blob: 3f9e3f7c390fd73ca38867aa97c56bbbe175dbdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/lint/linter.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../analyzer.dart';
import '../extensions.dart';
import '../util/flutter_utils.dart';
const _desc = r'Do not use `BuildContext` across asynchronous gaps.';
const _details = r'''
**DON'T** use `BuildContext` across asynchronous gaps.
Storing `BuildContext` for later usage can easily lead to difficult to diagnose
crashes. Asynchronous gaps are implicitly storing `BuildContext` and are some of
the easiest to overlook when writing code.
When a `BuildContext` is used, a `mounted` property must be checked after an
asynchronous gap, depending on how the `BuildContext` is accessed:
* When using a `State`'s `context` property, the `State`'s `mounted` property
must be checked.
* For other `BuildContext` instances (like a local variable or function
argument), the `BuildContext`'s `mounted` property must be checked.
void onButtonTapped(BuildContext context) async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
void onButtonTapped(BuildContext context) {
void onButtonTapped(BuildContext context) async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
if (!context.mounted) return;
abstract class MyState extends State<MyWidget> {
void foo() async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
if (!mounted) return; // Checks `this.mounted`, not `context.mounted`.
/// An enum whose values describe the state of asynchrony that a certain node
/// has in the syntax tree, with respect to another node.
/// A mounted check is a check of whether a bool-typed identifier, 'mounted',
/// is checked to be `true` or `false`, in a position which affects control
/// flow.
enum AsyncState {
/// A value indicating that a node contains an "asynchronous gap" which is
/// not definitely guarded with a mounted check.
/// A value indicating that a node contains a positive mounted check that can
/// guard a certain other node.
/// A value indicating that a node contains a negative mounted check that can
/// guard a certain other node.
AsyncState? get asynchronousOrNull =>
this == asynchronous ? asynchronous : null;
/// A class that reuses a single [AsyncStateVisitor] to calculate and cache the
/// async state between parent and child nodes.
class AsyncStateTracker {
final _asyncStateVisitor = AsyncStateVisitor();
/// Whether a check on an unrelated 'mounted' property has been seen.
bool get hasUnrelatedMountedCheck =>
/// Returns the asynchronous state that exists between `this` and [reference].
/// [reference] must be a direct child of `this`, or a sibling of `this`
/// in a List of [AstNode]s.
AsyncState? asyncStateFor(AstNode reference, Element mountedElement) {
_asyncStateVisitor.setReference(reference, mountedElement);
var parent = reference.parent;
if (parent == null) return null;
var state = parent.accept(_asyncStateVisitor);
_asyncStateVisitor.cacheState(parent, state);
return state;
/// A visitor whose `visit*` methods return the async state between a given node
/// and [_reference].
/// The entrypoint for this visitor is [AsyncStateTracker.asyncStateFor].
/// Each `visit*` method can return one of three values:
/// * `null` means there is no interesting asynchrony between node and
/// [_reference].
/// * [AsyncState.asynchronous] means the node contains an asynchronous gap
/// which is not guarded with a mounted check.
/// * [AsyncState.mountedCheck] means the node guards [_reference] with a
/// positive mounted check.
/// * [AsyncState.notMountedCheck] means the node guards [_reference] with a
/// negative mounted check.
/// (For all `visit*` methods except the entrypoint call, the value is
/// intermediate, and is only used in calculating the value for parent nodes.)
/// A node that contains a mounted check "guards" [_reference] if control flow
/// can only reach [_reference] if 'mounted' is `true`. Such checks can take
/// many forms:
/// * A mounted check in an if-condition can be a simple guard for nodes in the
/// if's then-statement or the if's else-statement, depending on the polarity
/// of the check. So `if (mounted) { reference; }` has a proper mounted check
/// and `if (!mounted) {} else { reference; }` has a proper mounted check.
/// * A statement in a series of statements containing a mounted check can guard
/// the later statements if control flow definitely exits in the case of a
/// `false` value for 'mounted'. So `if (!mounted) { return; } reference;` has
/// a proper mounted check.
/// * A mounted check in a try-statement can only guard later statements if it
/// is found in the `finally` section, as no statements found in the `try`
/// section or any `catch` sections are not guaranteed to have run before the
/// later statements.
/// * etc.
/// The `visit*` methods generally fall into three categories:
/// * A node may affect control flow, such that a contained mounted check may
/// properly guard [_reference]. See [visitIfStatement] for one of the most
/// complicated examples.
/// * A node may be one component of a mounted check. An associated `visit*`
/// method builds up such a mounted check from inner expressions. For example,
/// given `!(context.mounted)`, the notion of a mounted check is built from
/// the PrefixedIdentifier, the ParenthesizedExpression, and the
/// PrefixExpression (from inside to outside).
/// * Otherwise, a node may just contain an asynchronous gap. The vast majority
/// of node types fall into this category. Most of these `visit*` methods
/// use [AsyncState.asynchronousOrNull] or [_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync].
class AsyncStateVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<AsyncState> {
static const mountedName = 'mounted';
late AstNode _reference;
/// The `mounted` getter that is appropriate for a mounted check for
/// [_reference].
/// Generally speaking, this is `State.mounted` when [_reference] refers to
/// `State.context`, and this is `BuildContext.mounted` otherwise.
late Element _mountedElement;
final Map<AstNode, AsyncState?> _stateCache = {};
/// Whether a check on an unrelated 'mounted' property has been seen.
bool hasUnrelatedMountedCheck = false;
/// Cache the async state between [node] and some reference node.
/// Caching an async state is only valid when [node] is the parent of the
/// reference node, and later visitations are performed using ancestors of the
/// reference node as [_reference].
/// That is, if the async state between a parent node and a reference node,
/// `R` is `A`, then the async state between any other node and a direct
/// child, which is an ancestor of `R`, is also `A`.
// TODO(srawlins): Checking the cache in every visit method could improve
// performance. Just need to do the legwork.
void cacheState(AstNode node, AsyncState? state) {
_stateCache[node] = state;
/// Sets [_reference] and [_mountedElement], readying the visitor to accept
/// nodes.
void setReference(AstNode reference, Element mountedElement) {
_reference = reference;
_mountedElement = mountedElement;
AsyncState? visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) =>
AsyncState? visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) =>
(node: node.leftHandSide, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.rightHandSide, mountedCanGuard: true),
AsyncState? visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
if (_stateCache.containsKey(node)) {
return _stateCache[node];
// An expression _inside_ an await is executed before the await, and so is
// safe; otherwise asynchronous.
return _reference == node.expression ? null : AsyncState.asynchronous;
AsyncState? visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
if (node.leftOperand == _reference) {
return null;
} else if (node.rightOperand == _reference) {
var leftGuardState = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
return switch (leftGuardState) {
AsyncState.asynchronous => AsyncState.asynchronous,
AsyncState.mountedCheck when node.isAnd => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
AsyncState.notMountedCheck when node.isOr => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
_ => null,
// `reference` follows `node`, or an ancestor of `node`.
if (node.isAnd) {
var leftGuardState = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
var rightGuardState = node.rightOperand.accept(this);
return switch ((leftGuardState, rightGuardState)) {
// If the left is uninteresting, just return the state of the right.
(null, _) => rightGuardState,
// If the right is uninteresting, just return the state of the left.
(_, null) => leftGuardState,
// Anything on the left followed by async on the right is async.
(_, AsyncState.asynchronous) => AsyncState.asynchronous,
// An async state on the left is superseded by the state on the right.
(AsyncState.asynchronous, _) => rightGuardState,
// Otherwise just use the state on the left.
(AsyncState.mountedCheck, _) => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
(AsyncState.notMountedCheck, _) => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
if (node.isOr) {
var leftGuardState = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
var rightGuardState = node.rightOperand.accept(this);
return switch ((leftGuardState, rightGuardState)) {
// Anything on the left followed by async on the right is async.
(_, AsyncState.asynchronous) => AsyncState.asynchronous,
// Async on the left followed by anything on the right is async.
(AsyncState.asynchronous, _) => AsyncState.asynchronous,
// A mounted guard only applies if both sides are guarded.
(AsyncState.mountedCheck, AsyncState.mountedCheck) =>
(_, AsyncState.notMountedCheck) => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
(AsyncState.notMountedCheck, _) => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
// Otherwise it's just uninteresting.
(_, _) => null,
if (node.isEqual) {
var leftGuardState = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
var rightGuardState = node.rightOperand.accept(this);
if (leftGuardState == AsyncState.asynchronous ||
rightGuardState == AsyncState.asynchronous) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (leftGuardState == AsyncState.mountedCheck ||
leftGuardState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck) {
var rightConstantValue = node.rightOperand.constantBoolValue;
if (rightConstantValue == null) return null;
return _constantEquality(leftGuardState, constant: rightConstantValue);
if (rightGuardState == AsyncState.mountedCheck ||
rightGuardState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck) {
var leftConstantValue = node.leftOperand.constantBoolValue;
if (leftConstantValue == null) return null;
return _constantEquality(rightGuardState, constant: leftConstantValue);
return null;
if (node.isNotEqual) {
var leftGuardState = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
var rightGuardState = node.rightOperand.accept(this);
if (leftGuardState == AsyncState.asynchronous ||
rightGuardState == AsyncState.asynchronous) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (leftGuardState == AsyncState.mountedCheck ||
leftGuardState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck) {
var rightConstantValue = node.rightOperand.constantBoolValue;
if (rightConstantValue == null) return null;
return _constantEquality(leftGuardState, constant: !rightConstantValue);
if (rightGuardState == AsyncState.mountedCheck ||
rightGuardState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck) {
var leftConstantValue = node.leftOperand.constantBoolValue;
if (leftConstantValue == null) return null;
return _constantEquality(rightGuardState, constant: !leftConstantValue);
return null;
} else {
// Outside of a binary logical operation, a mounted check cannot guard a
// later expression, so only check for asynchronous code.
return node.leftOperand.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull ??
AsyncState? visitBlock(Block node) =>
_visitBlockLike(node.statements, parent: node.parent);
AsyncState? visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) =>
// Stop visiting when we arrive at a function body.
// Awaits and mounted checks inside it don't matter.
AsyncState? visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) =>
_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([, ...node.cascadeSections]);
AsyncState? visitCaseClause(CaseClause node) =>
AsyncState? visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) =>
AsyncState? visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) =>
expression: node.condition,
caseClause: null,
thenBranch: node.thenExpression,
elseBranch: node.elseExpression,
AsyncState? visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
if (node.body == _reference) {
// After one loop, an `await` in the condition can affect the body.
return node.condition.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull;
} else if (node.condition == _reference) {
return node.body.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull;
} else {
return node.condition.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull ??
AsyncState? visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) =>
// Stop visiting when we arrive at a function body.
// Awaits and mounted checks inside it don't matter.
AsyncState? visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) =>
node.expression == _reference
? null
: node.expression.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull;
AsyncState? visitExtensionOverride(ExtensionOverride node) =>
AsyncState? visitForElement(ForElement node) {
var forLoopParts = node.forLoopParts;
var referenceIsBody = node.body == _reference;
return switch (forLoopParts) {
ForPartsWithDeclarations() => _inOrderAsyncState([
for (var declaration in forLoopParts.variables.variables)
(node: declaration, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: forLoopParts.condition, mountedCanGuard: referenceIsBody),
for (var updater in forLoopParts.updaters)
(node: updater, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.body, mountedCanGuard: false),
ForPartsWithExpression() => _inOrderAsyncState([
(node: forLoopParts.initialization, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: forLoopParts.condition, mountedCanGuard: referenceIsBody),
for (var updater in forLoopParts.updaters)
(node: updater, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.body, mountedCanGuard: false),
ForEachParts() => _inOrderAsyncState([
(node: forLoopParts.iterable, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.body, mountedCanGuard: false),
_ => null,
AsyncState? visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
var forLoopParts = node.forLoopParts;
var referenceIsBody = node.body == _reference;
return switch (forLoopParts) {
ForPartsWithDeclarations() => _inOrderAsyncState([
for (var declaration in forLoopParts.variables.variables)
(node: declaration, mountedCanGuard: false),
// The body can be guarded by the condition.
(node: forLoopParts.condition, mountedCanGuard: referenceIsBody),
for (var updater in forLoopParts.updaters)
(node: updater, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.body, mountedCanGuard: false),
ForPartsWithExpression() => _inOrderAsyncState([
(node: forLoopParts.initialization, mountedCanGuard: false),
// The body can be guarded by the condition.
(node: forLoopParts.condition, mountedCanGuard: referenceIsBody),
for (var updater in forLoopParts.updaters)
(node: updater, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.body, mountedCanGuard: false),
ForEachParts() => _inOrderAsyncState([
(node: forLoopParts.iterable, mountedCanGuard: false),
(node: node.body, mountedCanGuard: false),
_ => null,
AsyncState? visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(
FunctionExpressionInvocation node) =>
[node.function, ...node.argumentList.arguments]);
AsyncState? visitGuardedPattern(GuardedPattern node) =>
AsyncState? visitIfElement(IfElement node) => _visitIfLike(
expression: node.expression,
caseClause: node.caseClause,
thenBranch: node.thenElement,
elseBranch: node.elseElement,
AsyncState? visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) => _visitIfLike(
expression: node.expression,
caseClause: node.caseClause,
thenBranch: node.thenStatement,
elseBranch: node.elseStatement,
AsyncState? visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) =>
_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([, node.index]);
AsyncState? visitInstanceCreationExpression(
InstanceCreationExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) =>
AsyncState? visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) =>
AsyncState? visitMapLiteralEntry(MapLiteralEntry node) =>
_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([node.key, node.value]);
AsyncState? visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) =>
_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([, ...node.argumentList.arguments]);
AsyncState? visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) =>
AsyncState? visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) =>
AsyncState? visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
if (node.isNot) {
var guardState = node.operand.accept(this);
return switch (guardState) {
AsyncState.mountedCheck => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
AsyncState.notMountedCheck => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
_ => guardState,
} else {
return null;
AsyncState? visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
if ( == mountedName) {
return ??
AsyncState? visitRecordLiteral(RecordLiteral node) =>
AsyncState? visitSetOrMapLiteral(SetOrMapLiteral node) =>
AsyncState? visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) =>
AsyncState? visitSpreadElement(SpreadElement node) =>
AsyncState? visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) =>
AsyncState? visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) =>
// TODO(srawlins): Handle when `reference` is in one of the statements.
_inOrderAsyncStateGuardable([node.expression, ...node.statements]);
AsyncState? visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) =>
AsyncState? visitSwitchExpression(SwitchExpression node) =>
_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([node.expression, ...node.cases]);
AsyncState? visitSwitchExpressionCase(SwitchExpressionCase node) {
if (_reference == node.guardedPattern) {
return null;
var whenClauseState = node.guardedPattern.whenClause?.accept(this);
if (_reference == node.expression) {
if (whenClauseState == AsyncState.asynchronous ||
whenClauseState == AsyncState.mountedCheck) {
return whenClauseState;
return null;
return whenClauseState?.asynchronousOrNull ??
AsyncState? visitSwitchPatternCase(SwitchPatternCase node) {
if (_reference == node.guardedPattern) {
return null;
var statementsAsyncState =
_visitBlockLike(node.statements, parent: node.parent);
if (statementsAsyncState != null) return statementsAsyncState;
if (node.statements.contains(_reference)) {
// Any when-clause in `node` and any fallthrough when-clauses are handled
// in `visitSwitchStatement`.
return null;
} else {
return node.guardedPattern.whenClause?.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull;
AsyncState? visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
// TODO(srawlins): Check for definite exits in the members.
node.expression.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull ??
var reference = _reference;
if (reference is SwitchMember) {
var index = node.members.indexOf(reference);
// Control may flow to `node.statements` via this case's `guardedPattern`,
// or via fallthrough. Consider fallthrough when-clauses.
// Track whether we are iterating in fall-through cases.
var checkedCasesFallThrough = true;
// Track whether all checked cases have been `AsyncState.mountedCheck`
// (only relevant for fall-through cases).
var checkedCasesAreAllMountedChecks = true;
for (var i = index; i >= 0; i--) {
var case_ = node.members[i];
if (case_ is! SwitchPatternCase) {
var whenAsyncState = case_.guardedPattern.whenClause?.accept(this);
if (whenAsyncState == AsyncState.asynchronous) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (checkedCasesFallThrough) {
var caseIsFallThrough = i == index || case_.statements.isEmpty;
if (caseIsFallThrough) {
checkedCasesAreAllMountedChecks &=
whenAsyncState == AsyncState.mountedCheck;
} else {
// We have collected whether all of the fallthrough cases have
// mounted guards.
if (checkedCasesAreAllMountedChecks) {
return AsyncState.mountedCheck;
checkedCasesFallThrough &= caseIsFallThrough;
if (checkedCasesFallThrough && checkedCasesAreAllMountedChecks) {
return AsyncState.mountedCheck;
return null;
} else {
return node.expression.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull ??
AsyncState? visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
if (node.body == _reference) {
return null;
} else if (node.catchClauses.any((clause) => clause == _reference)) {
return node.body.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull;
} else if (node.finallyBlock == _reference) {
return _asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([node.body, ...node.catchClauses]);
// Only statements in the `finally` section of a try-statement can
// sufficiently guard statements following the try-statement.
return node.finallyBlock?.accept(this) ??
_asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync([node.body, ...node.catchClauses]);
AsyncState? visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) =>
AsyncState? visitVariableDeclarationStatement(
VariableDeclarationStatement node) =>
for (var variable in node.variables.variables) variable.initializer,
AsyncState? visitWhenClause(WhenClause node) => node.expression.accept(this);
AsyncState? visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) =>
// TODO(srawlins): if the condition is a mounted guard and `reference` is
// the body or follows the while.
// A while-statement's body is not guaranteed to execute, so no mounted
// checks properly guard.
node.condition.accept(this)?.asynchronousOrNull ??
AsyncState? visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) =>
/// Returns [AsyncState.asynchronous] if visiting any of [nodes] returns
/// [AsyncState.asynchronous], otherwise `null`.
/// This function does not take mounted checks into account, so it cannot be
/// used when [nodes] can affect control flow.
AsyncState? _asynchronousIfAnyIsAsync(List<AstNode?> nodes) {
var index = nodes.indexOf(_reference);
if (index < 0) {
return nodes.any((node) => node?.accept(this) == AsyncState.asynchronous)
? AsyncState.asynchronous
: null;
} else {
return nodes
.any((node) => node?.accept(this) == AsyncState.asynchronous)
? AsyncState.asynchronous
: null;
/// Returns an [AsyncState] representing [state] or its opposite, based on
/// equality with [constant].
AsyncState? _constantEquality(AsyncState? state, {required bool constant}) =>
switch ((state, constant)) {
// Representing `context.mounted == true`, etc.
(AsyncState.mountedCheck, true) => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
(AsyncState.notMountedCheck, true) => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
(AsyncState.mountedCheck, false) => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
(AsyncState.notMountedCheck, false) => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
_ => null,
/// Walks backwards through [nodes] looking for "interesting" async states,
/// determining the async state of [nodes], with respect to [_reference].
/// [nodes] is a list of records, each with an [AstNode] and a field
/// representing whether a mounted check in the node can guard [_reference].
/// [nodes] must be in expected execution order. [_reference] can be one of
/// [nodes], or can follow [nodes], or can follow an ancestor of [nodes].
/// If [_reference] is one of the [nodes], this traversal starts at the node
/// that precedes it, rather than at the end of the list.
AsyncState? _inOrderAsyncState(
List<({AstNode? node, bool mountedCanGuard})> nodes) {
if (nodes.isEmpty) return null;
if (nodes.first.node == _reference) return null;
var referenceIndex =
nodes.indexWhere((element) => element.node == _reference);
var startingIndex =
referenceIndex > 0 ? referenceIndex - 1 : nodes.length - 1;
for (var i = startingIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
var (:node, :mountedCanGuard) = nodes[i];
if (node == null) continue;
var asyncState = node.accept(this);
if (asyncState == AsyncState.asynchronous) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (mountedCanGuard && asyncState != null) {
// Walking from the last node to the first, as soon as we encounter a
// mounted check (positive or negative) or asynchronous code, that's
// the state of the whole series.
return asyncState;
return null;
/// A simple wrapper for [_inOrderAsyncState] for [nodes] which can all guard
/// [_reference] with a mounted check.
AsyncState? _inOrderAsyncStateGuardable(Iterable<AstNode?> nodes) =>
for (var node in nodes) (node: node, mountedCanGuard: true),
/// Compute the [AsyncState] of a "block-like" node which has [statements].
AsyncState? _visitBlockLike(List<Statement> statements,
{required AstNode? parent}) {
var reference = _reference;
if (reference is Statement) {
var index = statements.indexOf(reference);
if (index >= 0) {
var precedingAsyncState = _inOrderAsyncStateGuardable(statements);
if (precedingAsyncState != null) return precedingAsyncState;
if (parent is DoStatement ||
parent is ForStatement ||
parent is WhileStatement) {
// Check for asynchrony in the statements that _follow_ [reference],
// as they may lead to an async gap before we loop back to
// [reference].
return _inOrderAsyncStateGuardable(statements.skip(index + 1))
return null;
// When [reference] is not one of [node.statements], walk through all of
// them.
return statements.reversed
.map((s) => s.accept(this))
.firstWhereOrNull((state) => state != null);
/// The state of [node], accounting for a possible mounted check, or an
/// attempted mounted check (using an unrelated element).
AsyncState? _visitIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if ( != mountedName) return null;
if (node.staticElement?.declaration == _mountedElement) {
return AsyncState.mountedCheck;
// This is an attempted mounted check, but it is using the wrong element.
hasUnrelatedMountedCheck = true;
return null;
/// Compute the [AsyncState] of an "if-like" node which has a [expression], a
/// possible [caseClause], a [thenBranch], and a possible [elseBranch].
AsyncState? _visitIfLike({
required Expression expression,
required CaseClause? caseClause,
required AstNode thenBranch,
required AstNode? elseBranch,
}) {
if (_reference == expression) {
// The async state of the condition is not affected by the case-clause,
// then-branch, or else-branch.
return null;
var expressionAsyncState = expression.accept(this);
if (_reference == caseClause) {
return switch (expressionAsyncState) {
AsyncState.asynchronous => AsyncState.asynchronous,
AsyncState.mountedCheck => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
_ => null,
var caseClauseAsyncState = caseClause?.accept(this);
// The condition state is the combined state of `expression` and
// `caseClause`.
var conditionAsyncState =
switch ((expressionAsyncState, caseClauseAsyncState)) {
// If the left is uninteresting, just return the state of the right.
(null, _) => caseClauseAsyncState,
// If the right is uninteresting, just return the state of the left.
(_, null) => expressionAsyncState,
// Anything on the left followed by async on the right is async.
(_, AsyncState.asynchronous) => AsyncState.asynchronous,
// An async state on the left is superseded by the state on the right.
(AsyncState.asynchronous, _) => caseClauseAsyncState,
// Otherwise just use the state on the left.
(AsyncState.mountedCheck, _) => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
(AsyncState.notMountedCheck, _) => AsyncState.notMountedCheck,
if (_reference == thenBranch) {
return switch (conditionAsyncState) {
AsyncState.asynchronous => AsyncState.asynchronous,
AsyncState.mountedCheck => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
_ => null,
} else if (_reference == elseBranch) {
return switch (conditionAsyncState) {
AsyncState.asynchronous => AsyncState.asynchronous,
AsyncState.notMountedCheck => AsyncState.mountedCheck,
_ => null,
} else {
// `reference` is a statement that comes after `node`, or an ancestor of
// `node`, in a NodeList.
var thenAsyncState = thenBranch.accept(this);
var elseAsyncState = elseBranch?.accept(this);
var thenTerminates = thenBranch.terminatesControl;
var elseTerminates = elseBranch?.terminatesControl ?? false;
if (thenAsyncState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck) {
if (elseAsyncState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck || elseTerminates) {
return AsyncState.notMountedCheck;
if (elseAsyncState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck && thenTerminates) {
return AsyncState.notMountedCheck;
if (thenAsyncState == AsyncState.asynchronous && !thenTerminates) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (elseAsyncState == AsyncState.asynchronous && !elseTerminates) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (conditionAsyncState == AsyncState.asynchronous) {
return AsyncState.asynchronous;
if (conditionAsyncState == AsyncState.mountedCheck && elseTerminates) {
return AsyncState.notMountedCheck;
if (conditionAsyncState == AsyncState.notMountedCheck && thenTerminates) {
return AsyncState.notMountedCheck;
return null;
/// Function with callback parameters that should be "protected."
/// Any callback passed as a [positional] argument or [named] argument to such
/// a function must have a mounted guard check for any references to
/// BuildContext.
class ProtectedFunction {
final String library;
/// The name of the target type of the function (for instance methods) or the
/// defining element (for constructors and static methods).
final String? type;
/// The name of the function. Can be `null` to represent an unnamed
/// constructor.
final String? name;
/// The list of positional parameters that are protected.
final List<int> positional;
/// The list of named parameters that are protected.
final List<String> named;
const ProtectedFunction(this.library, this.type,,
{this.positional = const <int>[], this.named = const <String>[]});
class UseBuildContextSynchronously extends LintRule {
static const LintCode asyncUseCode = LintCode(
"Don't use 'BuildContext's across async gaps.",
"Try rewriting the code to not use the 'BuildContext', or guard the "
"use with a 'mounted' check.",
uniqueName: 'LintCode.use_build_context_synchronously_async_use',
static const LintCode wrongMountedCode = LintCode(
"Don't use 'BuildContext's across async gaps, guarded by an unrelated "
"'mounted' check.",
"Guard a 'State.context' use with a 'mounted' check on the State, and "
"other BuildContext use with a 'mounted' check on the BuildContext.",
uniqueName: 'LintCode.use_build_context_synchronously_wrong_mounted',
: super(
name: 'use_build_context_synchronously',
description: _desc,
details: _details,
group: Group.errors,
state: State.stable(since: Version(3, 2, 0)),
List<LintCode> get lintCodes => [asyncUseCode, wrongMountedCode];
void registerNodeProcessors(
NodeLintRegistry registry, LinterContext context) {
var unit = context.currentUnit.unit;
if (!unit.inTestDir) {
var visitor = _Visitor(this);
registry.addMethodInvocation(this, visitor);
registry.addInstanceCreationExpression(this, visitor);
registry.addFunctionExpressionInvocation(this, visitor);
registry.addPrefixedIdentifier(this, visitor);
class _Visitor extends SimpleAstVisitor {
static const mountedName = 'mounted';
static const protectedConstructors = [
// Future constructors.
// Protect the unnamed constructor as both `Future()` and ``.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', null, positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'new', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'delayed', positional: [1]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'microtask', positional: [0]),
// Stream constructors.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'eventTransformed',
positional: [1]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'multi', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'periodic', positional: [1]),
// StreamController constructors.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'StreamController', null,
named: ['onListen', 'onPause', 'onResume', 'onCancel']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'StreamController', 'new',
named: ['onListen', 'onPause', 'onResume', 'onCancel']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'StreamController', 'broadcast',
named: ['onListen', 'onCancel']),
static const protectedInstanceMethods = [
// Future instance methods.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'catchError',
positional: [0], named: ['test']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'onError',
positional: [0], named: ['test']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'then',
positional: [0], named: ['onError']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'timeout', named: ['onTimeout']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'whenComplete', positional: [0]),
// Stream instance methods.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'any', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'asBroadcastStream',
named: ['onListen', 'onCancel']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'asyncExpand', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'asyncMap', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'distinct', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'expand', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'firstWhere',
positional: [0], named: ['orElse']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'fold', positional: [1]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'forEach', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'handleError',
positional: [0], named: ['test']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'lastWhere',
positional: [0], named: ['orElse']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'listen',
positional: [0], named: ['onError', 'onDone']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'map', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'reduce', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'singleWhere',
positional: [0], named: ['orElse']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'skipWhile', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'takeWhile', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'timeout', named: ['onTimeout']),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'where', positional: [0]),
// StreamSubscription instance methods.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'onData', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'onDone', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Stream', 'onError', positional: [0]),
static const protectedStaticMethods = [
// Future static methods.
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'doWhile', positional: [0]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'forEach', positional: [1]),
ProtectedFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'wait', named: ['cleanUp']),
final LintRule rule;
void check(Expression node, Element mountedElement) {
// Checks each of the statements before `child` for a `mounted` check, and
// returns whether it did not find one (and the caller should keep looking).
// Walk back and look for an async gap that is not guarded by a mounted
// property check.
AstNode? child = node;
var asyncStateTracker = AsyncStateTracker();
while (child != null && child is! FunctionBody) {
var parent = child.parent;
if (parent == null) break;
var asyncState = asyncStateTracker.asyncStateFor(child, mountedElement);
if (asyncState.isGuarded) return;
if (asyncState == AsyncState.asynchronous) {
var errorCode = asyncStateTracker.hasUnrelatedMountedCheck
? UseBuildContextSynchronously.wrongMountedCode
: UseBuildContextSynchronously.asyncUseCode;
rule.reportLint(node, errorCode: errorCode);
child = parent;
if (child is FunctionBody) {
var parent = child.parent;
var grandparent = parent?.parent;
if (parent is! FunctionExpression) {
if (grandparent is NamedExpression) {
// Given a FunctionBody in a named argument, like
// `future.catchError(test: (_) {...})`, we step up once more to the
// argument list.
grandparent = grandparent.parent;
if (grandparent is ArgumentList) {
if (grandparent.parent case InstanceCreationExpression invocation) {
checkConstructorCallback(invocation, parent, node);
if (grandparent.parent case MethodInvocation invocation) {
checkMethodCallback(invocation, parent, node);
/// Checks whether [invocation] involves a [callback] argument for a protected
/// constructor.
/// The code inside a callback argument for a protected constructor must not
/// contain any references to a `BuildContext` without a guarding mounted
/// check.
void checkConstructorCallback(
InstanceCreationExpression invocation,
FunctionExpression callback,
Expression errorNode,
) {
var staticType = invocation.staticType;
if (staticType == null) return;
var arguments = invocation.argumentList.arguments;
var positionalArguments =
arguments.where((a) => a is! NamedExpression).toList();
var namedArguments = arguments.whereType<NamedExpression>().toList();
for (var constructor in protectedConstructors) {
if ( == &&
staticType.isSameAs(constructor.type, constructor.library)) {
constructor.positional, positionalArguments, callback, errorNode);
constructor.named, namedArguments, callback, errorNode);
/// Checks whether [invocation] involves a [callback] argument for a protected
/// instance or static method.
/// The code inside a callback argument for a protected method must not
/// contain any references to a `BuildContext` without a guarding mounted
/// check.
void checkMethodCallback(
MethodInvocation invocation,
FunctionExpression callback,
Expression errorNode,
) {
var arguments = invocation.argumentList.arguments;
var positionalArguments =
arguments.where((a) => a is! NamedExpression).toList();
var namedArguments = arguments.whereType<NamedExpression>().toList();
var target = invocation.realTarget;
var targetElement = target is Identifier ? target.staticElement : null;
if (targetElement is ClassElement) {
// Static function called; `target` is the class.
for (var method in protectedStaticMethods) {
if ( == && == method.type) {
method.positional, positionalArguments, callback, errorNode);
method.named, namedArguments, callback, errorNode);
} else {
var staticType = target?.staticType;
if (staticType == null) return;
for (var method in protectedInstanceMethods) {
if ( == &&
staticType.element?.name == method.type) {
method.positional, positionalArguments, callback, errorNode);
method.named, namedArguments, callback, errorNode);
/// Checks whether [callback] is one of the [namedArguments] for one of the
/// protected argument [names] for a protected function.
void checkNamedArguments(
List<String> names,
List<NamedExpression> namedArguments,
Expression callback,
Expression errorNode) {
for (var named in names) {
var argument =
namedArguments.firstWhereOrNull((a) => == named);
if (argument == null) continue;
if (callback == argument.expression) {
errorCode: UseBuildContextSynchronously.asyncUseCode);
/// Checks whether [callback] is one of the [positionalArguments] for one of
/// the protected argument [positions] for a protected function.
void checkPositionalArguments(
List<int> positions,
List<Expression> positionalArguments,
Expression callback,
Expression errorNode) {
for (var position in positions) {
if (positionalArguments.length > position &&
callback == positionalArguments[position]) {
errorCode: UseBuildContextSynchronously.asyncUseCode);
void visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
if (isBuildContext(, skipNullable: true)) {
var buildContextElement =;
if (buildContextElement != null) {
var mountedGetter = buildContextElement.associatedMountedGetter;
if (mountedGetter != null) {
check(!, mountedGetter);
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if ( == mountedName) {
// Accessing `context.mounted` does not count as a "use" of a
// `BuildContext` which needs to be guarded by a mounted check.
// Getter access.
if (isBuildContext(node.prefix.staticType, skipNullable: true)) {
if ( != 'mounted') {
var buildContextElement = node.prefix.buildContextTypedElement;
if (buildContextElement != null) {
var mountedGetter = buildContextElement.associatedMountedGetter;
if (mountedGetter != null) {
check(node.prefix, mountedGetter);
void _visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
for (var argument in node.arguments) {
var buildContextElement = argument.buildContextTypedElement;
if (buildContextElement != null) {
var mountedGetter = buildContextElement.associatedMountedGetter;
if (mountedGetter != null) {
check(argument, mountedGetter);
extension on AsyncState? {
bool get isGuarded =>
this == AsyncState.mountedCheck || this == AsyncState.notMountedCheck;
extension on AstNode {
bool get terminatesControl {
var self = this;
if (self is Block) {
return self.statements.isNotEmpty &&
// TODO(srawlins): Make ExitDetector 100% functional for our needs. The
// basic (only?) difference is that it doesn't consider a `break` statement
// to be exiting.
if (self is ReturnStatement ||
self is BreakStatement ||
self is ContinueStatement) {
return true;
return accept(ExitDetector()) ?? false;
extension on PrefixExpression {
bool get isNot => operator.type == TokenType.BANG;
extension on BinaryExpression {
bool get isAnd => operator.type == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND;
bool get isEqual => operator.type == TokenType.EQ_EQ;
bool get isNotEqual => operator.type == TokenType.BANG_EQ;
bool get isOr => operator.type == TokenType.BAR_BAR;
extension on Expression {
/// The element of this expression, if it is typed as a BuildContext.
Element? get buildContextTypedElement {
var self = this;
if (self is NamedExpression) {
self = self.expression;
if (self is PropertyAccess) {
self = self.propertyName;
if (self is Identifier) {
var element = self.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
return null;
var declaration = element.declaration;
// Get the declaration to ensure checks from un-migrated libraries work.
var argType = switch (declaration) {
ExecutableElement() => declaration.returnType,
VariableElement() => declaration.type,
_ => null,
var isGetter = element is PropertyAccessorElement;
if (isBuildContext(argType, skipNullable: isGetter)) {
return declaration;
} else if (self is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return self.expression.buildContextTypedElement;
} else if (self is PostfixExpression &&
self.operator.type == TokenType.BANG) {
return self.operand.buildContextTypedElement;
return null;
extension on Statement {
/// Whether this statement terminates control, via a [BreakStatement], a
/// [ContinueStatement], or other definite exits, as determined by
/// [ExitDetector].
bool get terminatesControl {
var self = this;
if (self is Block) {
var last = self.statements.lastOrNull;
return last != null && last.terminatesControl;
// TODO(srawlins): Make ExitDetector 100% functional for our needs. The
// basic (only?) difference is that it doesn't consider a `break` statement
// to be exiting.
if (self is BreakStatement || self is ContinueStatement) {
return true;
return accept(ExitDetector()) ?? false;
extension on Expression {
bool? get constantBoolValue => computeConstantValue().value?.toBoolValue();
extension ElementExtension on Element {
/// The `mounted` getter which is associated with `this`, if this static
/// element is `BuildContext` from Flutter.
Element? get associatedMountedGetter {
var self = this;
if (self is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var enclosingElement = self.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is InterfaceElement && isState(enclosingElement)) {
// The BuildContext object is the field on Flutter's State class.
// This object can only be guarded by async gaps with a mounted
// check on the State.
return enclosingElement.augmented
.lookUpGetter(name: 'mounted', library: enclosingElement.library);
var buildContextElement = switch (self) {
ExecutableElement() => self.returnType,
VariableElement() => self.type,
_ => null,
if (buildContextElement is InterfaceElement) {
return buildContextElement.augmented
.lookUpGetter(name: 'mounted', library: buildContextElement.library);
return null;