blob: d0348a20f8b7180ff4731ed5bbcd069694221bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out.dart:18:11: Error: Can't create typedef from nullable type.
// typedef F = void Function()?;
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "org-dartlang-testcase:///opt_out_lib.dart";
typedef F = invalid-type;
class A<T extends core::Object? = dynamic> extends core::Object {
late field core::int field;
synthetic constructor •() self::A<self::A::T%>
class B extends self::A<core::String?> {
synthetic constructor •() self::B
static field core::List<core::String?> l;
static field core::String? s;
static field core::String t;
late static field core::int field;
static method method(() →? void f, {required core::int a}) void
static method main() dynamic
static method noErrors() dynamic
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:18:25: Error: Null safety features are disabled for this library.
// Try removing the `@dart=` annotation or setting the language version to 2.12 or higher.
// class B extends A<String?> {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:5:1: Context: This is the annotation that opts out this library from null safety features.
// // @dart=2.5
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:20:28: Error: Null safety features are disabled for this library.
// Try removing the `@dart=` annotation or setting the language version to 2.12 or higher.
// typedef F = void Function()?;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:5:1: Context: This is the annotation that opts out this library from null safety features.
// // @dart=2.5
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:22:12: Error: Null safety features are disabled for this library.
// Try removing the `@dart=` annotation or setting the language version to 2.12 or higher.
// List<String?> l = [];
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:5:1: Context: This is the annotation that opts out this library from null safety features.
// // @dart=2.5
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:23:7: Error: Null safety features are disabled for this library.
// Try removing the `@dart=` annotation or setting the language version to 2.12 or higher.
// String? s = null;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:5:1: Context: This is the annotation that opts out this library from null safety features.
// // @dart=2.5
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:28:21: Error: Null safety features are disabled for this library.
// Try removing the `@dart=` annotation or setting the language version to 2.12 or higher.
// void method(void f()?, {int a}) {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:5:1: Context: This is the annotation that opts out this library from null safety features.
// // @dart=2.5
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:24:10: Error: Null safety features are disabled for this library.
// Try removing the `@dart=` annotation or setting the language version to 2.12 or higher.
// var t = s!;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/opt_out_lib.dart:5:1: Context: This is the annotation that opts out this library from null safety features.
// // @dart=2.5
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
import self as self2;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef F = () →* void;
class A<T extends core::Object* = dynamic> extends core::Object {
field core::int* field;
synthetic constructor •() self2::A<self2::A::T*>*
abstract member-signature get _identityHashCode() core::int*; -> core::Object::_identityHashCode
abstract member-signature method _instanceOf(dynamic instantiatorTypeArguments, dynamic functionTypeArguments, dynamic type) core::bool*; -> core::Object::_instanceOf
abstract member-signature method _simpleInstanceOf(dynamic type) core::bool*; -> core::Object::_simpleInstanceOf
abstract member-signature method _simpleInstanceOfTrue(dynamic type) core::bool*; -> core::Object::_simpleInstanceOfTrue
abstract member-signature method _simpleInstanceOfFalse(dynamic type) core::bool*; -> core::Object::_simpleInstanceOfFalse
abstract member-signature operator ==(dynamic other) core::bool*; -> core::Object::==
abstract member-signature get hashCode() core::int*; -> core::Object::hashCode
abstract member-signature method toString() core::String*; -> core::Object::toString
abstract member-signature method noSuchMethod(core::Invocation* invocation) dynamic; -> core::Object::noSuchMethod
abstract member-signature get runtimeType() core::Type*; -> core::Object::runtimeType
class B extends self2::A<core::String*> {
synthetic constructor •() self2::B*
static field core::List<core::String*>* l;
static field core::String* s;
static field core::String* t;
static field core::int* field;
static method method(() →* void f, {core::int* a}) void
static method errors() dynamic