blob: 2157dcccb53131a706175bd0089e5e456a0d0cf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
/// A contributor that produces suggestions for field formal parameters that are
/// based on the fields declared directly by the enclosing class that are not
/// already initialized. More concretely, this class produces suggestions for
/// expressions of the form `this.^` in a constructor's parameter list.
class FieldFormalContributor extends DartCompletionContributor {
FieldFormalContributor(super.request, super.builder);
Future<void> computeSuggestions() async {
var node =;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) We should suggest field formal parameters even if
// the user hasn't already typed the `this.` prefix, by including the
// prefix in the completion.
if (node is! FieldFormalParameter) {
var constructor = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<ConstructorDeclaration>();
if (constructor == null) {
// Compute the list of fields already referenced in the constructor.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't include fields in initializers, which
// shouldn't be suggested.
var referencedFields = <String>[];
for (var param in constructor.parameters.parameters) {
if (param is DefaultFormalParameter) {
param = param.parameter;
if (param is FieldFormalParameter) {
var fieldId =;
if (fieldId != {
var fieldName = fieldId.lexeme;
if (fieldName.isNotEmpty) {
ClassElement? enclosingClass;
var constructorParent = constructor.parent;
if (constructorParent is ClassDeclaration) {
enclosingClass = constructorParent.declaredElement;
} else if (constructorParent is EnumDeclaration) {
enclosingClass = constructorParent.declaredElement;
} else {
if (enclosingClass == null) {
// Add suggestions for fields that are not already referenced.
for (var field in enclosingClass.fields) {
if (!field.isSynthetic && !field.isEnumConstant && !field.isStatic) {
var fieldName =;
if (fieldName.isNotEmpty) {
if (!referencedFields.contains(fieldName)) {