blob: 0ce5d90518ffc2cb0a29cd34b5aeaedfe54f6a71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_dart_copy.status_file_parser;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:convert" show LineSplitter, utf8;
import "dart:io";
import "path.dart";
import "status_expression.dart";
import '../expectation.dart' show Expectation, ExpectationSet;
final RegExp splitComment = RegExp("^([^#]*)(#.*)?\$");
final RegExp headerPattern = RegExp(r"^\[([^\]]+)\]");
final RegExp rulePattern = RegExp(r"\s*([^: ]*)\s*:(.*)");
final RegExp issueNumberPattern = RegExp("[Ii]ssue ([0-9]+)");
class StatusFile {
final Path location;
// TODO(whesse): Implement configuration_info library that contains data
// structures for test configuration, including Section.
class Section {
final StatusFile statusFile;
final BooleanExpression? condition;
final List<TestRule> testRules;
final int lineNumber;
Section.always(this.statusFile, this.lineNumber)
: condition = null,
testRules = <TestRule>[];
Section(this.statusFile, this.condition, this.lineNumber)
: testRules = <TestRule>[];
bool isEnabled(Map<String, String> environment) =>
condition == null || condition!.evaluate(environment);
String toString() {
return "Section: $condition";
Future<TestExpectations> readTestExpectations(List<String> statusFilePaths,
Map<String, String> environment, ExpectationSet expectationSet) {
var testExpectations = TestExpectations(expectationSet);
return Future.wait( statusFile) {
return readTestExpectationsInto(testExpectations, statusFile, environment);
})).then((_) => testExpectations);
Future<void> readTestExpectationsInto(TestExpectations expectations,
String statusFilePath, Map<String, String> environment) {
var completer = Completer();
List<Section> sections = <Section>[];
void sectionsRead() {
for (Section section in sections) {
if (section.isEnabled(environment)) {
for (var rule in section.testRules) {
expectations.addRule(rule, environment);
readConfigurationInto(Path(statusFilePath), sections, sectionsRead);
return completer.future;
void readConfigurationInto(Path path, List<Section> sections, void onDone()) {
StatusFile statusFile = StatusFile(path);
File file = File(path.toNativePath());
if (!file.existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Cannot find test status file $path');
int lineNumber = 0;
Stream<String> lines = file
Section currentSection = Section.always(statusFile, -1);
lines.listen((String line) {
Match? match = splitComment.firstMatch(line);
line = (match == null) ? "" : match[1]!;
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty) return;
// Extract the comment to get the issue number if needed.
String comment = (match == null || match[2] == null) ? "" : match[2]!;
match = headerPattern.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
String conditionString = match[1]!.trim();
List<String> tokens = Tokenizer(conditionString).tokenize();
ExpressionParser parser = ExpressionParser(Scanner(tokens));
currentSection =
Section(statusFile, parser.parseBooleanExpression(), lineNumber);
match = rulePattern.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
String name = match[1]!.trim();
// TODO(whesse): Handle test names ending in a wildcard (*).
String expressionString = match[2]!.trim();
List<String> tokens = Tokenizer(expressionString).tokenize();
SetExpression expression =
// Look for issue number in comment.
String? issueString = null;
match = issueNumberPattern.firstMatch(comment);
if (match != null) {
issueString = match[1];
if (issueString == null) issueString = match[2];
int? issue = issueString != null ? int.parse(issueString) : null;
.add(TestRule(name, expression, issue, lineNumber));
print("unmatched line: $line");
}, onDone: onDone);
class TestRule {
String name;
SetExpression expression;
int? issue;
int lineNumber;
TestRule(, this.expression, this.issue, this.lineNumber);
bool get hasIssue => issue != null;
String toString() => 'TestRule($name, $expression, $issue)';
class TestExpectations {
// Only create one copy of each Set<Expectation>.
// We just use .toString as a key, so we may make a few
// sets that only differ in their toString element order.
static Map<String, Set<Expectation>> _cachedSets = {};
final ExpectationSet expectationSet;
Map<String, Set<Expectation>> _map;
bool _preprocessed = false;
Map<String, RegExp>? _regExpCache;
Map<String, List<RegExp>>? _keyToRegExps;
/// Create a TestExpectations object. See the [expectations] method
/// for an explanation of matching.
TestExpectations(this.expectationSet) : _map = {};
/// Add a rule to the expectations.
void addRule(TestRule testRule, Map<String, String> environment) {
// Once we have started using the expectations we cannot add more
// rules.
if (_preprocessed) {
throw "TestExpectations.addRule: cannot add more rules";
var names = testRule.expression.evaluate(environment);
var expectations = => expectationSet[name]);
_map.putIfAbsent(, () => Set()).addAll(expectations);
/// Compute the expectations for a test based on the filename.
/// For every (key, expectation) pair. Match the key with the file
/// name. Return the union of the expectations for all the keys
/// that match.
/// Normal matching splits the key and the filename into path
/// components and checks that the anchored regular expression
/// "^$keyComponent\$" matches the corresponding filename component.
Set<Expectation> expectations(String filename) {
var result = Set<Expectation>();
var splitFilename = filename.split('/');
// Create mapping from keys to list of RegExps once and for all.
_map.forEach((key, expectation) {
List<RegExp> regExps = _keyToRegExps![key]!;
if (regExps.length > splitFilename.length) return;
for (var i = 0; i < regExps.length; i++) {
if (!regExps[i].hasMatch(splitFilename[i])) return;
// If all components of the status file key matches the filename
// add the expectations to the result.
// If no expectations were found the expectation is that the test
// passes.
if (result.isEmpty) {
return _cachedSets.putIfAbsent(result.toString(), () => result);
// Preprocess the expectations for matching against
// filenames. Generate lists of regular expressions once and for all
// for each key.
void _preprocessForMatching() {
if (_preprocessed) return;
_keyToRegExps = {};
_regExpCache = {};
_map.forEach((key, expectations) {
if (_keyToRegExps![key] != null) return;
var splitKey = key.split('/');
var regExps = List<RegExp>.generate(splitKey.length, (int i) {
var component = splitKey[i];
var regExp = _regExpCache![component];
if (regExp == null) {
var pattern = "^${splitKey[i]}\$".replaceAll('*', '.*');
regExp = RegExp(pattern);
_regExpCache![component] = regExp;
return regExp;
}, growable: false);
_keyToRegExps![key] = regExps;
_regExpCache = null;
_preprocessed = true;