blob: 06f819246affbcbd352024b5564bec18c7115a13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/packages.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/status.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/evaluation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/rules.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../../util/element_type_matchers.dart';
import '../../../utils.dart';
import '../resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
import 'base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Returns a [Future] that completes after pumping the event queue [times]
/// times. By default, this should pump the event queue enough times to allow
/// any code to run, as long as it's not waiting on some external event.
Future pumpEventQueue([int times = 5000]) {
if (times == 0) return Future.value();
// We use a delayed future to allow microtask events to finish. The
// Future.value or Future() constructors use scheduleMicrotask themselves and
// would therefore not wait for microtask callbacks that are scheduled after
// invoking this method.
return Future.delayed(, () => pumpEventQueue(times - 1));
class AnalysisDriver_BazelWorkspaceTest extends BazelWorkspaceResolutionTest {
void test_nestedLib_notCanonicalUri() async {
var outerLibPath = '$workspaceRootPath/my/outer/lib';
var innerFile = newFile('$outerLibPath/inner/lib/b.dart', 'class B {}');
var innerUri = Uri.parse('package:my.outer.lib.inner/b.dart');
var analysisSession = contextFor(innerFile).currentSession;
void assertInnerUri(ResolvedUnitResult result) {
var innerLibrary = result.libraryElement.importedLibraries
.where((e) => e.source.fullName == innerFile.path)
expect(innerLibrary.source.uri, innerUri);
// Reference "inner" using a non-canonical URI.
var a = newFile(convertPath('$outerLibPath/a.dart'), r'''
import 'inner/lib/b.dart';
var result = await analysisSession.getResolvedUnit(a.path);
result as ResolvedUnitResult;
// Reference "inner" using the canonical URI, via relative.
var c = newFile('$outerLibPath/inner/lib/c.dart', r'''
import 'b.dart';
var result = await analysisSession.getResolvedUnit(c.path);
result as ResolvedUnitResult;
// Reference "inner" using the canonical URI, via absolute.
var d = newFile('$outerLibPath/inner/lib/d.dart', '''
import '$innerUri';
var result = await analysisSession.getResolvedUnit(d.path);
result as ResolvedUnitResult;
class AnalysisDriver_PubPackageTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
void setUp() {
test_getLibraryByUri_cannotResolveUri() async {
final driver = driverFor(testFile);
await driver.getLibraryByUri('foo:bar'),
test_getLibraryByUri_notLibrary_augmentation() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
await driver.getLibraryByUri('package:test/a.dart'),
test_getLibraryByUri_notLibrary_part() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
await driver.getLibraryByUri('package:test/a.dart'),
test_getParsedLibraryByUri_cannotResolveUri() async {
final driver = driverFor(testFile);
final uri = Uri.parse('foo:bar');
test_getParsedLibraryByUri_notLibrary_augmentation() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
final uri = Uri.parse('package:test/a.dart');
test_getParsedLibraryByUri_notLibrary_part() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
final uri = Uri.parse('package:test/a.dart');
test_getResolvedLibrary_notLibrary_augmentation() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
await driver.getResolvedLibrary(a.path),
test_getResolvedLibrary_notLibrary_part() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
await driver.getResolvedLibrary(a.path),
test_getResolvedLibraryByUri_cannotResolveUri() async {
final driver = driverFor(testFile);
final uri = Uri.parse('foo:bar');
await driver.getResolvedLibraryByUri(uri),
test_getResolvedLibraryByUri_notLibrary_augmentation() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
library augment 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
final uri = Uri.parse('package:test/a.dart');
await driver.getResolvedLibraryByUri(uri),
test_getResolvedLibraryByUri_notLibrary_part() async {
final a = newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'b.dart';
final driver = driverFor(a);
final uri = Uri.parse('package:test/a.dart');
await driver.getResolvedLibraryByUri(uri),
test_getResult_part_doesNotExist_lints() async {
newFile('$testPackageRootPath/analysis_options.yaml', r'''
- omit_local_variable_types
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 21, 8),
test_getResult_part_empty_lints() async {
newFile('$testPackageRootPath/analysis_options.yaml', r'''
- omit_local_variable_types
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', '');
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_NON_PART, 21, 8),
test_getResult_part_hasPartOfName_notThisLibrary_lints() async {
newFile('$testPackageRootPath/analysis_options.yaml', r'''
- omit_local_variable_types
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of other.lib;
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY, 21, 8),
test_getResult_part_hasPartOfUri_notThisLibrary_lints() async {
newFile('$testPackageRootPath/analysis_options.yaml', r'''
- omit_local_variable_types
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
part of 'not_test.dart';
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY, 21, 8),
class AnalysisDriverSchedulerTest with ResourceProviderMixin {
final ByteStore byteStore = MemoryByteStore();
final StringBuffer logBuffer = StringBuffer();
late final PerformanceLog logger;
late final AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler;
final List<AnalysisResultWithErrors> allResults = [];
Folder get sdkRoot => newFolder('/sdk');
AnalysisDriver newDriver() {
var sdk = FolderBasedDartSdk(resourceProvider, sdkRoot);
AnalysisDriver driver = AnalysisDriver(
scheduler: scheduler,
logger: logger,
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
byteStore: byteStore,
sourceFactory: SourceFactory(
[DartUriResolver(sdk), ResourceUriResolver(resourceProvider)],
analysisOptions: AnalysisOptionsImpl(),
packages: Packages.empty,
driver.results.listen((result) {
if (result is AnalysisResultWithErrors) {
return driver;
void setUp() {
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
root: sdkRoot,
logger = PerformanceLog(logBuffer);
scheduler = AnalysisDriverScheduler(logger);
test_priorities_allChangedFirst() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/c.dart');
String d = convertPath('/d.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, "import 'a.dart';");
newFile(c, 'class C {}');
newFile(d, "import 'c.dart';");
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
modifyFile(a, 'class A2 {}');
modifyFile(c, 'class C2 {}');
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
expect(allResults, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(2)));
expect(allResults[0].path, a);
expect(allResults[1].path, c);
test_priorities_firstChanged_thenImporting() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/c.dart');
newFile(a, "import 'c.dart';");
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, "import 'b.dart';");
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
modifyFile(b, 'class B2 {}');
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
expect(allResults, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(2)));
expect(allResults[0].path, b);
expect(allResults[1].path, c);
test_priorities_firstChanged_thenWithErrors() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/c.dart');
String d = convertPath('/d.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, "export 'a.dart';");
newFile(c, "import 'b.dart';");
newFile(d, "import 'b.dart'; class D extends X {}");
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
modifyFile(a, 'class A2 {}');
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
expect(allResults, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(2)));
expect(allResults[0].path, a);
expect(allResults[1].path, d);
test_priorities_getResult_beforePriority() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/c.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, 'class C {}');
driver1.priorityFiles = [a];
driver2.priorityFiles = [a];
var result = await driver2.getResult(b) as ResolvedUnitResult;
expect(result.path, b);
await scheduler.status.firstWhere((status) => status.isIdle);
expect(allResults, hasLength(3));
expect(allResults[0].path, b);
expect(allResults[1].path, a);
expect(allResults[2].path, c);
test_priorities_priorityBeforeGeneral1() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
driver1.priorityFiles = [a];
driver2.priorityFiles = [a];
await scheduler.status.firstWhere((status) => status.isIdle);
expect(allResults, hasLength(2));
expect(allResults[0].path, a);
expect(allResults[1].path, b);
test_priorities_priorityBeforeGeneral2() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
driver1.priorityFiles = [b];
driver2.priorityFiles = [b];
await scheduler.status.firstWhere((status) => status.isIdle);
expect(allResults, hasLength(2));
expect(allResults[0].path, b);
expect(allResults[1].path, a);
test_priorities_priorityBeforeGeneral3() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/c.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, 'class C {}');
driver1.priorityFiles = [a, c];
driver2.priorityFiles = [a, c];
await scheduler.status.firstWhere((status) => status.isIdle);
expect(allResults, hasLength(3));
expect(allResults[0].path, a);
expect(allResults[1].path, c);
expect(allResults[2].path, b);
test_status() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
String c = convertPath('/c.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, 'class C {}');
Monitor idleStatusMonitor = Monitor();
List<AnalysisStatus> allStatuses = [];
// awaiting times out.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
scheduler.status.forEach((status) {
if (status.isIdle) {
await idleStatusMonitor.signal;
expect(allStatuses, hasLength(2));
expect(allStatuses[0].isAnalyzing, isTrue);
expect(allStatuses[1].isAnalyzing, isFalse);
expect(allResults, hasLength(3));
test_status_analyzingOnlyWhenHasFilesToAnalyze() async {
AnalysisDriver driver1 = newDriver();
AnalysisDriver driver2 = newDriver();
String a = convertPath('/a.dart');
String b = convertPath('/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
Monitor idleStatusMonitor = Monitor();
List<AnalysisStatus> allStatuses = [];
// awaiting times out.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
scheduler.status.forEach((status) {
if (status.isIdle) {
// The two added files were analyzed, and the schedule is idle.
await idleStatusMonitor.signal;
expect(allStatuses, hasLength(2));
expect(allStatuses[0].isAnalyzing, isTrue);
expect(allStatuses[1].isAnalyzing, isFalse);
// We don't transition to analysis and back to idle.
await driver1.getFilesReferencingName('X');
expect(allStatuses, isEmpty);
class AnalysisDriverTest extends BaseAnalysisDriverTest {
void assertType(DartType type, String expected) {
var typeStr = type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false);
expect(typeStr, expected);
test_addedFiles() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
expect(driver.addedFiles, contains(a));
expect(driver.addedFiles, isNot(contains(b)));
await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
expect(driver.addedFiles, isNot(contains(a)));
expect(driver.addedFiles, isNot(contains(b)));
test_addFile_notAbsolutePath() async {
expect(() {
}, throwsArgumentError);
test_addFile_shouldRefresh() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
void assertNumberOfErrorsInB(int n) {
var bResult = allResults.withPath(b);
expect(bResult.errors, hasLength(n));
// Initial analysis, 'b' does not use 'a', so there is a hint.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Update 'b' to use 'a', no more hints.
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Change 'b' content so that it has a hint.
// Remove 'b' and add it again.
// The file 'b' must be refreshed, and the hint must be reported.
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
test_addFile_thenRemove() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
// Now remove 'a'.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Only 'b' has been analyzed, because 'a' was removed before we started.
expect(allResults.pathList, [b]);
test_analyze_resolveDirectives_error_missingLibraryDirective() async {
var lib = convertPath('/test/lib.dart');
var part = convertPath('/test/part.dart');
newFile(lib, '''
part 'part.dart';
newFile(part, '''
part of lib;
ResolvedUnitResult libResult = await driver.getResultValid(lib);
List<AnalysisError> errors = libResult.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_UNNAMED_LIBRARY);
test_analyze_resolveDirectives_error_partOfDifferentLibrary_byName() async {
var lib = convertPath('/test/lib.dart');
var part = convertPath('/test/part.dart');
newFile(lib, '''
library lib;
part 'part.dart';
newFile(part, '''
part of someOtherLib;
ResolvedUnitResult libResult = await driver.getResultValid(lib);
List<AnalysisError> errors = libResult.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY);
test_analyze_resolveDirectives_error_partOfDifferentLibrary_byUri() async {
var lib = convertPath('/test/lib.dart');
var part = convertPath('/test/part.dart');
newFile(lib, '''
library lib;
part 'part.dart';
newFile(part, '''
part of 'other_lib.dart';
ResolvedUnitResult libResult = await driver.getResultValid(lib);
List<AnalysisError> errors = libResult.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY);
test_analyze_resolveDirectives_error_partOfNonPart() async {
var lib = convertPath('/test/lib.dart');
var part = convertPath('/test/part.dart');
newFile(lib, '''
library lib;
part 'part.dart';
newFile(part, '''
// no part of directive
ResolvedUnitResult libResult = await driver.getResultValid(lib);
List<AnalysisError> errors = libResult.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_NON_PART);
test_cachedPriorityResults() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
newFile(a, 'var a = 1;');
driver.priorityFiles = [a];
ResolvedUnitResult result1 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result1));
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Get the (cached) result, not reported to the stream.
ResolvedUnitResult result2 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(result2, same(result1));
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
// Get the (cached) result, reported to the stream.
var result2 = await driver.getResult(a, sendCachedToStream: true);
expect(result2, same(result1));
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
expect(allResults.single, same(result1));
test_cachedPriorityResults_flush_onAnyFileChange() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'var a = 1;');
newFile(a, 'var b = 2;');
driver.priorityFiles = [a];
ResolvedUnitResult result1 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result1));
// Change a file.
// The cache is flushed.
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, isEmpty);
ResolvedUnitResult result2 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result2));
// Add a file.
// The cache is flushed.
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, isEmpty);
ResolvedUnitResult result3 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result3));
// Remove a file.
// The cache is flushed.
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, isEmpty);
test_cachedPriorityResults_flush_onPrioritySetChange() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'var a = 1;');
newFile(b, 'var b = 2;');
driver.priorityFiles = [a];
ResolvedUnitResult result1 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, hasLength(1));
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result1));
// Make "a" and "b" priority.
// We still have the result for "a" cached.
driver.priorityFiles = [a, b];
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, hasLength(1));
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result1));
// Get the result for "b".
ResolvedUnitResult result2 = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, hasLength(2));
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(a, result1));
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(b, result2));
// Only "b" is priority.
// The result for "a" is flushed.
driver.priorityFiles = [b];
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, hasLength(1));
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, containsPair(b, result2));
test_cachedPriorityResults_notPriority() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
newFile(a, 'var a = 1;');
ResolvedUnitResult result1 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.testView!.priorityResults, isEmpty);
// The file is not priority, so its result is not cached.
ResolvedUnitResult result2 = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(result2, isNot(same(result1)));
test_changeFile_implicitlyAnalyzed() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
var A = B;
newFile(b, 'var B = 1;');
driver.priorityFiles = [a];
// We have a result only for "a".
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
ResolvedUnitResult ar = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A', 'int');
// Change "b" and notify.
modifyFile(b, 'var B = 1.2;');
// "b" is not an added file, so it is not scheduled for analysis.
expect(driver.testView!.fileTracker.hasPendingFiles, isFalse);
// While "b" is not analyzed explicitly, it is analyzed implicitly.
// The change causes "a" to be reanalyzed.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
ResolvedUnitResult ar = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A', 'double');
test_changeFile_notAbsolutePath() async {
expect(() {
}, throwsArgumentError);
test_changeFile_notUsed() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/other/b.dart');
newFile(a, '');
newFile(b, 'class B1 {}');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Change "b" and notify.
// Nothing depends on "b", so nothing is analyzed.
modifyFile(b, 'class B2 {}');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
// This should not add "b" to the file state.
expect(driver.fsState.knownFilePaths, isNot(contains(b)));
test_changeFile_potentiallyAffected_imported() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', '');
var b = newFile('/test/lib/b.dart', '''
import 'a.dart';
var c = newFile('/test/lib/c.dart', '''
import 'b.dart';
var d = newFile('/test/lib/d.dart', '''
import 'c.dart';
newFile('/test/lib/e.dart', '');
Future<LibraryElementImpl> getLibrary(String shortName) async {
var uriStr = 'package:test/$shortName';
var result = await driver.getLibraryByUriValid(uriStr);
return result.element as LibraryElementImpl;
var a_element = await getLibrary('a.dart');
var b_element = await getLibrary('b.dart');
var c_element = await getLibrary('c.dart');
var d_element = await getLibrary('d.dart');
var e_element = await getLibrary('e.dart');
// We have all libraries loaded after analysis.
included: [
// All libraries have the current session.
var session1 = driver.currentSession;
expect(a_element.session, session1);
expect(b_element.session, session1);
expect(c_element.session, session1);
expect(d_element.session, session1);
expect(e_element.session, session1);
// Change `b.dart`, also removes `c.dart` and `d.dart` that import it.
// But `a.dart` and `d.dart` is not affected.
var affectedPathList = await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
expect(affectedPathList, unorderedEquals([b.path, c.path, d.path]));
// We have a new session.
var session2 = driver.currentSession;
expect(session2, isNot(session1));
excluded: [
included: [
// `a.dart` and `e.dart` moved to the new session.
// Invalidated libraries stuck with the old session.
expect(a_element.session, session2);
expect(b_element.session, session1);
expect(c_element.session, session1);
expect(d_element.session, session1);
expect(e_element.session, session2);
test_changeFile_potentiallyAffected_part() async {
var a = newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', '''
part of 'b.dart';
var b = newFile('/test/lib/b.dart', '''
part 'a.dart';
var c = newFile('/test/lib/c.dart', '''
import 'b.dart';
newFile('/test/lib/d.dart', '');
Future<LibraryElementImpl> getLibrary(String shortName) async {
var uriStr = 'package:test/$shortName';
var result = await driver.getLibraryByUriValid(uriStr);
return result.element as LibraryElementImpl;
var b_element = await getLibrary('b.dart');
var c_element = await getLibrary('c.dart');
var d_element = await getLibrary('d.dart');
// We have all libraries loaded after analysis.
included: [
// All libraries have the current session.
var session1 = driver.currentSession;
expect(b_element.session, session1);
expect(c_element.session, session1);
expect(d_element.session, session1);
// Change `a.dart`, remove `b.dart` that part it.
// Removes `c.dart` that imports `b.dart`.
// But `d.dart` is not affected.
var affectedPathList = await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
expect(affectedPathList, unorderedEquals([a.path, b.path, c.path]));
// We have a new session.
var session2 = driver.currentSession;
expect(session2, isNot(session1));
excluded: [
included: [
// `d.dart` moved to the new session.
// Invalidated libraries stuck with the old session.
expect(b_element.session, session1);
expect(c_element.session, session1);
expect(d_element.session, session2);
test_changeFile_selfConsistent() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
var A1 = 1;
var A2 = B1;
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var B1 = A1;
driver.priorityFiles = [a, b];
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// We have results for both "a" and "b".
expect(allResults, hasLength(2));
ResolvedUnitResult ar = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A1', 'int');
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A2', 'int');
ResolvedUnitResult br = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == b);
_assertTopLevelVarType(br.unit, 'B1', 'int');
// Clear the results and update "a".
modifyFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
var A1 = 1.2;
var A2 = B1;
// We again get results for both "a" and "b".
// The results are consistent.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(2));
ResolvedUnitResult ar = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A1', 'double');
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A2', 'double');
ResolvedUnitResult br = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == b);
_assertTopLevelVarType(br.unit, 'B1', 'double');
test_changeFile_single() async {
addTestFile('var V = 1;', priority: true);
// Initial analysis.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
final result = allResults.whereType<ResolvedUnitResult>().single;
expect(result.path, testFile);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'V', 'int');
// Update the file, but don't notify the driver.
modifyFile(testFile, 'var V = 1.2;');
// No new results.
await pumpEventQueue();
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
// Notify the driver about the change.
await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
// We get a new result.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
final result = allResults.whereType<ResolvedUnitResult>().single;
expect(result.path, testFile);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'V', 'double');
test_const_annotation_notConstConstructor() async {
class A {
final int i;
class C {}
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var atD = AstFinder.getClass(result.unit, 'C').metadata[0];
var atDI = atD.elementAnnotation as ElementAnnotationImpl;
var value = atDI.evaluationResult!.value;
// That is illegal.
expect(value, isNull);
test_const_annotation_withArgs() async {
const x = 1;
@D(x) class C {}
class D {
const D(this.value);
final value;
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var atD = AstFinder.getClass(result.unit, 'C').metadata[0];
var atDI = atD.elementAnnotation as ElementAnnotationImpl;
var value = atDI.evaluationResult!.value!;
expect(value.type, isNotNull);
assertType(value.type, 'D');
expect(value.fields!.keys, ['value']);
expect(value.getField('value')!.toIntValue(), 1);
expect(atDI.evaluationResult!.errors, isEmpty);
test_const_annotation_withoutArgs() async {
const x = 1;
@x class C {}
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
Annotation at_x = AstFinder.getClass(result.unit, 'C').metadata[0];
expect(at_x.elementAnnotation!.computeConstantValue()!.toIntValue(), 1);
test_const_circular_reference() async {
const x = y + 1;
const y = x + 1;
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var x = AstFinder.getTopLevelVariableElement(result.unit, 'x')
as TopLevelVariableElementImpl;
test_const_dependency_sameUnit() async {
const x = y + 1;
const y = 1;
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var x = AstFinder.getTopLevelVariableElement(result.unit, 'x');
var y = AstFinder.getTopLevelVariableElement(result.unit, 'y');
expect(x.computeConstantValue()!.toIntValue(), 2);
expect(y.computeConstantValue()!.toIntValue(), 1);
test_const_externalConstFactory() async {
const x = const;
class C extends B {
external const factory;
class B {}
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var x = AstFinder.getTopLevelVariableElement(result.unit, 'x');
expect(x.computeConstantValue(), isNotNull);
test_const_implicitCreation() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
class C {
const C();
static const C WARNING = C();
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class D {
const D();
static const D WARNING = D();
const c = C.WARNING;
const d = D.WARNING;
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_const_implicitCreation_rewrite() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
class A {
const A();
class B {
final A a;
const B(this.a);
class C {
const b = B(A());
const C();
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
const C();
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_const_implicitSuperConstructorInvocation() async {
class Base {}
class Derived extends Base {
const Derived();
const x = const Derived();
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var x = AstFinder.getTopLevelVariableElement(result.unit, 'x');
expect(x.computeConstantValue(), isNotNull);
test_const_simple_topLevelVariable() async {
const x = 1;
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var x = AstFinder.getTopLevelVariableElement(result.unit, 'x');
expect(x.computeConstantValue()!.toIntValue(), 1);
test_currentSession() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(a, 'var V = 1;');
await driver.getResultValid(a);
var session1 = driver.currentSession;
expect(session1, isNotNull);
modifyFile(a, 'var V = 2;');
await driver.getResultValid(a);
var session2 = driver.currentSession;
expect(session2, isNotNull);
// We get a new session.
expect(session2, isNot(session1));
test_discoverAvailableFiles_packages() async {
var t = convertPath('/test/lib/test.dart');
var a1 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
var a2 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/src/a2.dart');
var a3 = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a3.txt');
var b = convertPath('/bbb/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/ccc/lib/c.dart');
newFile(t, 'class T {}');
newFile(a1, 'class A1 {}');
newFile(a2, 'class A2 {}');
newFile(a3, 'text');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, 'class C {}');
// Don't add a1.dart, a2.dart, or b.dart - they should be discovered.
// And c.dart is not in .packages, so should not be discovered.
await driver.discoverAvailableFiles();
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(t));
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(a1));
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(a2));
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(a3)));
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(b));
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(c)));
// We call wait for discovery more than once.
await driver.discoverAvailableFiles();
test_discoverAvailableFiles_sdk() async {
await driver.discoverAvailableFiles();
void assertHasDartUri(String uri) {
var file = sdk.mapDartUri(uri)!.fullName;
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(file));
test_errors_uriDoesNotExist_export() async {
export 'foo.dart';
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
List<AnalysisError> errors = result.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST);
test_errors_uriDoesNotExist_import() async {
import 'foo.dart';
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
List<AnalysisError> errors = result.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST);
test_errors_uriDoesNotExist_import_deferred() async {
import 'foo.dart' deferred as foo;
main() {
''', priority: true);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
List<AnalysisError> errors = result.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST);
test_errors_uriDoesNotExist_part() async {
library lib;
part 'foo.dart';
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
List<AnalysisError> errors = result.errors;
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
expect(errors[0].errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST);
test_generatedFile2() async {
Uri uri = Uri.parse('package:aaa/foo.dart');
String templatePath = convertPath('/aaa/lib/foo.dart');
String generatedPath = convertPath('/generated/aaa/lib/foo.dart');
newFile(templatePath, r'''
a() {}
b() {}
newFile(generatedPath, r'''
aaa() {}
bbb() {}
Source generatedSource = _SourceMock(generatedPath, uri);
generatedUriResolver.resolveAbsoluteFunction = (uri) => generatedSource;
generatedUriResolver.pathToUriFunction = (path) {
if (path == templatePath || path == generatedPath) {
return uri;
} else {
return null;
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allExceptions, isEmpty);
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibrary(templatePath);
expect(result, isA<NotPathOfUriResult>());
expect(allExceptions, isEmpty);
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
var result = await driver.getResult(templatePath);
expect(result, isA<NotPathOfUriResult>());
expect(allExceptions, isEmpty);
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
var result = await driver.getUnitElement(templatePath);
expect(result, isA<NotPathOfUriResult>());
expect(allExceptions, isEmpty);
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
driver.priorityFiles = [templatePath];
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allExceptions, isEmpty);
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(templatePath)));
test_getCachedResult() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
newFile(a, 'var a = 1;');
expect(driver.getCachedResult(a), isNull);
driver.priorityFiles = [a];
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(driver.getCachedResult(a), same(result));
test_getErrors() async {
String content = 'int f() => 42 + bar();';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
var result = await driver.getErrors(testFile) as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.path, testFile);
expect(result.uri.toString(), 'package:test/test.dart');
expect(result.errors, hasLength(1));
test_getErrors_notAbsolutePath() async {
var result = await driver.getErrors('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_getFilesDefiningClassMemberName_class() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/bin/c.dart');
var d = convertPath('/test/bin/d.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A { m1() {} }');
newFile(b, 'class B { m2() {} }');
newFile(c, 'class C { m2() {} }');
newFile(d, 'class D { m3() {} }');
expect(await driver.getFilesDefiningClassMemberName('m1'),
expect(await driver.getFilesDefiningClassMemberName('m2'),
unorderedEquals([b, c]));
expect(await driver.getFilesDefiningClassMemberName('m3'),
test_getFilesDefiningClassMemberName_mixin() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/bin/c.dart');
var d = convertPath('/test/bin/d.dart');
newFile(a, 'mixin A { m1() {} }');
newFile(b, 'mixin B { m2() {} }');
newFile(c, 'mixin C { m2() {} }');
newFile(d, 'mixin D { m3() {} }');
expect(await driver.getFilesDefiningClassMemberName('m1'),
expect(await driver.getFilesDefiningClassMemberName('m2'),
unorderedEquals([b, c]));
expect(await driver.getFilesDefiningClassMemberName('m3'),
test_getFilesReferencingName() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/bin/c.dart');
var d = convertPath('/test/bin/d.dart');
var e = convertPath('/test/bin/e.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, "import 'a.dart'; A a;");
newFile(c, "import 'a.dart'; var a = new A();");
newFile(d, "class A{} A a;");
newFile(e, "import 'a.dart'; main() {}");
// 'b.dart' references an external 'A'.
// 'c.dart' references an external 'A'.
// 'd.dart' references the local 'A'.
// 'e.dart' does not reference 'A' at all.
List<String> files = await driver.getFilesReferencingName('A');
expect(files, unorderedEquals([b, c]));
// We get the same results second time.
List<String> files2 = await driver.getFilesReferencingName('A');
expect(files2, unorderedEquals([b, c]));
test_getFilesReferencingName_discover() async {
var t = convertPath('/test/lib/test.dart');
var a = convertPath('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/bbb/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/ccc/lib/c.dart');
newFile(t, 'int t;');
newFile(a, 'int a;');
newFile(b, 'int b;');
newFile(c, 'int c;');
List<String> files = await driver.getFilesReferencingName('int');
expect(files, contains(t));
expect(files, contains(a));
expect(files, contains(b));
expect(files, isNot(contains(c)));
test_getFileSync_changedFile() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, '');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
void f(A a) {}
// Ensure that [a.dart] library cycle is loaded.
// So, `a.dart` is in the library context.
await driver.getResultValid(a);
// Update the file, changing its API signature.
// Note that we don't call `changeFile`.
newFile(a, 'class A {}\n');
// Get the file.
// We have not called `changeFile(a)`, so we should not read the file.
// Moreover, doing this will create a new library cycle [a.dart].
// Library cycles are compared by their identity, so we would try to
// reload linked summary for [a.dart], and crash.
expect(driver.getFileSyncValid(a).lineInfo.lineCount, 1);
// We have not read `a.dart`, so `A` is still not declared.
expect((await driver.getResultValid(b)).errors, isNotEmpty);
// Notify the driver that the file was changed.
// ...and apply this change.
await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
// So, `class A {}` is declared now.
expect(driver.getFileSyncValid(a).lineInfo.lineCount, 2);
expect((await driver.getResultValid(b)).errors, isEmpty);
test_getFileSync_library() async {
var path = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, '');
var file = driver.getFileSyncValid(path);
expect(file.path, path);
expect(file.uri.toString(), 'package:test/a.dart');
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
test_getFileSync_notAbsolutePath() async {
var result = driver.getFileSync('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_getFileSync_part() async {
var path = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(path, 'part of lib;');
var file = driver.getFileSyncValid(path);
expect(file.path, path);
expect(file.uri.toString(), 'package:test/a.dart');
expect(file.isPart, isTrue);
test_getIndex() async {
String content = r'''
foo(int p) {}
main() {
AnalysisDriverUnitIndex index = (await driver.getIndex(testFile))!;
int unitId = index.strings.indexOf('package:test/test.dart');
int fooId = index.strings.indexOf('foo');
expect(unitId, isNonNegative);
expect(fooId, isNonNegative);
test_getIndex_notAbsolutePath() async {
expect(() async {
await driver.getIndex('not_absolute.dart');
}, throwsArgumentError);
test_getLibraryByUri() async {
var a = '/test/lib/a.dart';
var b = '/test/lib/b.dart';
String aUriStr = 'package:test/a.dart';
String bUriStr = 'package:test/b.dart';
newFile(a, r'''
part 'b.dart';
class A {}
newFile(b, r'''
part of 'a.dart';
class B {}
var result = await driver.getLibraryByUri(aUriStr);
result as LibraryElementResult;
expect(result.element.getType('A'), isNotNull);
expect(result.element.getType('B'), isNotNull);
// It is an error to ask for a library when we know that it is a part.
await driver.getLibraryByUri(bUriStr),
test_getLibraryByUri_unresolvedUri() async {
var result = await driver.getLibraryByUri('package:foo/foo.dart');
expect(result, isA<CannotResolveUriResult>());
test_getParsedLibrary() async {
var content = 'class A {}';
var result = driver.getParsedLibrary(testFile);
result as ParsedLibraryResult;
expect(result.units, hasLength(1));
expect(result.units[0].path, testFile);
expect(result.units[0].content, content);
expect(result.units[0].unit, isNotNull);
expect(result.units[0].errors, isEmpty);
test_getParsedLibrary_invalidPath_notAbsolute() async {
var result = driver.getParsedLibrary('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_getParsedLibrary_notLibraryButPart() async {
addTestFile('part of my;');
var result = driver.getParsedLibrary(testFile);
expect(result, isA<NotLibraryButPartResult>());
test_getParsedLibraryByUri() async {
var content = 'class A {}';
var uri = Uri.parse('package:test/test.dart');
var result = driver.getParsedLibraryByUri(uri);
result as ParsedLibraryResult;
expect(result.units, hasLength(1));
expect(result.units[0].uri, uri);
expect(result.units[0].path, testFile);
expect(result.units[0].content, content);
test_getParsedLibraryByUri_notLibrary() async {
addTestFile('part of my;');
var uri = Uri.parse('package:test/test.dart');
var result = driver.getParsedLibraryByUri(uri);
expect(result, isA<NotLibraryButPartResult>());
test_getParsedLibraryByUri_unresolvedUri() async {
var uri = Uri.parse('package:unknown/a.dart');
var result = driver.getParsedLibraryByUri(uri);
expect(result, isA<CannotResolveUriResult>());
test_getResolvedLibrary() async {
var content = 'class A {}';
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibrary(testFile);
result as ResolvedLibraryResult;
expect(result.units, hasLength(1));
expect(result.units[0].path, testFile);
expect(result.units[0].content, content);
expect(result.units[0].unit, isNotNull);
expect(result.units[0].errors, isEmpty);
test_getResolvedLibrary_invalidPath_notAbsolute() async {
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibrary('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_getResolvedLibrary_notLibraryButPart() async {
addTestFile('part of my;');
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibrary(testFile);
expect(result, isA<NotLibraryButPartResult>());
test_getResolvedLibraryByUri() async {
var content = 'class A {}';
var uri = Uri.parse('package:test/test.dart');
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibraryByUri(uri);
result as ResolvedLibraryResult;
expect(result.element.source.fullName, testFile);
expect(result.units, hasLength(1));
expect(result.units[0].uri, uri);
expect(result.units[0].path, testFile);
expect(result.units[0].content, content);
test_getResolvedLibraryByUri_notLibrary() async {
addTestFile('part of my;');
var uri = Uri.parse('package:test/test.dart');
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibraryByUri(uri);
expect(result, isA<NotLibraryButPartResult>());
test_getResolvedLibraryByUri_unresolvedUri() async {
var uri = Uri.parse('package:unknown/a.dart');
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibraryByUri(uri);
expect(result, isA<CannotResolveUriResult>());
test_getResult() async {
String content = 'int f() => 42;';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.path, testFile);
expect(result.uri.toString(), 'package:test/test.dart');
expect(result.content, content);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
expect(result.errors, hasLength(0));
var f = result.unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
assertType(f.declaredElement!.type, 'int Function()');
assertType(f.returnType!.typeOrThrow, 'int');
// The same result is also received through the stream.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.toList(), [result]);
test_getResult_constants_defaultParameterValue_localFunction() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'const C = 42;');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
foo({int p: C}) {}
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_getResult_dartAsyncPart() async {
var path = convertPath('/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart');
var result = await driver.getResultValid(path);
expect(result.path, path);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
test_getResult_doesNotExist() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(result.path, a);
expect(result.uri.toString(), 'package:test/a.dart');
expect(result.exists, isFalse);
expect(result.content, '');
test_getResult_errors() async {
String content = 'main() { int vv; }';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.path, testFile);
expect(result.errors, hasLength(1));
AnalysisError error = result.errors[0];
expect(error.offset, 13);
expect(error.length, 2);
expect(error.errorCode, HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE);
expect(error.message, "The value of the local variable 'vv' isn't used.");
expect(error.correction, "Try removing the variable or using it.");
test_getResult_functionTypeFormalParameter_withTypeParameter() async {
// This was code crashing because of incomplete implementation.
// Consider (re)moving after fixing
class A {
int foo( bar<T extends B>() ) {}
class B {}
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.path, testFile);
test_getResult_genericFunctionType_parameter_named() async {
String content = '''
class C {
test({bool Function(String) p}) {}
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
var result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_getResult_importLibrary_thenRemoveIt() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {}
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// No errors in b.dart
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
// Remove a.dart and reanalyze.
// The unresolved URI error must be reported.
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
contains(predicate((AnalysisError e) =>
e.errorCode == CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST)));
// Restore a.dart and reanalyze.
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
// No errors in b.dart again.
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_getResult_inferTypes_finalField() async {
class C {
final f = 42;
''', priority: true);
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
_assertClassFieldType(result.unit, 'C', 'f', 'int');
test_getResult_inferTypes_instanceMethod() async {
class A {
int m(double p) => 1;
class B extends A {
m(double p) => 2;
''', priority: true);
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
_assertClassMethodReturnType(result.unit, 'A', 'm', 'int');
_assertClassMethodReturnType(result.unit, 'B', 'm', 'int');
test_getResult_invalid_annotation_functionAsConstructor() async {
fff() {}
class C {}
''', priority: true);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
ClassDeclaration c = result.unit.declarations[1] as ClassDeclaration;
Annotation a = c.metadata[0];
expect(, 'fff');
expect(, isFunctionElement);
test_getResult_invalidPath_notAbsolute() async {
var result = await driver.getResult('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_getResult_invalidUri() async {
String content = r'''
import ':[invalid uri]';
import '[invalid uri]:foo.dart';
import 'package:aaa/a1.dart';
import ':[invalid uri]';
import '[invalid uri]:foo.dart';
export ':[invalid uri]';
export '[invalid uri]:foo.dart';
export 'package:aaa/a2.dart';
export ':[invalid uri]';
export '[invalid uri]:foo.dart';
part ':[invalid uri]';
part 'a3.dart';
part ':[invalid uri]';
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.path, testFile);
test_getResult_invalidUri_exports_dart() async {
String content = r'''
export 'dart:async';
export 'dart:noSuchLib';
export 'dart:math';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.path, testFile);
// Has only exports for valid URIs.
final exports = result.libraryElement.libraryExports;
expect( {
return import.exportedLibrary?.source.uri.toString();
}), ['dart:async', null, 'dart:math']);
test_getResult_invalidUri_imports_dart() async {
String content = r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:noSuchLib';
import 'dart:math';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(result.path, testFile);
// Has only imports for valid URIs.
final imports = result.libraryElement.libraryImports;
expect( {
return import.importedLibrary?.source.uri.toString();
}), ['dart:async', null, 'dart:math', 'dart:core']);
test_getResult_invalidUri_metadata() async {
String content = r'''
import '';
export '';
part '';
await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
test_getResult_languageVersion() async {
var path = convertPath('/test/lib/test.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
// @dart = 2.7
class A{}
var result = await driver.getResultValid(path);
var languageVersion = result.unit.languageVersionToken!;
expect(languageVersion.major, 2);
expect(languageVersion.minor, 7);
test_getResult_mix_fileAndPackageUris() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/bin/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/bin/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
var d = convertPath('/test/test/d.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'package:test/c.dart';
int x = y;
newFile(b, r'''
import '../lib/c.dart';
int x = y;
newFile(c, r'''
import '../test/d.dart';
var y = z;
newFile(d, r'''
String z = "string";
// Analysis of my_pkg/bin/a.dart produces no error because
// file:///my_pkg/bin/a.dart imports package:my_pkg/c.dart, and
// package:my_pkg/c.dart's import is erroneous, causing y's reference to z
// to be unresolved (and therefore have type dynamic).
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
// Analysis of my_pkg/bin/a.dart produces no error because
// the import `../lib/c.dart` is resolved to package:my_pkg/c.dart, and
// package:my_pkg/c.dart's import is erroneous, causing y's reference to z
// to be unresolved (and therefore have type dynamic).
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_getResult_nameConflict_local() async {
String content = r'''
foo([p = V]) {}
var V;
await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
test_getResult_nameConflict_local_typeInference() async {
String content = r'''
typedef F();
var F;
F _ff() => null;
var f = _ff(); // the inference must fail
main() {
await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
test_getResult_notDartFile() async {
var path = convertPath('/test/lib/test.txt');
newFile(path, 'class A {}');
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(path);
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.unit.declaredElement! =>, ['A']);
test_getResult_recursiveFlatten() async {
String content = r'''
import 'dart:async';
class C<T> implements Future<C<T>> {}
// Should not throw exceptions.
await driver.getResultValid(testFile);
test_getResult_sameFile_twoUris() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/test/c.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A<T> {}');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var VB = new A<int>();
newFile(c, r'''
import '../lib/a.dart';
var VC = new A<double>();
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
_getImportSource(result.unit, 0).uri,
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'VB', 'A<int>');
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(c);
_getImportSource(result.unit, 0).uri,
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'VC', 'A<double>');
test_getResult_selfConsistent() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
var A1 = 1;
var A2 = B1;
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
var B1 = A1;
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'A1', 'int');
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'A2', 'int');
// Update "a" so that "A1" is now "double".
// Get result for "a".
// We get "double" for "A2", even though "A2" has the type from "b".
// That's because we check for "a" API signature consistency, and because
// it has changed, we invalidated the dependency cache, relinked libraries
// and recomputed types.
modifyFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
var A1 = 1.2;
var A2 = B1;
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'A1', 'double');
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'A2', 'double');
test_getResult_thenRemove() async {
addTestFile('main() {}', priority: true);
var resultFuture = driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var result = await resultFuture;
expect(result.path, testFile);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
test_getResult_twoPendingFutures() async {
String content = 'main() {}';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
var future1 = driver.getResultValid(testFile);
var future2 = driver.getResultValid(testFile);
// Both futures complete, with the same result.
ResolvedUnitResult result1 = await future1;
ResolvedUnitResult result2 = await future2;
expect(result2, same(result1));
expect(result1.path, testFile);
expect(result1.unit, isNotNull);
test_getUnitElement() async {
String content = r'''
foo(int p) {}
main() {
var unitResult = await driver.getUnitElement(testFile);
unitResult as UnitElementResult;
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unitResult.element;
expect(unitElement.source.fullName, testFile);
expect( =>,
unorderedEquals(['foo', 'main']));
test_getUnitElement_doesNotExist_afterResynthesized() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'package:test/b.dart';
await driver.getResolvedLibrary(a);
await driver.getUnitElement(b);
test_getUnitElement_invalidPath_notAbsolute() async {
var result = await driver.getUnitElement('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_getUnitElement_notDart() async {
var path = convertPath('/test.txt');
newFile(path, 'class A {}');
var unitResult = await driver.getUnitElement(path);
unitResult as UnitElementResult;
expect( =>, ['A']);
test_hasFilesToAnalyze() async {
// No files yet, nothing to analyze.
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isFalse);
// Add a new file, it should be analyzed.
addTestFile('main() {}', priority: false);
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isTrue);
// Wait for idle, nothing to do.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isFalse);
// Ask to analyze the file, so there is a file to analyze.
var future = driver.getResultValid(testFile);
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isTrue);
// Once analysis is done, there is nothing to analyze.
await future;
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isFalse);
// Change a file, even if not added, it still might affect analysis.
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isTrue);
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isFalse);
// Request of referenced names is not analysis of a file.
await driver.getFilesReferencingName('X');
expect(driver.hasFilesToAnalyze, isFalse);
test_hermetic_modifyLibraryFile_resolvePart() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
part 'b.dart';
class C {
int foo;
newFile(b, r'''
part of a;
var c = new C();
await driver.getResultValid(b);
// Modify the library, but don't notify the driver.
// The driver should use the previous library content and elements.
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
part 'b.dart';
class C {
int bar;
var result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
var c = _getTopLevelVar(result.unit, 'c');
var typeC = c.declaredElement!.type as InterfaceType;
// The class C has an old field 'foo', not the new 'bar'.
expect(typeC.element.getField('foo'), isNotNull);
expect(typeC.element.getField('bar'), isNull);
test_importOfNonLibrary_part_afterLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, '''
library my.lib;
part 'b.dart';
newFile(b, '''
part of my.lib;
class A {}
newFile(c, '''
import 'b.dart';
// This ensures that `a.dart` linked library is cached.
await driver.getResultValid(a);
// Should not fail because of considering `b.dart` part as `a.dart` library.
await driver.getResultValid(c);
test_instantiateToBounds_invalid() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
class A<T extends B> {}
class B<T extends A<B>> {}
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
test_issue34619() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
class C {
final Set<String> f = new Set<String>();
List<int> foo() {}
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Update the file in a
modifyFile(a, r'''
class C {
final Set<String> f = a + b + c;
List<int> foo() {}
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
test_knownFiles() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
newFile(b, '');
newFile(c, '');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(a));
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(b));
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(c));
// Remove a.dart and analyze.
// Both a.dart and b.dart are not known now.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(a)));
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(b)));
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(c));
test_knownFiles_beforeAnalysis() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, '');
// 'a.dart' is added, but not processed yet.
// So, the set of known files is empty yet.
expect(driver.knownFiles, isEmpty);
// Remove 'a.dart'.
// It has been no analysis yet, so 'a.dart' is not in the file state, only
// in 'added' files. So, it disappears when removed.
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(a)));
expect(driver.knownFiles, isNot(contains(b)));
test_missingDartLibrary_async() async {
var asyncPath = sdk.mapDartUri('dart:async')!.fullName;
addTestFile('class C {}');
var result = await driver.getErrors(testFile) as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.errors, hasLength(1));
AnalysisError error = result.errors[0];
expect(error.errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.MISSING_DART_LIBRARY);
test_missingDartLibrary_core() async {
var corePath = sdk.mapDartUri('dart:core')!.fullName;
addTestFile('class C {}');
var result = await driver.getErrors(testFile) as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.errors, hasLength(1));
AnalysisError error = result.errors[0];
expect(error.errorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.MISSING_DART_LIBRARY);
test_parseFileSync_changedFile() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, '');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
void f(A a) {}
// Ensure that [a.dart] library cycle is loaded.
// So, `a.dart` is in the library context.
await driver.getResultValid(a);
// Update the file, changing its API signature.
// Note that we don't call `changeFile`.
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
// Parse the file.
// We have not called `changeFile(a)`, so we should not read the file.
// Moreover, doing this will create a new library cycle [a.dart].
// Library cycles are compared by their identity, so we would try to
// reload linked summary for [a.dart], and crash.
var parseResult = driver.parseFileSync(a) as ParsedUnitResult;
expect(parseResult.unit.declarations, isEmpty);
// We have not read `a.dart`, so `A` is still not declared.
var bResult = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(bResult.errors, isNotEmpty);
// Notify the driver that the file was changed.
// ...and apply this change.
await driver.applyPendingFileChanges();
// So, `class A {}` is declared now.
var parseResult = driver.parseFileSync(a) as ParsedUnitResult;
expect(parseResult.unit.declarations, hasLength(1));
var bResult = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(bResult.errors, isEmpty);
test_parseFileSync_doesNotReadImportedFiles() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, '');
newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
expect(driver.fsState.knownFilePaths, isEmpty);
// Don't read `a.dart` when parse.
expect(driver.fsState.knownFilePaths, unorderedEquals([b]));
// Still don't read `a.dart` when parse the second time.
expect(driver.fsState.knownFilePaths, unorderedEquals([b]));
test_parseFileSync_languageVersion() async {
var path = convertPath('/test/lib/test.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
// @dart = 2.7
class A {}
var parseResult = driver.parseFileSync(path) as ParsedUnitResult;
var languageVersion = parseResult.unit.languageVersionToken!;
expect(languageVersion.major, 2);
expect(languageVersion.minor, 7);
test_parseFileSync_languageVersion_null() async {
var path = convertPath('/test/lib/test.dart');
newFile(path, r'''
class A {}
var parseResult = driver.parseFileSync(path) as ParsedUnitResult;
expect(parseResult.unit.languageVersionToken, isNull);
test_parseFileSync_notAbsolutePath() async {
var result = driver.parseFileSync('not_absolute.dart');
expect(result, isA<InvalidPathResult>());
test_parseFileSync_notDart() async {
var p = convertPath('/test/bin/a.txt');
newFile(p, 'class A {}');
var parseResult = driver.parseFileSync(p) as ParsedUnitResult;
expect(parseResult, isNotNull);
expect(driver.knownFiles, contains(p));
test_partOfName_getErrors_afterLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// Process a.dart so that we know that it's a library for c.dart later.
var result = await driver.getErrors(a) as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
// c.dart does not have errors in the context of a.dart
var result = await driver.getErrors(c) as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_partOfName_getErrors_beforeLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// c.dart is resolve in the context of a.dart, so have no errors
var result = await driver.getErrors(c) as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_partOfName_getResult_afterLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// Process a.dart so that we know that it's a library for c.dart later.
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(a);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'c', 'C');
// Now c.dart can be resolved without errors in the context of a.dart
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(c);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'a', 'A');
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'b', 'B');
test_partOfName_getResult_beforeLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// b.dart will be analyzed after a.dart is analyzed.
// So, A and B references are resolved.
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(c);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'a', 'A');
_assertTopLevelVarType(result.unit, 'b', 'B');
test_partOfName_getResult_changePart_invalidatesLibraryCycle() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'dart:async';
part 'b.dart';
// Analyze the library without the part.
await driver.getResultValid(a);
// Create the part file.
// This should invalidate library file state (specifically the library
// cycle), so that we can re-link the library, and get new dependencies.
newFile(b, r'''
part of 'a.dart';
Future<int> f;
// This should not crash.
var result = await driver.getResultValid(b);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_partOfName_getResult_hasLibrary_noPart() async {
final a = newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
library my.lib;
final c = newFile('/test/lib/c.dart', r'''
part of my.lib;
final a = A();
// Discover the library.
// There is no library which c.dart is a part of, so `A` is unresolved.
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(c.path);
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
test_partOfName_getResult_noLibrary() async {
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// There is no library which c.dart is a part of, so it has unresolved
// A and B references.
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResultValid(c);
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
test_partOfName_getUnitElement_afterLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// Process a.dart so that we know that it's a library for c.dart later.
await driver.getResultValid(a);
// c.dart is resolve in the context of a.dart, knows 'A' and 'B'.
var result = await driver.getUnitElement(c);
result as UnitElementResult;
var partUnit = result.element;
assertType(partUnit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'A');
assertType(partUnit.topLevelVariables[1].type, 'B');
var libraryUnit = partUnit.library.definingCompilationUnit;
assertType(libraryUnit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'C');
test_partOfName_getUnitElement_beforeLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// c.dart is resolve in the context of a.dart, knows 'A' and 'B'.
var result = await driver.getUnitElement(c);
result as UnitElementResult;
var partUnit = result.element;
assertType(partUnit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'A');
assertType(partUnit.topLevelVariables[1].type, 'B');
var libraryUnit = partUnit.library.definingCompilationUnit;
assertType(libraryUnit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'C');
test_partOfName_getUnitElement_noLibrary() async {
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// We don't know the library of c.dart, but we should get a result.
// The types "A" and "B" are unresolved.
var result = await driver.getUnitElement(c);
result as UnitElementResult;
var partUnit = result.element;
expect(partUnit.topLevelVariables[0].name, 'a');
assertType(partUnit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'dynamic');
expect(partUnit.topLevelVariables[1].name, 'b');
assertType(partUnit.topLevelVariables[1].type, 'dynamic');
test_partOfName_results_afterLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// The order is important for creating the test case.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// c.dart was added after a.dart, so it is analyzed after a.dart,
// so we know that a.dart is the library of c.dart, so no errors.
var result =
allResults.whereType<ErrorsResult>().lastWhere((r) => r.path == c);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
// Update a.dart so that c.dart is not a part.
modifyFile(a, '// does not use c.dart anymore');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Now c.dart does not have a library context, so A and B cannot be
// resolved, so there are errors.
var result =
allResults.whereType<ErrorsResult>().lastWhere((r) => r.path == c);
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
test_partOfName_results_beforeLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// The order is important for creating the test case.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// c.dart was added before a.dart, so we attempt to analyze it before
// a.dart, but we cannot find the library for it, so we delay analysis
// until all other files are analyzed, including a.dart, after which we
// analyze the delayed parts.
var result =
allResults.whereType<ErrorsResult>().lastWhere((r) => r.path == c);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
test_partOfName_results_noLibrary() async {
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// There is no library which c.dart is a part of, so it has unresolved
// A and B references.
var result =
allResults.whereType<ErrorsResult>().lastWhere((r) => r.path == c);
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
test_partOfName_results_noLibrary_priority() async {
var c = newFile('/test/lib/c.dart', r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
driver.priorityFiles = [c.path];
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// There is no library which c.dart is a part of, so it has unresolved
// A and B references.
final result = allResults
.lastWhere((result) => result.path == c.path);
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
test_partOfName_results_priority_beforeLibrary() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
library a;
import 'b.dart';
part 'c.dart';
class A {}
var c = new C();
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, r'''
part of a;
class C {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// The order is important for creating the test case.
driver.priorityFiles = [c];
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// c.dart was added before a.dart, so we attempt to analyze it before
// a.dart, but we cannot find the library for it, so we delay analysis
// until all other files are analyzed, including a.dart, after which we
// analyze the delayed parts.
ResolvedUnitResult result = allResults
.lastWhere((r) => r.path == c);
expect(result.errors, isEmpty);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
test_removeFile_addFile_results() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.pathSet, {a});
// a.dart should be produced again
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.pathSet, {a});
test_removeFile_changeFile_implicitlyAnalyzed() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'b.dart';
var A = B;
newFile(b, 'var B = 1;');
driver.priorityFiles = [a, b];
// We have results for both "a" and "b".
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(2));
ResolvedUnitResult ar = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A', 'int');
ResolvedUnitResult br = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == b);
_assertTopLevelVarType(br.unit, 'B', 'int');
// Remove "b" and send the change notification.
modifyFile(b, 'var B = 1.2;');
// While "b" is not analyzed explicitly, it is analyzed implicitly.
// We don't get a result for "b".
// But the change causes "a" to be reanalyzed.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
ResolvedUnitResult ar = allResults
.firstWhere((r) => r.path == a);
_assertTopLevelVarType(ar.unit, 'A', 'double');
test_removeFile_changeFile_notAnalyzed() async {
addTestFile('main() {}');
// We have a result.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.pathSet, {testFile});
// Remove the file and send the change notification.
// The change notification does nothing, because the file is explicitly
// or implicitly analyzed.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
test_removeFile_invalidate_importers() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, "import 'a.dart'; var a = new A();");
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// b.dart s clean.
expect(allResults.withPath(b).errors, isEmpty);
// Remove a.dart, now b.dart should be reanalyzed and has an error.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.withPath(b).errors, hasLength(2));
test_removeFile_notAbsolutePath() async {
expect(() {
}, throwsArgumentError);
test_results_order() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
var d = convertPath('/test/lib/d.dart');
var e = convertPath('/test/lib/e.dart');
var f = convertPath('/test/lib/f.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
import 'd.dart';
newFile(b, '');
newFile(c, r'''
import 'd.dart';
newFile(d, r'''
import 'b.dart';
newFile(e, r'''
export 'b.dart';
newFile(f, r'''
import 'e.dart';
class F extends X {}
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// The file f.dart has an error or warning.
// So, its analysis will have higher priority.
expect(driver.fsState.getFileForPath(f).hasErrorOrWarning, isTrue);
// Update a.dart with changing its API signature.
modifyFile(b, 'class A {}');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
List<String> analyzedPaths = allResults.pathList;
// The changed file must be the first.
expect(analyzedPaths[0], b);
// Then the file that imports the changed file.
expect(analyzedPaths[1], d);
// Then the file that has an error (even if it is unrelated).
expect(analyzedPaths[2], f);
test_results_order_allChangedFirst_thenImports() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
var d = convertPath('/test/lib/d.dart');
var e = convertPath('/test/lib/e.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, '');
newFile(d, "import 'a.dart';");
newFile(e, "import 'b.dart';");
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Change b.dart and then a.dart files.
// So, a.dart and b.dart should be analyzed first.
// Then d.dart and e.dart because they import a.dart and b.dart files.
modifyFile(a, 'class A2 {}');
modifyFile(b, 'class B2 {}');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
List<String> analyzedPaths = allResults.pathList;
// The changed files must be the first.
expect(analyzedPaths[0], a);
expect(analyzedPaths[1], b);
// Then the file that imports the changed file.
expect(analyzedPaths[2], d);
expect(analyzedPaths[3], e);
test_results_priority() async {
String content = 'int f() => 42;';
addTestFile(content, priority: true);
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
var result = allResults.single as ResolvedUnitResult;
expect(result.path, testFile);
expect(result.uri.toString(), 'package:test/test.dart');
expect(result.content, content);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
expect(result.errors, hasLength(0));
var f = result.unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
assertType(f.declaredElement!.type, 'int Function()');
assertType(f.returnType!.typeOrThrow, 'int');
test_results_priorityFirst() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
var c = convertPath('/test/lib/c.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
newFile(c, 'class C {}');
driver.priorityFiles = [b];
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(3));
var result = allResults.first as ResolvedUnitResult;
expect(result.path, b);
expect(result.unit, isNotNull);
expect(result.errors, hasLength(0));
test_results_regular() async {
String content = 'int f() => 42;';
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
var result = allResults.single as ErrorsResult;
expect(result.path, testFile);
expect(result.uri.toString(), 'package:test/test.dart');
expect(result.errors, hasLength(0));
test_results_removeFile_changeFile() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, r'''
var v = 0;
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.withPath(a).errors, hasLength(0));
newFile(a, r'''
var v = 0
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults.withPath(a).errors, hasLength(1));
test_results_skipNotAffected() async {
var a = convertPath('/test/lib/a.dart');
var b = convertPath('/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(a, 'class A {}');
newFile(b, 'class B {}');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(2));
// Update a.dart and notify.
modifyFile(a, 'class A2 {}');
// Only result for a.dart should be produced, b.dart is not affected.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
test_results_status() async {
addTestFile('int f() => 42;');
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allStatuses, hasLength(2));
expect(allStatuses[0].isAnalyzing, isTrue);
expect(allStatuses[0].isIdle, isFalse);
expect(allStatuses[1].isAnalyzing, isFalse);
expect(allStatuses[1].isIdle, isTrue);
test_waitForIdle() async {
// With no analysis to do, scheduler.waitForIdle should complete immediately.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
// Now schedule some analysis.
addTestFile('int f() => 42;');
expect(allResults, isEmpty);
// scheduler.waitForIdle should wait for the analysis.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
// Make sure there is no more analysis pending.
await waitForIdleWithoutExceptions();
expect(allResults, hasLength(1));
Future waitForIdleWithoutExceptions() async {
await scheduler.waitForIdle();
if (allExceptions.isNotEmpty) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
for (var exception in allExceptions) {
buffer.writeln('Path: ${exception.filePath}');
buffer.writeln('Exception: ${exception.exception}');
fail('Unexpected exceptions:\n$buffer');
void _assertClassFieldType(CompilationUnit unit, String className,
String fieldName, String expected) {
var node = _getClassField(unit, className, fieldName);
var type = node.declaredElement!.type;
assertType(type, expected);
void _assertClassMethodReturnType(CompilationUnit unit, String className,
String fieldName, String expected) {
var node = _getClassMethod(unit, className, fieldName);
var type = node.declaredElement!.returnType;
assertType(type, expected);
void _assertTopLevelVarType(
CompilationUnit unit, String name, String expected) {
VariableDeclaration variable = _getTopLevelVar(unit, name);
assertType(variable.declaredElement!.type, expected);
void _expectCircularityError(EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult) {
expect(evaluationResult, isNotNull);
expect(evaluationResult.value, isNull);
expect(evaluationResult.errors, hasLength(1));
ClassDeclaration _getClass(CompilationUnit unit, String name) {
for (CompilationUnitMember declaration in unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is ClassDeclaration) {
if (declaration.name2.lexeme == name) {
return declaration;
fail('Cannot find the class $name in\n$unit');
VariableDeclaration _getClassField(
CompilationUnit unit, String className, String fieldName) {
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = _getClass(unit, className);
for (ClassMember declaration in classDeclaration.members) {
if (declaration is FieldDeclaration) {
for (var field in declaration.fields.variables) {
if (field.name2.lexeme == fieldName) {
return field;
fail('Cannot find the field $fieldName in the class $className in\n$unit');
MethodDeclaration _getClassMethod(
CompilationUnit unit, String className, String methodName) {
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = _getClass(unit, className);
for (ClassMember declaration in classDeclaration.members) {
if (declaration is MethodDeclaration &&
declaration.name2.lexeme == methodName) {
return declaration;
fail('Cannot find the method $methodName in the class $className in\n'
LibraryImportElement _getImportElement(
CompilationUnit unit, int directiveIndex) {
var import = unit.directives[directiveIndex] as ImportDirective;
return import.element2!;
Source _getImportSource(CompilationUnit unit, int directiveIndex) {
return _getImportElement(unit, directiveIndex).importedLibrary!.source;
VariableDeclaration _getTopLevelVar(CompilationUnit unit, String name) {
for (CompilationUnitMember declaration in unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
for (VariableDeclaration variable in declaration.variables.variables) {
if (variable.name2.lexeme == name) {
return variable;
fail('Cannot find the top-level variable $name in\n$unit');
class _SourceMock implements Source {
final String fullName;
final Uri uri;
_SourceMock(this.fullName, this.uri);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw StateError('Unexpected invocation of ${invocation.memberName}');
extension on AnalysisDriver {
void assertLoadedLibraryUriSet({
Iterable<String>? included,
Iterable<String>? excluded,
}) {
var uriSet = testView!.loadedLibraryUriSet;
if (included != null) {
expect(uriSet, containsAll(included));
if (excluded != null) {
for (var excludedUri in excluded) {
expect(uriSet, isNot(contains(excludedUri)));
FileResult getFileSyncValid(String path) {
return getFileSync(path) as FileResult;
Future<LibraryElementResult> getLibraryByUriValid(String uriStr) async {
return await getLibraryByUri(uriStr) as LibraryElementResult;
Future<ResolvedUnitResult> getResultValid(String path) async {
return await getResult(path) as ResolvedUnitResult;