blob: 297d8d29f854d23192377e2e9954481d2a8c7ede [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Classes and methods for executing tests.
* This module includes:
* - Managing parallel execution of tests, including timeout checks.
* - Evaluating the output of each test as pass/fail/crash/timeout.
library test_runner;
import "dart:async";
// We need to use the 'io' prefix here, otherwise io.exitCode will shadow
// CommandOutput.exitCode in subclasses of CommandOutput.
import "dart:io" as io;
import "dart:isolate";
import "dart:uri";
import "http_server.dart" as http_server;
import "status_file_parser.dart";
import "test_progress.dart";
import "test_suite.dart";
import "utils.dart";
const int NO_TIMEOUT = 0;
typedef void TestCaseEvent(TestCase testCase);
typedef void ExitCodeEvent(int exitCode);
typedef void EnqueueMoreWork(ProcessQueue queue);
* [areByteArraysEqual] compares a range of bytes from [buffer1] with a
* range of bytes from [buffer2].
* Returns [true] if the [count] bytes in [buffer1] (starting at
* [offset1]) match the [count] bytes in [buffer2] (starting at
* [offset2]).
* Otherwise [false] is returned.
bool areByteArraysEqual(List<int> buffer1, int offset1,
List<int> buffer2, int offset2,
int count) {
if ((offset1 + count) > buffer1.length ||
(offset2 + count) > buffer2.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (buffer1[offset1 + i] != buffer2[offset2 + i]) {
return false;
return true;
* [findBytes] searches for [pattern] in [data] beginning at [startPos].
* Returns [true] if [pattern] was found in [data].
* Otherwise [false] is returned.
int findBytes(List<int> data, List<int> pattern, [int startPos=0]) {
// TODO(kustermann): Use one of the fast string-matching algorithms!
for (int i=startPos; i < (data.length-pattern.length); i++) {
bool found = true;
for (int j=0; j<pattern.length; j++) {
if (data[i+j] != pattern[j]) {
found = false;
if (found) {
return i;
return -1;
/** A command executed as a step in a test case. */
class Command {
static int nextHashCode = 0;
final int hashCode = nextHashCode++;
operator ==(other) => super == (other);
/** Path to the executable of this command. */
String executable;
/** Command line arguments to the executable. */
List<String> arguments;
/** Environment for the command */
Map<String,String> environment;
/** The actual command line that will be executed. */
String commandLine;
Command(this.executable, this.arguments, [this.environment = null]) {
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
// Windows can't handle the first command if it is a .bat file or the like
// with the slashes going the other direction.
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this when fixed (Issue 1306).
executable = executable.replaceAll('/', '\\');
commandLine = "$executable ${Strings.join(arguments, ' ')}";
String toString() => commandLine;
Future<bool> get outputIsUpToDate => new Future.immediate(false);
io.Path get expectedOutputFile => null;
bool get isPixelTest => false;
class CompilationCommand extends Command {
String _outputFile;
bool _neverSkipCompilation;
List<Uri> _bootstrapDependencies;
String executable,
List<String> arguments)
: super(executable, arguments);
Future<bool> get outputIsUpToDate {
if (_neverSkipCompilation) return new Future.immediate(false);
Future<List<Uri>> readDepsFile(String path) {
var file = new io.File(new io.Path(path).toNativePath());
if (!file.existsSync()) {
return new Future.immediate(null);
return file.readAsLines().then((List<String> lines) {
var dependencies = new List<Uri>();
for (var line in lines) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.length > 0) {
dependencies.add(new Uri(line));
return dependencies;
return readDepsFile("$_outputFile.deps").then((dependencies) {
if (dependencies != null) {
var jsOutputLastModified = TestUtils.lastModifiedCache.getLastModified(
new Uri.fromComponents(scheme: 'file', path: _outputFile));
if (jsOutputLastModified != null) {
for (var dependency in dependencies) {
var dependencyLastModified =
if (dependencyLastModified == null ||
dependencyLastModified > jsOutputLastModified) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
class DumpRenderTreeCommand extends Command {
* If [expectedOutputPath] is set, the output of DumpRenderTree is compared
* with the content of [expectedOutputPath].
* This is used for example for pixel tests, where [expectedOutputPath] points
* to a *png file.
io.Path expectedOutputPath;
DumpRenderTreeCommand(String executable,
String htmlFile,
List<String> options,
List<String> dartFlags,
io.Path this.expectedOutputPath)
: super(executable,
_getArguments(options, htmlFile),
static Map _getEnvironment(List<String> dartFlags) {
var needDartFlags = dartFlags != null && dartFlags.length > 0;
var env = null;
if (needDartFlags) {
env = new Map.from(io.Platform.environment);
if (needDartFlags) {
env['DART_FLAGS'] = Strings.join(dartFlags, " ");
return env;
static List<String> _getArguments(List<String> options, String htmlFile) {
var arguments = new List.from(options);
return arguments;
io.Path get expectedOutputFile => expectedOutputPath;
bool get isPixelTest => (expectedOutputFile != null &&
* TestCase contains all the information needed to run a test and evaluate
* its output. Running a test involves starting a separate process, with
* the executable and arguments given by the TestCase, and recording its
* stdout and stderr output streams, and its exit code. TestCase only
* contains static information about the test; actually running the test is
* performed by [ProcessQueue] using a [RunningProcess] object.
* The output information is stored in a [CommandOutput] instance contained
* in TestCase.commandOutputs. The last CommandOutput instance is responsible
* for evaluating if the test has passed, failed, crashed, or timed out, and the
* TestCase has information about what the expected result of the test should
* be.
* The TestCase has a callback function, [completedHandler], that is run when
* the test is completed.
class TestCase {
* A list of commands to execute. Most test cases have a single command.
* Dart2js tests have two commands, one to compile the source and another
* to execute it. Some isolate tests might even have three, if they require
* compiling multiple sources that are run in isolation.
List<Command> commands;
Map<Command, CommandOutput> commandOutputs = new Map<Command,CommandOutput>();
Map configuration;
String displayName;
bool isNegative;
Set<String> expectedOutcomes;
TestCaseEvent completedHandler;
TestInformation info;
{this.isNegative: false, null}) {
if (!isNegative) {
this.isNegative = displayName.contains("negative_test");
// Special command handling. If a special command is specified
// we have to completely rewrite the command that we are using.
// We generate a new command-line that is the special command where we
// replace '@' with the original command executable, and generate
// a command formed like the following
// Let PREFIX be what is before the @.
// Let SUFFIX be what is after the @.
// Let EXECUTABLE be the existing executable of the command.
// Let ARGUMENTS be the existing arguments to the existing executable.
// The new command will be:
var specialCommand = configuration['special-command'];
if (!specialCommand.isEmpty) {
"special-command must contain a '@' char");
var specialCommandSplit = specialCommand.split('@');
var prefix = specialCommandSplit[0].trim();
var suffix = specialCommandSplit[1].trim();
List<Command> newCommands = [];
for (Command c in commands) {
// If we don't have a new prefix we will use the existing executable.
var newExecutablePath = c.executable;;
var newArguments = [];
if (prefix.length > 0) {
var prefixSplit = prefix.split(' ');
newExecutablePath = prefixSplit[0];
for (int i = 1; i < prefixSplit.length; i++) {
var current = prefixSplit[i];
if (!current.isEmpty) newArguments.add(current);
// Add any suffixes to the arguments of the original executable.
var suffixSplit = suffix.split(' ');
suffixSplit.forEach((e) {
if (!e.isEmpty) newArguments.add(e);
final newCommand = new Command(newExecutablePath, newArguments);
// If there are extra spaces inside the prefix or suffix, this fails.
String expected =
'$prefix ${c.executable} $suffix ${Strings.join(c.arguments, ' ')}';
Expect.stringEquals(expected.trim(), newCommand.commandLine);
commands = newCommands;
CommandOutput get lastCommandOutput {
if (commandOutputs.length == 0) {
throw new Exception("CommandOutputs is empty, maybe no command was run? ("
"displayName: '$displayName', "
"configurationString: '$configurationString')");
return commandOutputs[commands[commandOutputs.length - 1]];
int get timeout {
if (expectedOutcomes.contains(SLOW)) {
return configuration['timeout'] * SLOW_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER;
} else {
return configuration['timeout'];
String get configurationString {
final compiler = configuration['compiler'];
final runtime = configuration['runtime'];
final mode = configuration['mode'];
final arch = configuration['arch'];
final checked = configuration['checked'] ? '-checked' : '';
return "$compiler-$runtime$checked ${mode}_$arch";
List<String> get batchRunnerArguments => ['-batch'];
List<String> get batchTestArguments => commands.last.arguments;
bool get usesWebDriver => TestUtils.usesWebDriver(configuration['runtime']);
void completed() { completedHandler(this); }
bool get isFlaky {
if (expectedOutcomes.contains(SKIP)) {
return false;
var flags = new Set.from(expectedOutcomes);
return flags.contains(PASS) && flags.length > 1;
* BrowserTestCase has an extra compilation command that is run in a separate
* process, before the regular test is run as in the base class [TestCase].
* If the compilation command fails, then the rest of the test is not run.
class BrowserTestCase extends TestCase {
* Indicates the number of potential retries remaining, to compensate for
* flaky browser tests.
int numRetries;
* True if this test is dependent on another test completing before it can
* star (for example, we might need to depend on some other test completing
* first).
bool waitingForOtherTest;
* The set of test cases that wish to be notified when this test has
* completed.
List<BrowserTestCase> observers;
BrowserTestCase(displayName, commands, configuration, completedHandler,
expectedOutcomes, info, isNegative, [this.waitingForOtherTest = false])
: super(displayName, commands, configuration, completedHandler,
expectedOutcomes, isNegative: isNegative, info: info) {
numRetries = 2; // Allow two retries to compensate for flaky browser tests.
observers = [];
List<String> get _lastArguments => commands.last.arguments;
List<String> get batchRunnerArguments => [_lastArguments[0], '--batch'];
List<String> get batchTestArguments =>
_lastArguments.getRange(1, _lastArguments.length - 1);
/** Add a test case to listen for when this current test has completed. */
void addObserver(BrowserTestCase testCase) {
* Notify all of the test cases that are dependent on this one that they can
* proceed.
void notifyObservers() {
for (BrowserTestCase testCase in observers) {
testCase.waitingForOtherTest = false;
* CommandOutput records the output of a completed command: the process's exit
* code, the standard output and standard error, whether the process timed out,
* and the time the process took to run. It also contains a pointer to the
* [TestCase] this is the output of.
abstract class CommandOutput {
factory CommandOutput.fromCase(TestCase testCase,
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool incomplete,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped) {
return new CommandOutputImpl.fromCase(testCase,
Command get command;
bool get incomplete;
String get result;
bool get unexpectedOutput;
bool get hasCrashed;
bool get hasTimedOut;
bool get didFail;
bool requestRetry;
Duration get time;
int get exitCode;
List<int> get stdout;
List<int> get stderr;
List<String> get diagnostics;
bool get compilationSkipped;
class CommandOutputImpl implements CommandOutput {
Command command;
TestCase testCase;
int exitCode;
/// Records if all commands were run, true if they weren't.
final bool incomplete;
bool timedOut;
bool failed = false;
List<int> stdout;
List<int> stderr;
Duration time;
List<String> diagnostics;
bool compilationSkipped;
* A flag to indicate we have already printed a warning about ignoring the VM
* crash, to limit the amount of output produced per test.
bool alreadyPrintedWarning = false;
* Set to true if we encounter a condition in the output that indicates we
* need to rerun this test.
bool requestRetry = false;
// Don't call this constructor, call CommandOutput.fromCase() to
// get a new TestOutput instance.
CommandOutputImpl(TestCase this.testCase,
Command this.command,
int this.exitCode,
bool this.incomplete,
bool this.timedOut,
List<int> this.stdout,
List<int> this.stderr,
Duration this.time,
bool this.compilationSkipped) {
testCase.commandOutputs[command] = this;
diagnostics = [];
factory CommandOutputImpl.fromCase(TestCase testCase,
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool incomplete,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped) {
if (testCase is BrowserTestCase) {
return new BrowserCommandOutputImpl(testCase,
} else if (testCase.configuration['compiler'] == 'dartc') {
return new AnalysisCommandOutputImpl(testCase,
return new CommandOutputImpl(testCase,
String get result =>
hasCrashed ? CRASH : (hasTimedOut ? TIMEOUT : (hasFailed ? FAIL : PASS));
bool get unexpectedOutput => !testCase.expectedOutcomes.contains(result);
bool get hasCrashed {
// The Java dartc runner and dart2js exits with code 253 in case
// of unhandled exceptions.
if (exitCode == 253) return true;
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
// The VM uses std::abort to terminate on asserts.
// std::abort terminates with exit code 3 on Windows.
if (exitCode == 3) {
return !timedOut;
return (!timedOut && (exitCode < 0) && ((0x3FFFFF00 & exitCode) == 0));
return !timedOut && ((exitCode < 0));
bool get hasTimedOut => timedOut;
bool get didFail {
return (exitCode != 0 && !hasCrashed);
// Reverse result of a negative test.
bool get hasFailed {
// Always fail if a runtime-error is expected and compilation failed.
if ( != null && && incomplete) {
return true;
return testCase.isNegative ? !didFail : didFail;
class BrowserCommandOutputImpl extends CommandOutputImpl {
compilationSkipped) :
bool get didFail {
if (_failedBecauseOfMissingXDisplay) {
return true;
if (command.expectedOutputFile != null) {
// We are either doing a pixel test or a layout test with DumpRenderTree
return _failedBecauseOfUnexpectedDRTOutput;
return _browserTestFailure;
bool get _failedBecauseOfMissingXDisplay {
// Browser case:
// If the browser test failed, it may have been because DumpRenderTree
// and the virtual framebuffer X server didn't hook up, or DRT crashed with
// a core dump. Sometimes DRT crashes after it has set the stdout to PASS,
// so we have to do this check first.
var stderrLines = decodeUtf8(super.stderr).split("\n");
for (String line in stderrLines) {
// TODO(kustermann,ricow): Issue: 7564
// This seems to happen quite frequently, we need to figure out why.
if (line.contains('Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display') ||
line.contains('Failed to run command. return code=1')) {
// If we get the X server error, or DRT crashes with a core dump, retry
// the test.
if ((testCase as BrowserTestCase).numRetries > 0) {
requestRetry = true;
print("Warning: Test failure because of missing XDisplay");
return true;
return false;
bool get _failedBecauseOfUnexpectedDRTOutput {
* The output of DumpRenderTree is different for pixel tests than for
* layout tests.
* On a pixel test, the DRT output has the following format
* ......
* ......
* Content-Length: ...\n
* <*png data>
* #EOF\n
* So we need to get the byte-range of the png data first, before
* comparing it with the content of the expected output file.
* On a layout tests, the DRT output is directly compared with the
* content of the expected output.
var stdout = testCase.commandOutputs[command].stdout;
var file = new io.File.fromPath(command.expectedOutputFile);
if (file.existsSync()) {
var bytesContentLength = "Content-Length:".charCodes;
var bytesNewLine = "\n".charCodes;
var bytesEOF = "#EOF\n".charCodes;
var expectedContent = file.readAsBytesSync();
if (command.isPixelTest) {
var startOfContentLength = findBytes(stdout, bytesContentLength);
if (startOfContentLength >= 0) {
var newLineAfterContentLength = findBytes(stdout,
if (newLineAfterContentLength > 0) {
var startPosition = newLineAfterContentLength +
var endPosition = stdout.length - bytesEOF.length;
return !areByteArraysEqual(expectedContent,
endPosition - startPosition);
return true;
} else {
return !areByteArraysEqual(expectedContent, 0,
stdout, 0,
return true;
bool get _browserTestFailure {
// Browser tests fail unless stdout contains
// 'Content-Type: text/plain' followed by 'PASS'.
bool has_content_type = false;
var stdoutLines = decodeUtf8(super.stdout).split("\n");
for (String line in stdoutLines) {
switch (line) {
case 'Content-Type: text/plain':
has_content_type = true;
case 'PASS':
if (has_content_type) {
if (exitCode != 0) {
print("Warning: All tests passed, but exitCode != 0 "
if (testCase.configuration['runtime'] == 'drt') {
// TODO(kustermann/ricow): Issue: 7563
// We should eventually get rid of this hack.
return false;
} else {
return (exitCode != 0 && !hasCrashed);
return true;
// The static analyzer does not actually execute code, so
// the criteria for success now depend on the text sent
// to stderr.
class AnalysisCommandOutputImpl extends CommandOutputImpl {
// An error line has 8 fields that look like:
// ERROR|COMPILER|MISSING_SOURCE|file:/tmp/t.dart|15|1|24|Missing source.
final int ERROR_LEVEL = 0;
final int ERROR_TYPE = 1;
final int FORMATTED_ERROR = 7;
bool alreadyComputed = false;
bool failResult;
compilationSkipped) :
bool get didFail {
if (!alreadyComputed) {
failResult = _didFail();
alreadyComputed = true;
return failResult;
bool _didFail() {
if (hasCrashed) return false;
List<String> errors = [];
List<String> staticWarnings = [];
// Read the returned list of errors and stuff them away.
var stderrLines = decodeUtf8(super.stderr).split("\n");
for (String line in stderrLines) {
if (line.length == 0) continue;
List<String> fields = splitMachineError(line);
if (fields[ERROR_LEVEL] == 'ERROR') {
} else if (fields[ERROR_LEVEL] == 'WARNING') {
// We only care about testing Static type warnings
// ignore all others
if (fields[ERROR_TYPE] == 'STATIC_TYPE') {
// OK to Skip error output that doesn't match the machine format
if ( != null
&&['isMultitest']) {
return _didMultitestFail(errors, staticWarnings);
return _didStandardTestFail(errors, staticWarnings);
bool _didMultitestFail(List errors, List staticWarnings) {
Set<String> outcome =;
if (outcome.contains('compile-time error') && errors.length > 0) {
return true;
} else if (outcome.contains('static type warning')
&& staticWarnings.length > 0) {
return true;
} else if (outcome.isEmpty
&& (errors.length > 0 || staticWarnings.length > 0)) {
return true;
return false;
bool _didStandardTestFail(List errors, List staticWarnings) {
bool hasFatalTypeErrors = false;
int numStaticTypeAnnotations = 0;
int numCompileTimeAnnotations = 0;
var isStaticClean = false;
if ( != null) {
var optionsFromFile =;
hasFatalTypeErrors =;
for (Command c in testCase.commands) {
for (String arg in c.arguments) {
if (arg == '--fatal-type-errors') {
hasFatalTypeErrors = true;
numStaticTypeAnnotations = optionsFromFile['numStaticTypeAnnotations'];
numCompileTimeAnnotations = optionsFromFile['numCompileTimeAnnotations'];
isStaticClean = optionsFromFile['isStaticClean'];
if (errors.length == 0) {
if (!hasFatalTypeErrors && exitCode != 0) {
diagnostics.add("EXIT CODE MISMATCH: Expected error message:");
diagnostics.add(" command[0]:${testCase.commands[0]}");
diagnostics.add(" exitCode:${exitCode}");
return true;
} else if (exitCode == 0) {
diagnostics.add("EXIT CODE MISMATCH: Unexpected error message:");
diagnostics.add(" errors[0]:${errors[0]}");
diagnostics.add(" command[0]:${testCase.commands[0]}");
diagnostics.add(" exitCode:${exitCode}");
return true;
if (numStaticTypeAnnotations > 0 && isStaticClean) {
diagnostics.add("Cannot have both @static-clean and /// static "
"type warning annotations.");
return true;
if (isStaticClean && staticWarnings.length > 0) {
"@static-clean annotation found but analyzer returned warnings.");
return true;
if (numCompileTimeAnnotations > 0
&& numCompileTimeAnnotations < errors.length) {
// Expected compile-time errors were not returned.
// The test did not 'fail' in the way intended so don't return failed.
diagnostics.add("Fewer compile time errors than annotated: "
return false;
if (numStaticTypeAnnotations > 0 || hasFatalTypeErrors) {
// TODO(zundel): match up the annotation line numbers
// with the reported error line numbers
if (staticWarnings.length < numStaticTypeAnnotations) {
diagnostics.add("Fewer static type warnings than annotated: "
return true;
return false;
} else if (errors.length != 0) {
return true;
return false;
// Parse a line delimited by the | character using \ as an escape charager
List<String> splitMachineError(String line) {
StringBuffer field = new StringBuffer();
List<String> result = [];
bool escaped = false;
for (var i = 0 ; i < line.length; i++) {
var c = line[i];
if (!escaped && c == '\\') {
escaped = true;
escaped = false;
if (c == '|') {
return result;
* A RunningProcess actually runs a test, getting the command lines from
* its [TestCase], starting the test process (and first, a compilation
* process if the TestCase is a [BrowserTestCase]), creating a timeout
* timer, and recording the results in a new [CommandOutput] object, which it
* attaches to the TestCase. The lifetime of the RunningProcess is limited
* to the time it takes to start the process, run the process, and record
* the result; there are no pointers to it, so it should be available to
* be garbage collected as soon as it is done.
class RunningProcess {
ProcessQueue processQueue;
io.Process process;
TestCase testCase;
bool timedOut = false;
Date startTime;
Timer timeoutTimer;
List<int> stdout;
List<int> stderr;
List<String> notifications;
bool compilationSkipped;
bool allowRetries;
/** Which command of [testCase.commands] is currently being executed. */
int currentStep;
RunningProcess(TestCase this.testCase,
[this.allowRetries = false, this.processQueue]);
* Called when all commands are executed.
void testComplete(CommandOutput lastCommandOutput) {
var command = lastCommandOutput.command;
if (timeoutTimer != null) {
if (lastCommandOutput.unexpectedOutput
&& testCase.configuration['verbose'] != null
&& testCase.configuration['verbose']) {
if (!lastCommandOutput.command.isPixelTest) {
} else {
print("DRT pixel test failed! stdout is not printed because it "
"contains binary data!");
if (notifications.length > 0) {
for (var line in notifications) {
if (allowRetries && testCase.usesWebDriver
&& lastCommandOutput.unexpectedOutput
&& (testCase as BrowserTestCase).numRetries > 0) {
// Selenium tests can be flaky. Try rerunning.
lastCommandOutput.requestRetry = true;
if (lastCommandOutput.requestRetry) {
lastCommandOutput.requestRetry = false;
this.timedOut = false;
(testCase as BrowserTestCase).numRetries--;
print("Potential flake. Re-running ${testCase.displayName} "
"(${(testCase as BrowserTestCase).numRetries} attempt(s) remains)");
// When retrying we need to reset the timeout as well.
// Otherwise there will be no timeout handling for the retry.
timeoutTimer = null;
} else {
* Process exit handler called at the end of every command. It internally
* treats all but the last command as compilation steps. The last command is
* the actual test and its output is analyzed in [testComplete].
void commandComplete(Command command, int exitCode) {
process = null;
int totalSteps = testCase.commands.length;
String suffix =' (step $currentStep of $totalSteps)';
if (timedOut) {
// Non-webdriver test timed out before it could complete. Webdriver tests
// run their own timeouts by timing from the launch of the browser (which
// could be delayed).
testComplete(createCommandOutput(command, 0, true));
} else if (currentStep == totalSteps) {
// Done with all test commands.
testComplete(createCommandOutput(command, exitCode, false));
} else if (exitCode != 0) {
// One of the steps failed.
notifications.add('test.dart: Compilation failed$suffix, '
'exit code $exitCode\n');
testComplete(createCommandOutput(command, exitCode, true));
} else {
createCommandOutput(command, exitCode, true);
// One compilation step successfully completed, move on to the
// next step.
notifications.add('test.dart: Compilation finished $suffix\n\n');
if (currentStep == totalSteps - 1 && testCase.usesWebDriver &&
!testCase.configuration['noBatch']) {
// Note: processQueue will always be non-null for runtime == ie9, ie10,
// ff, safari, chrome, opera. (It is only null for runtime == vm)
// This RunningProcess object is done, and hands over control to
// BatchRunner.startTest(), which handles reporting, etc.
if (timeoutTimer != null) {
} else {
runCommand(testCase.commands[currentStep++], commandComplete);
* Called for all executed commands.
CommandOutput createCommandOutput(Command command,
int exitCode,
bool incomplete) {
var commandOutput = new CommandOutput.fromCase(
return commandOutput;
void resetLocalOutputInformation() {
stdout = new List<int>();
stderr = new List<int>();
notifications = new List<String>();
compilationSkipped = false;
void drainStream(io.InputStream source, List<int> destination) {
void onDataHandler () {
if (source.closed) {
return; // TODO(whesse): Remove when bug is fixed.
var data =;
while (data != null) {
data =;
source.onData = onDataHandler;
source.onClosed = onDataHandler;
void start() {
currentStep = 0;
startTime = new;
runCommand(testCase.commands[currentStep++], commandComplete);
void runCommand(Command command, void commandCompleteHandler(Command, int)) {
void processExitHandler(int returnCode) {
commandCompleteHandler(command, returnCode);
command.outputIsUpToDate.then((bool isUpToDate) {
if (isUpToDate) {
notifications.add("Skipped compilation because the old output is "
"still up to date!");
compilationSkipped = true;
commandComplete(command, 0);
} else {
io.ProcessOptions options = new io.ProcessOptions();
if (command.environment != null) {
options.environment =
new Map<String, String>.from(command.environment);
} else {
options.environment =
new Map<String, String>.from(io.Platform.environment);
options.environment['DART_CONFIGURATION'] =
Future processFuture = io.Process.start(command.executable,
processFuture.then((io.Process p) {
process = p;
process.onExit = processExitHandler;
drainStream(process.stdout, stdout);
drainStream(process.stderr, stderr);
if (timeoutTimer == null) {
// Create one timeout timer when starting test case, remove it at
// the end.
timeoutTimer = new Timer(1000 * testCase.timeout, timeoutHandler);
// If the timeout fired in between two commands, kill the just
// started process immediately.
if (timedOut) safeKill(process);
}).catchError((e) {
print("Process error:");
print(" Command: $command");
print(" Error: $e");
testComplete(createCommandOutput(command, -1, false));
return true;
void timeoutHandler(Timer unusedTimer) {
timedOut = true;
void safeKill(io.Process p) {
if (p != null) {
try {
} on io.ProcessException {
// Hopefully, this means that the process died on its own.
* This class holds a value, that can be changed. It is used when
* closures need a shared value, that they can all change and read.
class MutableValue<T> {
MutableValue(T this.value);
T value;
class BatchRunnerProcess {
Command _command;
String _executable;
List<String> _batchArguments;
io.Process _process;
io.StringInputStream _stdoutStream;
io.StringInputStream _stderrStream;
TestCase _currentTest;
List<int> _testStdout;
List<int> _testStderr;
String _status;
bool _stdoutDrained = false;
bool _stderrDrained = false;
MutableValue<bool> _ignoreStreams;
Date _startTime;
Timer _timer;
bool _isWebDriver;
BatchRunnerProcess(TestCase testCase) {
_command = testCase.commands.last;
_executable = testCase.commands.last.executable;
_batchArguments = testCase.batchRunnerArguments;
_isWebDriver = testCase.usesWebDriver;
bool get active => _currentTest != null;
void startTest(TestCase testCase) {
_currentTest = testCase;
_command = testCase.commands.last;
if (_process == null) {
// Start process if not yet started.
_executable = testCase.commands.last.executable;
_startProcess(() {
} else if (testCase.commands.last.executable != _executable) {
// Restart this runner with the right executable for this test
// if needed.
_executable = testCase.commands.last.executable;
_batchArguments = testCase.batchRunnerArguments;
_process.onExit = (exitCode) {
_startProcess(() {
} else {
Future terminate() {
if (_process == null) return new Future.immediate(true);
Completer completer = new Completer();
Timer killTimer;
_process.onExit = (exitCode) {
if (killTimer != null) killTimer.cancel();
if (_isWebDriver) {
// Use a graceful shutdown so our Selenium script can close
// the open browser processes. On Windows, signals do not exist
// and a kill is a hard kill.
// In case the run_selenium process didn't close, kill it after 30s
int shutdownMillisecs = 30000;
killTimer = new Timer(shutdownMillisecs, (e) { _process.kill(); });
} else {
return completer.future;
void doStartTest(TestCase testCase) {
_startTime = new;
_testStdout = [];
_testStderr = [];
_status = null;
_stdoutDrained = false;
_stderrDrained = false;
_ignoreStreams = new MutableValue<bool>(false); // Captured by closures.
_readStdout(_stdoutStream, _testStdout);
_readStderr(_stderrStream, _testStderr);
_timer = new Timer(testCase.timeout * 1000, _timeoutHandler);
if (testCase.commands.last.environment != null) {
print("Warning: command.environment != null, but we don't support custom "
"environments for batch runner tests!");
var line = _createArgumentsLine(testCase.batchTestArguments);
_process.stdin.onError = (err) {
print('Error on batch runner input stream stdin');
print(' Input line: $line');
print(' Previous test\'s status: $_status');
print(' Error: $err');
throw err;
String _createArgumentsLine(List<String> arguments) {
return Strings.join(arguments, ' ').concat('\n');
void _reportResult() {
if (!active) return;
// _status == '>>> TEST {PASS, FAIL, OK, CRASH, FAIL, TIMEOUT}'
var outcome = _status.split(" ")[2];
var exitCode = 0;
if (outcome == "CRASH") exitCode = -10;
if (outcome == "FAIL" || outcome == "TIMEOUT") exitCode = 1;
new CommandOutput.fromCase(_currentTest,
(outcome == "TIMEOUT"),
var test = _currentTest;
_currentTest = null;
void _stderrDone() {
_stderrDrained = true;
// Move on when both stdout and stderr has been drained.
if (_stdoutDrained) _reportResult();
void _stdoutDone() {
_stdoutDrained = true;
// Move on when both stdout and stderr has been drained.
if (_stderrDrained) _reportResult();
void _readStdout(io.StringInputStream stream, List<int> buffer) {
var ignoreStreams = _ignoreStreams; // Capture this mutable object.
void onLineHandler() {
if (ignoreStreams.value) {
while (stream.readLine() != null) {
// Do nothing.
// Otherwise, process output and call _reportResult() when done.
var line = stream.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if (line.startsWith('>>> TEST')) {
_status = line;
} else if (line.startsWith('>>> BATCH START')) {
// ignore
} else if (line.startsWith('>>> ')) {
throw new Exception('Unexpected command from dartc batch runner.');
} else {
line = stream.readLine();
if (_status != null) {
stream.onLine = onLineHandler;
void _readStderr(io.StringInputStream stream, List<int> buffer) {
var ignoreStreams = _ignoreStreams; // Capture this mutable object.
void onLineHandler() {
if (ignoreStreams.value) {
while (stream.readLine() != null) {
// Do nothing.
// Otherwise, process output and call _reportResult() when done.
var line = stream.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if (line.startsWith('>>> EOF STDERR')) {
} else {
line = stream.readLine();
stream.onLine = onLineHandler;
ExitCodeEvent makeExitHandler(String status) {
void handler(int exitCode) {
if (active) {
if (_timer != null) _timer.cancel();
_status = status;
// Read current content of streams, ignore any later output.
_ignoreStreams.value = true;
var line = _stdoutStream.readLine();
while (line != null) {
line = _stdoutStream.readLine();
line = _stderrStream.readLine();
while (line != null) {
line = _stderrStream.readLine();
_stderrDrained = true;
_stdoutDrained = true;
} else { // No active test case running.
_process = null;
return handler;
void _timeoutHandler(ignore) {
_process.onExit = makeExitHandler(">>> TEST TIMEOUT");
_startProcess(callback) {
Future processFuture = io.Process.start(_executable, _batchArguments);
processFuture.then((io.Process p) {
_process = p;
_stdoutStream = new io.StringInputStream(_process.stdout);
_stderrStream = new io.StringInputStream(_process.stderr);
_process.onExit = makeExitHandler(">>> TEST CRASH");
}).catchError((e) {
print("Process error:");
print(" Command: $_executable ${Strings.join(_batchArguments, ' ')}");
print(" Error: $e");
// If there is an error starting a batch process, chances are that
// it will always fail. So rather than re-trying a 1000+ times, we
// exit.
return true;
* ProcessQueue is the master control class, responsible for running all
* the tests in all the TestSuites that have been registered. It includes
* a rate-limited queue to run a limited number of tests in parallel,
* a ProgressIndicator which prints output when tests are started and
* and completed, and a summary report when all tests are completed,
* and counters to determine when all of the tests in all of the test suites
* have completed.
* Because multiple configurations may be run on each test suite, the
* ProcessQueue contains a cache in which a test suite may record information
* about its list of tests, and may retrieve that information when it is called
* upon to enqueue its tests again.
class ProcessQueue {
int _numProcesses = 0;
int _maxProcesses;
bool _allTestsWereEnqueued = false;
/** The number of tests we allow to actually fail before we stop retrying. */
bool _verbose;
bool _listTests;
Function _allDone;
Queue<TestCase> _tests;
ProgressIndicator _progress;
// For dartc/selenium batch processing we keep a list of batch processes.
Map<String, List<BatchRunnerProcess>> _batchProcesses;
// Cache information about test cases per test suite. For multiple
// configurations there is no need to repeatedly search the file
// system, generate tests, and search test files for options.
Map<String, List<TestInformation>> _testCache;
* String indicating the browser used to run the tests. Empty if no browser
* used.
String browserUsed = '';
* Process running the selenium server .jar (only used for Safari and Opera
* tests.)
io.Process _seleniumServer = null;
/** True if we are in the process of starting the server. */
bool _startingServer = false;
/** True if we find that there is already a selenium jar running. */
bool _seleniumAlreadyRunning = false;
ProcessQueue(int this._maxProcesses,
String progress,
Date startTime,
bool printTiming,
[bool verbose = false,
bool listTests = false])
: _verbose = verbose,
_listTests = listTests,
_tests = new Queue<TestCase>(),
_progress = new ProgressIndicator.fromName(progress,
_batchProcesses = new Map<String, List<BatchRunnerProcess>>(),
_testCache = new Map<String, List<TestInformation>>() {
* Perform any cleanup needed once all tests in a TestSuite have completed
* and notify our progress indicator that we are done.
void _cleanupAndMarkDone() {
if (browserUsed != '' && _seleniumServer != null) {
void _checkDone() {
if (_allTestsWereEnqueued && _tests.isEmpty && _numProcesses == 0) {
_terminateBatchRunners().then((_) => _cleanupAndMarkDone());
void _runTests(List<TestSuite> testSuites) {
// FIXME: For some reason we cannot call this method on all test suites
// in parallel.
// If we do, not all tests get enqueued (if --arch=all was specified,
// we don't get twice the number of tests [tested on -rvm -cnone])
// Issue: 7927
Iterator<TestSuite> iterator = testSuites.iterator;
void enqueueNextSuite() {
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
_allTestsWereEnqueued = true;
} else {
iterator.current.forEachTest(_runTest, _testCache, enqueueNextSuite);
* True if we are using a browser + platform combination that needs the
* Selenium server jar.
bool get _needsSelenium => (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'macos' &&
browserUsed == 'safari') || browserUsed == 'opera';
/** True if the Selenium Server is ready to be used. */
bool get _isSeleniumAvailable => _seleniumServer != null ||
* Restart all the processes that have been waiting/stopped for the server to
* start up. If we just call this once we end up with a single-"threaded" run.
void resumeTesting() {
for (int i = 0; i < _maxProcesses; i++) _tryRunTest();
/** Start the Selenium Server jar, if appropriate for this platform. */
void _ensureSeleniumServerRunning() {
if (!_isSeleniumAvailable && !_startingServer) {
_startingServer = true;
// Check to see if the jar was already running before the program started.
String cmd = 'ps';
var arg = ['aux'];
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
cmd = 'tasklist';
Future processFuture = io.Process.start(cmd, arg);
processFuture.then((io.Process p) {
// Drain stderr to not leak resources.
p.stderr.onData =;
final io.StringInputStream stdoutStringStream =
new io.StringInputStream(p.stdout);
stdoutStringStream.onLine = () {
var line = stdoutStringStream.readLine();
while (null != line) {
var regexp = new RegExp(r".*selenium-server-standalone.*");
if (regexp.hasMatch(line)) {
_seleniumAlreadyRunning = true;
line = stdoutStringStream.readLine();
if (!_isSeleniumAvailable) {
}).catchError((e) {
print("Error starting process:");
print(" Command: $cmd ${Strings.join(arg, ' ')}");
print(" Error: $e");
// TODO(ahe): How to report this as a test failure?
return true;
void _runTest(TestCase test) {
if (test.usesWebDriver) {
browserUsed = test.configuration['browser'];
if (_needsSelenium) _ensureSeleniumServerRunning();
* Monitor the output of the Selenium server, to know when we are ready to
* begin running tests.
* source: Output(Stream) from the Java server.
VoidFunction makeSeleniumServerHandler(io.StringInputStream source) {
void handler() {
if (source.closed) return; // TODO(whesse): Remove when bug is fixed.
var line = source.readLine();
while (null != line) {
if (new RegExp(r".*Started.*Server.*").hasMatch(line) ||
new RegExp(r"Exception.*Selenium is already running.*").hasMatch(
line)) {
line = source.readLine();
return handler;
* For browser tests using Safari or Opera, we need to use the Selenium 1.0
* Java server.
void _startSeleniumServer() {
// Get the absolute path to the Selenium jar.
String filePath = TestUtils.testScriptPath;
String pathSep = io.Platform.pathSeparator;
int index = filePath.lastIndexOf(pathSep);
filePath = '${filePath.substring(0, index)}${pathSep}testing${pathSep}';
var lister = new io.Directory(filePath).list();
lister.onFile = (String file) {
if (new RegExp(r"selenium-server-standalone-.*\.jar").hasMatch(file)
&& _seleniumServer == null) {
Future processFuture = io.Process.start('java', ['-jar', file]);
processFuture.then((io.Process server) {
_seleniumServer = server;
// Heads up: there seems to an obscure data race of some form in
// the VM between launching the server process and launching the test
// tasks that disappears when you read IO (which is convenient, since
// that is our condition for knowing that the server is ready).
io.StringInputStream stdoutStringStream =
new io.StringInputStream(_seleniumServer.stdout);
io.StringInputStream stderrStringStream =
new io.StringInputStream(_seleniumServer.stderr);
stdoutStringStream.onLine =
stderrStringStream.onLine =
}).catchError((e) {
print("Process error:");
print(" Command: java -jar $file");
print(" Error: $e");
// TODO(ahe): How to report this as a test failure?
return true;
Future _terminateBatchRunners() {
var futures = new List();
for (var runners in _batchProcesses.values) {
for (var runner in runners) {
// Change to Future.wait when updating binaries.
return Future.wait(futures);
BatchRunnerProcess _getBatchRunner(TestCase test) {
// Start batch processes if needed
var compiler = test.configuration['compiler'];
var runners = _batchProcesses[compiler];
if (runners == null) {
runners = new List<BatchRunnerProcess>(_maxProcesses);
for (int i = 0; i < _maxProcesses; i++) {
runners[i] = new BatchRunnerProcess(test);
_batchProcesses[compiler] = runners;
for (var runner in runners) {
if (! return runner;
throw new Exception('Unable to find inactive batch runner.');
void _tryRunTest() {
if (_numProcesses < _maxProcesses && !_tests.isEmpty) {
TestCase test = _tests.removeFirst();
if (_listTests) {
var fields = [test.displayName,
Strings.join(new List.from(test.expectedOutcomes), ','),
print(Strings.join(fields, '\t'));
if (test.usesWebDriver && _needsSelenium && !_isSeleniumAvailable || (test
is BrowserTestCase && test.waitingForOtherTest)) {
// The test is not yet ready to run. Put the test back in
// the queue. Avoid spin-polling by using a timeout.
new Timer(100, (timer) {_tryRunTest();}); // Don't lose a process.
if (_verbose) {
int i = 1;
if (test is BrowserTestCase) {
// Additional command for rerunning the steps locally after the fact.
print('$i. ${TestUtils.dartTestExecutable.toNativePath()} '
'http_server.dart -m ${test.configuration["mode"]} '
'-a ${test.configuration["arch"]} '
'-p ${http_server.TestingServerRunner.serverList[0].port} '
'-c ${http_server.TestingServerRunner.serverList[1].port}');
for (Command command in test.commands) {
print('$i. ${command.commandLine}');
TestCaseEvent oldCallback = test.completedHandler;
void wrapper(TestCase test_arg) {
if (test_arg is BrowserTestCase) test_arg.notifyObservers();
test.completedHandler = wrapper;
if ((test.configuration['compiler'] == 'dartc' &&
test.displayName != 'dartc/junit_tests') ||
(test.commands.length == 1 && test.usesWebDriver &&
!test.configuration['noBatch'])) {
// Dartc and browser test cases that do not require a precompilation
// step, start with the batch runner right away.
} else {
// Once we've actually failed a test, technically, we wouldn't need to
// bother retrying any subsequent tests since the bot is already red.
// However, we continue to retry tests until we have actually failed
// four tests (arbitrarily chosen) for more debugable output, so that
// the developer doesn't waste his or her time trying to fix a bunch of
// tests that appear to be broken but were actually just flakes that
// didn't get retried because there had already been one failure.
bool allowRetry = _MAX_FAILED_NO_RETRY > _progress.numFailedTests;
new RunningProcess(test, allowRetry, this).start();