blob: 99d4ba30622c59a5b72cae4a2641deb0e6d612e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/block_scheduler.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/code_patcher.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, emit_edge_counters, true, "Emit edge counters at targets.");
// Compute the edge count at the deopt id of a TargetEntry or Goto.
static intptr_t ComputeEdgeCount(const Code& unoptimized_code,
intptr_t deopt_id) {
ASSERT(deopt_id != Isolate::kNoDeoptId);
if (!FLAG_emit_edge_counters) {
// Assume everything was visited once.
return 1;
uword pc = unoptimized_code.GetPcForDeoptId(deopt_id, PcDescriptors::kDeopt);
Array& array = Array::Handle();
array ^= CodePatcher::GetEdgeCounterAt(pc, unoptimized_code);
return Smi::Value(Smi::RawCast(array.At(0)));
// There is an edge from instruction->successor. Set its weight (edge count
// per function entry).
static void SetEdgeWeight(Instruction* instruction,
BlockEntryInstr* successor,
const Code& unoptimized_code,
intptr_t entry_count) {
TargetEntryInstr* target = successor->AsTargetEntry();
if (target != NULL) {
intptr_t count = ComputeEdgeCount(unoptimized_code, target->deopt_id());
if ((count >= 0) && (entry_count != 0)) {
double weight =
static_cast<double>(count) / static_cast<double>(entry_count);
} else {
GotoInstr* jump = instruction->AsGoto();
if (jump != NULL) {
intptr_t count = ComputeEdgeCount(unoptimized_code, jump->deopt_id());
if ((count >= 0) && (entry_count != 0)) {
double weight =
static_cast<double>(count) / static_cast<double>(entry_count);
void BlockScheduler::AssignEdgeWeights() const {
const Code& unoptimized_code = Code::Handle(
intptr_t entry_count =
for (BlockIterator it = flow_graph()->reverse_postorder_iterator();
it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
Instruction* last = block->last_instruction();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < last->SuccessorCount(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* succ = last->SuccessorAt(i);
SetEdgeWeight(last, succ, unoptimized_code, entry_count);
// A weighted control-flow graph edge.
struct Edge {
Edge(BlockEntryInstr* source, BlockEntryInstr* target, double weight)
: source(source), target(target), weight(weight) { }
static int LowestWeightFirst(const Edge* a, const Edge* b);
BlockEntryInstr* source;
BlockEntryInstr* target;
double weight;
// A linked list node in a chain of blocks.
struct Link : public ZoneAllocated {
Link(BlockEntryInstr* block, Link* next) : block(block), next(next) { }
BlockEntryInstr* block;
Link* next;
// A chain of blocks with first and last pointers for fast concatenation and
// a length to support adding a shorter chain's links to a longer chain.
struct Chain : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit Chain(BlockEntryInstr* block)
: first(new Link(block, NULL)), last(first), length(1) { }
Link* first;
Link* last;
intptr_t length;
int Edge::LowestWeightFirst(const Edge* a, const Edge* b) {
if (a->weight < b->weight) {
return -1;
return (a->weight > b->weight) ? 1 : 0;
// Combine two chains by adding the shorter chain's links to the longer
// chain.
static void Union(GrowableArray<Chain*>* chains,
Chain* source_chain,
Chain* target_chain) {
if (source_chain->length < target_chain->length) {
for (Link* link = source_chain->first; link != NULL; link = link->next) {
(*chains)[link->block->postorder_number()] = target_chain;
// Link the chains.
source_chain->last->next = target_chain->first;
// Update the state of the longer chain.
target_chain->first = source_chain->first;
target_chain->length += source_chain->length;
} else {
for (Link* link = target_chain->first; link != NULL; link = link->next) {
(*chains)[link->block->postorder_number()] = source_chain;
source_chain->last->next = target_chain->first;
source_chain->last = target_chain->last;
source_chain->length += target_chain->length;
void BlockScheduler::ReorderBlocks() const {
// Add every block to a chain of length 1 and compute a list of edges
// sorted by weight.
intptr_t block_count = flow_graph()->preorder().length();
GrowableArray<Edge> edges(2 * block_count);
// A map from a block's postorder number to the chain it is in. Used to
// implement a simple (ordered) union-find data structure. Chains are
// stored by pointer so that they are aliased (mutating one mutates all
// shared ones). Find(n) is simply chains[n].
GrowableArray<Chain*> chains(block_count);
for (BlockIterator it = flow_graph()->postorder_iterator();
it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
chains.Add(new Chain(block));
Instruction* last = block->last_instruction();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < last->SuccessorCount(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* succ = last->SuccessorAt(i);
double weight = 0.0;
if (succ->IsTargetEntry()) {
weight = succ->AsTargetEntry()->edge_weight();
} else if (last->IsGoto()) {
weight = last->AsGoto()->edge_weight();
edges.Add(Edge(block, succ, weight));
// Handle each edge in turn. The edges are sorted by increasing weight.
while (!edges.is_empty()) {
Edge edge = edges.RemoveLast();
Chain* source_chain = chains[edge.source->postorder_number()];
Chain* target_chain = chains[>postorder_number()];
// If the source and target are already in the same chain or if the
// edge's source or target is not exposed at the appropriate end of a
// chain skip this edge.
if ((source_chain == target_chain) ||
(edge.source != source_chain->last->block) ||
( != target_chain->first->block)) {
Union(&chains, source_chain, target_chain);
// Build a new block order. Emit each chain when its first block occurs
// in the original reverse postorder ordering (which gives a topological
// sort of the blocks).
for (intptr_t i = block_count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (chains[i]->first->block == flow_graph()->postorder()[i]) {
for (Link* link = chains[i]->first; link != NULL; link = link->next) {
} // namespace dart