blob: 96d4418822394369cae9a5b422fb4dbccabbc439 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:pathos/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:scheduled_test/descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import '../metatest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
expectTestsPass('file().create() creates a file', () {
test('test', () {
d.file('name.txt', 'contents').create();
schedule(() {
expect(new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt')).readAsString(),
expectTestsPass('file().create() overwrites an existing file', () {
test('test', () {
d.file('name.txt', 'contents1').create();
d.file('name.txt', 'contents2').create();
schedule(() {
expect(new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt')).readAsString(),
expectTestsPass('file().validate() completes successfully if the filesystem '
'matches the descriptor', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt'))
d.file('name.txt', 'contents').validate();
expectTestsPass("file().validate() fails if there's a file with the wrong "
"contents", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt'))
d.file('name.txt', 'contents').validate();
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals([
"File 'name.txt' should contain:\n"
"| contents\n"
"but actually contained:\n"
"X wrongtents"
]), verbose: true);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("file().validate() fails if there's no file", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
d.file('name.txt', 'contents').validate();
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect(errors.length, equals(1));
matches(r"^File not found: '[^']+[\\/]name\.txt'\.$"));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("file().read() returns the contents of the file as a stream",
() {
test('test', () {
expect(byteStreamToString(d.file('name.txt', 'contents').read()),
expectTestsPass("file().describe() returns the filename", () {
test('test', () {
expect(d.file('name.txt', 'contents').describe(), equals('name.txt'));
expectTestsPass('binaryFile().create() creates a file', () {
test('test', () {
d.binaryFile('name.bin', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).create();
schedule(() {
expect(new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.bin')).readAsBytes(),
completion(equals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])));
expectTestsPass('binaryFile().validate() completes successfully if the '
'filesystem matches the descriptor', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.bin'))
.writeAsBytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
d.binaryFile('name.bin', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).validate();
expectTestsPass("binaryFile().validate() fails if there's a file with the "
"wrong contents", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.bin'))
.writeAsBytes([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]);
d.binaryFile('name.bin', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).validate();
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals([
"File 'name.bin' didn't contain the expected binary data."
]), verbose: true);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('matcherFile().create() creates an empty file', () {
test('test', () {
d.matcherFile('name.txt', isNot(isEmpty)).create();
schedule(() {
expect(new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt')).readAsString(),
expectTestsPass('matcherFile().validate() completes successfully if the '
'string contents of the file matches the matcher', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt'))
d.matcherFile('name.txt', contains('foo')).validate();
expectTestsPass("matcherFile().validate() fails if the string contents of "
"the file doesn't match the matcher", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt'))
d.matcherFile('name.txt', contains('baaz')).validate();
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error.message), equals([
"Expected: contains 'baaz'\n But: was 'barfoobaz'.\n"
"Actual: 'barfoobaz'"
]), verbose: true);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('binaryMatcherFile().validate() completes successfully if '
'the string contents of the file matches the matcher', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt'))
d.binaryMatcherFile('name.txt', contains(111)).validate();
expectTestsPass("binaryMatcherFile().validate() fails if the string contents "
"of the file doesn't match the matcher", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() {
return new File(path.join(sandbox, 'name.txt'))
d.binaryMatcherFile('name.txt', contains(12)).validate();
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error.message), equals([
"Expected: contains <12>\n"
" But: was [98, 97, 114, 102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 122].\n"
"Actual: [98, 97, 114, 102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 122]"
]), verbose: true);
}, passing: ['test 2']);