blob: faf077dff2b6fef13b5cf69ce2e256b2121899fc [file] [log] [blame]
library dart2js_info.bin.to_devtools_format;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/io.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart' show longName, libraryGroupName;
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/program_info.dart' as vm;
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/treemap.dart';
import 'usage_exception.dart';
/// Command that converts a `--dump-info` JSON output into a format ingested by Devtools.
/// Achieves this by converting an [AllInfo] tree into a [vm.ProgramInfo]
/// tree, which is then converted into the format ingested by DevTools via a
/// [TreeMap] intermediary. Initially built to enable display of code size
/// distribution from all info in a dart web app.
class DevtoolsFormatCommand extends Command<void> with PrintUsageException {
final String name = "to_devtools_format";
final String description =
"Converts dart2js info into a format accepted by Dart Devtools' "
"app size analysis panel.";
DevtoolsFormatCommand() {
abbr: 'o', help: 'Output treemap.json file (defaults to stdout');
void run() async {
final args = argResults!;
if ( {
usageException('Missing argument: or info.json');
final outputPath = args['out'];
final AllInfo allInfo = await infoFromFile(;
/// Mapping between the filename of the outputUnit and the name
/// of the corresponding outputUnit root to store in the treemap.
final Map<String, String> treemapRoots = {};
/// Mapping between the filename and size of the outputUnit.
final Map<String, int> treemapSizes = {};
for (var outputUnit in allInfo.outputUnits) {
treemapRoots[outputUnit.filename] =;
treemapSizes[outputUnit.filename] = outputUnit.size;
final builder = ProgramInfoBuilder(allInfo);
final outputUnits = builder.outputUnitMap(allInfo);
/// For deferred apps, VM Devtools expects an artificial root whose children
/// are a single main unit followed by each of the deferred units. For non-
/// deferred apps, VM Devtools expects a root with its children in the main
/// unit.
Map<String, dynamic> output = {};
output['n'] = '';
output['type'] = "web";
/// Adds "isDeferred" flag to each child of a treeMap using a helper stack.
void addDeferredFlag(Map<String, dynamic> treeMap, bool flag) {
List<dynamic> stack = [];
treeMap['isDeferred'] = flag;
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
var item = stack.removeLast();
item['isDeferred'] = flag;
stack.addAll(item['children'] ?? []);
if (outputUnits.length == 1) {
vm.ProgramInfo programInfoTree =, outputUnits.keys.first);
Map<String, dynamic> treeMap = treemapFromInfo(programInfoTree);
output = treeMap;
output['n'] = 'Root';
} else {
output['n'] = "ArtificialRoot";
output['children'] = [];
Map<String, dynamic> mainOutput = {};
List<dynamic> deferredOutputs = [];
for (var outputUnitName in outputUnits.keys) {
vm.ProgramInfo programInfoTree =, outputUnitName);
Map<String, dynamic> treeMap = treemapFromInfo(programInfoTree);
treeMap['n'] = treemapRoots[outputUnitName];
if (treeMap['n'] == 'main') {
// Recursively tag each child in treeMap with "isDeferred" flag
addDeferredFlag(treeMap, false);
} else {
Map<String, dynamic> deferredOutput = {};
addDeferredFlag(treeMap, true);
treeMap['value'] = treemapSizes[outputUnitName];
if (outputPath == null) {
} else {
await io.File(outputPath).writeAsString(jsonEncode(output));
/// Recover [vm.ProgramInfoNode] tree structure from the [AllInfo] profile.
/// The [vm.ProgramInfoNode] tree has a similar structure to the [AllInfo] tree
/// except that the root has packages, libraries, constants, and typedefs as
/// immediate children.
class ProgramInfoBuilder extends VMProgramInfoVisitor<vm.ProgramInfoNode?> {
final AllInfo info;
final program = vm.ProgramInfo();
/// Mapping between the filename of the outputUnit and the [vm.ProgramInfo]
/// subtree representing a program unit (main or deferred).
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfo> outputUnits = {};
/// Mapping between the name of an [Info] object and the corresponding
/// [vm.ProgramInfoNode] object.
/// For packages and libraries, since their children can be split among
/// different outputUnits, a composite name is used instead to differentiate
/// between [vm.ProgramInfoNode] in different outputUnits.
final Map<String, vm.ProgramInfoNode> infoNodesByName = {};
/// A unique key composed of the name of an [Info] object and the
/// filename of the outputUnit.
String compositeName(String name, String outputUnitName) =>
/// Mapping between the name of an OutputUnitInfo and the OutputUnitInfo object.
Map<String, OutputUnitInfo> outputUnitInfos = {};
/// Mapping between the composite name of a package and the corresponding
/// [PackageInfo] objects.
final Map<String, PackageInfo> packageInfos = {};
/// Mapping between an <unnamed> [LibraryInfo] object and the name of the
/// corresponding [vm.ProgramInfoNode] object.
final Map<Info, String> unnamedLibraries = {};
/// Collect libraries into packages and aggregate their sizes.
void makePackage(LibraryInfo libraryInfo, String outputUnitName) {
vm.ProgramInfo outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName]!;
String libraryName =;
if ( == '<unnamed>') {
libraryName = longName(libraryInfo, useLibraryUri: true, forId: true);
String packageName = libraryGroupName(libraryInfo) ?? libraryName;
String compositePackageName = compositeName(packageName, outputUnitName);
vm.ProgramInfoNode? packageInfoNode = infoNodesByName[compositePackageName];
if (packageInfoNode == null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode newPackage = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: packageName,
parent: outputUnit.root,
type: vm.NodeType.packageNode);
newPackage.size = 0;
outputUnit.root.children[compositePackageName] = newPackage;
var packageNode = infoNodesByName[compositePackageName];
assert(packageNode == null,
"encountered package with duplicated name: $compositePackageName");
infoNodesByName[compositePackageName] = newPackage;
/// Add the corresponding [PackageInfo] node in the [AllInfo] tree.
OutputUnitInfo packageUnit = outputUnitInfos[outputUnitName]!;
PackageInfo newPackageInfo =
PackageInfo(packageName, packageUnit, newPackage.size!);
/// Aggregates the size of a library [vm.ProgramInfoNode] from the sizes of
/// its top level children in the same output unit.
int collectSizesForOutputUnit(
Iterable<BasicInfo> infos, String outputUnitName) {
int sizes = 0;
for (var info in infos) {
if (info.outputUnit!.filename == outputUnitName) {
sizes += info.size;
return sizes;
void makeLibrary(LibraryInfo libraryInfo, String outputUnitName) {
vm.ProgramInfo outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName]!;
String libraryName =;
if (libraryName == '<unnamed>') {
libraryName = longName(libraryInfo, useLibraryUri: true, forId: true);
unnamedLibraries[libraryInfo] = libraryName;
String packageName = libraryGroupName(libraryInfo) ?? libraryName;
String compositePackageName = compositeName(packageName, outputUnitName);
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode = infoNodesByName[compositePackageName]!;
String compositeLibraryName = compositeName(libraryName, outputUnitName);
vm.ProgramInfoNode newLibrary = outputUnit.makeNode(
name: libraryName, parent: parentNode, type: vm.NodeType.libraryNode);
newLibrary.size = 0;
newLibrary.size = (newLibrary.size ?? 0) +
libraryInfo.topLevelFunctions, outputUnitName) +
libraryInfo.topLevelVariables, outputUnitName) +
collectSizesForOutputUnit(libraryInfo.classes, outputUnitName) +
collectSizesForOutputUnit(libraryInfo.classTypes, outputUnitName) +
collectSizesForOutputUnit(libraryInfo.typedefs, outputUnitName);
parentNode.children[] = newLibrary;
parentNode.size = (parentNode.size ?? 0) + newLibrary.size!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? libraryNode = infoNodesByName[compositeLibraryName];
assert(libraryNode == null,
"encountered library with duplicated name: $compositeLibraryName");
infoNodesByName[compositeLibraryName] = newLibrary;
void makeFunction(FunctionInfo functionInfo) {
Info? parent = functionInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = functionInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
assert(parent.kind == kindFromString('library'));
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if ( == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newFunction = outputUnit.makeNode(
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.functionNode);
newFunction.size = functionInfo.size;
parentNode.children[] = newFunction;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? functionNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(functionNode == null,
"encountered function with duplicated name: $");
infoNodesByName[] = newFunction;
void makeClass(ClassInfo classInfo) {
Info? parent = classInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = classInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if ( == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClass = outputUnit.makeNode(
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.classNode);
newClass.size = classInfo.size;
parentNode.children[] = newClass;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? classNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(classNode == null,
"encountered class with duplicated name: $");
infoNodesByName[] = newClass;
/// Fields are currently assigned [vm.NodeType.other].
/// Note: we might want to create a separate [vm.NodeType.fieldNode] to
/// differentiate fields from other miscellaneous nodes for constructing
/// the call graph in the future.
void makeField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) {
Info? parent = fieldInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = fieldInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if ( == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newField = outputUnit.makeNode(
name:, parent: parentNode, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newField.size = fieldInfo.size;
parentNode.children[] = newField;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? fieldNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(fieldNode == null,
"encountered field with duplicated name: $");
infoNodesByName[] = newField;
void makeConstant(ConstantInfo constantInfo) {
String? constantName = constantInfo.code.first.text ??
String outputUnitName = constantInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
vm.ProgramInfoNode newConstant = outputUnit!.makeNode(
name: constantName, parent: outputUnit.root, type: vm.NodeType.other);
newConstant.size = constantInfo.size;
outputUnit.root.children[] = newConstant;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? constantNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(constantNode == null,
"encountered constant with duplicated name: $");
infoNodesByName[] = newConstant;
void makeTypedef(TypedefInfo typedefInfo) {
String outputUnitName = typedefInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
vm.ProgramInfoNode newTypedef = outputUnit!.makeNode(
parent: outputUnit.root,
type: vm.NodeType.other);
newTypedef.size = typedefInfo.size;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? typedefNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(typedefNode == null,
"encountered constant with duplicated name: $");
void makeClassType(ClassTypeInfo classTypeInfo) {
Info? parent = classTypeInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = classTypeInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
assert(parent.kind == kindFromString('library'));
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if ( == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName = compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClassType = outputUnit.makeNode(
parent: parentNode,
type: vm.NodeType.other);
newClassType.size = classTypeInfo.size;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? classTypeNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(classTypeNode == null,
"encountered classType with duplicated name: $");
infoNodesByName[] = newClassType;
void makeClosure(ClosureInfo closureInfo) {
Info? parent = closureInfo.parent;
String outputUnitName = closureInfo.outputUnit!.filename;
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[outputUnitName];
if (parent != null && outputUnit != null) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode parentNode;
if (parent.kind == kindFromString('library')) {
if ( == "<unnamed>") {
var tempName =
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[parent]!, outputUnitName);
parentNode = infoNodesByName[tempName]!;
} else {
parentNode =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)]!;
} else {
parentNode = infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode newClosure = outputUnit.makeNode(
parent: parentNode,
// ProgramInfo trees consider closures and functions to both be of the functionNode type.
type: vm.NodeType.functionNode);
newClosure.size = closureInfo.size;
parentNode.children[] = newClosure;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? closureNode = infoNodesByName[];
assert(closureNode == null,
"encountered closure with duplicated name: $");
infoNodesByName[] = newClosure;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitOutput(OutputUnitInfo info) {
vm.ProgramInfo? outputUnit = outputUnits[info.filename];
outputUnitInfos[info.filename] = info;
assert(outputUnit == null, "encountered outputUnit with duplicated name");
var newUnit = vm.ProgramInfo();
outputUnits[info.filename] = newUnit;
outputUnits[info.filename]!.root.size = info.size;
return outputUnits[info.filename]!.root;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitAll(AllInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
for (var package in info.packages) {
visitPackage(package, outputUnitName);
return outputUnits[outputUnitName]!.root;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitProgram(ProgramInfo info) {
program.root.size = info.size;
return program.root;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitPackage(PackageInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
for (var library in info.libraries) {
visitLibrary(library, outputUnitName);
return infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode? visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
vm.ProgramInfoNode currentLibrary =
infoNodesByName[compositeName(, outputUnitName)] ??
compositeName(unnamedLibraries[info]!, outputUnitName)]!;
return currentLibrary;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitClass(ClassInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitField(FieldInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitFunction(FunctionInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitClassType(ClassTypeInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitClosure(ClosureInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[]!;
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitConstant(ConstantInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[info.code.first.text] ??
vm.ProgramInfoNode visitTypedef(TypedefInfo info) {
return infoNodesByName[]!;
/// Populate a map of the name of each outputUnit to the [vm.ProgramInfo]
/// subtree representing each outputUnit.
Map<String, vm.ProgramInfo> outputUnitMap(AllInfo info) {
for (var outputUnitName in outputUnits.keys) {
for (var library in info.libraries) {
makePackage(library, outputUnitName);
makeLibrary(library, outputUnitName);
return outputUnits;
vm.ProgramInfo build(AllInfo info, String outputUnitName) {
visitAll(info, outputUnitName);
return outputUnits[outputUnitName]!;