blob: 48c3c7804945ec118864a05c81b0eaf7cb790260 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/element_locator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:collection/src/iterable_extensions.dart';
/// Return the [Element] of the given [node], or `null` if [node] is `null` or
/// does not have an element.
Element? getElementOfNode(AstNode? node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
if (node is DeclaredSimpleIdentifier) {
node = node.parent;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier && node.parent is LibraryIdentifier) {
node = node.parent;
if (node is LibraryIdentifier) {
node = node.parent;
if (node is StringLiteral && node.parent is UriBasedDirective) {
return null;
var element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
if (node is SimpleIdentifier && element is PrefixElement) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ImportDirective) {
element = parent.element2;
} else {
element = _getImportElementInfo(node);
return element;
/// If the given [constructor] is a synthetic constructor created for a
/// [ClassTypeAlias], return the actual constructor of a [ClassDeclaration]
/// which is invoked. Return `null` if a redirection cycle is detected.
ConstructorElement? _getActualConstructorElement(
ConstructorElement? constructor) {
var seenConstructors = <ConstructorElement?>{};
while (constructor is ConstructorElementImpl && constructor.isSynthetic) {
var enclosing = constructor.enclosingElement3;
if (enclosing is ClassElement && enclosing.isMixinApplication) {
var superInvocation = constructor.constantInitializers
if (superInvocation != null) {
constructor = superInvocation.staticElement;
} else {
// fail if a cycle is detected
if (!seenConstructors.add(constructor)) {
return null;
return constructor;
/// Return the [LibraryImportElement] that declared [prefix] and imports [element].
/// [libraryElement] - the [LibraryElement] where reference is.
/// [prefix] - the import prefix, maybe `null`.
/// [element] - the referenced element.
/// [importElementsMap] - the cache of [Element]s imported by [LibraryImportElement]s.
LibraryImportElement? _getImportElement(
LibraryElement libraryElement,
String prefix,
Element element,
Map<LibraryImportElement, Set<Element>> importElementsMap) {
if (element.enclosingElement3 is! CompilationUnitElement) {
return null;
var usedLibrary = element.library;
// find ImportElement that imports used library with used prefix
List<LibraryImportElement>? candidates;
for (var importElement in libraryElement.libraryImports) {
// required library
if (importElement.importedLibrary != usedLibrary) {
// required prefix
var prefixElement = importElement.prefix?.element;
if (prefixElement == null) {
if (prefix != {
// no combinators => only possible candidate
if (importElement.combinators.isEmpty) {
return importElement;
// OK, we have candidate
candidates ??= [];
// no candidates, probably element is defined in this library
if (candidates == null) {
return null;
// one candidate
if (candidates.length == 1) {
return candidates[0];
// ensure that each ImportElement has set of elements
for (var importElement in candidates) {
if (importElementsMap.containsKey(importElement)) {
var namespace = importElement.namespace;
var elements = Set<Element>.from(namespace.definedNames.values);
importElementsMap[importElement] = elements;
// use import namespace to choose correct one
for (var entry in importElementsMap.entries) {
var importElement = entry.key;
var elements = entry.value;
if (elements.contains(element)) {
return importElement;
// not found
return null;
/// Returns the [LibraryImportElement] that is referenced by [prefixNode] with a
/// [PrefixElement], maybe `null`.
LibraryImportElement? _getImportElementInfo(SimpleIdentifier prefixNode) {
// prepare environment
var parent = prefixNode.parent;
var unit = prefixNode.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>();
var libraryElement = unit?.declaredElement?.library;
if (libraryElement == null) {
return null;
// prepare used element
Element? usedElement;
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var prefixed = parent;
if (prefixed.prefix == prefixNode) {
usedElement = prefixed.staticElement;
} else if (parent is MethodInvocation) {
var invocation = parent;
if ( == prefixNode) {
usedElement = invocation.methodName.staticElement;
// we need used Element
if (usedElement == null) {
return null;
// find ImportElement
var prefix =;
var importElementsMap = <LibraryImportElement, Set<Element>>{};
return _getImportElement(
libraryElement, prefix, usedElement, importElementsMap);
class MatchInfo {
final int offset;
final int length;
final MatchKind matchKind;
MatchInfo(this.offset, this.length, this.matchKind);
/// Instances of the enum [MatchKind] represent the kind of reference that was
/// found when a match represents a reference to an element.
class MatchKind {
/// A declaration of an element.
static const MatchKind DECLARATION = MatchKind('DECLARATION');
/// A reference to an element in which it is being read.
static const MatchKind READ = MatchKind('READ');
/// A reference to an element in which it is being both read and written.
static const MatchKind READ_WRITE = MatchKind('READ_WRITE');
/// A reference to an element in which it is being written.
static const MatchKind WRITE = MatchKind('WRITE');
/// A reference to an element in which it is being invoked.
static const MatchKind INVOCATION = MatchKind('INVOCATION');
/// An invocation of an enum constructor from an enum constant without
/// arguments.
/// A reference to an element in which it is referenced.
static const MatchKind REFERENCE = MatchKind('REFERENCE');
/// A tear-off reference to a constructor.
final String name;
const MatchKind(;
String toString() => name;
class ReferencesCollector extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void> {
final Element element;
final List<MatchInfo> references = [];
void visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
if (node.writeElement != null &&
node.writeElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var kind = MatchKind.WRITE;
var property = node.writeElement as PropertyAccessorElement;
if (property.variable == element || property == element) {
if (node.leftHandSide is SimpleIdentifier) {
node.leftHandSide.offset, node.leftHandSide.length, kind));
} else if (node.leftHandSide is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var prefixIdentifier = node.leftHandSide as PrefixedIdentifier;
prefixIdentifier.identifier.length, kind));
} else if (node.leftHandSide is PropertyAccess) {
var accessor = node.leftHandSide as PropertyAccess;
MatchInfo(accessor.propertyName.offset, accessor.length, kind));
if (node.readElement != null &&
node.readElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var property = node.readElement as PropertyAccessorElement;
if (property.variable == element) {
node.rightHandSide.length, MatchKind.READ));
visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {
var expression = node.expression;
if (expression is Identifier) {
var element = expression.staticElement;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
if (expression is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var offset = expression.prefix.end;
var length = expression.end - offset;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, MatchKind.REFERENCE));
} else {
var offset = expression.end;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, 0, MatchKind.REFERENCE));
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
// Nothing to do?
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('Unhandled CommentReference expression type: '
visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
var e = node.declaredElement;
if (e == element) {
if (e!.name.isEmpty) {
MatchInfo(e.nameOffset + e.nameLength, 0, MatchKind.DECLARATION));
} else {
var offset = node.period!.offset;
var length = node.name2!.end - offset;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, MatchKind.DECLARATION));
void visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
var e = node.staticElement?.declaration;
e = _getActualConstructorElement(e);
MatchKind kind;
int offset;
int length;
if (e == element) {
if (node.parent is ConstructorReference) {
} else if (node.parent is InstanceCreationExpression) {
kind = MatchKind.INVOCATION;
} else {
kind = MatchKind.REFERENCE;
if ( != null) {
offset = node.period!.offset;
length =!.end - offset;
} else {
offset = node.type.end;
length = 0;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, kind));
} else if (e != null && e.enclosingElement3 == element) {
kind = MatchKind.REFERENCE;
offset = node.offset;
length = element.nameLength;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, kind));
void visitEnumConstantDeclaration(EnumConstantDeclaration node) {
var constructorElement = node.constructorElement;
if (constructorElement != null && constructorElement == element) {
int offset;
int length;
var constructorSelector = node.arguments?.constructorSelector;
if (constructorSelector != null) {
offset = constructorSelector.period.offset;
length = - offset;
} else {
offset = node.name2.end;
length = 0;
var kind = node.arguments == null
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, kind));
void visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
var e = node.staticElement;
if (e == element) {
if (node.constructorName != null) {
int offset = node.period!.offset;
int length = node.constructorName!.end - offset;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, MatchKind.INVOCATION));
} else {
int offset = node.thisKeyword.end;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, 0, MatchKind.INVOCATION));
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
var e = node.staticElement;
if (e == element) {
references.add(MatchInfo(node.offset, node.length, MatchKind.REFERENCE));
} else if (e is PropertyAccessorElement && e.variable == element) {
bool inGetterContext = node.inGetterContext();
bool inSetterContext = node.inSetterContext();
MatchKind kind;
if (inGetterContext && inSetterContext) {
kind = MatchKind.READ_WRITE;
} else if (inGetterContext) {
kind = MatchKind.READ;
} else {
kind = MatchKind.WRITE;
references.add(MatchInfo(node.offset, node.length, kind));
void visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
var e = node.staticElement;
if (e == element) {
if (node.constructorName != null) {
int offset = node.period!.offset;
int length = node.constructorName!.end - offset;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, length, MatchKind.INVOCATION));
} else {
int offset = node.superKeyword.end;
references.add(MatchInfo(offset, 0, MatchKind.INVOCATION));