blob: f62f03cb972f5b01b577fa29e9ea21bb0341b25a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server_abstract.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/context_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/channel/lsp_channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/handlers/handler_states.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/notification_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine_internal.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/null_string_sink.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context_root.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart' as nd;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart' as nd;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/status.dart' as nd;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/plugin/resolver_provider.dart';
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
* Instances of the class [LspAnalysisServer] implement an LSP-based server that
* listens on a [CommunicationChannel] for LSP messages and processes them.
class LspAnalysisServer extends AbstractAnalysisServer {
/// The capabilities of the LSP client. Will be null prior to initialization.
ClientCapabilities _clientCapabilities;
* The options of this server instance.
AnalysisServerOptions options;
* The channel from which messages are received and to which responses should
* be sent.
final LspServerCommunicationChannel channel;
/// The [SearchEngine] for this server, may be `null` if indexing is disabled.
SearchEngine searchEngine;
final NotificationManager notificationManager = new NullNotificationManager();
* The object used to manage the SDK's known to this server.
final DartSdkManager sdkManager;
* The instrumentation service that is to be used by this analysis server.
final InstrumentationService instrumentationService;
* The content overlay for all analysis drivers.
final nd.FileContentOverlay fileContentOverlay = new nd.FileContentOverlay();
* The default options used to create new analysis contexts. This object is
* also referenced by the ContextManager.
final AnalysisOptionsImpl defaultContextOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
* The versions of each document known to the server (keyed by path), used to
* send back to the client for server-initiated edits so that the client can
* ensure they have a matching version of the document before applying them.
* Handlers should prefer to use the `getVersionedDocumentIdentifier` method
* which will return a null-versioned identifier if the document version is
* not known.
final Map<String, VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier> documentVersions = {};
* The file resolver provider used to override the way file URI's are
* resolved in some contexts.
ResolverProvider fileResolverProvider;
* The package resolver provider used to override the way package URI's are
* resolved in some contexts.
ResolverProvider packageResolverProvider;
PerformanceLog _analysisPerformanceLogger;
ByteStore byteStore;
nd.AnalysisDriverScheduler analysisDriverScheduler;
ServerStateMessageHandler messageHandler;
int nextRequestId = 1;
Map<int, Completer<ResponseMessage>> completers = {};
* Initialize a newly created server to send and receive messages to the given
* [channel].
ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
this.instrumentationService, {
ResolverProvider packageResolverProvider: null,
}) : super(resourceProvider) {
messageHandler = new UninitializedStateMessageHandler(this);
defaultContextOptions.generateImplicitErrors = false;
defaultContextOptions.useFastaParser = options.useFastaParser;
String name = options.newAnalysisDriverLog;
StringSink sink = new NullStringSink();
if (name != null) {
if (name == 'stdout') {
sink = io.stdout;
} else if (name.startsWith('file:')) {
String path = name.substring('file:'.length);
sink = new io.File(path).openWrite(mode: io.FileMode.append);
_analysisPerformanceLogger = new PerformanceLog(sink);
byteStore = createByteStore(resourceProvider);
analysisDriverScheduler =
new nd.AnalysisDriverScheduler(_analysisPerformanceLogger);
contextManager = new ContextManagerImpl(
final contextManagerCallbacks =
new LspServerContextManagerCallbacks(this, resourceProvider);
contextManager.callbacks = contextManagerCallbacks;
searchEngine = new SearchEngineImpl(driverMap.values);
channel.listen(handleMessage, onDone: done, onError: error);
/// The capabilities of the LSP client. Will be null prior to initialization.
ClientCapabilities get clientCapabilities => _clientCapabilities;
* The socket from which messages are being read has been closed.
void done() {}
* There was an error related to the socket from which messages are being
* read.
void error(error, stack) {
sendServerErrorNotification('Server error', error, stack);
/// Return the LineInfo for the file with the given [path]. The file is
/// analyzed in one of the analysis drivers to which the file was added,
/// otherwise in the first driver, otherwise `null` is returned.
LineInfo getLineInfo(String path) {
if (!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(path)) {
return null;
return getAnalysisDriver(path)?.getFileSync(path)?.lineInfo;
/// Gets the version of a document known to the server, returning a
/// [VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier] with a version of `null` if the document
/// version is not known.
VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier getVersionedDocumentIdentifier(String path) {
return documentVersions[path] ??
new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
null, new Uri.file(path).toString());
/// Handles a response from the client by invoking the completer that the
/// outbound request created.
void handleClientResponse(ResponseMessage message) {
// The ID from the client is an Either2<num, String>, though it's not valid
// for it to be a string because it should match a request we sent to the
// client (and we always use numeric IDs for outgoing requests).
(id) {
// It's possible that even if we got a numeric ID that it's not valid.
// If it's not in our completers list (which is a list of the outstanding
// requests we've sent) then show an error.
final completer = completers[id];
if (completer == null) {
showError('Response with ID $id was unexpected');
} else {
(stringID) {
showError('Unexpected String ID for response $stringID');
* Handle a [message] that was read from the communication channel.
void handleMessage(Message message) {
// TODO(dantup): Put in all the things this server is missing, like:
// _performance.logRequest(message);
runZoned(() {
ServerPerformanceStatistics.serverRequests.makeCurrentWhile(() async {
try {
if (message is ResponseMessage) {
} else if (message is RequestMessage) {
final result = await messageHandler.handleMessage(message);
if (result.isError) {
sendErrorResponse(message, result.error);
} else {
channel.sendResponse(new ResponseMessage(, result.result, null, jsonRpcVersion));
} else if (message is NotificationMessage) {
final result = await messageHandler.handleMessage(message);
if (result.isError) {
sendErrorResponse(message, result.error);
} else {
showError('Unknown message type');
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
final errorMessage = message is ResponseMessage
? 'An error occurred while handling the response to request ${}'
: message is RequestMessage
? 'An error occurred while handling ${message.method} request'
: message is NotificationMessage
? 'An error occurred while handling ${message.method} notification'
: 'Unknown message type';
new ResponseError(
if (stackTrace != null) {
}, onError: error);
void logError(String message) {
channel.sendNotification(new NotificationMessage(
new LogMessageParams(MessageType.Error, message),
void sendErrorResponse(Message message, ResponseError error) {
if (message is RequestMessage) {
new ResponseMessage(, null, error, jsonRpcVersion));
// Since the LSP client might not show the failed requests to the user,
// also ensure the error is logged to the client.
} else if (message is ResponseMessage) {
// For notifications where we couldn't respond with an error, send it as
// show instead of log.
} else {
// For notifications where we couldn't respond with an error, send it as
// show instead of log.
* Send the given [notification] to the client.
void sendNotification(NotificationMessage notification) {
* Send the given [request] to the client and wait for a response.
Future<ResponseMessage> sendRequest(Method method, Object params) {
final requestId = nextRequestId++;
final completer = new Completer<ResponseMessage>();
completers[requestId] = completer;
channel.sendRequest(new RequestMessage(
Either2<num, String>.t1(requestId),
return completer.future;
* Send the given [response] to the client.
void sendResponse(ResponseMessage response) {
void sendServerErrorNotification(String message, exception, stackTrace) {
final fullError = new StringBuffer();
if (exception != null) {
if (stackTrace != null) {
showError(message); // Show message to the user.
logError(fullError.toString()); // Log the full message.
void setAnalysisRoots(List<String> includedPaths, List<String> excludedPaths,
Map<String, String> packageRoots) {
contextManager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, packageRoots);
void setClientCapabilities(ClientCapabilities capabilities) {
_clientCapabilities = capabilities;
* Returns `true` if errors should be reported for [file] with the given
* absolute path.
bool shouldSendErrorsNotificationFor(String file) {
return contextManager.isInAnalysisRoot(file);
void showError(String message) {
channel.sendNotification(new NotificationMessage(
new ShowMessageParams(MessageType.Error, message),
Future<void> shutdown() {
// Defer closing the channel so that the shutdown response can be sent and
// logged.
new Future(() {
return new Future.value();
void updateOverlay(String path, String contents) {
fileContentOverlay[path] = contents;
driverMap.values.forEach((driver) => driver.changeFile(path));
class LspServerContextManagerCallbacks extends ContextManagerCallbacks {
// TODO(dantup): Lots of copy/paste from the Analysis Server one here.
final LspAnalysisServer analysisServer;
* The [ResourceProvider] by which paths are converted into [Resource]s.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
LspServerContextManagerCallbacks(this.analysisServer, this.resourceProvider);
NotificationManager get notificationManager =>
nd.AnalysisDriver addAnalysisDriver(
Folder folder, ContextRoot contextRoot, AnalysisOptions options) {
ContextBuilder builder = createContextBuilder(folder, options);
nd.AnalysisDriver analysisDriver = builder.buildDriver(contextRoot);
analysisDriver.results.listen((result) {
String path = result.path;
if (analysisServer.shouldSendErrorsNotificationFor(path)) {
final serverErrors = protocol.mapEngineErrors(
final params = new PublishDiagnosticsParams(
Uri.file(result.path).toString(), serverErrors);
// TODO(dantup): Move all these method names to constants.
final message = new NotificationMessage(
analysisDriver.exceptions.listen((nd.ExceptionResult result) {
String message = 'Analysis failed: ${result.path}';
if (result.contextKey != null) {
message += ' context: ${result.contextKey}';
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError(message, result.exception);
analysisServer.driverMap[folder] = analysisDriver;
return analysisDriver;
void afterWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) {
// TODO: implement afterWatchEvent
void applyChangesToContext(Folder contextFolder, ChangeSet changeSet) {
nd.AnalysisDriver analysisDriver = analysisServer.driverMap[contextFolder];
if (analysisDriver != null) {
changeSet.addedSources.forEach((source) {
changeSet.changedSources.forEach((source) {
changeSet.removedSources.forEach((source) {
void applyFileRemoved(nd.AnalysisDriver driver, String file) {
// sendAnalysisNotificationFlushResults(analysisServer, [file]);
void broadcastWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) {
// TODO: implement broadcastWatchEvent
ContextBuilder createContextBuilder(Folder folder, AnalysisOptions options) {
String defaultPackageFilePath = null;
String defaultPackagesDirectoryPath = null;
String path = (analysisServer.contextManager as ContextManagerImpl)
if (path != null) {
Resource resource = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (resource.exists) {
if (resource is File) {
defaultPackageFilePath = path;
} else {
defaultPackagesDirectoryPath = path;
ContextBuilderOptions builderOptions = new ContextBuilderOptions();
builderOptions.defaultOptions = options;
builderOptions.defaultPackageFilePath = defaultPackageFilePath;
builderOptions.defaultPackagesDirectoryPath = defaultPackagesDirectoryPath;
ContextBuilder builder = new ContextBuilder(
resourceProvider, analysisServer.sdkManager, null,
options: builderOptions);
builder.fileResolverProvider = analysisServer.fileResolverProvider;
builder.packageResolverProvider = analysisServer.packageResolverProvider;
builder.analysisDriverScheduler = analysisServer.analysisDriverScheduler;
builder.performanceLog = analysisServer._analysisPerformanceLogger;
builder.byteStore = analysisServer.byteStore;
builder.enableIndex = true;
builder.fileContentOverlay = analysisServer.fileContentOverlay;
return builder;
void removeContext(Folder folder, List<String> flushedFiles) {
// sendAnalysisNotificationFlushResults(analysisServer, flushedFiles);
nd.AnalysisDriver driver = analysisServer.driverMap.remove(folder);
class NullNotificationManager implements NotificationManager {
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {}