blob: 8a8039a576f3e1f98b07a0f8a1b683aa9825155c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:front_end/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/incremental_kernel_generator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/byte_store/protected_file_byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental_kernel_generator_impl.dart';
import 'package:front_end/summary_generator.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'src/incremental/mock_sdk.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class IncrementalKernelGeneratorTest {
/// Virtual filesystem for testing.
final fileSystem = new MemoryFileSystem(Uri.parse('org-dartlang-test:///'));
/// The used file watcher.
WatchUsedFilesFn watchFn = (uri, used) {};
/// The object under test.
IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl incrementalKernelGenerator;
/// Compute the initial [Program] for the given [entryPoint].
Future<DeltaProgram> getInitialState(Uri entryPoint,
{Uri sdkOutlineUri,
bool setPackages: true,
bool embedSourceText: true,
String initialState,
ByteStore byteStore}) async {
// TODO(scheglov) Builder the SDK kernel and set it into the options.
var compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions()
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..byteStore = byteStore ?? new MemoryByteStore()
// ..logger = new PerformanceLog(stdout)
..strongMode = true
..chaseDependencies = true
..librariesSpecificationUri =
..sdkSummary = sdkOutlineUri
..embedSourceText = embedSourceText;
if (setPackages) {
compilerOptions.packagesFileUri =
incrementalKernelGenerator = await IncrementalKernelGenerator
.newInstance(compilerOptions, entryPoint, watch: watchFn);
if (initialState != null) {
return await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
test_acceptLastDelta() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String path = '/test/lib/test.dart';
Uri uri = writeFile(path, '');
await getInitialState(uri);
// Attempt to accept the second time.
_assertStateError(() {
}, IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl.MSG_NO_LAST_DELTA);
test_acceptLastDelta_protectedFileByteStore() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, 'var a = 1;');
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var b = a;
var byteStore = new _ProtectedFileByteStoreMock();
await getInitialState(bUri, byteStore: byteStore);
// There is nothing to remove yet.
expect(byteStore.removedKeys, isEmpty);
// The added keys: SDK, a.dart, and b.dart
expect(byteStore.addedKeys, hasLength(3));
// Update b.dart and recompile.
writeFile(bPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var b = a + 1;
await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// The key for b.dart should be removed.
// But we don't actually check the key.
expect(byteStore.removedKeys, hasLength(1));
// The new key for b.dart should be added.
expect(byteStore.addedKeys, hasLength(1));
// Update a.dart and recompile.
writeFile(aPath, 'var a = 2;');
await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// The keys for a.dart and b.dart should be removed.
expect(byteStore.removedKeys, hasLength(2));
// The new keys for a.dart and b.dart should be added.
expect(byteStore.addedKeys, hasLength(2));
test_compile_chain() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
String cPath = '/test/lib/c.dart';
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, 'var a = 1;');
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var b = a;
Uri cUri = writeFile(cPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
var c1 = a;
var c2 = b;
void main() {}
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(cUri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
includes: [aUri, bUri, cUri, Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
Library library = _getLibrary(program, cUri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), r'''
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "./a.dart" as a;
import "./b.dart" as b;
static field core::int c1 = a::a;
static field core::int c2 = b::b;
static method main() → void {}
// The main method is set.
expect(program.mainMethod, isNotNull);
expect(program.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary.fileUri, cUri.toString());
// Update b.dart and recompile c.dart
writeFile(bPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var b = 1.2;
DeltaProgram delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
Program program = delta.newProgram;
includes: [bUri, cUri], excludes: [aUri, Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
Library library = _getLibrary(program, cUri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), r'''
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "./a.dart" as a;
import "./b.dart" as b;
static field core::int c1 = a::a;
static field core::double c2 = b::b;
static method main() → void {}
// The main method is set even though not the entry point is updated.
expect(program.mainMethod, isNotNull);
expect(program.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary.fileUri, cUri.toString());
test_compile_includePathToMain() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
String cPath = '/test/lib/c.dart';
String dPath = '/test/lib/d.dart';
// A --> B -> C
// \-> D
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, r'''
import 'b.dart';
import 'd.dart';
main() {
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
import 'c.dart';
b() {
Uri cUri = writeFile(cPath, 'c() { print(0); }');
Uri dUri = writeFile(dPath, 'd() {}');
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(aUri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
includes: [aUri, bUri, cUri, dUri, Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
// Update c.dart and compute the delta.
// It should include the changed c.dart, plus b.dart and a.dart because VM
// requires this (because of possible inlining). But d.dart is not on the
// path from main() to the changed c.dart, so it is not included.
writeFile(cPath, 'c() { print(1); }');
DeltaProgram delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
Program program = delta.newProgram;
includes: [aUri, bUri, cUri],
excludes: [dUri, Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
// While a.dart and b.dart are is included (VM needs them), they were not
// recompiled, because the change to c.dart was in the function body.
test_compile_parts() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, r'''
library lib;
part 'b.dart';
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
part of lib;
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(aUri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
// Sources for library and its part must be present.
expect(program.uriToSource.keys, contains(aUri.toString()));
expect(program.uriToSource.keys, contains(bUri.toString()));
test_compile_useSdkOutline() async {
List<int> sdkOutlineBytes = await _computeSdkOutlineBytes();
Uri sdkOutlineUri = Uri.parse('org-dartlang-test:///sdk/outline.dill');
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, r'''
int getValue() {
return 1;
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'a.dart';
var a = 1;
Future<String> b;
DeltaProgram delta =
await getInitialState(bUri, sdkOutlineUri: sdkOutlineUri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
includes: [bUri], excludes: [Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
Library library = _getLibrary(program, bUri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), r'''
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:async" as asy;
static field core::int a = 1;
static field asy::Future<core::String> b;
// Update a.dart and recompile.
writeFile(aPath, r'''
int getValue() {
return 2;
var deltaProgram = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// Check that the canonical names for SDK libraries are serializable.
filter: (library) => !library.importUri.isScheme('dart'));
test_computeDelta_hasAnotherRunning() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String path = '/test/lib/test.dart';
Uri uri = writeFile(path, '');
await getInitialState(uri);
// Run, but don't wait.
var future = incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// acceptLastDelta() is failing while the future is pending.
_assertStateError(() {
}, IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl.MSG_PENDING_COMPUTE);
// rejectLastDelta() is failing while the future is pending.
_assertStateError(() {
}, IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl.MSG_PENDING_COMPUTE);
// Run another, this causes StateError.
_assertStateError(() {
}, IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl.MSG_PENDING_COMPUTE);
// Wait for the pending future.
await future;
test_embedSourceText_false() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String path = '/test/lib/test.dart';
Uri uri = writeFile(path, 'main() {}');
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(uri, embedSourceText: false);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
// The Source object is present in the map, but is empty.
Source source = program.uriToSource[uri.toString()];
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.source, isEmpty);
test_inferPackagesFile() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
writeFile(aPath, 'var a = 1;');
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
import "package:test/a.dart";
var b = a;
// Ensures that the `.packages` file can be discovered automatically
// from the entry point file.
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(bUri, setPackages: false);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
Library library = _getLibrary(program, bUri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), r'''
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "package:test/a.dart" as a;
static field core::int b = a::a;
test_rejectLastDelta() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String path = '/test/lib/test.dart';
Uri uri = writeFile(path, 'var v = 1;');
// The first delta includes the the library.
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(uri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
_assertLibraryUris(program, includes: [uri]);
Library library = _getLibrary(program, uri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), contains('core::int v = 1'));
// Reject the last delta, so the test library is included again.
var delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
Program program = delta.newProgram;
_assertLibraryUris(program, includes: [uri]);
// Attempt to reject the last delta twice.
_assertStateError(() {
}, IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl.MSG_NO_LAST_DELTA);
test_reset() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String path = '/test/lib/test.dart';
Uri uri = writeFile(path, 'var v = 1;');
// The first delta includes the the library.
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(uri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
_assertLibraryUris(program, includes: [uri]);
Library library = _getLibrary(program, uri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), contains('core::int v = 1'));
// Accept the last delta, the new delta is empty.
var delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
expect(delta.newProgram.libraries, isEmpty);
// Reset the generator, so it will resend the whole program.
var delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
Program program = delta.newProgram;
_assertLibraryUris(program, includes: [uri]);
test_setState() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
String cPath = '/test/lib/c.dart';
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, 'var a = 1;');
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, r'''
var b = 1;
Uri cUri = writeFile(cPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
var c1 = a;
var c2 = b;
String initialState;
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(cUri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
includes: [aUri, bUri, cUri, Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
initialState = delta.state;
// Update a.dart, don't notify the old generator - we throw it away.
writeFile(aPath, 'var a = 1.2');
// Create a new generator with the initial state.
var delta = await getInitialState(cUri, initialState: initialState);
// Only a.dart and c.dart are in the delta.
// The state of b.dart is the same as in the initial state.
includes: [aUri, cUri], excludes: [bUri, Uri.parse('dart:core')]);
test_updateEntryPoint() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String path = '/test/lib/test.dart';
Uri uri = writeFile(path, r'''
main() {
var v = 1;
String initialText = r'''
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static method main() → dynamic {
core::int v = 1;
// Compute the initial state.
DeltaProgram delta = await getInitialState(uri);
Program program = delta.newProgram;
Library library = _getLibrary(program, uri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), initialText);
// Update the entry point library.
writeFile(path, r'''
main() {
var v = 2.3;
// We have not invalidated the file, so the delta is empty.
DeltaProgram delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
expect(delta.newProgram.libraries, isEmpty);
// Invalidate the file, so get the new text.
DeltaProgram delta = await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
Program program = delta.newProgram;
_assertLibraryUris(program, includes: [uri]);
Library library = _getLibrary(program, uri);
expect(_getLibraryText(library), r'''
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static method main() → dynamic {
core::double v = 2.3;
test_watch() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
String cPath = '/test/lib/c.dart';
Uri aUri = writeFile(aPath, '');
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, '');
Uri cUri = writeFile(cPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var usedFiles = <Uri>[];
var unusedFiles = <Uri>[];
watchFn = (Uri uri, bool used) {
if (used) {
} else {
return new Future.value();
await getInitialState(cUri);
// We use at least c.dart and a.dart now.
expect(usedFiles, contains(cUri));
expect(usedFiles, contains(aUri));
expect(unusedFiles, isEmpty);
// Update c.dart to reference also b.dart file.
writeFile(cPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// The only new file is b.dart now.
expect(usedFiles, [bUri]);
expect(unusedFiles, isEmpty);
// Update c.dart to stop referencing b.dart file.
writeFile(cPath, r'''
import 'a.dart';
await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// No new used files.
expect(usedFiles, isEmpty);
// The file b.dart is not used anymore.
expect(unusedFiles, [bUri]);
test_watch_null() async {
writeFile('/test/.packages', 'test:lib/');
String aPath = '/test/lib/a.dart';
String bPath = '/test/lib/b.dart';
writeFile(aPath, "");
Uri bUri = writeFile(bPath, "");
// Set null, as if the watch function is not provided.
watchFn = null;
await getInitialState(bUri);
// Update b.dart to import a.dart file.
writeFile(bPath, "import 'a.dart';");
await incrementalKernelGenerator.computeDelta();
// No exception even though the watcher function is null.
/// Write the given [text] of the file with the given [path] into the
/// virtual filesystem. Return the URI of the file.
Uri writeFile(String path, String text) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse('org-dartlang-test://$path');
return uri;
/// Write the given file contents to the virtual filesystem.
void writeFiles(Map<String, String> contents) {
void _assertCompiledUris(Iterable<Uri> expected) {
var compiledCycles =
Set<Uri> compiledUris = compiledCycles
.map((cycle) => => file.uri))
.expand((uris) => uris)
expect(compiledUris, unorderedEquals(expected));
void _assertLibraryUris(Program program,
{List<Uri> includes: const [], List<Uri> excludes: const []}) {
List<Uri> libraryUris = => library.importUri).toList();
for (var shouldInclude in includes) {
expect(libraryUris, contains(shouldInclude));
var shouldIncludeFileUri = _resolveUriToFileUri(shouldInclude);
expect(program.uriToSource.keys, contains(shouldIncludeFileUri));
for (var shouldExclude in excludes) {
expect(libraryUris, isNot(contains(shouldExclude)));
var shouldExcludeFileUri = _resolveUriToFileUri(shouldExclude);
expect(program.uriToSource.keys, isNot(contains(shouldExcludeFileUri)));
/// Assert that invocation of [f] throws a [StateError] with the given [msg].
void _assertStateError(f(), String msg) {
try {
fail('StateError expected.');
} on StateError catch (e) {
expect(e.message, msg);
Future<List<int>> _computeSdkOutlineBytes() async {
var options = new CompilerOptions()
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..sdkRoot = Uri.parse('org-dartlang-test:///sdk/')
..compileSdk = true
..chaseDependencies = true
..strongMode = true;
var inputs = [Uri.parse('dart:core')];
return summaryFor(inputs, options);
Library _getLibrary(Program program, Uri uri) {
for (var library in program.libraries) {
if (library.importUri == uri) return library;
throw fail('No library found with URI "$uri"');
String _getLibraryText(Library library) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
new Printer(buffer, syntheticNames: new NameSystem())
return buffer.toString();
/// Resolve the given `dart` or `package` [inputUri] into the corresponding
/// file URI, or return the same URI if it is already a file URI.
String _resolveUriToFileUri(Uri inputUri) {
var translator = incrementalKernelGenerator.test.driver.uriTranslator;
var outputUri = translator.translate(inputUri) ?? inputUri;
return outputUri.toString();
class _ProtectedFileByteStoreMock implements ProtectedFileByteStore {
final byteStore = new MemoryByteStore();
List<String> addedKeys;
List<String> removedKeys;
void clearState() {
addedKeys = null;
removedKeys = null;
void flush() {}
List<int> get(String key) {
return byteStore.get(key);
void put(String key, List<int> bytes) {
byteStore.put(key, bytes);
void updateProtectedKeys({List<String> add, List<String> remove}) {
this.addedKeys = add;
this.removedKeys = remove;