blob: 7d683d3dfc1ffabbbaa36f04c161bf7f5fc2c1e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
hide Element, ElementKind;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/completion/suggestion_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/completion/relevance.dart';
/// Common mixin for sharing behavior.
mixin ElementSuggestionBuilder {
// Copied from analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart
/// A collection of completion suggestions.
final List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
/// A set of existing completions used to prevent duplicate suggestions.
final Set<String> _completions = <String>{};
/// A map of element names to suggestions for synthetic getters and setters.
final Map<String, CompletionSuggestion> _syntheticMap =
<String, CompletionSuggestion>{};
/// Return the library in which the completion is requested.
LibraryElement? get containingLibrary;
/// Return the kind of suggestions that should be built.
CompletionSuggestionKind? get kind;
/// Return the resource provider used to access the file system.
ResourceProvider? get resourceProvider;
/// Add a suggestion based upon the given element.
void addSuggestion(Element element,
{String? prefix, int relevance = DART_RELEVANCE_DEFAULT}) {
if (element.isPrivate) {
if (element.library != containingLibrary) {
var completion = element.displayName;
if (prefix != null && prefix.isNotEmpty) {
if (completion.isEmpty) {
completion = prefix;
} else {
completion = '$prefix.$completion';
if (completion.isEmpty) {
var builder = SuggestionBuilderImpl(resourceProvider);
var suggestion = builder.forElement(element,
completion: completion, kind: kind, relevance: relevance);
if (suggestion != null) {
if (element.isSynthetic && element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
String? cacheKey;
if (element.isGetter) {
cacheKey =;
if (element.isSetter) {
cacheKey =;
cacheKey = cacheKey.substring(0, cacheKey.length - 1);
if (cacheKey != null) {
var existingSuggestion = _syntheticMap[cacheKey];
// Pair getter/setter by updating the existing suggestion
if (existingSuggestion != null) {
var getter = element.isGetter ? suggestion : existingSuggestion;
var elemKind = element.enclosingElement3 is ClassElement
? protocol.ElementKind.FIELD
: protocol.ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE;
existingSuggestion.element = protocol.Element(
location: getter.element?.location,
typeParameters: getter.element?.typeParameters,
parameters: null,
returnType: getter.returnType);
// Cache lone getter/setter so that it can be paired
_syntheticMap[cacheKey] = suggestion;
if (_completions.add(suggestion.completion)) {