blob: 5833f2f8c709696d9f456660c5fe70a13bedf816 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
/// The same as [ExperimentStatus.knownFeatures], except when a call to
/// [overrideKnownFeatures] is in progress.
Map<String, ExperimentalFeature> _knownFeatures =
/// This flag is `true` while [overrideKnownFeaturesAsync] is executing.
bool _overrideKnownFeaturesAsyncExecuting = false;
/// Decodes the strings given in [flags] into a list of booleans representing
/// experiments that should be enabled.
/// Always succeeds, even if the input flags are invalid. Expired and
/// unrecognized flags are ignored, conflicting flags are resolved in favor of
/// the flag appearing last.
EnabledDisabledFlags decodeExplicitFlags(List<String> flags) {
var enabledFlags = List<bool>.filled(_knownFeatures.length, false);
var disabledFlags = List<bool>.filled(_knownFeatures.length, false);
for (var entry in _flagStringsToMap(flags).entries) {
if (entry.value) {
enabledFlags[entry.key] = true;
} else {
disabledFlags[entry.key] = true;
return EnabledDisabledFlags(enabledFlags, disabledFlags);
/// Pretty-prints the given set of enable flags as a set of feature names.
String experimentStatusToString(List<bool> enableFlags) {
var featuresInSet = <String>[];
for (var feature in _knownFeatures.values) {
if (enableFlags[feature.index]) {
return 'FeatureSet{${featuresInSet.join(', ')}}';
/// Converts the flags in [status] to a list of strings suitable for
/// passing to [_decodeFlags].
List<String> experimentStatusToStringList(ExperimentStatus status) {
var result = <String>[];
for (var feature in _knownFeatures.values) {
if (feature.isExpired) continue;
var isEnabled = status.isEnabled(feature);
if (isEnabled != feature.isEnabledByDefault) {
return result;
/// Execute the callback, pretending that the given [knownFeatures] take the
/// place of [ExperimentStatus.knownFeatures].
/// It isn't safe to call this method with an asynchronous callback, because it
/// only changes the set of known features during the time that [callback] is
/// (synchronously) executing. Use [overrideKnownFeaturesAsync] instead.
T overrideKnownFeatures<T>(
Map<String, ExperimentalFeature> knownFeatures,
T Function() callback,
) {
var oldKnownFeatures = _knownFeatures;
try {
_knownFeatures = knownFeatures;
return callback();
} finally {
_knownFeatures = oldKnownFeatures;
/// Execute the callback, pretending that the given [knownFeatures] take the
/// place of [ExperimentStatus.knownFeatures].
/// This function cannot be invoked before its previous invocation completes.
Future<T> overrideKnownFeaturesAsync<T>(
Map<String, ExperimentalFeature> knownFeatures,
Future<T> Function() callback,
) async {
if (_overrideKnownFeaturesAsyncExecuting) {
throw StateError('overrideKnownFeaturesAsync is not reentrant');
_overrideKnownFeaturesAsyncExecuting = true;
var oldKnownFeatures = _knownFeatures;
try {
_knownFeatures = knownFeatures;
return await callback();
} finally {
_knownFeatures = oldKnownFeatures;
_overrideKnownFeaturesAsyncExecuting = false;
/// Computes a new set of enable flags based on [version].
/// Features in [explicitEnabledFlags] are enabled in the [sdkLanguageVersion].
/// Features in [explicitDisabledFlags] are always disabled.
List<bool> restrictEnableFlagsToVersion({
required Version sdkLanguageVersion,
required List<bool> explicitEnabledFlags,
required List<bool> explicitDisabledFlags,
required Version version,
}) {
var decodedFlags = List.filled(_knownFeatures.length, false);
for (var feature in _knownFeatures.values) {
if (explicitDisabledFlags[feature.index]) {
decodedFlags[feature.index] = false;
var releaseVersion = feature.releaseVersion;
if (releaseVersion != null && version >= releaseVersion) {
decodedFlags[feature.index] = true;
if (explicitEnabledFlags[feature.index]) {
var experimentalReleaseVersion = feature.experimentalReleaseVersion;
if (experimentalReleaseVersion == null) {
// Specifically, the current sdk version (whatever it is) is always
// used as the language version which opts code into the experiment
// when the experiment flag is passed.
if (version == sdkLanguageVersion) {
decodedFlags[feature.index] = true;
} else {
// An experiment flag may at any point be assigned an experimental
// release version. From that point forward, all tools will no
// longer use the current sdk version to opt code in, but rather
// will use the experimental release version as the opt in version.
// Updated 2020-08-25: we decided that experimental features should
// be available since `min(sdk, experimentalRelease)`.
if (version >= experimentalReleaseVersion ||
version >= sdkLanguageVersion) {
decodedFlags[feature.index] = true;
return decodedFlags;
/// Validates whether there are any disagreements between the strings given in
/// [flags1] and the strings given in [flags2].
/// The returned iterable yields any problems that were found. Only reports
/// problems related to combining the flags; problems that would be found by
/// applying [validateFlags] to [flags1] or [flags2] individually are not
/// reported.
/// If no problems are found, it is safe to concatenate the flag lists. If
/// problems are found, the only negative side effect is that some flags in
/// one list may be overridden by some flags in the other list.
// TODO(paulberry): if this method ever needs to be exposed via the analyzer
// public API, consider making a version that reports validation results using
// the AnalysisError type.
Iterable<ConflictingFlagLists> validateFlagCombination(
List<String> flags1, List<String> flags2) sync* {
var flag1Map = _flagStringsToMap(flags1);
var flag2Map = _flagStringsToMap(flags2);
for (var entry in flag2Map.entries) {
if (flag1Map[entry.key] != null && flag1Map[entry.key] != entry.value) {
yield ConflictingFlagLists(
_featureIndexToFeature(entry.key), !entry.value);
/// Validates whether the strings given in [flags] constitute a valid set of
/// experimental feature enable/disable flags.
/// The returned iterable yields any problems that were found.
// TODO(paulberry): if this method ever needs to be exposed via the analyzer
// public API, consider making a version that reports validation results using
// the AnalysisError type.
Iterable<ValidationResult> validateFlags(List<String> flags) sync* {
var previousFlagIndex = <int, int>{};
var previousFlagValue = <int, bool>{};
for (int flagIndex = 0; flagIndex < flags.length; flagIndex++) {
var flag = flags[flagIndex];
ExperimentalFeature? feature;
bool requestedValue;
if (flag.startsWith('no-')) {
feature = _knownFeatures[flag.substring(3)];
requestedValue = false;
} else {
feature = _knownFeatures[flag];
requestedValue = true;
if (feature == null) {
yield UnrecognizedFlag(flagIndex, flag);
} else if (feature.isExpired) {
yield requestedValue == feature.isEnabledByDefault
? UnnecessaryUseOfExpiredFlag(flagIndex, feature)
: IllegalUseOfExpiredFlag(flagIndex, feature);
} else if (previousFlagIndex.containsKey(feature.index) &&
previousFlagValue[feature.index] != requestedValue) {
yield ConflictingFlags(flagIndex, previousFlagIndex[feature.index]!,
feature, requestedValue);
} else {
previousFlagIndex[feature.index] = flagIndex;
previousFlagValue[feature.index] = requestedValue;
ExperimentalFeature _featureIndexToFeature(int index) {
for (var feature in _knownFeatures.values) {
if (feature.index == index) return feature;
throw ArgumentError('Unrecognized feature index');
Map<int, bool> _flagStringsToMap(List<String> flags) {
var result = <int, bool>{};
for (int flagIndex = 0; flagIndex < flags.length; flagIndex++) {
var flag = flags[flagIndex];
ExperimentalFeature? feature;
bool requestedValue;
if (flag.startsWith('no-')) {
feature = _knownFeatures[flag.substring(3)];
requestedValue = false;
} else {
feature = _knownFeatures[flag];
requestedValue = true;
if (feature != null && !feature.isExpired) {
result[feature.index] = requestedValue;
return result;
/// Indication of a conflict between two lists of flags.
class ConflictingFlagLists {
/// Info about which feature the user requested conflicting values for
final ExperimentalFeature feature;
/// True if the first list of flags requested to enable the experimental
/// feature.
final bool firstValue;
ConflictingFlagLists(this.feature, this.firstValue);
/// Validation result indicating that the user requested conflicting values for
/// an experimental flag (e.g. both "foo" and "no-foo").
class ConflictingFlags extends ValidationResult {
/// Info about which feature the user requested conflicting values for
final ExperimentalFeature feature;
/// The index of the first of the two conflicting strings.
/// [stringIndex] is the index of the second of the two conflicting strings.
final int previousStringIndex;
/// True if the string at [stringIndex] requested to enable the experimental
/// feature.
/// The string at [previousStringIndex] requested the opposite.
final bool requestedValue;
ConflictingFlags(super.stringIndex, this.previousStringIndex, this.feature,
: super._();
String get flag => feature.stringForValue(requestedValue);
bool get isError => true;
String get message {
var previousFlag = feature.stringForValue(!requestedValue);
return 'Flag "$flag" conflicts with previous flag "$previousFlag"';
class EnabledDisabledFlags {
final List<bool> enabled;
final List<bool> disabled;
EnabledDisabledFlags(this.enabled, this.disabled);
/// Information about a single experimental flag that the user might use to
/// request that a feature be enabled (or disabled).
class ExperimentalFeature implements Feature {
/// Index of the flag in the private data structure maintained by
/// [ExperimentStatus].
/// This index should not be relied upon to be stable over time. For instance
/// it should not be used to serialize the state of experiments to long term
/// storage if there is any expectation of compatibility between analyzer
/// versions.
final int index;
/// The string to enable the feature.
final String enableString;
/// Whether the feature is currently enabled by default.
final bool isEnabledByDefault;
/// Whether the flag is currently expired (meaning the enable/disable status
/// can no longer be altered from the value in [isEnabledByDefault]).
final bool isExpired;
/// Documentation for the feature, if known. `null` for expired flags.
final String documentation;
/// The first language version in which this feature can be enabled using
/// the [enableString] experimental flag.
final Version? experimentalReleaseVersion;
final Version? releaseVersion;
required this.index,
required this.enableString,
required this.isEnabledByDefault,
required this.isExpired,
required this.documentation,
required this.experimentalReleaseVersion,
required this.releaseVersion,
}) : assert(isEnabledByDefault
? releaseVersion != null
: releaseVersion == null);
/// The string to disable the feature.
String get disableString => 'no-$enableString';
String? get experimentalFlag => isExpired ? null : enableString;
FeatureStatus get status {
if (isExpired) {
if (isEnabledByDefault) {
return FeatureStatus.current;
} else {
return FeatureStatus.abandoned;
} else {
if (isEnabledByDefault) {
return FeatureStatus.provisional;
} else {
return FeatureStatus.future;
/// Retrieves the string to enable or disable the feature, depending on
/// [value].
String stringForValue(bool value) => value ? enableString : disableString;
String toString() => enableString;
/// Validation result indicating that the user requested enabling or disabling
/// of a feature associated with an expired flag, and the requested behavior
/// conflicts with the behavior that is now hardcoded into the toolchain.
class IllegalUseOfExpiredFlag extends ValidationResult {
/// Information about the feature associated with the error.
final ExperimentalFeature feature;
IllegalUseOfExpiredFlag(super.flagIndex, this.feature) : super._();
String get flag => feature.stringForValue(!feature.isEnabledByDefault);
bool get isError => true;
String get message {
var state = feature.isEnabledByDefault ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
return 'Flag "$flag" was supplied, but the feature is already '
'unconditionally $state.';
/// Validation result indicating that the user requested enabling or disabling
/// of a feature associated with an expired flag, and the requested behavior
/// is consistent with the behavior that is now hardcoded into the toolchain.
/// (This is merely a warning, not an error).
class UnnecessaryUseOfExpiredFlag extends ValidationResult {
/// Information about the feature associated with the warning.
final ExperimentalFeature feature;
UnnecessaryUseOfExpiredFlag(super.flagIndex, this.feature) : super._();
String get flag => feature.stringForValue(feature.isEnabledByDefault);
bool get isError => false;
String get message => 'Flag "$flag" is no longer required.';
/// Validation result indicating that the user requested enabling or disabling
/// an unrecognized feature.
class UnrecognizedFlag extends ValidationResult {
final String flag;
UnrecognizedFlag(super.flagIndex, this.flag) : super._();
bool get isError => true;
String get message => 'Flag "$flag" not recognized.';
/// Representation of a single error or warning reported by
/// [ExperimentStatus.fromStrings].
abstract class ValidationResult {
/// Indicates which of the supplied strings is associated with the error or
/// warning.
final int stringIndex;
/// The supplied string associated with the error or warning.
String get flag;
/// Indicates whether the validation result is an error or a warning.
bool get isError;
/// Message describing the problem.
String get message;
String toString() => message;