blob: b454b53c64f36947a36f4fa40d8293d307262de9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The type used by the
* [Window.localStorage] and [Window.sessionStorage] properties.
* Storage is implemented as a Map<String, String>.
* To store and get values, use Dart's built-in map syntax:
* window.localStorage['key1'] = 'val1';
* window.localStorage['key2'] = 'val2';
* window.localStorage['key3'] = 'val3';
* assert(window.localStorage['key3'] == 'val3');
* You can use [Map]( APIs
* such as containsValue(), clear(), and length:
* assert(window.localStorage.containsValue('does not exist') == false);
* window.localStorage.clear();
* assert(window.localStorage.length == 0);
* For more examples of using this API, see
* [localstorage_test.dart](
* For details on using the Map API, see the
* [Maps](
* section of the library tour.
$(ANNOTATIONS)class $CLASSNAME$EXTENDS implements Map<String, String>
// TODO(nweiz): update this when maps support lazy iteration
bool containsValue(String value) => values.any((e) => e == value);
bool containsKey(String key) => $dom_getItem(key) != null;
String operator [](String key) => $dom_getItem(key);
void operator []=(String key, String value) { $dom_setItem(key, value); }
String putIfAbsent(String key, String ifAbsent()) {
if (!containsKey(key)) this[key] = ifAbsent();
return this[key];
String remove(String key) {
final value = this[key];
return value;
void clear() => $dom_clear();
void forEach(void f(String key, String value)) {
for (var i = 0; true; i++) {
final key = $dom_key(i);
if (key == null) return;
f(key, this[key]);
Iterable<String> get keys {
final keys = [];
forEach((k, v) => keys.add(k));
return keys;
Iterable<String> get values {
final values = [];
forEach((k, v) => values.add(v));
return values;
int get length => $dom_length;
bool get isEmpty => $dom_key(0) == null;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;