: machineMode,
if (machineMode) {
_machineModeCommandHandler = MachineModeCommandHandler(server: this);
await _machineModeCommandHandler!.initialize(
devToolsUrl: devToolsUrl,
headlessMode: headlessMode,
return server;
void _printUsage(ArgParser argParser) {
print('\nUsage: devtools [arguments] [service protocol uri]');
/// Wraps [serveDevTools] `arguments` parsed, as from the command line.
/// For more information on `handler`, see [serveDevTools].
// Note: this method is used in google3 as well as by DevTools' main method.
Future<HttpServer?> serveDevToolsWithArgs(
List<String> arguments, {
shelf.Handler? handler,
String? customDevToolsPath,
}) async {
ArgResults args;
final verbose = arguments.contains('-v') || arguments.contains('--verbose');
final argParser = buildArgParser(verbose: verbose);
try {
args = argParser.parse(arguments);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return null;
return await _serveDevToolsWithArgs(
handler: handler,
customDevToolsPath: customDevToolsPath,
Future<HttpServer?> _serveDevToolsWithArgs(
ArgResults args,
bool verbose, {
shelf.Handler? handler,
String? customDevToolsPath,
}) async {
final help = args[argHelp];
final bool version = args[argVersion];
final bool machineMode = args[argMachine];
// launchBrowser defaults based on machine-mode if not explicitly supplied.
final bool launchBrowser = args.wasParsed(argLaunchBrowser)
? args[argLaunchBrowser]
: !machineMode;
final bool enableNotifications = args[argEnableNotifications];
final bool allowEmbedding =
args.wasParsed(argAllowEmbedding) ? args[argAllowEmbedding] : true;
final port = args[argPort] != null ? int.tryParse(args[argPort]) ?? 0 : 0;
final bool headlessMode = args[argHeadlessMode];
final bool debugMode = args[argDebugMode];
final numPortsToTry = args[argTryPorts] != null
? int.tryParse(args[argTryPorts]) ?? 0
: defaultTryPorts;
final bool verboseMode = args[argVerbose];
final String? hostname = args[argHost];
final String? appSizeBase = args[argAppSizeBase];
final String? appSizeTest = args[argAppSizeTest];
if (help) {
'Dart DevTools version ${await DevToolsUtils.getVersion(customDevToolsPath ?? "")}');
_printUsage(buildArgParser(verbose: verbose));
return null;
if (version) {
final versionStr =
await DevToolsUtils.getVersion(customDevToolsPath ?? '');
'Dart DevTools version $versionStr',
'version': versionStr,
machineMode: machineMode,
return null;
// Prefer getting the VM URI from the rest args; fall back on the 'vm-url'
// option otherwise.
String? serviceProtocolUri;
if ( {
serviceProtocolUri =;
} else if (args.wasParsed(argVmUri)) {
serviceProtocolUri = args[argVmUri];
// Support collecting profile data.
String? profileFilename;
if (args.wasParsed(argProfileMemory)) {
profileFilename = args[argProfileMemory];
if (profileFilename != null && !path.isAbsolute(profileFilename)) {
profileFilename = path.absolute(profileFilename);
return serveDevTools(
machineMode: machineMode,
debugMode: debugMode,
launchBrowser: launchBrowser,
enableNotifications: enableNotifications,
allowEmbedding: allowEmbedding,
port: port,
headlessMode: headlessMode,
numPortsToTry: numPortsToTry,
handler: handler,
customDevToolsPath: customDevToolsPath,
serviceProtocolUri: serviceProtocolUri,
profileFilename: profileFilename,
verboseMode: verboseMode,
hostname: hostname,
appSizeBase: appSizeBase,
appSizeTest: appSizeTest,
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> launchDevTools(
Map<String, dynamic> params,
Uri vmServiceUri,
String devToolsUrl,
bool headlessMode,
bool machineMode,
) async {
// First see if we have an existing DevTools client open that we can
// reuse.
final canReuse =
params.containsKey('reuseWindows') && params['reuseWindows'] == true;
final shouldNotify =
params.containsKey('notify') && params['notify'] == true;
final page = params['page'];
if (canReuse &&
)) {
reused: true,
notified: shouldNotify,
pid: null,
machineMode: machineMode,
return {
'reused': true,
'notified': shouldNotify,
final uriParams = <String, dynamic>{};
// Copy over queryParams passed by the client
params['queryParams']?.forEach((key, value) => uriParams[key] = value);
// Add the URI to the VM service
uriParams['uri'] = vmServiceUri.toString();
final devToolsUri = Uri.parse(devToolsUrl);
final uriToLaunch = _buildUriToLaunch(uriParams, page, devToolsUri);
// TODO(dantup): When ChromeOS has support for tunneling all ports we can
// change this to always use the native browser for ChromeOS and may wish to
// handle this inside `browser_launcher`;
final useNativeBrowser = _isChromeOS &&
_isAccessibleToChromeOSNativeBrowser(devToolsUri) &&
int? browserPid;
if (useNativeBrowser) {
await Process.start('x-www-browser', [uriToLaunch.toString()]);
} else {
final args = headlessMode
? [
// When running headless, Chrome will quit immediately after loading
// the page unless we have the debug port open.
: <String>[];
final proc = await Chrome.start([uriToLaunch.toString()], args: args);
browserPid =;
reused: false,
notified: false,
pid: browserPid!,
machineMode: machineMode);
return {
'reused': false,
'notified': false,
'pid': browserPid,
Future<void> _hookupMemoryProfiling(
Uri observatoryUri,
String profileFile, [
bool verboseMode = false,
]) async {
final service = await DevToolsUtils.connectToVmService(observatoryUri);
if (service == null) {
final memoryProfiler = MemoryProfile(service, profileFile, verboseMode);
print('Writing memory profile samples to $profileFile...');
bool _tryReuseExistingDevToolsInstance(
Uri vmServiceUri,
String? page,
bool notifyUser,
) {
// First try to find a client that's already connected to this VM service,
// and just send the user a notification for that one.
final existingClient =
if (existingClient != null) {
try {
if (page != null) {
if (notifyUser) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to reuse existing connected DevTools client');
final reusableClient = clientManager.findReusableClient();
if (reusableClient != null) {
try {
reusableClient.connectToVmService(vmServiceUri, notifyUser);
return true;
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to reuse existing DevTools client');
return false;
String _buildUriToLaunch(
Map<String, dynamic> uriParams,
String? page,
Uri devToolsUri,
) {
final queryStringNameValues = [];
uriParams.forEach((key, value) => queryStringNameValues.add(
if (page != null) {
return devToolsUri
path: '${devToolsUri.path.isEmpty ? '/' : devToolsUri.path}',
fragment: '?${queryStringNameValues.join('&')}')
/// Prints a launch event to stdout so consumers of the DevTools server
/// can see when clients are being launched/reused.
void _emitLaunchEvent(
{required bool reused,
required bool notified,
required int? pid,
required bool machineMode}) {
'event': 'client.launch',
'params': {
'reused': reused,
'notified': notified,
'pid': pid,
machineMode: machineMode,
bool _isAccessibleToChromeOSNativeBrowser(Uri uri) {
const tunneledPorts = {
return uri.hasPort && tunneledPorts.contains(uri.port);