blob: 54f96249e9e629e64c9546b76448ad84f8157d4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/strong/ast_properties.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/instrumentation.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/compiler_context.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/testing/validating_instrumentation.dart'
as fasta;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'front_end_test_common.dart';
main() {
// Use a group() wrapper to specify the timeout.
group('front_end_runtime_check_test', () {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
}, timeout: new Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 120)));
class RunFrontEndRuntimeCheckTest extends RunFrontEndTest {
get testSubdir => 'runtime_checks';
void visitUnit(TypeProvider typeProvider, CompilationUnit unit,
fasta.ValidatingInstrumentation validation, Uri uri) {
unit.accept(new _InstrumentationVisitor(
new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider), validation, uri));
/// Visitor for ASTs that reports instrumentation for strong mode runtime
/// checks.
/// Note: this visitor doesn't attempt to report all runtime checks inserted by
/// analyzer; just the ones necessary to validate the front end tests. This
/// visitor might need to be updated as more front end tests are added.
class _InstrumentationVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<Null> {
final fasta.Instrumentation _instrumentation;
final Uri uri;
final StrongTypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final _elementNamer = new ElementNamer(null);
_InstrumentationVisitor(this._typeSystem, this._instrumentation, this.uri);
visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
var leftHandSide = node.leftHandSide;
if (leftHandSide is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var staticElement = leftHandSide.identifier.staticElement;
if (staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement && staticElement.isSetter) {
var target = leftHandSide.prefix;
target is ThisExpression,
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
_emitForwardingStubs(node, node.typeParameters,;
visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
_emitForwardingStubs(node, node.typeParameters,;
visitFormalParameter(FormalParameter node) {
if (node is DefaultFormalParameter) {
// Already handled via the contained parameter ast object
if (node.element.enclosingElement.enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
_annotateFormalParameter(node.element, node.identifier.offset,
node.getAncestor((n) => n is ClassDeclaration));
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
_annotateContravariant(node.element,, node.parent);
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
var staticElement = node.methodName.staticElement;
var target =;
var isThis = target is ThisExpression || target == null;
if (staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// Method invocation resolves to a getter; treat it as a get followed by a
// function invocation.
getImplicitOperationCast(node), node.argumentList.offset);
_annotateCallKind(null, isThis, isDynamicInvoke(node.methodName), null,
null, node.argumentList.offset);
} else {
_annotateCheckReturn(getImplicitCast(node), node.argumentList.offset);
visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
_handlePropertyAccess(node, node.prefix, node.identifier);
visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
_handlePropertyAccess(node,, node.propertyName);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var staticElement = node.staticElement;
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is! MethodInvocation &&
parent is! PrefixedIdentifier &&
parent is! PropertyAccess &&
!node.inDeclarationContext() &&
node.inGetterContext() &&
staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement &&
staticElement.isGetter) {
_annotateCallKind(staticElement, true, false, null, null, node.offset);
visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
if (node.parent.parent is MethodDeclaration) {
node.getAncestor((n) => n is ClassDeclaration));
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (node.parent.parent is FieldDeclaration) {
FieldElement element = node.element;
var cls = node.getAncestor((n) => n is ClassDeclaration);
var offset =;
_annotateContravariant(element, offset, cls);
if (!element.isFinal) {
var setter = element.setter;
_annotateFormalParameter(setter.parameters[0], offset, cls);
/// Generates the appropriate `@callKind` annotation (if any) for a call site.
/// An annotation of `@callKind=dynamic` indicates that the call is dynamic
/// (so it will have to be fully type checked). An annotation of
/// `@callKind=closure` indicates that the receiver of the call is a function
/// object (so any formals marked as "semiSafe" will have to be type checked).
/// An annotation of `@callKind=this` indicates that the call goes through
/// `super` or `this` (so formals marked as "semiSafe" don't need to be type
/// checked). No annotation indicates that either the call is static, in
/// which case no parameters need to be type checked, or it goes through an
/// interface, in which case the set of arguments that have to be type checked
/// depends on the `@checkInterface` annotations on the static target of the
/// call.
void _annotateCallKind(Element staticElement, bool isThis, bool isDynamic,
DartType targetType, DartType methodType, int offset) {
if (staticElement is FunctionElement &&
staticElement.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
// Invocation of a top level function; no annotation needed.
if (isDynamic) {
if (targetType == null &&
staticElement != null &&
staticElement is! MethodElement &&
methodType is FunctionType) {
// Sometimes analyzer annotates invocations of function objects as
// dynamic (presumably due to "dynamic is bottom" behavior). Ignore
// this.
_recordCallKind(offset, 'closure');
} else {
_recordCallKind(offset, 'dynamic');
if (staticElement is MethodElement && !staticElement.isStatic ||
staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement && !staticElement.isStatic) {
if (isThis) {
_recordCallKind(offset, 'this');
} else {
// Interface call; no annotation needed
_recordCallKind(offset, 'closure');
/// Generates the appropriate `@checkGetterReturn` annotation (if any) for a
/// call site.
/// An annotation of `@checkGetterReturn=type` indicates that a method call
/// desugars to a getter invocation followed by a function invocation; the
/// value returned by the getter will have to be checked to make sure it is an
/// instance of the given type.
void _annotateCheckGetterReturn(DartType castType, int offset) {
if (castType != null) {
_recordCheckGetterReturn(offset, castType);
/// Generates the appropriate `@checkReturn` annotation (if any) for a call
/// site.
/// An annotation of `@checkReturn=type` indicates that the value returned by
/// the call will have to be checked to make sure it is an instance of the
/// given type.
void _annotateCheckReturn(DartType castType, int offset) {
if (castType != null) {
_recordCheckReturn(offset, castType);
/// Generates the appropriate `@genericContravariant=true` annotation (if needed)
/// for a method or field declaration.
void _annotateContravariant(
Element element, int offset, ClassDeclaration cls) {
bool isContravariant = false;
if (cls?.typeParameters != null) {
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
if (_usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
cls.typeParameters.typeParameters, element.returnType,
flipVariance: true)) {
isContravariant = true;
} else if (element is FieldElement) {
if (_usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
cls.typeParameters.typeParameters, element.type,
flipVariance: true)) {
isContravariant = true;
if (isContravariant) {
/// Generates the appropriate `@covariance` annotation (if any) for a method
/// formal parameter, method type parameter, or field declaration.
/// When these annotations are generated for a field declaration, they
/// implicitly refer to the value parameter of the synthetic setter.
/// An annotation of `@covariance=explicit` indicates that the parameter needs
/// to be type checked regardless of the call site.
/// An annotation of `@covariance=genericImpl` indicates that the parameter
/// needs to be type checked when the call site is annotated
/// `@callKind=dynamic` or `@callKind=closure`, or the call site is
/// unannotated and the corresponding parameter in the interface target is
/// annotated `@covariance=genericInterface`.
/// No `@covariance` annotation indicates that the parameter only needs to be
/// type checked if the call site is annotated `@callKind=dynamic`.
void _annotateFormalParameter(
Element element, int offset, ClassDeclaration cls) {
bool isExplicit = false;
bool isGenericImpl = false;
if (element is ParameterElement && element.isCovariant) {
isExplicit = true;
} else if (cls != null) {
var covariantParams = getClassCovariantParameters(cls);
if (covariantParams != null && covariantParams.contains(element) ||
cls?.typeParameters != null &&
element is ParameterElement &&
cls.typeParameters.typeParameters, element.type)) {
isGenericImpl = true;
bool isGenericInterface = false;
if (cls?.typeParameters != null) {
if (element is ParameterElement) {
if (_usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
cls.typeParameters.typeParameters, element.type)) {
isGenericInterface = true;
} else if (element is TypeParameterElement && element.bound != null) {
if (_usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
cls.typeParameters.typeParameters, element.bound)) {
isGenericInterface = true;
var covariance = <String>[];
if (isExplicit) covariance.add('explicit');
if (isGenericInterface) covariance.add('genericInterface');
if (isGenericImpl) covariance.add('genericImpl');
if (covariance.isNotEmpty) {
_recordCovariance(offset, covariance.join(', '));
/// Generates the appropriate `@forwardingStub` annotation (if any) for a
/// class declaration or mixin application.
/// An annotation of `@forwardingStub=rettype name(args)` indicates that a
/// forwarding stub must be inserted into the class having the given name and
/// return type. Each argument is listed in `args` as
/// `covariance=(...) type name`, where the words between the parentheses are
/// the same as for the `@covariance=` annotation.
void _emitForwardingStubs(
Declaration node, TypeParameterList typeParameters, int offset) {
var covariantParams = getSuperclassCovariantParameters(node);
void emitStubFor(DartType returnType, String name,
List<ParameterElement> parameters, String accessorType) {
String closer = '';
var previousParameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
var paramDescrs = <String>[];
for (var param in parameters) {
var covariances = <String>[];
if (_usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
typeParameters?.typeParameters, param.type)) {
if (covariantParams.contains(param)) {
if (param.isCovariant) {
} else {
var covariance = 'covariance=(${covariances.join(', ')})';
var typeDescr = _typeToString(param.type);
var paramName = accessorType == 'set' ? '_' :;
var paramDescr = '$covariance $typeDescr $paramName';
if (param.parameterKind != previousParameterKind) {
String opener;
if (param.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) {
opener = '[';
closer = ']';
} else {
opener = '{';
closer = '}';
paramDescr = opener + paramDescr;
previousParameterKind = param.parameterKind;
if (closer.isNotEmpty) {
paramDescrs[paramDescrs.length - 1] += closer;
var returnTypeDescr = _typeToString(returnType);
var stubParts = <String>[];
if (_usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
typeParameters?.typeParameters, returnType)) {
if (accessorType != null) stubParts.add(accessorType);
stubParts.add('$name(${paramDescrs.join(', ')})');
_recordForwardingStub(offset, stubParts.join(' '));
if (covariantParams != null && covariantParams.isNotEmpty) {
for (var member
in => p.enclosingElement).toSet()) {
var memberName =;
if (member is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (member.isSetter) {
memberName.substring(0, memberName.length - 1),
} else {
member.returnType, memberName, member.parameters, 'get');
} else if (member is MethodElement) {
emitStubFor(member.returnType, memberName, member.parameters, null);
} else {
throw new StateError('Unexpected covariant member $member');
/// Generates the appropriate annotations for a property access, whether it
/// arises from a [PrefixedIdentifier] or a [PropertyAccess].
void _handlePropertyAccess(
Expression node, Expression target, SimpleIdentifier propertyName) {
var staticElement = propertyName.staticElement;
if (propertyName.inGetterContext()) {
var isThis = target is ThisExpression || target == null;
_annotateCheckReturn(getImplicitCast(node), propertyName.offset);
target.staticType is DynamicTypeImpl,
void _recordCallKind(int offset, String kind) {
uri, offset, 'callKind', new fasta.InstrumentationValueLiteral(kind));
void _recordCheckGetterReturn(int offset, DartType castType) {
_instrumentation.record(uri, offset, 'checkGetterReturn',
new InstrumentationValueForType(castType, _elementNamer));
void _recordCheckReturn(int offset, DartType castType) {
_instrumentation.record(uri, offset, 'checkReturn',
new InstrumentationValueForType(castType, _elementNamer));
void _recordContravariance(int offset) {
_instrumentation.record(uri, offset, 'genericContravariant',
new fasta.InstrumentationValueLiteral('true'));
void _recordCovariance(int offset, String covariance) {
_instrumentation.record(uri, offset, 'covariance',
new fasta.InstrumentationValueLiteral(covariance));
void _recordForwardingStub(int offset, String descr) {
_instrumentation.record(uri, offset, 'forwardingStub',
new fasta.InstrumentationValueLiteral(descr));
String _typeToString(DartType type) {
return new InstrumentationValueForType(type, _elementNamer).toString();
/// Determines whether the given type makes covariant use of type parameters.
bool _usesTypeParametersCovariantly(
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters, DartType formalType,
{bool flipVariance: false}) {
if (typeParameters == null) return false;
// To see if this parameter needs to be semi-typed, we try substituting
// bottom for all the active type parameters. If the resulting parameter
// static type is a supertype of its current static type, then that means
// that regardless of what we pass in, it won't fail a type check.
var substitutedType = formalType.substitute2(
new List<DartType>.filled(
typeParameters.length, BottomTypeImpl.instance),
.map((p) => new TypeParameterTypeImpl(p.element))
// To test contravariance, we flip the subtype check.
if (flipVariance) {
return !_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(substitutedType, formalType);
} else {
return !_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(formalType, substitutedType);