blob: 721f38fcf51bc33eec995cd34ad24d5a81acc86a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of _js_helper;
setRuntimeTypeInfo(target, typeInfo) {
assert(typeInfo == null || typeInfo is JSArray);
// We have to check for null because factories may return null.
if (target != null) JS('var', r'#.$builtinTypeInfo = #', target, typeInfo);
getRuntimeTypeInfo(target) {
if (target == null) return null;
return JS('var', r'#.$builtinTypeInfo', target);
getRuntimeTypeArgument(target, substitution, index) {
var arguments = substitute(substitution, getRuntimeTypeInfo(target));
return (arguments == null) ? null : getField(arguments, index);
class TypeImpl implements Type {
final String _typeName;
toString() => _typeName;
// TODO(ahe): This is a poor hashCode as it collides with its name.
int get hashCode => _typeName.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
return (other is TypeImpl) && _typeName == other._typeName;
String getClassName(var object) {
return JS('String', r'#.constructor.builtin$cls', getInterceptor(object));
String getRuntimeTypeAsString(List runtimeType) {
String className = getConstructorName(runtimeType[0]);
return '$className${joinArguments(runtimeType, 1)}';
String getConstructorName(type) => JS('String', r'#.builtin$cls', type);
String runtimeTypeToString(type) {
if (type == null) {
return 'dynamic';
} else if (type is JSArray) {
// A list representing a type with arguments.
return getRuntimeTypeAsString(type);
} else {
// A reference to the constructor.
return getConstructorName(type);
String joinArguments(var types, int startIndex) {
if (types == null) return '';
bool firstArgument = true;
bool allDynamic = true;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int index = startIndex; index < types.length; index++) {
if (firstArgument) {
firstArgument = false;
} else {
buffer.write(', ');
var argument = types[index];
if (argument != null) {
allDynamic = false;
return allDynamic ? '' : '<$buffer>';
String getRuntimeTypeString(var object) {
String className = object is JSArray ? 'List' : getClassName(object);
var typeInfo = JS('var', r'#.$builtinTypeInfo', object);
return "$className${joinArguments(typeInfo, 0)}";
Type getRuntimeType(var object) {
String type = getRuntimeTypeString(object);
return new TypeImpl(type);
bool isJsFunction(var o) => JS('bool', r'typeof # == "function"', o);
Object invoke(function, arguments) {
return JS('var', r'#.apply(null, #)', function, arguments);
Object call(target, name) => JS('var', r'#[#]()', target, name);
substitute(var substitution, var arguments) {
if (substitution is JSArray) {
arguments = substitution;
} else if (isJsFunction(substitution)) {
arguments = invoke(substitution, arguments);
return arguments;
* Perform a type check with arguments on the Dart object [object].
* Parameters:
* - [isField]: the name of the flag/function to check if the object
* is of the correct class.
* - [checks]: the (JavaScript) list of type representations for the
* arguments to check against.
* - [asField]: the name of the function that transforms the type
* arguments of [objects] to an instance of the class that we check
* against.
bool checkSubtype(Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
if (object == null) return true;
var arguments = getRuntimeTypeInfo(object);
// Interceptor is needed for JSArray and native classes.
// TODO(sra): It could be a more specialized interceptor since [object] is not
// `null` or a primitive.
// TODO(9586): Move type info for static functions onto an interceptor.
var interceptor = getInterceptor(object);
bool isSubclass = getField(interceptor, isField);
// When we read the field and it is not there, [isSubclass] will be [:null:].
if (isSubclass == null || !isSubclass) return false;
// Should the asField function be passed the receiver?
var substitution = getField(interceptor, asField);
return checkArguments(substitution, arguments, checks);
String computeTypeName(String isField, List arguments) {
// Shorten the field name to the class name and append the textual
// representation of the type arguments.
int prefixLength = JS_OPERATOR_IS_PREFIX().length;
return Primitives.formatType(isField.substring(prefixLength, isField.length),
Object subtypeCast(Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
if (!checkSubtype(object, isField, checks, asField)) {
String actualType = Primitives.objectTypeName(object);
String typeName = computeTypeName(isField, checks);
throw new CastErrorImplementation(object, typeName);
return object;
Object assertSubtype(Object object, String isField, List checks,
String asField) {
if (!checkSubtype(object, isField, checks, asField)) {
String typeName = computeTypeName(isField, checks);
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(object, typeName);
return object;
* Check that the types in the list [arguments] are subtypes of the types in
* list [checks] (at the respective positions), possibly applying [substitution]
* to the arguments before the check.
* See [:RuntimeTypes.getSubtypeSubstitution:] for a description of the possible
* values for [substitution].
bool checkArguments(var substitution, var arguments, var checks) {
return areSubtypes(substitute(substitution, arguments), checks);
bool areSubtypes(List s, List t) {
// [:null:] means a raw type.
if (s == null || t == null) return true;
assert(s is JSArray);
assert(t is JSArray);
assert(s.length == t.length);
int len = s.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!isSubtype(s[i], t[i])) {
return false;
return true;
getArguments(var type) {
return type is JSArray ? JS('var', r'#.slice(1)', type) : null;
getField(var object, var name) => JS('var', r'#[#]', object, name);
* Tests whether the Dart object [o] is a subtype of the runtime type
* representation [t], which is a type representation as described in the
* comment on [isSubtype].
bool checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(Object o, var t) {
if (JS('bool', '# == null', o) || JS('bool', '# == null', t)) return true;
// Get the runtime type information from the object here, because we may
// overwrite o with the interceptor below.
var rti = getRuntimeTypeInfo(o);
o = getInterceptor(o);
// We can use the object as its own type representation because we install
// the subtype flags and the substitution on the prototype, so they are
// properties of the object in JS.
var type;
if (JS('bool', '# != null', rti)) {
// If the type has type variables (that is, [:rti != null:]), make a copy of
// the type arguments and insert [o] in the first position to create a
// compound type representation.
type = JS('List', '#.slice()', rti);
JS('', '#.splice(0, 0, #)', type, o);
} else {
// Use the object as representation of the raw type.
type = o;
return isSubtype(type, t);
Object subtypeOfRuntimeTypeCast(Object object, var type) {
if (!checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(object, type)) {
String actualType = Primitives.objectTypeName(object);
throw new CastErrorImplementation(actualType, runtimeTypeToString(type));
return object;
Object assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType(Object object, var type) {
if (!checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(object, type)) {
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(object, runtimeTypeToString(type));
return object;
* Check whether the type represented by [s] is a subtype of the type
* represented by [t].
* Type representations can be:
* 1) a JavaScript constructor for a class C: the represented type is the raw
* type C.
* 2) a Dart object: this is the interceptor instance for a native type.
* 3) a JavaScript object: this represents a class for which there is no
* JavaScript constructor, because it is only used in type arguments or it
* is native. The represented type is the raw type of this class.
* 4) a JavaScript array: the first entry is of type 1, 2 or 3 and contains the
* subtyping flags and the substitution of the type and the rest of the
* array are the type arguments.
* 5) [:null:]: the dynamic type.
bool isSubtype(var s, var t) {
// If either type is dynamic, [s] is a subtype of [t].
if (JS('bool', '# == null', s) || JS('bool', '# == null', t)) return true;
// Subtyping is reflexive.
if (JS('bool', '# === #', s, t)) return true;
// Get the object describing the class and check for the subtyping flag
// constructed from the type of [t].
var typeOfS = s is JSArray ? s[0] : s;
var typeOfT = t is JSArray ? t[0] : t;
// TODO(johnniwinther): replace this with the real function subtype test.
if (JS('bool', '#.func', s) == true || JS('bool', '#.func', t) == true ) {
return true;
// Check for a subtyping flag.
var test = '${JS_OPERATOR_IS_PREFIX()}${runtimeTypeToString(typeOfT)}';
if (getField(typeOfS, test) == null) return false;
// Get the necessary substitution of the type arguments, if there is one.
var substitution;
if (JS('bool', '# !== #', typeOfT, typeOfS)) {
var field = '${JS_OPERATOR_AS_PREFIX()}${runtimeTypeToString(typeOfT)}';
substitution = getField(typeOfS, field);
// The class of [s] is a subclass of the class of [t]. If [s] has no type
// arguments and no substitution, it is used as raw type. If [t] has no
// type arguments, it used as a raw type. In both cases, [s] is a subtype
// of [t].
if ((s is! JSArray && JS('bool', '# == null', substitution)) ||
t is! JSArray) {
return true;
// Recursively check the type arguments.
return checkArguments(substitution, getArguments(s), getArguments(t));
createRuntimeType(String name) => new TypeImpl(name);