blob: 42147fa6036db611da9e6a3fb0012c49ea34f765 [file] [log] [blame]
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.resolver;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'java_engine.dart';
import 'instrumentation.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'error.dart';
import 'scanner.dart' as sc;
import 'utilities_dart.dart';
import 'ast.dart';
import 'parser.dart' show Parser, ParserErrorCode;
import 'sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'element.dart' hide HideCombinator, ShowCombinator;
import 'html.dart' as ht;
import 'engine.dart';
import 'constant.dart';
import 'element.dart' as __imp_combi show HideCombinator, ShowCombinator;
* Instances of the class {@code CompilationUnitBuilder} build an element model for a single
* compilation unit.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class CompilationUnitBuilder {
* Initialize a newly created compilation unit element builder.
* @param analysisContext the analysis context in which the element model will be built
CompilationUnitBuilder() : super() {
* Build the compilation unit element for the given source.
* @param source the source describing the compilation unit
* @param unit the AST structure representing the compilation unit
* @return the compilation unit element that was built
* @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed
CompilationUnitElementImpl buildCompilationUnit(Source source2, CompilationUnit unit) {
if (unit == null) {
return null;
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
CompilationUnitElementImpl element = new CompilationUnitElementImpl(source2.shortName);
element.accessors = holder.accessors;
element.functions = holder.functions;
element.source = source2;
element.typeAliases = holder.typeAliases;
element.types = holder.types;
element.topLevelVariables = holder.topLevelVariables;
unit.element = element;
return element;
* Instances of the class {@code ElementBuilder} traverse an AST structure and build the element
* model representing the AST structure.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ElementBuilder extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> {
* The element holder associated with the element that is currently being built.
ElementHolder _currentHolder;
* A flag indicating whether a variable declaration is in the context of a field declaration.
bool _inFieldContext = false;
* A flag indicating whether a variable declaration is within the body of a method or function.
bool _inFunction = false;
* A flag indicating whether the class currently being visited can be used as a mixin.
bool _isValidMixin = false;
* Initialize a newly created element builder to build the elements for a compilation unit.
* @param initialHolder the element holder associated with the compilation unit being built
ElementBuilder(ElementHolder initialHolder) {
_currentHolder = initialHolder;
Object visitBlock(Block node) {
bool wasInField = _inFieldContext;
_inFieldContext = false;
try {
} finally {
_inFieldContext = wasInField;
return null;
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exceptionParameter2 != null) {
LocalVariableElementImpl exception = new LocalVariableElementImpl(exceptionParameter2);
exceptionParameter2.element = exception;
SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter2 = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTraceParameter2 != null) {
LocalVariableElementImpl stackTrace = new LocalVariableElementImpl(stackTraceParameter2);
stackTraceParameter2.element = stackTrace;
return super.visitCatchClause(node);
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
_isValidMixin = true;
visitChildren(holder, node);
SimpleIdentifier className =;
ClassElementImpl element = new ClassElementImpl(className);
List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables2 = holder.typeVariables;
InterfaceTypeImpl interfaceType = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(element);
interfaceType.typeArguments = createTypeVariableTypes(typeVariables2);
element.type = interfaceType;
List<ConstructorElement> constructors2 = holder.constructors;
if (constructors2.length == 0) {
ConstructorElementImpl constructor = new ConstructorElementImpl(null);
constructor.synthetic = true;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(constructor);
type.returnType = interfaceType;
constructor.type = type;
constructors2 = <ConstructorElement> [constructor];
element.abstract = node.abstractKeyword != null;
element.accessors = holder.accessors;
element.constructors = constructors2;
element.fields = holder.fields;
element.methods = holder.methods;
element.typeVariables = typeVariables2;
element.validMixin = _isValidMixin;
className.element = element;
return null;
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
visitChildren(holder, node);
SimpleIdentifier className =;
ClassElementImpl element = new ClassElementImpl(className);
element.abstract = node.abstractKeyword != null;
element.typedef = true;
List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables2 = holder.typeVariables;
element.typeVariables = typeVariables2;
InterfaceTypeImpl interfaceType = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(element);
interfaceType.typeArguments = createTypeVariableTypes(typeVariables2);
element.type = interfaceType;
className.element = element;
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
_isValidMixin = false;
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
bool wasInFunction = _inFunction;
_inFunction = true;
try {
visitChildren(holder, node);
} finally {
_inFunction = wasInFunction;
SimpleIdentifier constructorName =;
ConstructorElementImpl element = new ConstructorElementImpl(constructorName);
if (node.factoryKeyword != null) {
element.factory = true;
element.functions = holder.functions;
element.labels = holder.labels;
element.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
element.parameters = holder.parameters;
element.const2 = node.constKeyword != null;
node.element = element;
if (constructorName == null) {
Identifier returnType2 = node.returnType;
if (returnType2 != null) {
element.nameOffset = returnType2.offset;
} else {
constructorName.element = element;
return null;
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
SimpleIdentifier variableName = node.identifier;
sc.Token keyword2 = node.keyword;
LocalVariableElementImpl element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(variableName);
ForEachStatement statement = node.parent as ForEachStatement;
int declarationEnd = node.offset + node.length;
int statementEnd = statement.offset + statement.length;
element.setVisibleRange(declarationEnd, statementEnd - declarationEnd - 1);
element.const3 = matches(keyword2, sc.Keyword.CONST);
element.final2 = matches(keyword2, sc.Keyword.FINAL);
variableName.element = element;
return super.visitDeclaredIdentifier(node);
Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
visit(holder, node.defaultValue);
FunctionElementImpl initializer = new FunctionElementImpl();
initializer.functions = holder.functions;
initializer.labels = holder.labels;
initializer.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
initializer.parameters = holder.parameters;
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.parameter.identifier;
ParameterElementImpl parameter;
if (node.isConst()) {
parameter = new ConstParameterElementImpl(parameterName);
parameter.const3 = true;
} else if (node.parameter is FieldFormalParameter) {
parameter = new FieldFormalParameterElementImpl(parameterName);
} else {
parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName);
parameter.final2 = node.isFinal();
parameter.initializer = initializer;
parameter.parameterKind = node.kind;
FunctionBody body = getFunctionBody(node);
if (body != null) {
parameter.setVisibleRange(body.offset, body.length);
parameterName.element = parameter;
return null;
Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
bool wasInField = _inFieldContext;
_inFieldContext = true;
try {
} finally {
_inFieldContext = wasInField;
return null;
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier;
FieldFormalParameterElementImpl parameter = new FieldFormalParameterElementImpl(parameterName);
parameter.const3 = node.isConst();
parameter.initializingFormal = true;
parameter.final2 = node.isFinal();
parameter.parameterKind = node.kind;
parameterName.element = parameter;
return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
FunctionExpression expression = node.functionExpression;
if (expression != null) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
bool wasInFunction = _inFunction;
_inFunction = true;
try {
visitChildren(holder, expression);
} finally {
_inFunction = wasInFunction;
sc.Token property = node.propertyKeyword;
if (property == null) {
SimpleIdentifier functionName =;
FunctionElementImpl element = new FunctionElementImpl.con1(functionName);
element.functions = holder.functions;
element.labels = holder.labels;
element.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
element.parameters = holder.parameters;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element);
element.type = type;
expression.element = element;
functionName.element = element;
} else {
SimpleIdentifier propertyNameNode =;
if (propertyNameNode == null) {
return null;
String propertyName =;
FieldElementImpl field = _currentHolder.getField(propertyName) as FieldElementImpl;
if (field == null) {
field = new FieldElementImpl.con2(;
field.final2 = true;
if (matches(property, sc.Keyword.GET)) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con1(propertyNameNode);
getter.functions = holder.functions;
getter.labels = holder.labels;
getter.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
getter.variable = field;
getter.getter = true;
field.getter = getter;
propertyNameNode.element = getter;
} else {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con1(propertyNameNode);
setter.functions = holder.functions;
setter.labels = holder.labels;
setter.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
setter.parameters = holder.parameters;
setter.variable = field;
setter.setter = true;
field.setter = setter;
field.final2 = false;
propertyNameNode.element = setter;
return null;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
bool wasInFunction = _inFunction;
_inFunction = true;
try {
visitChildren(holder, node);
} finally {
_inFunction = wasInFunction;
FunctionElementImpl element = new FunctionElementImpl.con2(node.beginToken.offset);
element.functions = holder.functions;
element.labels = holder.labels;
element.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
element.parameters = holder.parameters;
if (_inFunction) {
Block enclosingBlock = node.getAncestor(Block);
if (enclosingBlock != null) {
int functionEnd = node.offset + node.length;
int blockEnd = enclosingBlock.offset + enclosingBlock.length;
element.setVisibleRange(functionEnd, blockEnd - functionEnd - 1);
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element);
element.type = type;
node.element = element;
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
visitChildren(holder, node);
SimpleIdentifier aliasName =;
List<ParameterElement> parameters2 = holder.parameters;
List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables2 = holder.typeVariables;
FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl element = new FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl(aliasName);
element.parameters = parameters2;
element.typeVariables = typeVariables2;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con2(element);
type.typeArguments = createTypeVariableTypes(typeVariables2);
element.type = type;
aliasName.element = element;
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier;
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName);
parameter.parameterKind = node.kind;
parameterName.element = parameter;
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
visitChildren(holder, node);
((node.element as ParameterElementImpl)).parameters = holder.parameters;
return null;
Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
bool onSwitchStatement = node.statement is SwitchStatement;
for (Label label in node.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
LabelElementImpl element = new LabelElementImpl(labelName, onSwitchStatement, false);
labelName.element = element;
return super.visitLabeledStatement(node);
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
bool wasInFunction = _inFunction;
_inFunction = true;
try {
visitChildren(holder, node);
} finally {
_inFunction = wasInFunction;
sc.Token property = node.propertyKeyword;
if (property == null) {
SimpleIdentifier methodName =;
String nameOfMethod =;
if (nameOfMethod == sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme && node.parameters.parameters.length == 0) {
nameOfMethod = "unary-";
MethodElementImpl element = new MethodElementImpl.con2(nameOfMethod, methodName.offset);
element.abstract = node.isAbstract();
element.functions = holder.functions;
element.labels = holder.labels;
element.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
element.parameters = holder.parameters;
element.static = node.isStatic();
methodName.element = element;
} else {
SimpleIdentifier propertyNameNode =;
String propertyName =;
FieldElementImpl field = _currentHolder.getField(propertyName) as FieldElementImpl;
if (field == null) {
field = new FieldElementImpl.con2(;
field.final2 = true;
field.static = matches(node.modifierKeyword, sc.Keyword.STATIC);
if (matches(property, sc.Keyword.GET)) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con1(propertyNameNode);
getter.functions = holder.functions;
getter.labels = holder.labels;
getter.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
getter.variable = field;
getter.getter = true;
field.getter = getter;
propertyNameNode.element = getter;
} else {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con1(propertyNameNode);
setter.functions = holder.functions;
setter.labels = holder.labels;
setter.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
setter.parameters = holder.parameters;
setter.variable = field;
setter.setter = true;
field.setter = setter;
field.final2 = false;
propertyNameNode.element = setter;
return null;
Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier;
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName);
parameter.const3 = node.isConst();
parameter.final2 = node.isFinal();
parameter.parameterKind = node.kind;
parameterName.element = parameter;
return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node);
Object visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
_isValidMixin = false;
return super.visitSuperExpression(node);
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
for (Label label in node.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
LabelElementImpl element = new LabelElementImpl(labelName, false, true);
labelName.element = element;
return super.visitSwitchCase(node);
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
for (Label label in node.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
LabelElementImpl element = new LabelElementImpl(labelName, false, true);
labelName.element = element;
return super.visitSwitchDefault(node);
Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName =;
TypeVariableElementImpl element = new TypeVariableElementImpl(parameterName);
TypeVariableTypeImpl type = new TypeVariableTypeImpl(element);
element.type = type;
parameterName.element = element;
return super.visitTypeParameter(node);
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
sc.Token keyword2 = ((node.parent as VariableDeclarationList)).keyword;
bool isConst = matches(keyword2, sc.Keyword.CONST);
bool isFinal = matches(keyword2, sc.Keyword.FINAL);
bool hasInitializer = node.initializer != null;
VariableElementImpl element;
if (_inFieldContext) {
SimpleIdentifier fieldName =;
FieldElementImpl field;
if (isConst && hasInitializer) {
field = new ConstFieldElementImpl(fieldName);
} else {
field = new FieldElementImpl.con1(fieldName);
element = field;
fieldName.element = field;
} else if (_inFunction) {
SimpleIdentifier variableName =;
LocalVariableElementImpl variable;
if (isConst && hasInitializer) {
variable = new ConstLocalVariableElementImpl(variableName);
} else {
variable = new LocalVariableElementImpl(variableName);
element = variable;
Block enclosingBlock = node.getAncestor(Block);
int functionEnd = node.offset + node.length;
int blockEnd = enclosingBlock.offset + enclosingBlock.length;
variable.setVisibleRange(functionEnd, blockEnd - functionEnd - 1);
variableName.element = element;
} else {
SimpleIdentifier variableName =;
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable;
if (isConst && hasInitializer) {
variable = new ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl(variableName);
} else {
variable = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl.con1(variableName);
element = variable;
variableName.element = element;
element.const3 = isConst;
element.final2 = isFinal;
if (hasInitializer) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
bool wasInFieldContext = _inFieldContext;
_inFieldContext = false;
try {
visit(holder, node.initializer);
} finally {
_inFieldContext = wasInFieldContext;
FunctionElementImpl initializer = new FunctionElementImpl();
initializer.functions = holder.functions;
initializer.labels = holder.labels;
initializer.localVariables = holder.localVariables;
initializer.synthetic = true;
element.initializer = initializer;
if (element is PropertyInducingElementImpl) {
PropertyInducingElementImpl variable = element as PropertyInducingElementImpl;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con2(variable);
getter.getter = true;
variable.getter = getter;
if (!isFinal) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con2(variable);
setter.setter = true;
variable.setter = setter;
if (_inFieldContext) {
((variable as FieldElementImpl)).static = matches(((node.parent.parent as FieldDeclaration)).keyword, sc.Keyword.STATIC);
return null;
List<Type2> createTypeVariableTypes(List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables) {
int typeVariableCount = typeVariables.length;
List<Type2> typeArguments = new List<Type2>(typeVariableCount);
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariableCount; i++) {
TypeVariableElementImpl typeVariable = typeVariables[i] as TypeVariableElementImpl;
TypeVariableTypeImpl typeArgument = new TypeVariableTypeImpl(typeVariable);
typeVariable.type = typeArgument;
typeArguments[i] = typeArgument;
return typeArguments;
* Return the body of the function that contains the given parameter, or {@code null} if no
* function body could be found.
* @param node the parameter contained in the function whose body is to be returned
* @return the body of the function that contains the given parameter
FunctionBody getFunctionBody(FormalParameter node) {
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
while (parent2 != null) {
if (parent2 is FunctionExpression) {
return ((parent2 as FunctionExpression)).body;
} else if (parent2 is MethodDeclaration) {
return ((parent2 as MethodDeclaration)).body;
parent2 = parent2.parent;
return null;
* Return {@code true} if the given token is a token for the given keyword.
* @param token the token being tested
* @param keyword the keyword being tested for
* @return {@code true} if the given token is a token for the given keyword
bool matches(sc.Token token, sc.Keyword keyword2) => token != null && identical(token.type, sc.TokenType.KEYWORD) && identical(((token as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword, keyword2);
* Make the given holder be the current holder while visiting the given node.
* @param holder the holder that will gather elements that are built while visiting the children
* @param node the node to be visited
void visit(ElementHolder holder, ASTNode node) {
if (node != null) {
ElementHolder previousHolder = _currentHolder;
_currentHolder = holder;
try {
} finally {
_currentHolder = previousHolder;
* Make the given holder be the current holder while visiting the children of the given node.
* @param holder the holder that will gather elements that are built while visiting the children
* @param node the node whose children are to be visited
void visitChildren(ElementHolder holder, ASTNode node) {
if (node != null) {
ElementHolder previousHolder = _currentHolder;
_currentHolder = holder;
try {
} finally {
_currentHolder = previousHolder;
* Instances of the class {@code ElementHolder} hold on to elements created while traversing an AST
* structure so that they can be accessed when creating their enclosing element.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ElementHolder {
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors = new List<PropertyAccessorElement>();
List<ConstructorElement> _constructors = new List<ConstructorElement>();
List<FieldElement> _fields = new List<FieldElement>();
List<FunctionElement> _functions = new List<FunctionElement>();
List<LabelElement> _labels = new List<LabelElement>();
List<VariableElement> _localVariables = new List<VariableElement>();
List<MethodElement> _methods = new List<MethodElement>();
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> _typeAliases = new List<FunctionTypeAliasElement>();
List<ParameterElement> _parameters = new List<ParameterElement>();
List<VariableElement> _topLevelVariables = new List<VariableElement>();
List<ClassElement> _types = new List<ClassElement>();
List<TypeVariableElement> _typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableElement>();
* Initialize a newly created element holder.
ElementHolder() : super() {
void addAccessor(PropertyAccessorElement element) {
void addConstructor(ConstructorElement element) {
void addField(FieldElement element) {
void addFunction(FunctionElement element) {
void addLabel(LabelElement element) {
void addLocalVariable(LocalVariableElement element) {
void addMethod(MethodElement element) {
void addParameter(ParameterElement element) {
void addTopLevelVariable(TopLevelVariableElement element) {
void addType(ClassElement element) {
void addTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAliasElement element) {
void addTypeVariable(TypeVariableElement element) {
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (_accessors.isEmpty) {
return PropertyAccessorElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_accessors);
List<ConstructorElement> get constructors {
if (_constructors.isEmpty) {
return ConstructorElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_constructors);
FieldElement getField(String fieldName) {
for (FieldElement field in _fields) {
if ( == fieldName) {
return field;
return null;
List<FieldElement> get fields {
if (_fields.isEmpty) {
return FieldElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_fields);
List<FunctionElement> get functions {
if (_functions.isEmpty) {
return FunctionElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_functions);
List<LabelElement> get labels {
if (_labels.isEmpty) {
return LabelElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_labels);
List<LocalVariableElement> get localVariables {
if (_localVariables.isEmpty) {
return LocalVariableElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_localVariables);
List<MethodElement> get methods {
if (_methods.isEmpty) {
return MethodElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_methods);
List<ParameterElement> get parameters {
if (_parameters.isEmpty) {
return ParameterElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_parameters);
List<TopLevelVariableElement> get topLevelVariables {
if (_topLevelVariables.isEmpty) {
return TopLevelVariableElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_topLevelVariables);
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> get typeAliases {
if (_typeAliases.isEmpty) {
return FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_typeAliases);
List<ClassElement> get types {
if (_types.isEmpty) {
return ClassElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_types);
List<TypeVariableElement> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables.isEmpty) {
return TypeVariableElementImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return new List.from(_typeVariables);
* Instances of the class {@code HtmlUnitBuilder} build an element model for a single HTML unit.
class HtmlUnitBuilder implements ht.XmlVisitor<Object> {
static String _APPLICATION_DART_IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = "\"application/dart\"";
static String _APPLICATION_DART_IN_SINGLE_QUOTES = "'application/dart'";
static String _SCRIPT = "script";
static String _SRC = "src";
static String _TYPE = "type";
* The analysis context in which the element model will be built.
InternalAnalysisContext _context;
* The error listener to which errors will be reported.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* The line information associated with the source for which an element is being built, or{@code null} if we are not building an element.
LineInfo _lineInfo;
* The HTML element being built.
HtmlElementImpl _htmlElement;
* The script elements being built.
List<HtmlScriptElement> _scripts;
* Initialize a newly created HTML unit builder.
* @param context the analysis context in which the element model will be built
* @param errorListener the error listener to which errors will be reported
HtmlUnitBuilder(InternalAnalysisContext context, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
this._context = context;
this._errorListener = errorListener;
* Build the HTML element for the given source.
* @param source the source describing the compilation unit
* @return the HTML element that was built
* @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed
HtmlElementImpl buildHtmlElement(Source source) => buildHtmlElement2(source, _context.parseHtmlUnit(source));
* Build the HTML element for the given source.
* @param source the source describing the compilation unit
* @param unit the AST structure representing the HTML
* @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed
HtmlElementImpl buildHtmlElement2(Source source2, ht.HtmlUnit unit) {
_lineInfo = _context.computeLineInfo(source2);
HtmlElementImpl result = new HtmlElementImpl(_context, source2.shortName);
result.source = source2;
_htmlElement = result;
_htmlElement = null;
unit.element = result;
return result;
Object visitHtmlUnit(ht.HtmlUnit node) {
_scripts = new List<HtmlScriptElement>();
_htmlElement.scripts = new List.from(_scripts);
_scripts = null;
return null;
Object visitXmlAttributeNode(ht.XmlAttributeNode node) => null;
Object visitXmlTagNode(ht.XmlTagNode node) {
if (isScriptNode(node)) {
Source htmlSource = _htmlElement.source;
ht.XmlAttributeNode scriptAttribute = getScriptSourcePath(node);
String scriptSourcePath = scriptAttribute == null ? null : scriptAttribute.text;
if (identical(node.attributeEnd.type, ht.TokenType.GT) && scriptSourcePath == null) {
EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl script = new EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl(node);
String contents = node.content;
int attributeEnd2 = node.attributeEnd.end;
LineInfo_Location location = _lineInfo.getLocation(attributeEnd2);
sc.StringScanner scanner = new sc.StringScanner(htmlSource, contents, _errorListener);
scanner.setSourceStart(location.lineNumber, location.columnNumber, attributeEnd2);
sc.Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize();
List<int> lineStarts2 = scanner.lineStarts;
Parser parser = new Parser(null, _errorListener);
CompilationUnit unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(firstToken);
unit.lineInfo = new LineInfo(lineStarts2);
try {
CompilationUnitBuilder builder = new CompilationUnitBuilder();
CompilationUnitElementImpl elem = builder.buildCompilationUnit(htmlSource, unit);
LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(_context, null);
library.definingCompilationUnit = elem;
script.scriptLibrary = library;
} on AnalysisException catch (exception) {
} else {
ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl script = new ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl(node);
if (scriptSourcePath != null) {
try {
Source scriptSource = _context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(htmlSource, scriptSourcePath);
script.scriptSource = scriptSource;
if (!scriptSource.exists()) {
reportError(HtmlWarningCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST, scriptAttribute.offset + 1, scriptSourcePath.length, []);
} on URISyntaxException catch (exception) {
reportError(HtmlWarningCode.INVALID_URI, scriptAttribute.offset + 1, scriptSourcePath.length, []);
} else {
return null;
* Return the first source attribute for the given tag node, or {@code null} if it does not exist.
* @param node the node containing attributes
* @return the source attribute contained in the given tag
ht.XmlAttributeNode getScriptSourcePath(ht.XmlTagNode node) {
for (ht.XmlAttributeNode attribute in node.attributes) {
if ( == _SRC) {
return attribute;
return null;
* Determine if the specified node is a Dart script.
* @param node the node to be tested (not {@code null})
* @return {@code true} if the node is a Dart script
bool isScriptNode(ht.XmlTagNode node) {
if (node.tagNodes.length != 0 || node.tag.lexeme != _SCRIPT) {
return false;
for (ht.XmlAttributeNode attribute in node.attributes) {
if ( == _TYPE) {
ht.Token valueToken = attribute.value;
if (valueToken != null) {
String value = valueToken.lexeme;
return true;
return false;
* Report an error with the given error code at the given location. Use the given arguments to
* compose the error message.
* @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported
* @param offset the offset of the first character to be highlighted
* @param length the number of characters to be highlighted
* @param arguments the arguments used to compose the error message
void reportError(ErrorCode errorCode, int offset, int length, List<Object> arguments) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_htmlElement.source, offset, length, errorCode, arguments));
* Instances of the class {@code DeclarationResolver} are used to resolve declarations in an AST
* structure to already built elements.
class DeclarationResolver extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> {
* The compilation unit containing the AST nodes being visited.
CompilationUnitElement _enclosingUnit;
* The function type alias containing the AST nodes being visited, or {@code null} if we are not
* in the scope of a function type alias.
FunctionTypeAliasElement _enclosingAlias;
* The class containing the AST nodes being visited, or {@code null} if we are not in the scope of
* a class.
ClassElement _enclosingClass;
* The method or function containing the AST nodes being visited, or {@code null} if we are not in
* the scope of a method or function.
ExecutableElement _enclosingExecutable;
* The parameter containing the AST nodes being visited, or {@code null} if we are not in the
* scope of a parameter.
ParameterElement _enclosingParameter;
* Initialize a newly created resolver.
DeclarationResolver() : super() {
* Resolve the declarations within the given compilation unit to the elements rooted at the given
* element.
* @param unit the compilation unit to be resolved
* @param element the root of the element model used to resolve the AST nodes
void resolve(CompilationUnit unit, CompilationUnitElement element2) {
_enclosingUnit = element2;
unit.element = element2;
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exceptionParameter2 != null) {
List<LocalVariableElement> localVariables2 = _enclosingExecutable.localVariables;
find3(localVariables2, exceptionParameter2);
SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter2 = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTraceParameter2 != null) {
find3(localVariables2, stackTraceParameter2);
return super.visitCatchClause(node);
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement outerClass = _enclosingClass;
try {
SimpleIdentifier className =;
_enclosingClass = find3(_enclosingUnit.types, className);
return super.visitClassDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingClass = outerClass;
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ClassElement outerClass = _enclosingClass;
try {
SimpleIdentifier className =;
_enclosingClass = find3(_enclosingUnit.types, className);
return super.visitClassTypeAlias(node);
} finally {
_enclosingClass = outerClass;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerExecutable = _enclosingExecutable;
try {
SimpleIdentifier constructorName =;
if (constructorName == null) {
_enclosingExecutable = _enclosingClass.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
_enclosingExecutable = _enclosingClass.getNamedConstructor(;
constructorName.element = _enclosingExecutable;
node.element = _enclosingExecutable as ConstructorElement;
return super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingExecutable = outerExecutable;
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
SimpleIdentifier variableName = node.identifier;
find3(_enclosingExecutable.localVariables, variableName);
return super.visitDeclaredIdentifier(node);
Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.parameter.identifier;
ParameterElement element = null;
if (_enclosingExecutable != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingExecutable.parameters, parameterName);
} else {
PrintStringWriter writer = new PrintStringWriter();
writer.println("Invalid state found in the Analysis Engine:");
writer.println("DeclarationResolver.visitDefaultFormalParameter() is visiting a parameter that does not appear to be in a method or function.");
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
while (parent2 != null) {
parent2 = parent2.parent;
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError2(writer.toString(), new AnalysisException());
Expression defaultValue2 = node.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue2 != null) {
ExecutableElement outerExecutable = _enclosingExecutable;
try {
if (element == null) {
} else {
_enclosingExecutable = element.initializer;
} finally {
_enclosingExecutable = outerExecutable;
ParameterElement outerParameter = _enclosingParameter;
try {
_enclosingParameter = element;
return super.visitDefaultFormalParameter(node);
} finally {
_enclosingParameter = outerParameter;
Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
String uri2 = getStringValue(node.uri);
if (uri2 != null) {
LibraryElement library2 = _enclosingUnit.library;
ExportElement exportElement = find5(library2.exports, _enclosingUnit.context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(_enclosingUnit.source, uri2));
node.element = exportElement;
return super.visitExportDirective(node);
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier;
ParameterElement element = find3(_enclosingExecutable.parameters, parameterName);
ParameterElement outerParameter = _enclosingParameter;
try {
_enclosingParameter = element;
return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node);
} finally {
_enclosingParameter = outerParameter;
} else {
return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerExecutable = _enclosingExecutable;
try {
SimpleIdentifier functionName =;
sc.Token property = node.propertyKeyword;
if (property == null) {
if (_enclosingExecutable != null) {
_enclosingExecutable = find3(_enclosingExecutable.functions, functionName);
} else {
_enclosingExecutable = find3(_enclosingUnit.functions, functionName);
} else {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = find3(_enclosingUnit.accessors, functionName);
if (identical(((property as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword, sc.Keyword.SET)) {
accessor = accessor.variable.setter;
functionName.element = accessor;
_enclosingExecutable = accessor;
node.functionExpression.element = _enclosingExecutable;
return super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingExecutable = outerExecutable;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.parent is! FunctionDeclaration) {
FunctionElement element = find2(_enclosingExecutable.functions, node.beginToken.offset);
node.element = element;
ExecutableElement outerExecutable = _enclosingExecutable;
try {
_enclosingExecutable = node.element;
return super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
} finally {
_enclosingExecutable = outerExecutable;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
FunctionTypeAliasElement outerAlias = _enclosingAlias;
try {
SimpleIdentifier aliasName =;
_enclosingAlias = find3(_enclosingUnit.functionTypeAliases, aliasName);
return super.visitFunctionTypeAlias(node);
} finally {
_enclosingAlias = outerAlias;
Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier;
ParameterElement element = find3(_enclosingExecutable.parameters, parameterName);
ParameterElement outerParameter = _enclosingParameter;
try {
_enclosingParameter = element;
return super.visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(node);
} finally {
_enclosingParameter = outerParameter;
} else {
return super.visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(node);
Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
String uri2 = getStringValue(node.uri);
if (uri2 != null) {
LibraryElement library2 = _enclosingUnit.library;
ImportElement importElement = find6(library2.imports, _enclosingUnit.context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(_enclosingUnit.source, uri2), node.prefix);
node.element = importElement;
return super.visitImportDirective(node);
Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
for (Label label in node.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
find3(_enclosingExecutable.labels, labelName);
return super.visitLabeledStatement(node);
Object visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) {
node.element = _enclosingUnit.library;
return super.visitLibraryDirective(node);
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerExecutable = _enclosingExecutable;
try {
sc.Token property = node.propertyKeyword;
SimpleIdentifier methodName =;
String nameOfMethod =;
if (nameOfMethod == sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme && node.parameters.parameters.length == 0) {
nameOfMethod = "unary-";
if (property == null) {
_enclosingExecutable = find4(_enclosingClass.methods, nameOfMethod, methodName.offset);
methodName.element = _enclosingExecutable;
} else {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = find3(_enclosingClass.accessors, methodName);
if (identical(((property as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword, sc.Keyword.SET)) {
accessor = accessor.variable.setter;
methodName.element = accessor;
_enclosingExecutable = accessor;
return super.visitMethodDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingExecutable = outerExecutable;
Object visitPartDirective(PartDirective node) {
String uri2 = getStringValue(node.uri);
if (uri2 != null) {
Source partSource = _enclosingUnit.context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(_enclosingUnit.source, uri2);
node.element = find(, partSource);
return super.visitPartDirective(node);
Object visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) {
node.element = _enclosingUnit.library;
return super.visitPartOfDirective(node);
Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier;
ParameterElement element = null;
if (_enclosingParameter != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingParameter.parameters, parameterName);
} else if (_enclosingExecutable != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingExecutable.parameters, parameterName);
} else if (_enclosingAlias != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingAlias.parameters, parameterName);
} else {
ParameterElement outerParameter = _enclosingParameter;
try {
_enclosingParameter = element;
return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node);
} finally {
_enclosingParameter = outerParameter;
} else {
return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node);
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
for (Label label in node.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
find3(_enclosingExecutable.labels, labelName);
return super.visitSwitchCase(node);
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
for (Label label in node.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
find3(_enclosingExecutable.labels, labelName);
return super.visitSwitchDefault(node);
Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
SimpleIdentifier parameterName =;
if (_enclosingClass != null) {
find3(_enclosingClass.typeVariables, parameterName);
} else if (_enclosingAlias != null) {
find3(_enclosingAlias.typeVariables, parameterName);
return super.visitTypeParameter(node);
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
VariableElement element = null;
SimpleIdentifier variableName =;
if (_enclosingExecutable != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingExecutable.localVariables, variableName);
if (element == null && _enclosingClass != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingClass.fields, variableName);
if (element == null && _enclosingUnit != null) {
element = find3(_enclosingUnit.topLevelVariables, variableName);
Expression initializer2 = node.initializer;
if (initializer2 != null) {
ExecutableElement outerExecutable = _enclosingExecutable;
try {
if (element == null) {
} else {
_enclosingExecutable = element.initializer;
return super.visitVariableDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingExecutable = outerExecutable;
return super.visitVariableDeclaration(node);
* Append the value of the given string literal to the given string builder.
* @param builder the builder to which the string's value is to be appended
* @param literal the string literal whose value is to be appended to the builder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not a constant string without any string
* interpolation
void appendStringValue(JavaStringBuilder builder, StringLiteral literal) {
if (literal is SimpleStringLiteral) {
builder.append(((literal as SimpleStringLiteral)).value);
} else if (literal is AdjacentStrings) {
for (StringLiteral stringLiteral in ((literal as AdjacentStrings)).strings) {
appendStringValue(builder, stringLiteral);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Return the element for the part with the given source, or {@code null} if there is no element
* for the given source.
* @param parts the elements for the parts
* @param partSource the source for the part whose element is to be returned
* @return the element for the part with the given source
CompilationUnitElement find(List<CompilationUnitElement> parts, Source partSource) {
for (CompilationUnitElement part in parts) {
if (part.source == partSource) {
return part;
return null;
* Return the element in the given array of elements that was created for the declaration at the
* given offset. This method should only be used when there is no name
* @param elements the elements of the appropriate kind that exist in the current context
* @param offset the offset of the name of the element to be returned
* @return the element at the given offset
Element find2(List<Element> elements, int offset) => find4(elements, "", offset);
* Return the element in the given array of elements that was created for the declaration with the
* given name.
* @param elements the elements of the appropriate kind that exist in the current context
* @param identifier the name node in the declaration of the element to be returned
* @return the element created for the declaration with the given name
Element find3(List<Element> elements, SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
Element element = find4(elements,, identifier.offset);
identifier.element = element;
return element;
* Return the element in the given array of elements that was created for the declaration with the
* given name at the given offset.
* @param elements the elements of the appropriate kind that exist in the current context
* @param name the name of the element to be returned
* @param offset the offset of the name of the element to be returned
* @return the element with the given name and offset
Element find4(List<Element> elements, String name2, int offset) {
for (Element element in elements) {
if ( == name2 && element.nameOffset == offset) {
return element;
return null;
* Return the export element from the given array whose library has the given source, or{@code null} if there is no such export.
* @param exports the export elements being searched
* @param source the source of the library associated with the export element to being searched
* for
* @return the export element whose library has the given source
ExportElement find5(List<ExportElement> exports, Source source2) {
for (ExportElement export in exports) {
if (export.exportedLibrary.source == source2) {
return export;
return null;
* Return the import element from the given array whose library has the given source and that has
* the given prefix, or {@code null} if there is no such import.
* @param imports the import elements being searched
* @param source the source of the library associated with the import element to being searched
* for
* @param prefix the prefix with which the library was imported
* @return the import element whose library has the given source and prefix
ImportElement find6(List<ImportElement> imports, Source source2, SimpleIdentifier prefix2) {
for (ImportElement element in imports) {
if (element.importedLibrary.source == source2) {
PrefixElement prefixElement = element.prefix;
if (prefix2 == null) {
if (prefixElement == null) {
return element;
} else {
if (prefixElement != null && == {
return element;
return null;
* Return the value of the given string literal, or {@code null} if the string is not a constant
* string without any string interpolation.
* @param literal the string literal whose value is to be returned
* @return the value of the given string literal
String getStringValue(StringLiteral literal) {
if (literal is StringInterpolation) {
return null;
JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder();
try {
appendStringValue(builder, literal);
} on IllegalArgumentException catch (exception) {
return null;
return builder.toString().trim();
* Instances of the class {@code ElementResolver} are used by instances of {@link ResolverVisitor}to resolve references within the AST structure to the elements being referenced. The requirements
* for the element resolver are:
* <ol>
* <li>Every {@link SimpleIdentifier} should be resolved to the element to which it refers.
* Specifically:
* <ul>
* <li>An identifier within the declaration of that name should resolve to the element being
* declared.</li>
* <li>An identifier denoting a prefix should resolve to the element representing the import that
* defines the prefix (an {@link ImportElement}).</li>
* <li>An identifier denoting a variable should resolve to the element representing the variable (a{@link VariableElement}).</li>
* <li>An identifier denoting a parameter should resolve to the element representing the parameter
* (a {@link ParameterElement}).</li>
* <li>An identifier denoting a field should resolve to the element representing the getter or
* setter being invoked (a {@link PropertyAccessorElement}).</li>
* <li>An identifier denoting the name of a method or function being invoked should resolve to the
* element representing the method or function (a {@link ExecutableElement}).</li>
* <li>An identifier denoting a label should resolve to the element representing the label (a{@link LabelElement}).</li>
* </ul>
* The identifiers within directives are exceptions to this rule and are covered below.</li>
* <li>Every node containing a token representing an operator that can be overridden ({@link BinaryExpression}, {@link PrefixExpression}, {@link PostfixExpression}) should resolve to
* the element representing the method invoked by that operator (a {@link MethodElement}).</li>
* <li>Every {@link FunctionExpressionInvocation} should resolve to the element representing the
* function being invoked (a {@link FunctionElement}). This will be the same element as that to
* which the name is resolved if the function has a name, but is provided for those cases where an
* unnamed function is being invoked.</li>
* <li>Every {@link LibraryDirective} and {@link PartOfDirective} should resolve to the element
* representing the library being specified by the directive (a {@link LibraryElement}) unless, in
* the case of a part-of directive, the specified library does not exist.</li>
* <li>Every {@link ImportDirective} and {@link ExportDirective} should resolve to the element
* representing the library being specified by the directive unless the specified library does not
* exist (an {@link ImportElement} or {@link ExportElement}).</li>
* <li>The identifier representing the prefix in an {@link ImportDirective} should resolve to the
* element representing the prefix (a {@link PrefixElement}).</li>
* <li>The identifiers in the hide and show combinators in {@link ImportDirective}s and{@link ExportDirective}s should resolve to the elements that are being hidden or shown,
* respectively, unless those names are not defined in the specified library (or the specified
* library does not exist).</li>
* <li>Every {@link PartDirective} should resolve to the element representing the compilation unit
* being specified by the string unless the specified compilation unit does not exist (a{@link CompilationUnitElement}).</li>
* </ol>
* Note that AST nodes that would represent elements that are not defined are not resolved to
* anything. This includes such things as references to undeclared variables (which is an error) and
* names in hide and show combinators that are not defined in the imported library (which is not an
* error).
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ElementResolver extends SimpleASTVisitor<Object> {
* The resolver driving this participant.
ResolverVisitor _resolver;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param resolver the resolver driving this participant
ElementResolver(ResolverVisitor resolver) {
this._resolver = resolver;
Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
sc.TokenType operator2 = node.operator.type;
if (operator2 != sc.TokenType.EQ) {
operator2 = operatorFromCompoundAssignment(operator2);
Expression leftNode = node.leftHandSide;
if (leftNode != null) {
Type2 leftType = getType(leftNode);
if (leftType != null) {
MethodElement method = lookUpMethod(leftType, operator2.lexeme);
if (method != null) {
node.element = method;
} else {
return null;
Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
sc.Token operator2 = node.operator;
if (operator2.isUserDefinableOperator()) {
Type2 leftType = getType(node.leftOperand);
if (leftType == null || leftType.isDynamic()) {
return null;
} else if (leftType is FunctionType) {
leftType = _resolver.typeProvider.functionType;
String methodName = operator2.lexeme;
MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(leftType, methodName);
if (member == null) {
_resolver.reportError3(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, operator2, [methodName,]);
} else {
node.element = member;
return null;
Object visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
SimpleIdentifier labelNode = node.label;
LabelElementImpl labelElement = lookupLabel(node, labelNode);
if (labelElement != null && labelElement.isOnSwitchMember()) {
_resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER, labelNode, []);
return null;
Object visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {
Identifier identifier2 = node.identifier;
if (identifier2 is SimpleIdentifier) {
SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = identifier2 as SimpleIdentifier;
Element element2 = simpleIdentifier.element;
if (element2 != null) {
if (element2.library != _resolver.definingLibrary) {
if (node.newKeyword != null) {
if (element2 is ClassElement) {
ConstructorElement constructor = ((element2 as ClassElement)).unnamedConstructor;
recordResolution(simpleIdentifier, constructor);
} else {
} else if (identifier2 is PrefixedIdentifier) {
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = identifier2 as PrefixedIdentifier;
SimpleIdentifier prefix2 = prefixedIdentifier.prefix;
SimpleIdentifier name = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
Element element3 = prefix2.element;
if (element3 != null) {
if (element3 is PrefixElement) {
element3 = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(identifier2, _resolver.definingLibrary);
recordResolution(name, element3);
return null;
if (element3.library != _resolver.definingLibrary) {
if (node.newKeyword == null) {
if (element3 is ClassElement) {
Element memberElement = lookupGetterOrMethod(((element3 as ClassElement)).type,;
if (memberElement == null) {
memberElement = ((element3 as ClassElement)).getNamedConstructor(;
if (memberElement == null) {
reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(prefixedIdentifier, name,;
} else {
recordResolution(name, memberElement);
} else {
} else {
if (element3 is ClassElement) {
ConstructorElement constructor = ((element3 as ClassElement)).getNamedConstructor(;
if (constructor != null) {
recordResolution(name, constructor);
} else {
return null;
Object visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
FieldElement fieldElement = null;
SimpleIdentifier fieldName2 = node.fieldName;
ClassElement enclosingClass2 = _resolver.enclosingClass;
fieldElement = ((enclosingClass2 as ClassElementImpl)).getField(;
if (fieldElement == null) {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.INITIALIZER_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_FIELD, node, [fieldName2]);
} else if (!fieldElement.isSynthetic()) {
recordResolution(fieldName2, fieldElement);
if (fieldElement.isStatic()) {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.INITIALIZER_FOR_STATIC_FIELD, node, [fieldName2]);
return null;
Object visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
Type2 type2 = node.type.type;
if (type2 is DynamicTypeImpl) {
return null;
} else if (type2 is! InterfaceType) {
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
if (parent2 is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if (((parent2 as InstanceCreationExpression)).isConst()) {
} else {
} else {
return null;
ClassElement classElement = ((type2 as InterfaceType)).element;
ConstructorElement constructor;
SimpleIdentifier name2 =;
if (name2 == null) {
constructor = classElement.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
constructor = classElement.getNamedConstructor(;
name2.element = constructor;
node.element = constructor;
return null;
Object visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
SimpleIdentifier labelNode = node.label;
LabelElementImpl labelElement = lookupLabel(node, labelNode);
if (labelElement != null && labelElement.isOnSwitchStatement()) {
_resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH, labelNode, []);
return null;
Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
Element element2 = node.element;
if (element2 is ExportElement) {
resolveCombinators(((element2 as ExportElement)).exportedLibrary, node.combinators);
return null;
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
String fieldName =;
ClassElement classElement = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (classElement != null) {
FieldElement fieldElement = ((classElement as ClassElementImpl)).getField(fieldName);
if (fieldElement != null) {
if (!fieldElement.isSynthetic()) {
ParameterElement parameterElement = node.element;
if (parameterElement is FieldFormalParameterElementImpl) {
FieldFormalParameterElementImpl fieldFormal = parameterElement as FieldFormalParameterElementImpl;
fieldFormal.field = fieldElement;
Type2 declaredType = fieldFormal.type;
Type2 fieldType = fieldElement.type;
if (node.type == null) {
fieldFormal.type = fieldType;
if (fieldElement.isStatic()) {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.INITIALIZING_FORMAL_FOR_STATIC_FIELD, node, [fieldName]);
} else if (declaredType != null && fieldType != null && !declaredType.isAssignableTo(fieldType)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticWarningCode.FIELD_INITIALIZER_WITH_INVALID_TYPE, node, [,]);
} else {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.INITIALIZING_FORMAL_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_FIELD, node, [fieldName]);
return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node);
Object visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) => null;
Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = node.prefix;
if (prefixNode != null) {
String prefixName =;
for (PrefixElement prefixElement in _resolver.definingLibrary.prefixes) {
if ( == prefixName) {
recordResolution(prefixNode, prefixElement);
Element element2 = node.element;
if (element2 is ImportElement) {
resolveCombinators(((element2 as ImportElement)).importedLibrary, node.combinators);
return null;
Object visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
Type2 arrayType = getType(node.realTarget);
if (arrayType == null || arrayType.isDynamic()) {
return null;
String operator;
if (node.inSetterContext()) {
operator = sc.TokenType.INDEX_EQ.lexeme;
} else {
operator = sc.TokenType.INDEX.lexeme;
MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(arrayType, operator);
if (member == null) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, node, [operator,]);
} else {
node.element = member;
return null;
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorElement invokedConstructor = node.constructorName.element;
node.element = invokedConstructor;
resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, invokedConstructor);
return null;
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier methodName2 = node.methodName;
Expression target = node.realTarget;
Element element;
if (target == null) {
element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(methodName2, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (element == null) {
ClassElement enclosingClass2 = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (enclosingClass2 != null) {
InterfaceType enclosingType = enclosingClass2.type;
element = lookUpMethod(enclosingType,;
if (element == null) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter = lookUpGetter(enclosingType,;
if (getter != null) {
FunctionType getterType = getter.type;
if (getterType != null) {
Type2 returnType2 = getterType.returnType;
if (!isExecutableType(returnType2)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
recordResolution(methodName2, getter);
return null;
} else {
Type2 targetType = getType(target);
if (targetType is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType classType = targetType as InterfaceType;
element = lookUpMethod(classType,;
if (element == null) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = classType.getGetter(;
if (accessor != null) {
Type2 returnType3 = accessor.type.returnType;
if (!isExecutableType(returnType3)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
return null;
element = accessor;
if (element == null && target is SuperExpression) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SUPER_METHOD, methodName2, [,]);
return null;
} else if (target is SimpleIdentifier) {
Element targetElement = ((target as SimpleIdentifier)).element;
if (targetElement is PrefixElement) {
String name3 = "${((target as SimpleIdentifier)).name}.${methodName2}";
Identifier functionName = new Identifier_8(name3);
element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(functionName, _resolver.definingLibrary);
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
ExecutableElement invokedMethod = null;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter = element as PropertyAccessorElement;
FunctionType getterType = getter.type;
if (getterType != null) {
Type2 returnType4 = getterType.returnType;
if (!isExecutableType(returnType4)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
recordResolution(methodName2, element);
return null;
} else if (element is ExecutableElement) {
invokedMethod = element as ExecutableElement;
} else {
if (element is PropertyInducingElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter2 = ((element as PropertyInducingElement)).getter;
FunctionType getterType = getter2.type;
if (getterType != null) {
Type2 returnType5 = getterType.returnType;
if (!isExecutableType(returnType5)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
recordResolution(methodName2, element);
return null;
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
Type2 variableType = _resolver.overrideManager.getType(element);
if (variableType == null) {
variableType = ((element as VariableElement)).type;
if (!isExecutableType(variableType)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
recordResolution(methodName2, element);
return null;
} else {
if (target == null) {
ClassElement enclosingClass3 = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (enclosingClass3 == null) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
} else if (element == null) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_METHOD, methodName2, [,]);
} else {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
} else {
Type2 targetType = getType(target);
String targetTypeName = targetType == null ? null :;
if (targetTypeName == null) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_FUNCTION, methodName2, []);
} else {
if (!doesClassDeclareNoSuchMethod(targetType.element)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_METHOD, methodName2, [, targetTypeName]);
return null;
recordResolution(methodName2, invokedMethod);
resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, invokedMethod);
return null;
Object visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
sc.Token operator2 = node.operator;
Type2 operandType = getType(node.operand);
if (operandType == null || operandType.isDynamic()) {
return null;
String methodName;
if (identical(operator2.type, sc.TokenType.PLUS_PLUS)) {
methodName = sc.TokenType.PLUS.lexeme;
} else {
methodName = sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme;
MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(operandType, methodName);
if (member == null) {
_resolver.reportError3(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, operator2, [methodName,]);
} else {
node.element = member;
return null;
Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
SimpleIdentifier prefix2 = node.prefix;
SimpleIdentifier identifier2 = node.identifier;
Element prefixElement = prefix2.element;
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
Element element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(node, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (element == null) {
return null;
recordResolution(identifier2, element);
return null;
if (prefixElement is ClassElement) {
Element memberElement;
if (node.identifier.inSetterContext()) {
memberElement = ((prefixElement as ClassElementImpl)).getSetter(;
} else {
memberElement = ((prefixElement as ClassElementImpl)).getGetter(;
if (memberElement == null) {
MethodElement methodElement = lookUpMethod(((prefixElement as ClassElement)).type,;
if (methodElement != null) {
recordResolution(identifier2, methodElement);
return null;
if (memberElement == null) {
reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(node, identifier2,;
} else {
recordResolution(identifier2, memberElement);
return null;
Type2 variableType;
if (prefixElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = prefixElement as PropertyAccessorElement;
FunctionType type2 = accessor.type;
if (type2 == null) {
return null;
if (accessor.isGetter()) {
variableType = type2.returnType;
} else {
variableType = type2.normalParameterTypes[0];
if (variableType == null || variableType.isDynamic()) {
return null;
} else if (prefixElement is VariableElement) {
variableType = _resolver.overrideManager.getType(prefixElement);
if (variableType == null) {
variableType = ((prefixElement as VariableElement)).type;
if (variableType == null || variableType.isDynamic()) {
return null;
} else {
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement memberElement = null;
if (node.identifier.inSetterContext()) {
memberElement = lookUpSetter(variableType,;
if (memberElement == null && node.identifier.inGetterContext()) {
memberElement = lookUpGetter(variableType,;
if (memberElement == null) {
MethodElement methodElement = lookUpMethod(variableType,;
if (methodElement != null) {
recordResolution(identifier2, methodElement);
return null;
if (memberElement == null) {
reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(node, identifier2,;
} else {
recordResolution(identifier2, memberElement);
return null;
Object visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
sc.Token operator2 = node.operator;
sc.TokenType operatorType = operator2.type;
if (operatorType.isUserDefinableOperator() || identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.PLUS_PLUS) || identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.MINUS_MINUS)) {
Type2 operandType = getType(node.operand);
if (operandType == null || operandType.isDynamic()) {
return null;
String methodName;
if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.PLUS_PLUS)) {
methodName = sc.TokenType.PLUS.lexeme;
} else if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.MINUS_MINUS)) {
methodName = sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme;
} else if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.MINUS)) {
methodName = "unary-";
} else {
methodName = operator2.lexeme;
MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(operandType, methodName);
if (member == null) {
_resolver.reportError3(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, operator2, [methodName,]);
} else {
node.element = member;
return null;
Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
Type2 targetType = getType(node.realTarget);
if (targetType is! InterfaceType) {
return null;
SimpleIdentifier identifier = node.propertyName;
PropertyAccessorElement memberElement = null;
if (identifier.inSetterContext()) {
memberElement = lookUpSetter(targetType,;
if (memberElement == null && identifier.inGetterContext()) {
memberElement = lookUpGetter(targetType,;
if (memberElement == null) {
MethodElement methodElement = lookUpMethod(targetType,;
if (methodElement != null) {
recordResolution(identifier, methodElement);
return null;
if (memberElement == null) {
if (!doesClassDeclareNoSuchMethod(targetType.element)) {
if (identifier.inSetterContext()) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, identifier, [,]);
} else if (identifier.inGetterContext()) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER, identifier, [,]);
} else {
print("two ${}");
_resolver.reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, identifier, []);
} else {
recordResolution(identifier, memberElement);
return null;
Object visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
ClassElement enclosingClass2 = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (enclosingClass2 == null) {
return null;
SimpleIdentifier name = node.constructorName;
ConstructorElement element;
if (name == null) {
element = enclosingClass2.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
element = enclosingClass2.getNamedConstructor(;
if (element == null) {
return null;
if (name != null) {
recordResolution(name, element);
node.element = element;
resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, element);
return null;
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.element != null) {
return null;
Element element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(node, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && node.inSetterContext()) {
PropertyInducingElement variable2 = ((element as PropertyAccessorElement)).variable;
if (variable2 != null) {
PropertyAccessorElement setter2 = variable2.setter;
if (setter2 != null) {
element = setter2;
ClassElement enclosingClass2 = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (element == null && enclosingClass2 != null) {
InterfaceType enclosingType = enclosingClass2.type;
if (element == null && node.inSetterContext()) {
element = lookUpSetter(enclosingType,;
if (element == null && node.inGetterContext()) {
element = lookUpGetter(enclosingType,;
if (element == null) {
element = lookUpMethod(enclosingType,;
if (element == null) {
if (!doesClassDeclareNoSuchMethod(enclosingClass2)) {
_resolver.reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, node, []);
recordResolution(node, element);
return null;
Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
ClassElement enclosingClass2 = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (enclosingClass2 == null) {
return null;
ClassElement superclass = getSuperclass(enclosingClass2);
if (superclass == null) {
return null;
SimpleIdentifier name = node.constructorName;
ConstructorElement element;
if (name == null) {
element = superclass.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
element = superclass.getNamedConstructor(;
if (element == null) {
return null;
if (name != null) {
recordResolution(name, element);
node.element = element;
resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, element);
return null;
Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
TypeName bound2 = node.bound;
if (bound2 != null) {
TypeVariableElementImpl variable = as TypeVariableElementImpl;
if (variable != null) {
variable.bound = bound2.type;
return null;
* Return {@code true} if the passed {@link Element} is a {@link ClassElement} that declares a
* method "noSuchMethod".
* @param element the {@link Element} to evaluate
* @return {@code true} if the passed {@link Element} is a {@link ClassElement} that declares a
* method "noSuchMethod"
bool doesClassDeclareNoSuchMethod(Element element) {
if (element == null) {
return false;
if (element is! ClassElementImpl) {
return false;
ClassElementImpl classElement = element as ClassElementImpl;
MethodElement method = classElement.lookUpMethod("noSuchMethod", _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (method == null) {
return false;
return true;
* Search through the array of parameters for a parameter whose name matches the given name.
* Return the parameter with the given name, or {@code null} if there is no such parameter.
* @param parameters the parameters being searched
* @param name the name being searched for
* @return the parameter with the given name
ParameterElement findNamedParameter(List<ParameterElement> parameters, String name2) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
if (identical(parameter.parameterKind, ParameterKind.NAMED)) {
String parameteName =;
if (parameteName != null && parameteName == name2) {
return parameter;
return null;
* Return the element representing the superclass of the given class.
* @param targetClass the class whose superclass is to be returned
* @return the element representing the superclass of the given class
ClassElement getSuperclass(ClassElement targetClass) {
InterfaceType superType = targetClass.supertype;
if (superType == null) {
return null;
return superType.element;
* Return the type of the given expression that is to be used for type analysis.
* @param expression the expression whose type is to be returned
* @return the type of the given expression
Type2 getType(Expression expression) {
if (expression is NullLiteral) {
return _resolver.typeProvider.objectType;
return expression.staticType;
* Return {@code true} if the given type represents an object that could be invoked using the call
* operator '()'.
* @param type the type being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given type represents an object that could be invoked
bool isExecutableType(Type2 type) {
if (type.isDynamic() || (type is FunctionType) || type.isDartCoreFunction()) {
return true;
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
ClassElement classElement = ((type as InterfaceType)).element;
MethodElement methodElement = classElement.lookUpMethod("call", _resolver.definingLibrary);
return methodElement != null;
return false;
* Look up the getter with the given name in the given type. Return the element representing the
* getter that was found, or {@code null} if there is no getter with the given name.
* @param type the type in which the getter is defined
* @param getterName the name of the getter being looked up
* @return the element representing the getter that was found
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetter(Type2 type, String getterName) {
type = resolveTypeVariable(type);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type as InterfaceType;
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = interfaceType.lookUpGetter(getterName, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (accessor != null) {
return accessor;
return lookUpGetterInInterfaces(interfaceType, getterName, new Set<ClassElement>());
return null;
* Look up the getter with the given name in the interfaces implemented by the given type, either
* directly or indirectly. Return the element representing the getter that was found, or{@code null} if there is no getter with the given name.
* @param targetType the type in which the getter might be defined
* @param getterName the name of the getter being looked up
* @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have been examined, used
* to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search
* @return the element representing the getter that was found
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetterInInterfaces(InterfaceType targetType, String getterName, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) {
ClassElement targetClass = targetType.element;
if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) {
return null;
javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass);
PropertyAccessorElement getter = targetType.getGetter(getterName);
if (getter != null) {
return getter;
for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetType.interfaces) {
getter = lookUpGetterInInterfaces(interfaceType, getterName, visitedInterfaces);
if (getter != null) {
return getter;
InterfaceType superclass2 = targetType.superclass;
if (superclass2 == null) {
return null;
return lookUpGetterInInterfaces(superclass2, getterName, visitedInterfaces);
* Look up the method or getter with the given name in the given type. Return the element
* representing the method or getter that was found, or {@code null} if there is no method or
* getter with the given name.
* @param type the type in which the method or getter is defined
* @param memberName the name of the method or getter being looked up
* @return the element representing the method or getter that was found
ExecutableElement lookupGetterOrMethod(Type2 type, String memberName) {
type = resolveTypeVariable(type);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type as InterfaceType;
ExecutableElement member = interfaceType.lookUpMethod(memberName, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (member != null) {
return member;
member = interfaceType.lookUpGetter(memberName, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (member != null) {
return member;
return lookUpGetterOrMethodInInterfaces(interfaceType, memberName, new Set<ClassElement>());
return null;
* Look up the method or getter with the given name in the interfaces implemented by the given
* type, either directly or indirectly. Return the element representing the method or getter that
* was found, or {@code null} if there is no method or getter with the given name.
* @param targetType the type in which the method or getter might be defined
* @param memberName the name of the method or getter being looked up
* @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have been examined, used
* to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search
* @return the element representing the method or getter that was found
ExecutableElement lookUpGetterOrMethodInInterfaces(InterfaceType targetType, String memberName, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) {
ClassElement targetClass = targetType.element;
if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) {
return null;
javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass);
ExecutableElement member = targetType.getMethod(memberName);
if (member != null) {
return member;
member = targetType.getGetter(memberName);
if (member != null) {
return member;
for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetType.interfaces) {
member = lookUpGetterOrMethodInInterfaces(interfaceType, memberName, visitedInterfaces);
if (member != null) {
return member;
InterfaceType superclass2 = targetType.superclass;
if (superclass2 == null) {
return null;
return lookUpGetterInInterfaces(superclass2, memberName, visitedInterfaces);
* Find the element corresponding to the given label node in the current label scope.
* @param parentNode the node containing the given label
* @param labelNode the node representing the label being looked up
* @return the element corresponding to the given label node in the current scope
LabelElementImpl lookupLabel(ASTNode parentNode, SimpleIdentifier labelNode) {
LabelScope labelScope2 = _resolver.labelScope;
LabelElementImpl labelElement = null;
if (labelNode == null) {
if (labelScope2 == null) {
} else {
labelElement = labelScope2.lookup2(LabelScope.EMPTY_LABEL) as LabelElementImpl;
if (labelElement == null) {
labelElement = null;
} else {
if (labelScope2 == null) {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.LABEL_UNDEFINED, labelNode, []);
} else {
labelElement = labelScope2.lookup(labelNode) as LabelElementImpl;
if (labelElement == null) {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.LABEL_UNDEFINED, labelNode, []);
} else {
recordResolution(labelNode, labelElement);
if (labelElement != null) {
ExecutableElement labelContainer = labelElement.getAncestor(ExecutableElement);
if (labelContainer != _resolver.enclosingFunction) {
_resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.LABEL_IN_OUTER_SCOPE, labelNode, []);
labelElement = null;
return labelElement;
* Look up the method with the given name in the given type. Return the element representing the
* method that was found, or {@code null} if there is no method with the given name.
* @param type the type in which the method is defined
* @param methodName the name of the method being looked up
* @return the element representing the method that was found
MethodElement lookUpMethod(Type2 type, String methodName) {
type = resolveTypeVariable(type);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type as InterfaceType;
MethodElement method = interfaceType.lookUpMethod(methodName, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (method != null) {
return method;
return lookUpMethodInInterfaces(interfaceType, methodName, new Set<ClassElement>());
return null;
* Look up the method with the given name in the interfaces implemented by the given type, either
* directly or indirectly. Return the element representing the method that was found, or{@code null} if there is no method with the given name.
* @param targetType the type in which the member might be defined
* @param methodName the name of the method being looked up
* @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have been examined, used
* to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search
* @return the element representing the method that was found
MethodElement lookUpMethodInInterfaces(InterfaceType targetType, String methodName, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) {
ClassElement targetClass = targetType.element;
if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) {
return null;
javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass);
MethodElement method = targetType.getMethod(methodName);
if (method != null) {
return method;
for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetType.interfaces) {
method = lookUpMethodInInterfaces(interfaceType, methodName, visitedInterfaces);
if (method != null) {
return method;
InterfaceType superclass2 = targetType.superclass;
if (superclass2 == null) {
return null;
return lookUpMethodInInterfaces(superclass2, methodName, visitedInterfaces);
* Look up the setter with the given name in the given type. Return the element representing the
* setter that was found, or {@code null} if there is no setter with the given name.
* @param type the type in which the setter is defined
* @param setterName the name of the setter being looked up
* @return the element representing the setter that was found
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetter(Type2 type, String setterName) {
type = resolveTypeVariable(type);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type as InterfaceType;
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = interfaceType.lookUpSetter(setterName, _resolver.definingLibrary);
if (accessor != null) {
return accessor;
return lookUpSetterInInterfaces(interfaceType, setterName, new Set<ClassElement>());
return null;
* Look up the setter with the given name in the interfaces implemented by the given type, either
* directly or indirectly. Return the element representing the setter that was found, or{@code null} if there is no setter with the given name.
* @param targetType the type in which the setter might be defined
* @param setterName the name of the setter being looked up
* @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have been examined, used
* to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search
* @return the element representing the setter that was found
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetterInInterfaces(InterfaceType targetType, String setterName, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) {
ClassElement targetClass = targetType.element;
if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) {
return null;
javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass);
PropertyAccessorElement setter = targetType.getGetter(setterName);
if (setter != null) {
return setter;
for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetType.interfaces) {
setter = lookUpSetterInInterfaces(interfaceType, setterName, visitedInterfaces);
if (setter != null) {
return setter;
InterfaceType superclass2 = targetType.superclass;
if (superclass2 == null) {
return null;
return lookUpSetterInInterfaces(superclass2, setterName, visitedInterfaces);
* Return the binary operator that is invoked by the given compound assignment operator.
* @param operator the assignment operator being mapped
* @return the binary operator that invoked by the given assignment operator
sc.TokenType operatorFromCompoundAssignment(sc.TokenType operator) {
while (true) {
if (operator == sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.BAR_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.BAR;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.CARET_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.CARET;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.GT_GT_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.GT_GT;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.LT_LT_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.LT_LT;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.MINUS_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.MINUS;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.PERCENT_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.PERCENT;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.PLUS_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.PLUS;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.SLASH_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.SLASH;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.STAR_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.STAR;
} else if (operator == sc.TokenType.TILDE_SLASH_EQ) {
return sc.TokenType.TILDE_SLASH;
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError("Failed to map ${operator.lexeme} to it's corresponding operator");
return operator;
* Record the fact that the given AST node was resolved to the given element.
* @param node the AST node that was resolved
* @param element the element to which the AST node was resolved
void recordResolution(SimpleIdentifier node, Element element2) {
if (element2 != null) {
node.element = element2;
* Report the {@link StaticTypeWarningCode}s <code>UNDEFINED_SETTER</code> and <code>UNDEFINED_GETTER</code>.
* @param node the prefixed identifier that gives the context to determine if the error on the
* undefined identifier is a getter or a setter
* @param identifier the identifier in the passed prefix identifier
* @param typeName the name of the type of the left hand side of the passed prefixed identifier
void reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(PrefixedIdentifier node, SimpleIdentifier identifier2, String typeName) {
Type2 targetType = getType(node);
if (targetType != null && doesClassDeclareNoSuchMethod(targetType.element)) {
bool isSetterContext = node.identifier.inSetterContext();
ErrorCode errorCode = isSetterContext ? StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER : StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER;
_resolver.reportError(errorCode, identifier2, [, typeName]);
* Resolve the names in the given combinators in the scope of the given library.
* @param library the library that defines the names
* @param combinators the combinators containing the names to be resolved
void resolveCombinators(LibraryElement library, NodeList<Combinator> combinators) {
if (library == null) {
Namespace namespace = new NamespaceBuilder().createExportNamespace(library);
for (Combinator combinator in combinators) {
NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> names;
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
names = ((combinator as HideCombinator)).hiddenNames;
} else {
names = ((combinator as ShowCombinator)).shownNames;
for (SimpleIdentifier name in names) {
Element element = namespace.get(;
if (element != null) {
name.element = element;
* Resolve the names associated with any named arguments to the parameter elements named by the
* argument.
* @param argumentList the arguments to be resolved
* @param invokedMethod the method or function defining the parameters to which the named
* arguments are to be resolved
void resolveNamedArguments(ArgumentList argumentList, ExecutableElement invokedMethod) {
if (invokedMethod == null) {
List<ParameterElement> parameters2 = invokedMethod.parameters;
for (Expression argument in argumentList.arguments) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
SimpleIdentifier name2 = ((argument as NamedExpression)).name.label;
ParameterElement parameter = findNamedParameter(parameters2,;
if (parameter != null) {
recordResolution(name2, parameter);
* If the given type is a type variable, resolve it to the type that should be used when looking
* up members. Otherwise, return the original type.
* @param type the type that is to be resolved if it is a type variable
* @return the type that should be used in place of the argument if it is a type variable, or the
* original argument if it isn't a type variable
Type2 resolveTypeVariable(Type2 type) {
if (type is TypeVariableType) {
Type2 bound2 = ((type as TypeVariableType)).element.bound;
if (bound2 == null) {
return _resolver.typeProvider.objectType;
return bound2;
return type;
class Identifier_8 extends Identifier {
String name3;
Identifier_8(this.name3) : super();
accept(ASTVisitor visitor) => null;
sc.Token get beginToken => null;
Element get element => null;
sc.Token get endToken => null;
String get name => name3;
void visitChildren(ASTVisitor<Object> visitor) {
* Instances of the class {@code Library} represent the data about a single library during the
* resolution of some (possibly different) library. They are not intended to be used except during
* the resolution process.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class Library {
* The analysis context in which this library is being analyzed.
InternalAnalysisContext _analysisContext;
* The listener to which analysis errors will be reported.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* The source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library.
Source _librarySource;
* The library element representing this library.
LibraryElementImpl _libraryElement;
* A list containing all of the libraries that are imported into this library.
Map<ImportDirective, Library> _importedLibraries = new Map<ImportDirective, Library>();
* A flag indicating whether this library explicitly imports core.
bool _explicitlyImportsCore = false;
* A list containing all of the libraries that are exported from this library.
Map<ExportDirective, Library> _exportedLibraries = new Map<ExportDirective, Library>();
* A table mapping the sources for the compilation units in this library to their corresponding
* AST structures.
Map<Source, CompilationUnit> _astMap = new Map<Source, CompilationUnit>();
* The library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compilation units.
LibraryScope _libraryScope;
* Initialize a newly created data holder that can maintain the data associated with a library.
* @param analysisContext the analysis context in which this library is being analyzed
* @param errorListener the listener to which analysis errors will be reported
* @param librarySource the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library
Library(InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener, Source librarySource) {
this._analysisContext = analysisContext;
this._errorListener = errorListener;
this._librarySource = librarySource;
this._libraryElement = analysisContext.getLibraryElement(librarySource) as LibraryElementImpl;
* Record that the given library is exported from this library.
* @param importLibrary the library that is exported from this library
void addExport(ExportDirective directive, Library exportLibrary) {
_exportedLibraries[directive] = exportLibrary;
* Record that the given library is imported into this library.
* @param importLibrary the library that is imported into this library
void addImport(ImportDirective directive, Library importLibrary) {
_importedLibraries[directive] = importLibrary;
* Return the AST structure associated with the given source.
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit whose AST is to be returned
* @return the AST structure associated with the given source
* @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the compilation unit
CompilationUnit getAST(Source source) {
CompilationUnit unit = _astMap[source];
if (unit == null) {
unit = _analysisContext.computeResolvableCompilationUnit(source);
_astMap[source] = unit;
return unit;
* Return a collection containing the sources for the compilation units in this library, including
* the defining compilation unit.
* @return the sources for the compilation units in this library
Set<Source> get compilationUnitSources => _astMap.keys.toSet();
* Return the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for this library.
* @return the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for this library
* @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the defining compilation
* unit
CompilationUnit get definingCompilationUnit => getAST(librarySource);
* Return {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core.
* @return {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core
bool get explicitlyImportsCore => _explicitlyImportsCore;
* Return the library exported by the given directive.
* @param directive the directive that exports the library to be returned
* @return the library exported by the given directive
Library getExport(ExportDirective directive) => _exportedLibraries[directive];
* Return an array containing the libraries that are exported from this library.
* @return an array containing the libraries that are exported from this library
List<Library> get exports {
Set<Library> libraries = new Set<Library>();
return new List.from(libraries);
* Return the library imported by the given directive.
* @param directive the directive that imports the library to be returned
* @return the library imported by the given directive
Library getImport(ImportDirective directive) => _importedLibraries[directive];
* Return an array containing the libraries that are imported into this library.
* @return an array containing the libraries that are imported into this library
List<Library> get imports {
Set<Library> libraries = new Set<Library>();
return new List.from(libraries);
* Return an array containing the libraries that are either imported or exported from this
* library.
* @return the libraries that are either imported or exported from this library
List<Library> get importsAndExports {
Set<Library> libraries = new Set<Library>();
return new List.from(libraries);
* Return the library element representing this library, creating it if necessary.
* @return the library element representing this library
LibraryElementImpl get libraryElement {
if (_libraryElement == null) {
try {
_libraryElement = _analysisContext.computeLibraryElement(_librarySource) as LibraryElementImpl;
} on AnalysisException catch (exception) {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError2("Could not compute ilbrary element for ${_librarySource.fullName}", exception);
return _libraryElement;
* Return the library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compilation units.
* @return the library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compilation units
LibraryScope get libraryScope {
if (_libraryScope == null) {
_libraryScope = new LibraryScope(_libraryElement, _errorListener);
return _libraryScope;
* Return the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library.
* @return the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library
Source get librarySource => _librarySource;
* Return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the library, or {@code null} if
* the URI is not valid. If the URI is not valid, report the error.
* @param uriLiteral the string literal specifying the URI to be resolved
* @return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the library
Source getSource(StringLiteral uriLiteral) {
if (uriLiteral is StringInterpolation) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_librarySource, uriLiteral.offset, uriLiteral.length, CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_WITH_INTERPOLATION, []));
return null;
Source source = getSource2(getStringValue(uriLiteral));
if (source == null || !source.exists()) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_librarySource, uriLiteral.offset, uriLiteral.length, CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_URI, [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
return source;
* Set whether this library explicitly imports core to match the given value.
* @param explicitlyImportsCore {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core
void set explicitlyImportsCore(bool explicitlyImportsCore2) {
this._explicitlyImportsCore = explicitlyImportsCore2;
* Set the library element representing this library to the given library element.
* @param libraryElement the library element representing this library
void set libraryElement(LibraryElementImpl libraryElement2) {
this._libraryElement = libraryElement2;
String toString() => _librarySource.shortName;
* Append the value of the given string literal to the given string builder.
* @param builder the builder to which the string's value is to be appended
* @param literal the string literal whose value is to be appended to the builder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not a constant string without any string
* interpolation
void appendStringValue(JavaStringBuilder builder, StringLiteral literal) {
if (literal is SimpleStringLiteral) {
builder.append(((literal as SimpleStringLiteral)).value);
} else if (literal is AdjacentStrings) {
for (StringLiteral stringLiteral in ((literal as AdjacentStrings)).strings) {
appendStringValue(builder, stringLiteral);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the library, or {@code null} if
* the URI is not valid.
* @param uri the URI to be resolved
* @return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the library
Source getSource2(String uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
return _analysisContext.sourceFactory.resolveUri(_librarySource, uri);
* Return the value of the given string literal, or {@code null} if the string is not a constant
* string without any string interpolation.
* @param literal the string literal whose value is to be returned
* @return the value of the given string literal
String getStringValue(StringLiteral literal) {
JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder();
try {
appendStringValue(builder, literal);
} on IllegalArgumentException catch (exception) {
return null;
return builder.toString().trim();
* Instances of the class {@code LibraryElementBuilder} build an element model for a single library.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class LibraryElementBuilder {
* The analysis context in which the element model will be built.
InternalAnalysisContext _analysisContext;
* The listener to which errors will be reported.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* The name of the function used as an entry point.
static String _ENTRY_POINT_NAME = "main";
* Initialize a newly created library element builder.
* @param resolver the resolver for which the element model is being built
LibraryElementBuilder(LibraryResolver resolver) {
this._analysisContext = resolver.analysisContext;
this._errorListener = resolver.errorListener;
* Build the library element for the given library.
* @param library the library for which an element model is to be built
* @return the library element that was built
* @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed
LibraryElementImpl buildLibrary(Library library) {
CompilationUnitBuilder builder = new CompilationUnitBuilder();
Source librarySource2 = library.librarySource;
CompilationUnit definingCompilationUnit2 = library.definingCompilationUnit;
CompilationUnitElementImpl definingCompilationUnitElement = builder.buildCompilationUnit(librarySource2, definingCompilationUnit2);
NodeList<Directive> directives2 = definingCompilationUnit2.directives;
LibraryIdentifier libraryNameNode = null;
bool hasPartDirective = false;
FunctionElement entryPoint = findEntryPoint(definingCompilationUnitElement);
List<Directive> directivesToResolve = new List<Directive>();
List<CompilationUnitElementImpl> sourcedCompilationUnits = new List<CompilationUnitElementImpl>();
for (Directive directive in directives2) {
if (directive is LibraryDirective) {
if (libraryNameNode == null) {
libraryNameNode = ((directive as LibraryDirective)).name;
} else if (directive is PartDirective) {
hasPartDirective = true;
StringLiteral partUri = ((directive as PartDirective)).uri;
Source partSource = library.getSource(partUri);
if (partSource != null && partSource.exists()) {
CompilationUnitElementImpl part = builder.buildCompilationUnit(partSource, library.getAST(partSource));
String partLibraryName = getPartLibraryName(library, partSource, directivesToResolve);
if (partLibraryName == null) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(librarySource2, partUri.offset, partUri.length, CompileTimeErrorCode.PART_OF_NON_PART, [partUri.toSource()]));
} else if (libraryNameNode == null) {
} else if ( != partLibraryName) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(librarySource2, partUri.offset, partUri.length, StaticWarningCode.PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY, [, partLibraryName]));
if (entryPoint == null) {
entryPoint = findEntryPoint(part);
directive.element = part;
if (hasPartDirective && libraryNameNode == null) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con1(librarySource2, ResolverErrorCode.MISSING_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_WITH_PART, []));
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement = new LibraryElementImpl(_analysisContext, libraryNameNode);
libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit = definingCompilationUnitElement;
if (entryPoint != null) {
libraryElement.entryPoint = entryPoint;
} = new List.from(sourcedCompilationUnits);
for (Directive directive in directivesToResolve) {
directive.element = libraryElement;
library.libraryElement = libraryElement;
return libraryElement;
* Search the top-level functions defined in the given compilation unit for the entry point.
* @param element the compilation unit to be searched
* @return the entry point that was found, or {@code null} if the compilation unit does not define
* an entry point
FunctionElement findEntryPoint(CompilationUnitElementImpl element) {
for (FunctionElement function in element.functions) {
if ( == _ENTRY_POINT_NAME) {
return function;
return null;
* Return the name of the library that the given part is declared to be a part of, or {@code null}if the part does not contain a part-of directive.
* @param library the library containing the part
* @param partSource the source representing the part
* @param directivesToResolve a list of directives that should be resolved to the library being
* built
* @return the name of the library that the given part is declared to be a part of
String getPartLibraryName(Library library, Source partSource, List<Directive> directivesToResolve) {
try {
CompilationUnit partUnit = library.getAST(partSource);
for (Directive directive in partUnit.directives) {
if (directive is PartOfDirective) {
LibraryIdentifier libraryName2 = ((directive as PartOfDirective)).libraryName;
if (libraryName2 != null) {
} on AnalysisException catch (exception) {
return null;
* Instances of the class {@code LibraryResolver} are used to resolve one or more mutually dependent
* libraries within a single context.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class LibraryResolver {
* The analysis context in which the libraries are being analyzed.
InternalAnalysisContext _analysisContext;
* The listener to which analysis errors will be reported, this error listener is either
* references {@link #recordingErrorListener}, or it unions the passed{@link AnalysisErrorListener} with the {@link #recordingErrorListener}.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* This error listener is used by the resolver to be able to call the listener and get back the
* set of errors for each {@link Source}.
* @see #recordResults()
RecordingErrorListener _recordingErrorListener;
* A source object representing the core library (dart:core).
Source _coreLibrarySource;
* The object representing the core library.
Library _coreLibrary;
* The object used to access the types from the core library.
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* A table mapping library sources to the information being maintained for those libraries.
Map<Source, Library> _libraryMap = new Map<Source, Library>();
* A collection containing the libraries that are being resolved together.
Set<Library> _librariesInCycles;
* Initialize a newly created library resolver to resolve libraries within the given context.
* @param analysisContext the analysis context in which the library is being analyzed
LibraryResolver.con1(InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext) {
_jtd_constructor_264_impl(InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext) {
_jtd_constructor_265_impl(analysisContext, null);
* Initialize a newly created library resolver to resolve libraries within the given context.
* @param analysisContext the analysis context in which the library is being analyzed
* @param errorListener the listener to which analysis errors will be reported
LibraryResolver.con2(InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext2, AnalysisErrorListener additionalAnalysisErrorListener) {
_jtd_constructor_265_impl(analysisContext2, additionalAnalysisErrorListener);
_jtd_constructor_265_impl(InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext2, AnalysisErrorListener additionalAnalysisErrorListener) {
this._analysisContext = analysisContext2;
this._recordingErrorListener = new RecordingErrorListener();
if (additionalAnalysisErrorListener == null) {
this._errorListener = _recordingErrorListener;
} else {
this._errorListener = new AnalysisErrorListener_9(this, additionalAnalysisErrorListener);
_coreLibrarySource = analysisContext2.sourceFactory.forUri(DartSdk.DART_CORE);
* Return the analysis context in which the libraries are being analyzed.
* @return the analysis context in which the libraries are being analyzed
InternalAnalysisContext get analysisContext => _analysisContext;
* Return the listener to which analysis errors will be reported.
* @return the listener to which analysis errors will be reported
AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener => _errorListener;
* Resolve the library specified by the given source in the given context.
* <p>
* Note that because Dart allows circular imports between libraries, it is possible that more than
* one library will need to be resolved. In such cases the error listener can receive errors from
* multiple libraries.
* @param librarySource the source specifying the defining compilation unit of the library to be
* resolved
* @param fullAnalysis {@code true} if a full analysis should be performed
* @return the element representing the resolved library
* @throws AnalysisException if the library could not be resolved for some reason
LibraryElement resolveLibrary(Source librarySource, bool fullAnalysis) {
InstrumentationBuilder instrumentation = Instrumentation.builder2("dart.engine.LibraryResolver.resolveLibrary");
try {
instrumentation.metric("fullAnalysis", fullAnalysis);
instrumentation.data3("fullName", librarySource.fullName);
Library targetLibrary = createLibrary(librarySource);
_coreLibrary = _libraryMap[_coreLibrarySource];
if (_coreLibrary == null) {
_coreLibrary = createLibrary(_coreLibrarySource);
instrumentation.metric3("createLibrary", "complete");
_librariesInCycles = computeLibrariesInCycles(targetLibrary);
instrumentation.metric3("buildElementModels", "complete");
LibraryElement coreElement = _coreLibrary.libraryElement;
if (coreElement == null) {
throw new AnalysisException.con1("Could not resolve dart:core");
instrumentation.metric3("buildDirectiveModels", "complete");
_typeProvider = new TypeProviderImpl(coreElement);
instrumentation.metric3("buildTypeHierarchies", "complete");
instrumentation.metric3("resolveReferencesAndTypes", "complete");
instrumentation.metric3("performConstantEvaluation", "complete");
if (fullAnalysis) {
instrumentation.metric3("runAdditionalAnalyses", "complete");
instrumentation.metric3("recordResults", "complete");
instrumentation.metric2("librariesInCycles", _librariesInCycles.length);
for (Library lib in _librariesInCycles) {
instrumentation.metric2("librariesInCycles-CompilationUnitSources-Size", lib.compilationUnitSources.length);
return targetLibrary.libraryElement;
} finally {
* Add a dependency to the given map from the referencing library to the referenced library.
* @param dependencyMap the map to which the dependency is to be added
* @param referencingLibrary the library that references the referenced library
* @param referencedLibrary the library referenced by the referencing library
void addDependencyToMap(Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap, Library referencingLibrary, Library referencedLibrary) {
List<Library> dependentLibraries = dependencyMap[referencedLibrary];
if (dependentLibraries == null) {
dependentLibraries = new List<Library>();
dependencyMap[referencedLibrary] = dependentLibraries;
* Given a library that is part of a cycle that includes the root library, add to the given set of
* libraries all of the libraries reachable from the root library that are also included in the
* cycle.
* @param library the library to be added to the collection of libraries in cycles
* @param librariesInCycle a collection of the libraries that are in the cycle
* @param dependencyMap a table mapping libraries to the collection of libraries from which those
* libraries are referenced
void addLibrariesInCycle(Library library, Set<Library> librariesInCycle, Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap) {
if (javaSetAdd(librariesInCycle, library)) {
List<Library> dependentLibraries = dependencyMap[library];
if (dependentLibraries != null) {
for (Library dependentLibrary in dependentLibraries) {
addLibrariesInCycle(dependentLibrary, librariesInCycle, dependencyMap);
* Add the given library, and all libraries reachable from it that have not already been visited,
* to the given dependency map.
* @param library the library currently being added to the dependency map
* @param dependencyMap the dependency map being computed
* @param visitedLibraries the libraries that have already been visited, used to prevent infinite
* recursion
void addToDependencyMap(Library library, Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap, Set<Library> visitedLibraries) {
if (javaSetAdd(visitedLibraries, library)) {
for (Library referencedLibrary in library.importsAndExports) {
addDependencyToMap(dependencyMap, library, referencedLibrary);
addToDependencyMap(referencedLibrary, dependencyMap, visitedLibraries);
if (!library.explicitlyImportsCore && library != _coreLibrary) {
addDependencyToMap(dependencyMap, library, _coreLibrary);
* Build the element model representing the combinators declared by the given directive.
* @param directive the directive that declares the combinators
* @return an array containing the import combinators that were built
List<NamespaceCombinator> buildCombinators(NamespaceDirective directive) {
List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators = new List<NamespaceCombinator>();
for (Combinator combinator in directive.combinators) {
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
HideCombinatorImpl hide = new HideCombinatorImpl();
hide.hiddenNames = getIdentifiers(((combinator as HideCombinator)).hiddenNames);
} else {
ShowCombinatorImpl show = new ShowCombinatorImpl();
show.shownNames = getIdentifiers(((combinator as ShowCombinator)).shownNames);
return new List.from(combinators);
* Every library now has a corresponding {@link LibraryElement}, so it is now possible to resolve
* the import and export directives.
* @throws AnalysisException if the defining compilation unit for any of the libraries could not
* be accessed
void buildDirectiveModels() {
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
Map<String, PrefixElementImpl> nameToPrefixMap = new Map<String, PrefixElementImpl>();
List<ImportElement> imports = new List<ImportElement>();
List<ExportElement> exports = new List<ExportElement>();
for (Directive directive in library.definingCompilationUnit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
ImportDirective importDirective = directive as ImportDirective;
Library importedLibrary = library.getImport(importDirective);
if (importedLibrary != null) {
ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl();
importElement.combinators = buildCombinators(importDirective);
LibraryElement importedLibraryElement = importedLibrary.libraryElement;
if (importedLibraryElement != null) {
importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibraryElement;
SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = ((directive as ImportDirective)).prefix;
if (prefixNode != null) {
String prefixName =;
PrefixElementImpl prefix = nameToPrefixMap[prefixName];
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = new PrefixElementImpl(prefixNode);
nameToPrefixMap[prefixName] = prefix;
importElement.prefix = prefix;
directive.element = importElement;
} else if (directive is ExportDirective) {
ExportDirective exportDirective = directive as ExportDirective;
ExportElementImpl exportElement = new ExportElementImpl();
exportElement.combinators = buildCombinators(exportDirective);
Library exportedLibrary = library.getExport(exportDirective);
if (exportedLibrary != null) {
LibraryElement exportedLibraryElement = exportedLibrary.libraryElement;
if (exportedLibraryElement != null) {
exportElement.exportedLibrary = exportedLibraryElement;
directive.element = exportElement;
Source librarySource2 = library.librarySource;
if (!library.explicitlyImportsCore && _coreLibrarySource != librarySource2) {
ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl();
importElement.importedLibrary = _coreLibrary.libraryElement;
importElement.synthetic = true;
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement2 = library.libraryElement;
libraryElement2.imports = new List.from(imports);
libraryElement2.exports = new List.from(exports);
* Build element models for all of the libraries in the current cycle.
* @throws AnalysisException if any of the element models cannot be built
void buildElementModels() {
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
LibraryElementBuilder builder = new LibraryElementBuilder(this);
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement = builder.buildLibrary(library);
library.libraryElement = libraryElement;
* Resolve the type hierarchy across all of the types declared in the libraries in the current
* cycle.
* @throws AnalysisException if any of the type hierarchies could not be resolved
void buildTypeHierarchies() {
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) {
TypeResolverVisitor visitor = new TypeResolverVisitor.con1(library, source, _typeProvider);
* Compute a dependency map of libraries reachable from the given library. A dependency map is a
* table that maps individual libraries to a list of the libraries that either import or export
* those libraries.
* <p>
* This map is used to compute all of the libraries involved in a cycle that include the root
* library. Given that we only add libraries that are reachable from the root library, when we
* work backward we are guaranteed to only get libraries in the cycle.
* @param library the library currently being added to the dependency map
Map<Library, List<Library>> computeDependencyMap(Library library) {
Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap = new Map<Library, List<Library>>();
addToDependencyMap(library, dependencyMap, new Set<Library>());
return dependencyMap;
* Return a collection containing all of the libraries reachable from the given library that are
* contained in a cycle that includes the given library.
* @param library the library that must be included in any cycles whose members are to be returned
* @return all of the libraries referenced by the given library that have a circular reference
* back to the given library
Set<Library> computeLibrariesInCycles(Library library) {
Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap = computeDependencyMap(library);
Set<Library> librariesInCycle = new Set<Library>();
addLibrariesInCycle(library, librariesInCycle, dependencyMap);
return librariesInCycle;
* Recursively traverse the libraries reachable from the given library, creating instances of the
* class {@link Library} to represent them, and record the references in the library objects.
* @param library the library to be processed to find libraries that have not yet been traversed
* @throws AnalysisException if some portion of the library graph could not be traversed
void computeLibraryDependencies(Library library) {
bool explicitlyImportsCore = false;
CompilationUnit unit = library.definingCompilationUnit;
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
ImportDirective importDirective = directive as ImportDirective;
Source importedSource = library.getSource(importDirective.uri);
if (importedSource != null) {
if (importedSource == _coreLibrarySource) {
explicitlyImportsCore = true;
Library importedLibrary = _libraryMap[importedSource];
if (importedLibrary == null) {
importedLibrary = createLibraryOrNull(importedSource);
if (importedLibrary != null) {
if (importedLibrary != null) {
library.addImport(importDirective, importedLibrary);
if (doesCompilationUnitHavePartOfDirective(importedLibrary.getAST(importedSource))) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = importDirective.uri;
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(library.librarySource, uriLiteral.offset, uriLiteral.length, CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY, [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
} else if (directive is ExportDirective) {
ExportDirective exportDirective = directive as ExportDirective;
Source exportedSource = library.getSource(exportDirective.uri);
if (exportedSource != null) {
Library exportedLibrary = _libraryMap[exportedSource];
if (exportedLibrary == null) {
exportedLibrary = createLibraryOrNull(exportedSource);
if (exportedLibrary != null) {
if (exportedLibrary != null) {
library.addExport(exportDirective, exportedLibrary);
if (doesCompilationUnitHavePartOfDirective(exportedLibrary.getAST(exportedSource))) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = exportDirective.uri;
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(library.librarySource, uriLiteral.offset, uriLiteral.length, CompileTimeErrorCode.EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY, [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
library.explicitlyImportsCore = explicitlyImportsCore;
if (!explicitlyImportsCore && _coreLibrarySource != library.librarySource) {
Library importedLibrary = _libraryMap[_coreLibrarySource];
if (importedLibrary == null) {
importedLibrary = createLibraryOrNull(_coreLibrarySource);
if (importedLibrary != null) {
* Create an object to represent the information about the library defined by the compilation unit
* with the given source.
* @param librarySource the source of the library's defining compilation unit
* @return the library object that was created
* @throws AnalysisException if the library source is not valid
Library createLibrary(Source librarySource) {
Library library = new Library(_analysisContext, _errorListener, librarySource);
_libraryMap[librarySource] = library;
return library;
* Create an object to represent the information about the library defined by the compilation unit
* with the given source. Return the library object that was created, or {@code null} if the
* source is not valid.
* @param librarySource the source of the library's defining compilation unit
* @return the library object that was created
Library createLibraryOrNull(Source librarySource) {
if (!librarySource.exists()) {
return null;
Library library = new Library(_analysisContext, _errorListener, librarySource);
try {
} on AnalysisException catch (exception) {
return null;
_libraryMap[librarySource] = library;
return library;
* Return {@code true} if and only if the passed {@link CompilationUnit} has a part-of directive.
* @param node the {@link CompilationUnit} to test
* @return {@code true} if and only if the passed {@link CompilationUnit} has a part-of directive
bool doesCompilationUnitHavePartOfDirective(CompilationUnit node) {
NodeList<Directive> directives2 = node.directives;
for (Directive directive in directives2) {
if (directive is PartOfDirective) {
return true;
return false;
* Return an array containing the lexical identifiers associated with the nodes in the given list.
* @param names the AST nodes representing the identifiers
* @return the lexical identifiers associated with the nodes in the list
List<String> getIdentifiers(NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> names) {
int count = names.length;
List<String> identifiers = new List<String>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
identifiers[i] = names[i].name;
return identifiers;
* Compute a value for all of the constants in the libraries being analyzed.
void performConstantEvaluation() {
ConstantValueComputer computer = new ConstantValueComputer();
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) {
try {
CompilationUnit unit = library.getAST(source);
if (unit != null) {
} on AnalysisException catch (exception) {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError2("Internal Error: Could not access AST for ${source.fullName} during constant evaluation", exception);
* Record the results of resolution with the analysis context. This includes recording
* <ul>
* <li>the resolved AST associated with each compilation unit,</li>
* <li>the set of resolution errors produced for each compilation unit, and</li>
* <li>the element models produced for each library.</li>
* </ul>
void recordResults() {
Map<Source, LibraryElement> elementMap = new Map<Source, LibraryElement>();
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
Source librarySource2 = library.librarySource;
recordResults2(librarySource2, librarySource2, library.definingCompilationUnit);
for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) {
recordResults2(source, librarySource2, library.getAST(source));
elementMap[library.librarySource] = library.libraryElement;
void recordResults2(Source source, Source librarySource, CompilationUnit unit) {
List<AnalysisError> errors = _recordingErrorListener.getErrors2(source);
unit.resolutionErrors = errors;
_analysisContext.recordResolvedCompilationUnit(source, librarySource, unit);
_analysisContext.recordResolutionErrors(source, librarySource, errors, unit.lineInfo);
* Resolve the identifiers and perform type analysis in the libraries in the current cycle.
* @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved or if any of the
* libraries could not have their types analyzed
void resolveReferencesAndTypes() {
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
* Resolve the identifiers and perform type analysis in the given library.
* @param library the library to be resolved
* @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved or if the types in
* the library cannot be analyzed
void resolveReferencesAndTypes2(Library library) {
for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) {
ResolverVisitor visitor = new ResolverVisitor.con1(library, source, _typeProvider);
* Run additional analyses, such as the {@link ConstantVerifier} and {@link ErrorVerifier}analysis in the current cycle.
* @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved or if the types in
* the library cannot be analyzed
void runAdditionalAnalyses() {
for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) {
* Run additional analyses, such as the {@link ConstantVerifier} and {@link ErrorVerifier}analysis in the given library.
* @param library the library to have the extra analyses processes run
* @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved or if the types in
* the library cannot be analyzed
void runAdditionalAnalyses2(Library library) {
for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) {
ErrorReporter errorReporter = new ErrorReporter(_errorListener, source);
CompilationUnit unit = library.getAST(source);
ErrorVerifier errorVerifier = new ErrorVerifier(errorReporter, library.libraryElement, _typeProvider);
ConstantVerifier constantVerifier = new ConstantVerifier(errorReporter);
class AnalysisErrorListener_9 implements AnalysisErrorListener {
final LibraryResolver LibraryResolver_this;
AnalysisErrorListener additionalAnalysisErrorListener;
AnalysisErrorListener_9(this.LibraryResolver_this, this.additionalAnalysisErrorListener);
void onError(AnalysisError error) {
* Instances of the class {@code ResolverVisitor} are used to resolve the nodes within a single
* compilation unit.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor {
* The object used to resolve the element associated with the current node.
ElementResolver _elementResolver;
* The object used to compute the type associated with the current node.
StaticTypeAnalyzer _typeAnalyzer;
* The class element representing the class containing the current node, or {@code null} if the
* current node is not contained in a class.
ClassElement _enclosingClass = null;
* The element representing the function containing the current node, or {@code null} if the
* current node is not contained in a function.
ExecutableElement _enclosingFunction = null;
* The object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden.
TypeOverrideManager _overrideManager = new TypeOverrideManager();
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param library the library containing the compilation unit being resolved
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited
* @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core library
ResolverVisitor.con1(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider) : super.con1(library, source, typeProvider) {
_jtd_constructor_266_impl(library, source, typeProvider);
_jtd_constructor_266_impl(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
this._elementResolver = new ElementResolver(this);
this._typeAnalyzer = new StaticTypeAnalyzer(this);
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param definingLibrary the element for the library containing the compilation unit being
* visited
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited
* @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core library
* @param errorListener the error listener that will be informed of any errors that are found
* during resolution
ResolverVisitor.con2(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) : super.con2(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener) {
_jtd_constructor_267_impl(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener);
_jtd_constructor_267_impl(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
this._elementResolver = new ElementResolver(this);
this._typeAnalyzer = new StaticTypeAnalyzer(this);
* Return the object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden.
* @return the object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden
TypeOverrideManager get overrideManager => _overrideManager;
Object visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
VariableElement element = getOverridableElement(node.expression);
if (element != null) {
Type2 type2 = node.type.type;
if (type2 != null) {
override(element, getType(element), type2);
return null;
Object visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
return null;
Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
sc.TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND)) {
Expression leftOperand2 = node.leftOperand;
Expression rightOperand2 = node.rightOperand;
if (rightOperand2 != null) {
try {
} finally {
} else if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.BAR_BAR)) {
Expression leftOperand3 = node.leftOperand;
Expression rightOperand3 = node.rightOperand;
if (rightOperand3 != null) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
} else {
return null;
Object visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
return null;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement outerType = _enclosingClass;
try {
_enclosingClass = node.element;
_typeAnalyzer.thisType = _enclosingClass == null ? null : _enclosingClass.type;
} finally {
_typeAnalyzer.thisType = outerType == null ? null : outerType.type;
_enclosingClass = outerType;
return null;
Object visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {
return null;
Object visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
for (Directive directive in node.directives) {
List<CompilationUnitMember> classes = new List<CompilationUnitMember>();
for (CompilationUnitMember declaration in node.declarations) {
if (declaration is ClassDeclaration) {
} else {
for (CompilationUnitMember declaration in classes) {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
Expression condition2 = node.condition;
Expression thenExpression2 = node.thenExpression;
if (thenExpression2 != null) {
try {
} finally {
Expression elseExpression2 = node.elseExpression;
if (elseExpression2 != null) {
try {
} finally {
bool thenIsAbrupt = thenExpression2 != null && isAbruptTermination(thenExpression2);
bool elseIsAbrupt = elseExpression2 != null && isAbruptTermination(elseExpression2);
if (elseIsAbrupt && !thenIsAbrupt) {
} else if (thenIsAbrupt && !elseIsAbrupt) {
} else {
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
} finally {
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
Object visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
return null;
Object visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
return null;
Object visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
return null;
Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
Map<Element, Type2> overrides = captureOverrides(node.fields);
} else {
return null;
Object visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
Object visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
Object visitFunctionBody(FunctionBody node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
SimpleIdentifier functionName =;
_enclosingFunction = functionName.element as ExecutableElement;
} finally {
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
} finally {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
Object visitHideCombinator(HideCombinator node) => null;
Object visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
Expression condition2 = node.condition;
Statement thenStatement2 = node.thenStatement;
if (thenStatement2 != null) {
try {
} finally {
Statement elseStatement2 = node.elseStatement;
if (elseStatement2 != null) {
try {
} finally {
bool thenIsAbrupt = thenStatement2 != null && isAbruptTermination2(thenStatement2);
bool elseIsAbrupt = elseStatement2 != null && isAbruptTermination2(elseStatement2);
if (elseIsAbrupt && !thenIsAbrupt) {
} else if (thenIsAbrupt && !elseIsAbrupt) {
} else {
return null;
Object visitLabel(Label node) => null;
Object visitLibraryIdentifier(LibraryIdentifier node) => null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
} finally {
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
return null;
Object visitNode(ASTNode node) {
return null;
Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
return null;
Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
return null;
Object visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
return null;
Object visitShowCombinator(ShowCombinator node) => null;
Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
return null;
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
Object visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
try {
} finally {
Map<Element, Type2> overrides = captureOverrides(node.variables);
} else {
return null;
Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) => null;
Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
Expression condition2 = node.condition;
Statement body2 = node.body;
if (body2 != null) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
return null;
* Return the class element representing the class containing the current node, or {@code null} if
* the current node is not contained in a class.
* @return the class element representing the class containing the current node
ClassElement get enclosingClass => _enclosingClass;
* Return the element representing the function containing the current node, or {@code null} if
* the current node is not contained in a function.
* @return the element representing the function containing the current node
ExecutableElement get enclosingFunction => _enclosingFunction;
* Return the element associated with the given expression whose type can be overridden, or{@code null} if there is no element whose type can be overridden.
* @param expression the expression with which the element is associated
* @return the element associated with the given expression
VariableElement getOverridableElement(Expression expression) {
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
Element element2 = ((expression as SimpleIdentifier)).element;
if (element2 is VariableElement) {
return element2 as VariableElement;
return null;
void visitForEachStatementInScope(ForEachStatement node) {
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
DeclaredIdentifier loopVariable2 = node.loopVariable;
Expression iterator2 = node.iterator;
if (iterator2 != null) {
if (loopVariable2 != null) {
LocalVariableElement loopElement = loopVariable2.element;
override(loopElement, loopElement.type, getIteratorElementType(iterator2));
} else {
* Apply a set of overrides that were previously captured.
* @param overrides the overrides to be applied
void applyOverrides(Map<Element, Type2> overrides) {
for (MapEntry<Element, Type2> entry in getMapEntrySet(overrides)) {
_overrideManager.setType(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Return a map from the elements for the variables in the given list that have their types
* overridden to the overriding type.
* @param variableList the list of variables whose overriding types are to be captured
* @return a table mapping elements to their overriding types
Map<Element, Type2> captureOverrides(VariableDeclarationList variableList) {
Map<Element, Type2> overrides = new Map<Element, Type2>();
if (StaticTypeAnalyzer.USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION) {
if (variableList.isConst() || variableList.isFinal()) {
for (VariableDeclaration variable in variableList.variables) {
Element element2 = variable.element;
if (element2 != null) {
Type2 type = _overrideManager.getType(element2);
if (type != null) {
overrides[element2] = type;
return overrides;
* The given expression is the expression used to compute the iterator for a for-each statement.
* Attempt to compute the type of objects that will be assigned to the loop variable and return
* that type. Return {@code null} if the type could not be determined.
* @param iterator the iterator for a for-each statement
* @return the type of objects that will be assigned to the loop variable
Type2 getIteratorElementType(Expression iteratorExpression) {
Type2 expressionType = iteratorExpression.staticType;
if (expressionType is InterfaceType) {
PropertyAccessorElement iterator = ((expressionType as InterfaceType)).lookUpGetter("iterator", definingLibrary);
if (iterator == null) {
return null;
Type2 iteratorType = iterator.type.returnType;
if (iteratorType is InterfaceType) {
PropertyAccessorElement current = ((iteratorType as InterfaceType)).lookUpGetter("current", definingLibrary);
if (current == null) {
return null;
return current.type.returnType;
return null;
* Return the type of the given (overridable) element.
* @param element the element whose type is to be returned
* @return the type of the given element
Type2 getType(Element element) {
if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
return ((element as LocalVariableElement)).type;
} else if (element is ParameterElement) {
return ((element as ParameterElement)).type;
return null;
* Return {@code true} if the given expression terminates abruptly (that is, if any expression
* following the given expression will not be reached).
* @param expression the expression being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given expression terminates abruptly
bool isAbruptTermination(Expression expression2) {
while (expression2 is ParenthesizedExpression) {
expression2 = ((expression2 as ParenthesizedExpression)).expression;
return expression2 is ThrowExpression || expression2 is RethrowExpression;
* Return {@code true} if the given statement terminates abruptly (that is, if any statement
* following the given statement will not be reached).
* @param statement the statement being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given statement terminates abruptly
bool isAbruptTermination2(Statement statement) {
if (statement is ReturnStatement) {
return true;
} else if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
return isAbruptTermination(((statement as ExpressionStatement)).expression);
} else if (statement is Block) {
NodeList<Statement> statements2 = ((statement as Block)).statements;
int size2 = statements2.length;
if (size2 == 0) {
return false;
return isAbruptTermination2(statements2[size2 - 1]);
return false;
* If it is appropriate to do so, override the type of the given element. Use the static type and
* inferred type of the element to determine whether or not it is appropriate.
* @param element the element whose type might be overridden
* @param staticType the static type of the element
* @param inferredType the inferred type of the element
void override(VariableElement element, Type2 staticType, Type2 inferredType) {
if (identical(inferredType, BottomTypeImpl.instance)) {
if (element is PropertyInducingElement) {
PropertyInducingElement variable = element as PropertyInducingElement;
if (!variable.isConst() && !variable.isFinal()) {
if (staticType == null || (inferredType != null && inferredType.isMoreSpecificThan(staticType))) {
_overrideManager.setType(element, inferredType);
* Propagate any type information that results from knowing that the given condition will have
* evaluated to 'false'.
* @param condition the condition that will have evaluated to 'false'
void propagateFalseState(Expression condition) {
while (condition is ParenthesizedExpression) {
condition = ((condition as ParenthesizedExpression)).expression;
if (condition is IsExpression) {
IsExpression is2 = condition as IsExpression;
if (is2.notOperator != null) {
VariableElement element = getOverridableElement(is2.expression);
if (element != null) {
Type2 type2 = is2.type.type;
if (type2 != null) {
override(element, getType(element), type2);
} else if (condition is BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression binary = condition as BinaryExpression;
if (identical(binary.operator.type, sc.TokenType.BAR_BAR)) {
* Propagate any type information that results from knowing that the given condition will have
* evaluated to 'true'.
* @param condition the condition that will have evaluated to 'true'
void propagateTrueState(Expression condition) {
while (condition is ParenthesizedExpression) {
condition = ((condition as ParenthesizedExpression)).expression;
if (condition is IsExpression) {
IsExpression is2 = condition as IsExpression;
if (is2.notOperator == null) {
VariableElement element = getOverridableElement(is2.expression);
if (element != null) {
Type2 type2 = is2.type.type;
if (type2 != null) {
override(element, getType(element), type2);
} else if (condition is BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression binary = condition as BinaryExpression;
if (identical(binary.operator.type, sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND)) {
* Visit the given AST node if it is not null.
* @param node the node to be visited
void safelyVisit(ASTNode node) {
if (node != null) {
get elementResolver_J2DAccessor => _elementResolver;
set elementResolver_J2DAccessor(__v) => _elementResolver = __v;
get labelScope_J2DAccessor => _labelScope;
set labelScope_J2DAccessor(__v) => _labelScope = __v;
get nameScope_J2DAccessor => _nameScope;
set nameScope_J2DAccessor(__v) => _nameScope = __v;
get typeAnalyzer_J2DAccessor => _typeAnalyzer;
set typeAnalyzer_J2DAccessor(__v) => _typeAnalyzer = __v;
get enclosingClass_J2DAccessor => _enclosingClass;
set enclosingClass_J2DAccessor(__v) => _enclosingClass = __v;
* The abstract class {@code ScopedVisitor} maintains name and label scopes as an AST structure is
* being visited.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
abstract class ScopedVisitor extends GeneralizingASTVisitor<Object> {
* The element for the library containing the compilation unit being visited.
LibraryElement _definingLibrary;
* The source representing the compilation unit being visited.
Source _source;
* The error listener that will be informed of any errors that are found during resolution.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* The scope used to resolve identifiers.
Scope _nameScope;
* The object used to access the types from the core library.
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* The scope used to resolve labels for {@code break} and {@code continue} statements, or{@code null} if no labels have been defined in the current context.
LabelScope _labelScope;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param library the library containing the compilation unit being resolved
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited
* @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core library
ScopedVisitor.con1(Library library, Source source2, TypeProvider typeProvider2) {
_jtd_constructor_268_impl(library, source2, typeProvider2);
_jtd_constructor_268_impl(Library library, Source source2, TypeProvider typeProvider2) {
this._definingLibrary = library.libraryElement;
this._source = source2;
LibraryScope libraryScope2 = library.libraryScope;
this._errorListener = libraryScope2.errorListener;
this._nameScope = libraryScope2;
this._typeProvider = typeProvider2;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param definingLibrary the element for the library containing the compilation unit being
* visited
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited
* @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core library
* @param errorListener the error listener that will be informed of any errors that are found
* during resolution
ScopedVisitor.con2(LibraryElement definingLibrary2, Source source2, TypeProvider typeProvider2, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener2) {
_jtd_constructor_269_impl(definingLibrary2, source2, typeProvider2, errorListener2);
_jtd_constructor_269_impl(LibraryElement definingLibrary2, Source source2, TypeProvider typeProvider2, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener2) {
this._definingLibrary = definingLibrary2;
this._source = source2;
this._errorListener = errorListener2;
this._nameScope = new LibraryScope(definingLibrary2, errorListener2);
this._typeProvider = typeProvider2;
* Return the library element for the library containing the compilation unit being resolved.
* @return the library element for the library containing the compilation unit being resolved
LibraryElement get definingLibrary => _definingLibrary;
* Return the object used to access the types from the core library.
* @return the object used to access the types from the core library
TypeProvider get typeProvider => _typeProvider;
Object visitBlock(Block node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
_nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope);
try {
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exception = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exception != null) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
_nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope);
try {
SimpleIdentifier stackTrace = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTrace != null) {
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
_nameScope = new ClassScope(_nameScope, node.element);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
_nameScope = new ClassScope(_nameScope, node.element);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
_nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, node.element);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
VariableElement element2 = node.element;
if (element2 != null) {
return null;
Object visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerScope, false, false);
try {
} finally {
_labelScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
LabelScope outerLabelScope = _labelScope;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerLabelScope, false, false);
Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope;
_nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope);
try {
} finally {
_nameScope = outerNameScope;
_labelScope = outerLabelScope;
return null;
Object visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
LabelScope outerLabelScope = _labelScope;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerLabelScope, false, false);
Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope;
_nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope);
try {
} finally {
_nameScope = outerNameScope;
_labelScope = outerLabelScope;
return null;
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement function = node.element;
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
_nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, function);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
if (function.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement) {
return null;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
ExecutableElement functionElement = node.element;
if (functionElement == null) {
} else {
_nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, functionElement);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
_nameScope = new FunctionTypeScope(_nameScope, node.element);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
LabelScope outerScope = addScopesFor(node.labels);
try {
} finally {
_labelScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
Scope outerScope = _nameScope;
try {
_nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, node.element);
} finally {
_nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
LabelScope outerLabelScope = addScopesFor(node.labels);
Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope;
_nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope);
try {
} finally {
_nameScope = outerNameScope;
_labelScope = outerLabelScope;
return null;
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
LabelScope outerLabelScope = addScopesFor(node.labels);
Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope;
_nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope);
try {
} finally {
_nameScope = outerNameScope;
_labelScope = outerLabelScope;
return null;
Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerScope, true, false);
for (SwitchMember member in node.members) {
for (Label label in member.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
LabelElement labelElement = labelName.element as LabelElement;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con2(outerScope,, labelElement);
try {
} finally {
_labelScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (node.parent.parent is! TopLevelVariableDeclaration && node.parent.parent is! FieldDeclaration) {
VariableElement element2 = node.element;
if (element2 != null) {
return null;
Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerScope, false, false);
try {
} finally {
_labelScope = outerScope;
return null;
* Return the label scope in which the current node is being resolved.
* @return the label scope in which the current node is being resolved
LabelScope get labelScope => _labelScope;
* Return the name scope in which the current node is being resolved.
* @return the name scope in which the current node is being resolved
Scope get nameScope => _nameScope;
* Report an error with the given error code and arguments.
* @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported
* @param node the node specifying the location of the error
* @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error message
void reportError(ErrorCode errorCode, ASTNode node, List<Object> arguments) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, node.offset, node.length, errorCode, arguments));
* Report an error with the given error code and arguments.
* @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported
* @param token the token specifying the location of the error
* @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error message
void reportError3(ErrorCode errorCode, sc.Token token, List<Object> arguments) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, token.offset, token.length, errorCode, arguments));
* Visit the given statement after it's scope has been created. This replaces the normal call to
* the inherited visit method so that ResolverVisitor can intervene when type propagation is
* enabled.
* @param node the statement to be visited
void visitForEachStatementInScope(ForEachStatement node) {
* Add scopes for each of the given labels.
* @param labels the labels for which new scopes are to be added
* @return the scope that was in effect before the new scopes were added
LabelScope addScopesFor(NodeList<Label> labels) {
LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope;
for (Label label in labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelNameNode = label.label;
String labelName =;
LabelElement labelElement = labelNameNode.element as LabelElement;
_labelScope = new LabelScope.con2(_labelScope, labelName, labelElement);
return outerScope;
* Instances of the class {@code StaticTypeAnalyzer} perform two type-related tasks. First, they
* compute the static type of every expression. Second, they look for any static type errors or
* warnings that might need to be generated. The requirements for the type analyzer are:
* <ol>
* <li>Every element that refers to types should be fully populated.
* <li>Every node representing an expression should be resolved to the Type of the expression.</li>
* </ol>
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class StaticTypeAnalyzer extends SimpleASTVisitor<Object> {
* Create a table mapping HTML tag names to the names of the classes (in 'dart:html') that
* implement those tags.
* @return the table that was created
static Map<String, String> createHtmlTagToClassMap() {
Map<String, String> map = new Map<String, String>();
map["a"] = "AnchorElement";
map["area"] = "AreaElement";
map["br"] = "BRElement";
map["base"] = "BaseElement";
map["body"] = "BodyElement";
map["button"] = "ButtonElement";
map["canvas"] = "CanvasElement";
map["content"] = "ContentElement";
map["dl"] = "DListElement";
map["datalist"] = "DataListElement";
map["details"] = "DetailsElement";
map["div"] = "DivElement";
map["embed"] = "EmbedElement";
map["fieldset"] = "FieldSetElement";
map["form"] = "FormElement";
map["hr"] = "HRElement";
map["head"] = "HeadElement";
map["h1"] = "HeadingElement";
map["h2"] = "HeadingElement";
map["h3"] = "HeadingElement";
map["h4"] = "HeadingElement";
map["h5"] = "HeadingElement";
map["h6"] = "HeadingElement";
map["html"] = "HtmlElement";
map["iframe"] = "IFrameElement";
map["img"] = "ImageElement";
map["input"] = "InputElement";
map["keygen"] = "KeygenElement";
map["li"] = "LIElement";
map["label"] = "LabelElement";
map["legend"] = "LegendElement";
map["link"] = "LinkElement";
map["map"] = "MapElement";
map["menu"] = "MenuElement";
map["meter"] = "MeterElement";
map["ol"] = "OListElement";
map["object"] = "ObjectElement";
map["optgroup"] = "OptGroupElement";
map["output"] = "OutputElement";
map["p"] = "ParagraphElement";
map["param"] = "ParamElement";
map["pre"] = "PreElement";
map["progress"] = "ProgressElement";
map["script"] = "ScriptElement";
map["select"] = "SelectElement";
map["source"] = "SourceElement";
map["span"] = "SpanElement";
map["style"] = "StyleElement";
map["caption"] = "TableCaptionElement";
map["td"] = "TableCellElement";
map["col"] = "TableColElement";
map["table"] = "TableElement";
map["tr"] = "TableRowElement";
map["textarea"] = "TextAreaElement";
map["title"] = "TitleElement";
map["track"] = "TrackElement";
map["ul"] = "UListElement";
map["video"] = "VideoElement";
return map;
* The resolver driving the resolution and type analysis.
ResolverVisitor _resolver;
* The object providing access to the types defined by the language.
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* The type representing the type 'dynamic'.
Type2 _dynamicType;
* The type representing the class containing the nodes being analyzed, or {@code null} if the
* nodes are not within a class.
InterfaceType _thisType;
* The object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden.
TypeOverrideManager _overrideManager;
* A flag indicating whether type propagation should be enabled.
static bool USE_TYPE_PROPAGATION = true;
* A table mapping HTML tag names to the names of the classes (in 'dart:html') that implement
* those tags.
static Map<String, String> _HTML_ELEMENT_TO_CLASS_MAP = createHtmlTagToClassMap();
* Initialize a newly created type analyzer.
* @param resolver the resolver driving this participant
StaticTypeAnalyzer(ResolverVisitor resolver) {
this._resolver = resolver;
_typeProvider = resolver.typeProvider;
_dynamicType = _typeProvider.dynamicType;
_overrideManager = resolver.overrideManager;
* Set the type of the class being analyzed to the given type.
* @param thisType the type representing the class containing the nodes being analyzed
void set thisType(InterfaceType thisType2) {
this._thisType = thisType2;
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a string literal is{@code String}.</blockquote>
Object visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.stringType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.33: <blockquote>The static type of an argument definition
* test is {@code bool}.</blockquote>
Object visitArgumentDefinitionTest(ArgumentDefinitionTest node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.32: <blockquote>... the cast expression <i>e as T</i> ...
* <p>
* It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not denote a type available in the current lexical
* scope.
* <p>
* The static type of a cast expression <i>e as T</i> is <i>T</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) => recordType(node, getType4(node.type));
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.18: <blockquote> ... an assignment <i>a</i> of the form
* <i>v = e</i> ...
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if the static type of <i>e</i> may not be assigned to the static
* type of <i>v</i>.
* <p>
* The static type of the expression <i>v = e</i> is the static type of <i>e</i>.
* <p>
* ... an assignment of the form <i>C.v = e</i> ...
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if the static type of <i>e</i> may not be assigned to the static
* type of <i>C.v</i>.
* <p>
* The static type of the expression <i>C.v = e</i> is the static type of <i>e</i>.
* <p>
* ... an assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>.v = e<sub>2</sub></i> ...
* <p>
* Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>. It is a static type warning if
* <i>T</i> does not have an accessible instance setter named <i>v=</i>. It is a static type
* warning if the static type of <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> may not be assigned to <i>T</i>.
* <p>
* The static type of the expression <i>e<sub>1</sub>.v = e<sub>2</sub></i> is the static type of
* <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>.
* <p>
* ... an assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>\[e<sub>2</sub>\] = e<sub>3</sub></i> ...
* <p>
* The static type of the expression <i>e<sub>1</sub>\[e<sub>2</sub>\] = e<sub>3</sub></i> is the
* static type of <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>.
* <p>
* A compound assignment of the form <i>v op= e</i> is equivalent to <i>v = v op e</i>. A compound
* assignment of the form <i>C.v op= e</i> is equivalent to <i>C.v = C.v op e</i>. A compound
* assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>.v op= e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to <i>((x) => x.v
* = x.v op e<sub>2</sub>)(e<sub>1</sub>)</i> where <i>x</i> is a variable that is not used in
* <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>. A compound assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>\[e<sub>2</sub>\] op=
* e<sub>3</sub></i> is equivalent to <i>((a, i) => a\[i\] = a\[i\] op e<sub>3</sub>)(e<sub>1</sub>,
* e<sub>2</sub>)</i> where <i>a</i> and <i>i</i> are a variables that are not used in
* <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>. </blockquote>
Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
sc.TokenType operator2 = node.operator.type;
if (operator2 != sc.TokenType.EQ) {
return recordReturnType(node, node.element);
Type2 rightType = getType2(node.rightHandSide);
VariableElement element = _resolver.getOverridableElement(node.leftHandSide);
if (element != null) {
override(element, getType(element), rightType);
return recordType(node, rightType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.20: <blockquote>The static type of a logical boolean
* expression is {@code bool}.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.21:<blockquote>A bitwise expression of the form
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A bitwise expression of the form <i>super op
* e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.22: <blockquote>The static type of an equality expression
* is {@code bool}.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.23: <blockquote>A relational expression of the form
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A relational expression of the form <i>super op
* e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.24: <blockquote>A shift expression of the form
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A shift expression of the form <i>super op
* e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.25: <blockquote>An additive expression of the form
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. An additive expression of the form <i>super op
* e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.26: <blockquote>A multiplicative expression of the form
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A multiplicative expression of the form <i>super op
* e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation
* <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
sc.TokenType operator2 = node.operator.type;
while (true) {
if (operator2 == sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND || operator2 == sc.TokenType.BAR_BAR || operator2 == sc.TokenType.EQ_EQ || operator2 == sc.TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
return recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType);
} else if (operator2 == sc.TokenType.MINUS || operator2 == sc.TokenType.PERCENT || operator2 == sc.TokenType.PLUS || operator2 == sc.TokenType.STAR || operator2 == sc.TokenType.TILDE_SLASH) {
Type2 intType2 = _typeProvider.intType;
if (identical(getType2(node.leftOperand), intType2) && identical(getType2(node.rightOperand), intType2)) {
return recordType(node, intType2);
} else if (operator2 == sc.TokenType.SLASH) {
Type2 doubleType2 = _typeProvider.doubleType;
if (identical(getType2(node.leftOperand), doubleType2) || identical(getType2(node.rightOperand), doubleType2)) {
return recordType(node, doubleType2);
return recordReturnType(node, node.element);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.4: <blockquote>The static type of a boolean literal is{@code bool}.</blockquote>
Object visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.15.2: <blockquote>A cascaded method invocation expression
* of the form <i>e..suffix</i> is equivalent to the expression <i>(t) {t.suffix; return
* t;}(e)</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) => recordType(node, getType2(;
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.19: <blockquote> ... a conditional expression <i>c</i> of
* the form <i>e<sub>1</sub> ? e<sub>2</sub> : e<sub>3</sub></i> ...
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if the type of e<sub>1</sub> may not be assigned to {@code bool}.
* <p>
* The static type of <i>c</i> is the least upper bound of the static type of <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>
* and the static type of <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>.</blockquote>
Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
Type2 thenType = getType2(node.thenExpression);
Type2 elseType = getType2(node.elseExpression);
if (thenType == null) {
return recordType(node, _dynamicType);
Type2 resultType = thenType.getLeastUpperBound(elseType);
return recordType(node, resultType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.3: <blockquote>The static type of a literal double is{@code double}.</blockquote>
Object visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.doubleType);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
FunctionExpression function = node.functionExpression;
FunctionTypeImpl functionType = node.element.type as FunctionTypeImpl;
setTypeInformation(functionType, computeReturnType(node), function.parameters);
return recordType(function, functionType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.9: <blockquote>The static type of a function literal of the
* form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, \[T<sub>n+1</sub>
* x<sub>n+1</sub> = d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub> = dk\]) => e</i> is
* <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, Tn, \[T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
* x<sub>n+k</sub>\]) &rarr; T<sub>0</sub></i>, where <i>T<sub>0</sub></i> is the static type of
* <i>e</i>. In any case where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is
* considered to have been specified as dynamic.
* <p>
* The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> : d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
* x<sub>n+k</sub> : dk}) => e</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub>
* x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>}) &rarr; T<sub>0</sub></i>, where
* <i>T<sub>0</sub></i> is the static type of <i>e</i>. In any case where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1
* &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been specified as dynamic.
* <p>
* The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, \[T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> = d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
* x<sub>n+k</sub> = dk\]) {s}</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, \[T<sub>n+1</sub>
* x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>\]) &rarr; dynamic</i>. In any case
* where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been
* specified as dynamic.
* <p>
* The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> : d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
* x<sub>n+k</sub> : dk}) {s}</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub>
* x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>}) &rarr; dynamic</i>. In any case
* where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been
* specified as dynamic.</blockquote>
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.parent is FunctionDeclaration) {
return null;
FunctionTypeImpl functionType = node.element.type as FunctionTypeImpl;
setTypeInformation(functionType, computeReturnType2(node), node.parameters);
return recordType(node, functionType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.14.4: <blockquote>A function expression invocation <i>i</i>
* has the form <i>e<sub>f</sub>(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>:
* a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>, where <i>e<sub>f</sub></i> is
* an expression.
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if the static type <i>F</i> of <i>e<sub>f</sub></i> may not be
* assigned to a function type.
* <p>
* If <i>F</i> is not a function type, the static type of <i>i</i> is dynamic. Otherwise the
* static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>F</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) => recordReturnType(node, node.element);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.29: <blockquote>An assignable expression of the form
* <i>e<sub>1</sub>\[e<sub>2</sub>\]</i> is evaluated as a method invocation of the operator method
* <i>\[\]</i> on <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> with argument <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>.</blockquote>
Object visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
if (node.inSetterContext()) {
return recordArgumentType(node, node.element);
return recordReturnType(node, node.element);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.11.1: <blockquote>The static type of a new expression of
* either the form <i>new<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> or the form <i>new
* T(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> is <i>T</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.11.2: <blockquote>The static type of a constant object
* expression of either the form <i>const<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> or the
* form <i>const T(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> is <i>T</i>. </blockquote>
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorElement element2 = node.element;
if (element2 != null && "Element" == && "tag" == {
LibraryElement library2 = element2.library;
if (isHtmlLibrary(library2)) {
Type2 returnType = getFirstArgumentAsType2(library2, node.argumentList, _HTML_ELEMENT_TO_CLASS_MAP);
if (returnType != null) {
return recordType(node, returnType);
return recordType(node, node.constructorName.type.type);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.3: <blockquote>The static type of an integer literal is{@code int}.</blockquote>
Object visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.intType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.31: <blockquote>It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not
* denote a type available in the current lexical scope.
* <p>
* The static type of an is-expression is {@code bool}.</blockquote>
Object visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.6: <blockquote>The static type of a list literal of the
* form <i><b>const</b> &lt;E&gt;\[e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, e<sub>n</sub>\]</i> or the form
* <i>&lt;E&gt;\[e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, e<sub>n</sub>\]</i> is {@code List&lt;E&gt;}. The static
* type a list literal of the form <i><b>const</b> \[e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, e<sub>n</sub>\]</i> or
* the form <i>\[e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, e<sub>n</sub>\]</i> is {@code List&lt;dynamic&gt;}.</blockquote>
Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
TypeArgumentList typeArguments2 = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments2 != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> arguments2 = typeArguments2.arguments;
if (arguments2 != null && arguments2.length == 1) {
TypeName argumentType = arguments2[0];
return recordType(node, _typeProvider.listType.substitute5(<Type2> [getType4(argumentType)]));
return recordType(node, _typeProvider.listType.substitute5(<Type2> [_dynamicType]));
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.7: <blockquote>The static type of a map literal of the form
* <i><b>const</b> &lt;String, V&gt; {k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> or the form <i>&lt;String, V&gt; {k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub>,
* &hellip;, k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> is {@code Map&lt;String, V&gt;}. The static type a
* map literal of the form <i><b>const</b> {k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> or the form <i>{k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> is {@code Map&lt;String, dynamic&gt;}.
* <p>
* It is a compile-time error if the first type argument to a map literal is not
* <i>String</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
TypeArgumentList typeArguments2 = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments2 != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> arguments2 = typeArguments2.arguments;
if (arguments2 != null && arguments2.length == 2) {
TypeName keyType = arguments2[0];
if (keyType != _typeProvider.stringType) {
TypeName valueType = arguments2[1];
return recordType(node, _typeProvider.mapType.substitute5(<Type2> [_typeProvider.stringType, getType4(valueType)]));
return recordType(node, _typeProvider.mapType.substitute5(<Type2> [_typeProvider.stringType, _dynamicType]));
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.15.1: <blockquote>An ordinary method invocation <i>i</i>
* has the form <i>o.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>,
* &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>.
* <p>
* Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>o</i>. It is a static type warning if <i>T</i> does not
* have an accessible instance member named <i>m</i>. If <i>T.m</i> exists, it is a static warning
* if the type <i>F</i> of <i>T.m</i> may not be assigned to a function type.
* <p>
* If <i>T.m</i> does not exist, or if <i>F</i> is not a function type, the static type of
* <i>i</i> is dynamic. Otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of
* <i>F</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 11.15.3: <blockquote>A static method invocation <i>i</i> has
* the form <i>C.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>,
* &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>.
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if the type <i>F</i> of <i>C.m</i> may not be assigned to a
* function type.
* <p>
* If <i>F</i> is not a function type, or if <i>C.m</i> does not exist, the static type of i is
* dynamic. Otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of
* <i>F</i>.</blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 11.15.4: <blockquote>A super method invocation <i>i</i> has
* the form <i>super.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>,
* &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>.
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if <i>S</i> does not have an accessible instance member named m. If
* <i>S.m</i> exists, it is a static warning if the type <i>F</i> of <i>S.m</i> may not be
* assigned to a function type.
* <p>
* If <i>S.m</i> does not exist, or if <i>F</i> is not a function type, the static type of
* <i>i</i> is dynamic. Otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of
* <i>F</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
String methodName2 =;
if (methodName2 == "\$dom_createEvent") {
Expression target = node.realTarget;
if (target != null) {
Type2 targetType = getType2(target);
if (targetType is InterfaceType && ( == "HtmlDocument" || == "Document")) {
LibraryElement library2 = targetType.element.library;
if (isHtmlLibrary(library2)) {
Type2 returnType = getFirstArgumentAsType(library2, node.argumentList);
if (returnType != null) {
return recordType(node, returnType);
} else if (methodName2 == "query") {
Expression target = node.realTarget;
if (target == null) {
Element methodElement = node.methodName.element;
if (methodElement != null) {
LibraryElement library3 = methodElement.library;
if (isHtmlLibrary(library3)) {
Type2 returnType = getFirstArgumentAsQuery(library3, node.argumentList);
if (returnType != null) {
return recordType(node, returnType);
} else {
Type2 targetType = getType2(target);
if (targetType is InterfaceType && ( == "HtmlDocument" || == "Document")) {
LibraryElement library4 = targetType.element.library;
if (isHtmlLibrary(library4)) {
Type2 returnType = getFirstArgumentAsQuery(library4, node.argumentList);
if (returnType != null) {
return recordType(node, returnType);
} else if (methodName2 == "JS") {
Type2 returnType = getFirstArgumentAsType(_typeProvider.objectType.element.library, node.argumentList);
if (returnType != null) {
return recordType(node, returnType);
return recordReturnType(node, node.methodName.element);
Object visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) => recordType(node, getType2(node.expression));
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.2: <blockquote>The static type of {@code null} is bottom.
* </blockquote>
Object visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.bottomType);
Object visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) => recordType(node, getType2(node.expression));
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.28: <blockquote>A postfix expression of the form
* <i>v++</i>, where <i>v</i> is an identifier, is equivalent to <i>(){var r = v; v = r + 1;
* return r}()</i>.
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>C.v++</i> is equivalent to <i>(){var r = C.v; C.v = r + 1;
* return r}()</i>.
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>e1.v++</i> is equivalent to <i>(x){var r = x.v; x.v = r +
* 1; return r}(e1)</i>.
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>e1\[e2\]++</i> is equivalent to <i>(a, i){var r = a\[i\]; a\[i\]
* = r + 1; return r}(e1, e2)</i>
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>v--</i>, where <i>v</i> is an identifier, is equivalent to
* <i>(){var r = v; v = r - 1; return r}()</i>.
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>C.v--</i> is equivalent to <i>(){var r = C.v; C.v = r - 1;
* return r}()</i>.
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>e1.v--</i> is equivalent to <i>(x){var r = x.v; x.v = r -
* 1; return r}(e1)</i>.
* <p>
* A postfix expression of the form <i>e1\[e2\]--</i> is equivalent to <i>(a, i){var r = a\[i\]; a\[i\]
* = r - 1; return r}(e1, e2)</i></blockquote>
Object visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) => recordType(node, getType2(node.operand));
* See {@link #visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier)}.
Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
SimpleIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = node.identifier;
Element element2 = prefixedIdentifier.element;
if (element2 == null) {
return recordType(node, _dynamicType);
Type2 type = _overrideManager.getType(element2);
if (type != null) {
return recordType(node, type);
Type2 type;
if (element2 is ClassElement) {
if (isNotTypeLiteral(node)) {
type = ((element2 as ClassElement)).type;
} else {
type = _typeProvider.typeType;
} else if (element2 is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
type = ((element2 as FunctionTypeAliasElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is MethodElement) {
type = ((element2 as MethodElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is PropertyAccessorElement) {
type = getType3((element2 as PropertyAccessorElement), node.prefix.staticType);
} else if (element2 is ExecutableElement) {
type = ((element2 as ExecutableElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is TypeVariableElement) {
type = ((element2 as TypeVariableElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is VariableElement) {
type = ((element2 as VariableElement)).type;
} else {
type = _dynamicType;
recordType(prefixedIdentifier, type);
return recordType(node, type);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.27: <blockquote>A unary expression <i>u</i> of the form
* <i>op e</i> is equivalent to a method invocation <i>expression e.op()</i>. An expression of the
* form <i>op super</i> is equivalent to the method invocation <i>super.op()<i>.</blockquote>
Object visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
sc.TokenType operator2 = node.operator.type;
if (identical(operator2, sc.TokenType.BANG)) {
return recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType);
return recordReturnType(node, node.element);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.13: <blockquote> Property extraction allows for a member of
* an object to be concisely extracted from the object. If <i>o</i> is an object, and if <i>m</i>
* is the name of a method member of <i>o</i>, then
* <ul>
* <li><i>o.m</i> is defined to be equivalent to: <i>(r<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, r<sub>n</sub>,
* {p<sub>1</sub> : d<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, p<sub>k</sub> : d<sub>k</sub>}){return
* o.m(r<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, r<sub>n</sub>, p<sub>1</sub>: p<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* p<sub>k</sub>: p<sub>k</sub>);}</i> if <i>m</i> has required parameters <i>r<sub>1</sub>,
* &hellip;, r<sub>n</sub></i>, and named parameters <i>p<sub>1</sub> &hellip; p<sub>k</sub></i>
* with defaults <i>d<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, d<sub>k</sub></i>.</li>
* <li><i>(r<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, r<sub>n</sub>, \[p<sub>1</sub> = d<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* p<sub>k</sub> = d<sub>k</sub>\]){return o.m(r<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, r<sub>n</sub>,
* p<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, p<sub>k</sub>);}</i> if <i>m</i> has required parameters
* <i>r<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, r<sub>n</sub></i>, and optional positional parameters
* <i>p<sub>1</sub> &hellip; p<sub>k</sub></i> with defaults <i>d<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* d<sub>k</sub></i>.</li>
* </ul>
* Otherwise, if <i>m</i> is the name of a getter member of <i>o</i> (declared implicitly or
* explicitly) then <i>o.m</i> evaluates to the result of invoking the getter. </blockquote>
* <p>
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.17: <blockquote> ... a getter invocation <i>i</i> of the
* form <i>e.m</i> ...
* <p>
* Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e</i>. It is a static type warning if <i>T</i> does not
* have a getter named <i>m</i>.
* <p>
* The static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>T.m</i>, if <i>T.m</i> exists;
* otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is dynamic.
* <p>
* ... a getter invocation <i>i</i> of the form <i>C.m</i> ...
* <p>
* It is a static warning if there is no class <i>C</i> in the enclosing lexical scope of
* <i>i</i>, or if <i>C</i> does not declare, implicitly or explicitly, a getter named <i>m</i>.
* <p>
* The static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>C.m</i> if it exists or dynamic
* otherwise.
* <p>
* ... a top-level getter invocation <i>i</i> of the form <i>m</i>, where <i>m</i> is an
* identifier ...
* <p>
* The static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>m</i>.</blockquote>
Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
SimpleIdentifier propertyName2 = node.propertyName;
Element element2 = propertyName2.element;
Type2 type = _overrideManager.getType(element2);
if (type != null) {
return recordType(node, type);
if (element2 is MethodElement) {
FunctionType type2 = ((element2 as MethodElement)).type;
recordType(propertyName2, type2);
return recordType(node, type2);
} else if (element2 is PropertyAccessorElement) {
Type2 propertyType = getType3((element2 as PropertyAccessorElement), != null ? : null);
recordType(propertyName2, propertyType);
return recordType(node, propertyType);
} else {
recordType(propertyName2, _dynamicType);
return recordType(node, _dynamicType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.9: <blockquote>The static type of a rethrow expression is
* bottom.</blockquote>
Object visitRethrowExpression(RethrowExpression node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.bottomType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.30: <blockquote>Evaluation of an identifier expression
* <i>e</i> of the form <i>id</i> proceeds as follows:
* <p>
* Let <i>d</i> be the innermost declaration in the enclosing lexical scope whose name is
* <i>id</i>. If no such declaration exists in the lexical scope, let <i>d</i> be the declaration
* of the inherited member named <i>id</i> if it exists.
* <ul>
* <li>If <i>d</i> is a class or type alias <i>T</i>, the value of <i>e</i> is the unique instance
* of class {@code Type} reifying <i>T</i>.
* <li>If <i>d</i> is a type parameter <i>T</i>, then the value of <i>e</i> is the value of the
* actual type argument corresponding to <i>T</i> that was passed to the generative constructor
* that created the current binding of this. We are assured that this is well defined, because if
* we were in a static member the reference to <i>T</i> would be a compile-time error.
* <li>If <i>d</i> is a library variable then:
* <ul>
* <li>If <i>d</i> is of one of the forms <i>var v = e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, <i>T v =
* e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, <i>final v = e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, <i>final T v = e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, and no
* value has yet been stored into <i>v</i> then the initializer expression <i>e<sub>i</sub></i> is
* evaluated. If, during the evaluation of <i>e<sub>i</sub></i>, the getter for <i>v</i> is
* referenced, a CyclicInitializationError is thrown. If the evaluation succeeded yielding an
* object <i>o</i>, let <i>r = o</i>, otherwise let <i>r = null</i>. In any case, <i>r</i> is
* stored into <i>v</i>. The value of <i>e</i> is <i>r</i>.
* <li>If <i>d</i> is of one of the forms <i>const v = e;</i> or <i>const T v = e;</i> the result
* of the getter is the value of the compile time constant <i>e</i>. Otherwise
* <li><i>e</i> evaluates to the current binding of <i>id</i>.
* </ul>
* <li>If <i>d</i> is a local variable or formal parameter then <i>e</i> evaluates to the current
* binding of <i>id</i>.
* <li>If <i>d</i> is a static method, top level function or local function then <i>e</i>
* evaluates to the function defined by <i>d</i>.
* <li>If <i>d</i> is the declaration of a static variable or static getter declared in class
* <i>C</i>, then <i>e</i> is equivalent to the getter invocation <i></i>.
* <li>If <i>d</i> is the declaration of a top level getter, then <i>e</i> is equivalent to the
* getter invocation <i>id</i>.
* <li>Otherwise, if <i>e</i> occurs inside a top level or static function (be it function,
* method, getter, or setter) or variable initializer, evaluation of e causes a NoSuchMethodError
* to be thrown.
* <li>Otherwise <i>e</i> is equivalent to the property extraction <i></i>.
* </ul>
* </blockquote>
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
Element element2 = node.element;
if (element2 == null) {
return recordType(node, _dynamicType);
Type2 type = _overrideManager.getType(element2);
if (type != null) {
return recordType(node, type);
Type2 type;
if (element2 is ClassElement) {
if (isNotTypeLiteral(node)) {
type = ((element2 as ClassElement)).type;
} else {
type = _typeProvider.typeType;
} else if (element2 is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
type = ((element2 as FunctionTypeAliasElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is MethodElement) {
type = ((element2 as MethodElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is PropertyAccessorElement) {
type = getType3((element2 as PropertyAccessorElement), null);
} else if (element2 is ExecutableElement) {
type = ((element2 as ExecutableElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is TypeVariableElement) {
type = ((element2 as TypeVariableElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is VariableElement) {
type = ((element2 as VariableElement)).type;
} else if (element2 is PrefixElement) {
return null;
} else {
type = _dynamicType;
return recordType(node, type);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a string literal is{@code String}.</blockquote>
Object visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.stringType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a string literal is{@code String}.</blockquote>
Object visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.stringType);
Object visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
if (_thisType == null) {
return recordType(node, _dynamicType);
} else {
return recordType(node, _thisType.superclass);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.10: <blockquote>The static type of {@code this} is the
* interface of the immediately enclosing class.</blockquote>
Object visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
if (_thisType == null) {
return recordType(node, _dynamicType);
} else {
return recordType(node, _thisType);
* The Dart Language Specification, 12.8: <blockquote>The static type of a throw expression is
* bottom.</blockquote>
Object visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.bottomType);
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
Expression initializer2 = node.initializer;
if (initializer2 != null) {
Type2 rightType = getType2(initializer2);
VariableElement element2 = as VariableElement;
if (element2 != null) {
override(element2, getType(element2), rightType);
return null;
* Given a function declaration, compute the return type of the function. The return type of
* functions with a block body is {@code dynamicType}, with an expression body it is the type of
* the expression.
* @param node the function expression whose return type is to be computed
* @return the return type that was computed
Type2 computeReturnType(FunctionDeclaration node) {
TypeName returnType2 = node.returnType;
if (returnType2 == null) {
return computeReturnType2(node.functionExpression);
return returnType2.type;
* Given a function expression, compute the return type of the function. The return type of
* functions with a block body is {@code dynamicType}, with an expression body it is the type of
* the expression.
* @param node the function expression whose return type is to be computed
* @return the return type that was computed
Type2 computeReturnType2(FunctionExpression node) {
FunctionBody body2 = node.body;
if (body2 is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return getType2(((body2 as ExpressionFunctionBody)).expression);
return _dynamicType;
* If the given argument list contains at least one argument, and if the argument is a simple
* string literal, then parse that argument as a query string and return the type specified by the
* argument.
* @param library the library in which the specified type would be defined
* @param argumentList the list of arguments from which a type is to be extracted
* @return the type specified by the first argument in the argument list
Type2 getFirstArgumentAsQuery(LibraryElement library, ArgumentList argumentList) {
String argumentValue = getFirstArgumentAsString(argumentList);
if (argumentValue != null) {
if (argumentValue.contains(" ")) {
return null;
String tag = argumentValue;
tag = StringUtilities.substringBefore(tag, ":");
tag = StringUtilities.substringBefore(tag, "[");
tag = StringUtilities.substringBefore(tag, ".");
tag = StringUtilities.substringBefore(tag, "#");
tag = _HTML_ELEMENT_TO_CLASS_MAP[tag.toLowerCase()];
ClassElement returnType = library.getType(tag);
if (returnType != null) {
return returnType.type;
return null;
* If the given argument list contains at least one argument, and if the argument is a simple
* string literal, return the String value of the argument.
* @param argumentList the list of arguments from which a string value is to be extracted
* @return the string specified by the first argument in the argument list
String getFirstArgumentAsString(ArgumentList argumentList) {
NodeList<Expression> arguments2 = argumentList.arguments;
if (arguments2.length > 0) {
Expression argument = arguments2[0];
if (argument is SimpleStringLiteral) {
return ((argument as SimpleStringLiteral)).value;
return null;
* If the given argument list contains at least one argument, and if the argument is a simple
* string literal, and if the value of the argument is the name of a class defined within the
* given library, return the type specified by the argument.
* @param library the library in which the specified type would be defined
* @param argumentList the list of arguments from which a type is to be extracted
* @return the type specified by the first argument in the argument list
Type2 getFirstArgumentAsType(LibraryElement library, ArgumentList argumentList) => getFirstArgumentAsType2(library, argumentList, null);
* If the given argument list contains at least one argument, and if the argument is a simple
* string literal, and if the value of the argument is the name of a class defined within the
* given library, return the type specified by the argument.
* @param library the library in which the specified type would be defined
* @param argumentList the list of arguments from which a type is to be extracted
* @return the type specified by the first argument in the argument list
Type2 getFirstArgumentAsType2(LibraryElement library, ArgumentList argumentList, Map<String, String> nameMap) {
String argumentValue = getFirstArgumentAsString(argumentList);
if (argumentValue != null) {
if (nameMap != null) {
argumentValue = nameMap[argumentValue.toLowerCase()];
ClassElement returnType = library.getType(argumentValue);
if (returnType != null) {
return returnType.type;
return null;
* Return the type of the given (overridable) element.
* @param element the element whose type is to be returned
* @return the type of the given element
Type2 getType(Element element) {
if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
return ((element as LocalVariableElement)).type;
} else if (element is ParameterElement) {
return ((element as ParameterElement)).type;
return null;
* Return the type of the given expression that is to be used for type analysis.
* @param expression the expression whose type is to be returned
* @return the type of the given expression
Type2 getType2(Expression expression) {
Type2 type = expression.staticType;
if (type == null) {
return _dynamicType;
return type;
* Return the type that should be recorded for a node that resolved to the given accessor.
* @param accessor the accessor that the node resolved to
* @param context if the accessor element has context \[by being the RHS of a{@link PrefixedIdentifier} or {@link PropertyAccess}\], and the return type of the
* accessor is a parameter type, then the type of the LHS can be used to get more
* specific type information
* @return the type that should be recorded for a node that resolved to the given accessor
Type2 getType3(PropertyAccessorElement accessor, Type2 context) {
FunctionType functionType = accessor.type;
if (functionType == null) {
return _dynamicType;
if (accessor.isSetter()) {
List<Type2> parameterTypes = functionType.normalParameterTypes;
if (parameterTypes != null && parameterTypes.length > 0) {
return parameterTypes[0];
PropertyAccessorElement getter2 = accessor.variable.getter;
if (getter2 != null) {
functionType = getter2.type;
if (functionType != null) {
return functionType.returnType;
return _dynamicType;
Type2 returnType2 = functionType.returnType;
if (returnType2 is TypeVariableType && context is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceTypeContext = (context as InterfaceType);
List<TypeVariableElement> parameterElements = interfaceTypeContext.element != null ? interfaceTypeContext.element.typeVariables : null;
if (parameterElements != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameterElements.length; i++) {
TypeVariableElement varElt = parameterElements[i];
if ( == {
return interfaceTypeContext.typeArguments[i];
return returnType2;
* Return the type represented by the given type name.
* @param typeName the type name representing the type to be returned
* @return the type represented by the type name
Type2 getType4(TypeName typeName) {
Type2 type2 = typeName.type;
if (type2 == null) {
return _dynamicType;
return type2;
* Return {@code true} if the given library is the 'dart:html' library.
* @param library the library being tested
* @return {@code true} if the library is 'dart:html'
bool isHtmlLibrary(LibraryElement library) => == "dart.dom.html";
* Return {@code true} if the given node is not a type literal.
* @param node the node being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given node is not a type literal
bool isNotTypeLiteral(Identifier node) {
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
return parent2 is TypeName || (parent2 is PrefixedIdentifier && (parent2.parent is TypeName || identical(((parent2 as PrefixedIdentifier)).prefix, node))) || (parent2 is PropertyAccess && identical(((parent2 as PropertyAccess)).target, node)) || (parent2 is MethodInvocation && identical(node, ((parent2 as MethodInvocation)).target));
* If it is appropriate to do so, override the type of the given element. Use the static type and
* inferred type of the element to determine whether or not it is appropriate.
* @param element the element whose type might be overridden
* @param staticType the static type of the element
* @param inferredType the inferred type of the element
void override(VariableElement element, Type2 staticType, Type2 inferredType) {
if (identical(inferredType, BottomTypeImpl.instance)) {
if (element is PropertyInducingElement) {
PropertyInducingElement variable = element as PropertyInducingElement;
if (!variable.isConst() && !variable.isFinal()) {
if (staticType == null || (inferredType != null && inferredType.isMoreSpecificThan(staticType))) {
_overrideManager.setType(element, inferredType);
* Record that the static type of the given node is the type of the second argument to the method
* represented by the given element.
* @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
* @param element the element representing the method invoked by the given node
Object recordArgumentType(IndexExpression expression, MethodElement element) {
if (element != null) {
List<ParameterElement> parameters2 = element.parameters;
if (parameters2 != null && parameters2.length == 2) {
return recordType(expression, parameters2[1].type);
return recordType(expression, _dynamicType);
* Record that the static type of the given node is the return type of the method or function
* represented by the given element.
* @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
* @param element the element representing the method or function invoked by the given node
Object recordReturnType(Expression expression, Element element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
FunctionType propertyType = ((element as PropertyAccessorElement)).type;
if (propertyType != null) {
Type2 returnType2 = propertyType.returnType;
if (returnType2 is FunctionType) {
Type2 innerReturnType = ((returnType2 as FunctionType)).returnType;
if (innerReturnType != null) {
return recordType(expression, innerReturnType);
} else if (returnType2.isDartCoreFunction()) {
return recordType(expression, _dynamicType);
if (returnType2 != null) {
return recordType(expression, returnType2);
} else if (element is ExecutableElement) {
FunctionType type2 = ((element as ExecutableElement)).type;
if (type2 != null) {
return recordType(expression, type2.returnType);
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
Type2 variableType = ((element as VariableElement)).type;
if (variableType is FunctionType) {
return recordType(expression, ((variableType as FunctionType)).returnType);
return recordType(expression, _dynamicType);
* Record that the static type of the given node is the given type.
* @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
* @param type the static type of the node
Object recordType(Expression expression, Type2 type) {
if (type == null) {
expression.staticType = _dynamicType;
} else {
expression.staticType = type;
return null;
* Set the return type and parameter type information for the given function type based on the
* given return type and parameter elements.
* @param functionType the function type to be filled in
* @param returnType the return type of the function, or {@code null} if no type was declared
* @param parameters the elements representing the parameters to the function
void setTypeInformation(FunctionTypeImpl functionType, Type2 returnType2, FormalParameterList parameterList) {
List<Type2> normalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>();
List<Type2> optionalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>();
LinkedHashMap<String, Type2> namedParameterTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Type2>();
if (parameterList != null) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameterList.elements) {
while (true) {
if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.REQUIRED) {
} else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) {
} else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
namedParameterTypes[] = parameter.type;
functionType.normalParameterTypes = new List.from(normalParameterTypes);
functionType.optionalParameterTypes = new List.from(optionalParameterTypes);
functionType.namedParameterTypes = namedParameterTypes;
functionType.returnType = returnType2;
get thisType_J2DAccessor => _thisType;
set thisType_J2DAccessor(__v) => _thisType = __v;
* Instances of the class {@code TypeOverrideManager} manage the ability to override the type of an
* element within a given context.
class TypeOverrideManager {
* The current override scope, or {@code null} if no scope has been entered.
TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope _currentScope;
* Initialize a newly created override manager to not be in any scope.
TypeOverrideManager() : super() {
* Enter a new override scope.
void enterScope() {
_currentScope = new TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope(_currentScope);
* Exit the current override scope.
void exitScope() {
if (_currentScope == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No scope to exit");
_currentScope = _currentScope._outerScope;
* Return the overridden type of the given element, or {@code null} if the type of the element has
* not been overridden.
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @return the overridden type of the given element
Type2 getType(Element element) {
if (_currentScope == null) {
return null;
return _currentScope.getType(element);
* Set the overridden type of the given element to the given type
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @param type the overridden type of the given element
void setType(Element element, Type2 type) {
if (_currentScope == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot override without a scope");
_currentScope.setType(element, type);
* Instances of the class {@code TypeOverrideScope} represent a scope in which the types of
* elements can be overridden.
class TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope {
* The outer scope in which types might be overridden.
TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope _outerScope;
* A table mapping elements to the overridden type of that element.
Map<Element, Type2> _overridenTypes = new Map<Element, Type2>();
* Initialize a newly created scope to be an empty child of the given scope.
* @param outerScope the outer scope in which types might be overridden
TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope(TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope outerScope) {
this._outerScope = outerScope;
* Return the overridden type of the given element, or {@code null} if the type of the element
* has not been overridden.
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @return the overridden type of the given element
Type2 getType(Element element) {
Type2 type = _overridenTypes[element];
if (type == null && element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
type = _overridenTypes[((element as PropertyAccessorElement)).variable];
if (type != null) {
return type;
} else if (_outerScope != null) {
return _outerScope.getType(element);
return null;
* Set the overridden type of the given element to the given type
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @param type the overridden type of the given element
void setType(Element element, Type2 type) {
_overridenTypes[element] = type;
* The interface {@code TypeProvider} defines the behavior of objects that provide access to types
* defined by the language.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
abstract class TypeProvider {
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'bool'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'bool'
InterfaceType get boolType;
* Return the type representing the type 'bottom'.
* @return the type representing the type 'bottom'
Type2 get bottomType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'double'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'double'
InterfaceType get doubleType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'
Type2 get dynamicType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Function'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'Function'
InterfaceType get functionType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'int'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'int'
InterfaceType get intType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'List'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'List'
InterfaceType get listType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Map'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'Map'
InterfaceType get mapType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'num'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'num'
InterfaceType get numType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Object'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'Object'
InterfaceType get objectType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'
InterfaceType get stackTraceType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'String'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'String'
InterfaceType get stringType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Type'.
* @return the type representing the built-in type 'Type'
InterfaceType get typeType;
* Instances of the class {@code TypeProviderImpl} provide access to types defined by the language
* by looking for those types in the element model for the core library.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class TypeProviderImpl implements TypeProvider {
* The type representing the built-in type 'bool'.
InterfaceType _boolType;
* The type representing the type 'bottom'.
Type2 _bottomType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'double'.
InterfaceType _doubleType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'.
Type2 _dynamicType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Function'.
InterfaceType _functionType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'int'.
InterfaceType _intType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'List'.
InterfaceType _listType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Map'.
InterfaceType _mapType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'num'.
InterfaceType _numType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Object'.
InterfaceType _objectType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'.
InterfaceType _stackTraceType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'String'.
InterfaceType _stringType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Type'.
InterfaceType _typeType;
* Initialize a newly created type provider to provide the types defined in the given library.
* @param coreLibrary the element representing the core library (dart:core).
TypeProviderImpl(LibraryElement coreLibrary) {
InterfaceType get boolType => _boolType;
Type2 get bottomType => _bottomType;
InterfaceType get doubleType => _doubleType;
Type2 get dynamicType => _dynamicType;
InterfaceType get functionType => _functionType;
InterfaceType get intType => _intType;
InterfaceType get listType => _listType;
InterfaceType get mapType => _mapType;
InterfaceType get numType => _numType;
InterfaceType get objectType => _objectType;
InterfaceType get stackTraceType => _stackTraceType;
InterfaceType get stringType => _stringType;
InterfaceType get typeType => _typeType;
* Return the type with the given name from the given namespace, or {@code null} if there is no
* class with the given name.
* @param namespace the namespace in which to search for the given name
* @param typeName the name of the type being searched for
* @return the type that was found
InterfaceType getType(Namespace namespace, String typeName) {
Element element = namespace.get(typeName);
if (element == null) {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logInformation("No definition of type ${typeName}");
return null;
return ((element as ClassElement)).type;
* Initialize the types provided by this type provider from the given library.
* @param library the library containing the definitions of the core types
void initializeFrom(LibraryElement library) {
Namespace namespace = new NamespaceBuilder().createPublicNamespace(library);
_boolType = getType(namespace, "bool");
_bottomType = BottomTypeImpl.instance;
_doubleType = getType(namespace, "double");
_dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
_functionType = getType(namespace, "Function");
_intType = getType(namespace, "int");
_listType = getType(namespace, "List");
_mapType = getType(namespace, "Map");
_numType = getType(namespace, "num");
_objectType = getType(namespace, "Object");
_stackTraceType = getType(namespace, "StackTrace");
_stringType = getType(namespace, "String");
_typeType = getType(namespace, "Type");
* Instances of the class {@code TypeResolverVisitor} are used to resolve the types associated with
* the elements in the element model. This includes the types of superclasses, mixins, interfaces,
* fields, methods, parameters, and local variables. As a side-effect, this also finishes building
* the type hierarchy.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class TypeResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor {
* The type representing the type 'dynamic'.
Type2 _dynamicType;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param library the library containing the compilation unit being resolved
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited
* @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core library
TypeResolverVisitor.con1(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider) : super.con1(library, source, typeProvider) {
_jtd_constructor_274_impl(library, source, typeProvider);
_jtd_constructor_274_impl(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
_dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation unit.
* @param definingLibrary the element for the library containing the compilation unit being
* visited
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited
* @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core library
* @param errorListener the error listener that will be informed of any errors that are found
* during resolution
TypeResolverVisitor.con2(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) : super.con2(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener) {
_jtd_constructor_275_impl(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener);
_jtd_constructor_275_impl(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
_dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exception = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exception != null) {
TypeName exceptionTypeName = node.exceptionType;
Type2 exceptionType;
if (exceptionTypeName == null) {
exceptionType = typeProvider.objectType;
} else {
exceptionType = getType5(exceptionTypeName);
recordType(exception, exceptionType);
Element element2 = exception.element;
if (element2 is VariableElementImpl) {
((element2 as VariableElementImpl)).type = exceptionType;
} else {
SimpleIdentifier stackTrace = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTrace != null) {
recordType(stackTrace, typeProvider.stackTraceType);
return null;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElementImpl classElement = getClassElement(;
InterfaceType superclassType = null;
ExtendsClause extendsClause2 = node.extendsClause;
if (extendsClause2 != null) {
superclassType = resolveType(extendsClause2.superclass, CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS);
if (superclassType != typeProvider.objectType) {
classElement.validMixin = false;
if (classElement != null) {
if (superclassType == null) {
InterfaceType objectType2 = typeProvider.objectType;
if (classElement.type != objectType2) {
superclassType = objectType2;
classElement.supertype = superclassType;
resolve(classElement, node.withClause, node.implementsClause);
return null;
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ClassElementImpl classElement = getClassElement(;
InterfaceType superclassType = resolveType(node.superclass, CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS);
if (superclassType == null) {
superclassType = typeProvider.objectType;
if (classElement != null && superclassType != null) {
classElement.supertype = superclassType;
resolve(classElement, node.withClause, node.implementsClause);
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElementImpl element2 = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element2);
setTypeInformation(type, null, element2.parameters);
type.returnType = ((element2.enclosingElement as ClassElement)).type;
element2.type = type;
return null;
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
Type2 declaredType;
TypeName typeName = node.type;
if (typeName == null) {
declaredType = _dynamicType;
} else {
declaredType = getType5(typeName);
LocalVariableElementImpl element2 = node.element as LocalVariableElementImpl;
element2.type = declaredType;
return null;
Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
return null;
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
Element element2 = node.identifier.element;
if (element2 is ParameterElementImpl) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = element2 as ParameterElementImpl;
Type2 type;
TypeName typeName = node.type;
if (typeName == null) {
type = _dynamicType;
} else {
type = getType5(typeName);
parameter.type = type;
} else {
return null;
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElementImpl element2 = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element2);
setTypeInformation(type, node.returnType, element2.parameters);
element2.type = type;
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl element2 = node.element as FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl;
FunctionTypeImpl type2 = element2.type as FunctionTypeImpl;
setTypeInformation(type2, node.returnType, element2.parameters);
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
ParameterElementImpl element2 = node.identifier.element as ParameterElementImpl;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1((null as ExecutableElement));
setTypeInformation(type, node.returnType, getElements(node.parameters));
element2.type = type;
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElementImpl element2 = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl;
FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element2);
setTypeInformation(type, node.returnType, element2.parameters);
element2.type = type;
if (element2 is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = element2 as PropertyAccessorElement;
PropertyInducingElementImpl variable2 = accessor.variable as PropertyInducingElementImpl;
if (accessor.isGetter()) {
variable2.type = type.returnType;
} else if (variable2.type == null) {
List<Type2> parameterTypes = type.normalParameterTypes;
if (parameterTypes != null && parameterTypes.length > 0) {
variable2.type = parameterTypes[0];
return null;
Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
Type2 declaredType;
TypeName typeName = node.type;
if (typeName == null) {
declaredType = _dynamicType;
} else {
declaredType = getType5(typeName);
Element element2 = node.identifier.element;
if (element2 is ParameterElement) {
((element2 as ParameterElementImpl)).type = declaredType;
} else {
return null;
Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
Identifier typeName =;
TypeArgumentList argumentList = node.typeArguments;
Element element = nameScope.lookup(typeName, definingLibrary);
if (element == null) {
if ( == {
setElement(typeName, _dynamicType.element);
if (argumentList != null) {
typeName.staticType = _dynamicType;
node.type = _dynamicType;
return null;
VoidTypeImpl voidType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
if ( == {
if (argumentList != null) {
typeName.staticType = voidType;
node.type = voidType;
return null;
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
if (typeName is PrefixedIdentifier && parent2 is ConstructorName && argumentList == null) {
ConstructorName name = parent2 as ConstructorName;
if ( == null) {
SimpleIdentifier prefix2 = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).prefix;
element = nameScope.lookup(prefix2, definingLibrary);
if (element is PrefixElement) {
return null;
} else if (element != null) { = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).identifier;
name.period = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).period; = prefix2;
typeName = prefix2;
if (element == null) {
Identifier simpleIdentifier;
if (typeName is SimpleIdentifier) {
simpleIdentifier = typeName;
} else {
simpleIdentifier = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).prefix;
if ( == "boolean") {
reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS_BOOLEAN, simpleIdentifier, []);
} else {
reportError(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS, simpleIdentifier, []);
setElement(typeName, _dynamicType.element);
typeName.staticType = _dynamicType;
node.type = _dynamicType;
return null;
Type2 type = null;
if (element is ClassElement) {
setElement(typeName, element);
type = ((element as ClassElement)).type;
} else if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
setElement(typeName, element);
type = ((element as FunctionTypeAliasElement)).type;
} else if (element is TypeVariableElement) {
setElement(typeName, element);
type = ((element as TypeVariableElement)).type;
if (argumentList != null) {
} else if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
List<Element> elements = ((element as MultiplyDefinedElement)).conflictingElements;
type = getType(elements);
if (type != null) {
node.type = type;
} else {
setElement(typeName, _dynamicType.element);
typeName.staticType = _dynamicType;
node.type = _dynamicType;
return null;
if (argumentList != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> arguments2 = argumentList.arguments;
int argumentCount = arguments2.length;
List<Type2> parameters = getTypeArguments(type);
int parameterCount = parameters.length;
int count = Math.min(argumentCount, parameterCount);
List<Type2> typeArguments = new List<Type2>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Type2 argumentType = getType5(arguments2[i]);
if (argumentType != null) {
if (argumentCount != parameterCount) {
reportError(getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(node), node, [, parameterCount, argumentCount]);
argumentCount = typeArguments.length;
if (argumentCount < parameterCount) {
for (int i = argumentCount; i < parameterCount; i++) {
if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
InterfaceTypeImpl interfaceType = type as InterfaceTypeImpl;
type = interfaceType.substitute5(new List.from(typeArguments));
} else if (type is FunctionTypeImpl) {
FunctionTypeImpl functionType = type as FunctionTypeImpl;
type = functionType.substitute4(new List.from(typeArguments));
} else {
} else {
List<Type2> parameters = getTypeArguments(type);
int parameterCount = parameters.length;
if (parameterCount > 0) {
DynamicTypeImpl dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
List<Type2> arguments = new List<Type2>(parameterCount);
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
arguments[i] = dynamicType;
type = type.substitute2(arguments, parameters);
typeName.staticType = type;
node.type = type;
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
Type2 declaredType;
TypeName typeName = ((node.parent as VariableDeclarationList)).type;
if (typeName == null) {
declaredType = _dynamicType;
} else {
declaredType = getType5(typeName);
Element element2 =;
if (element2 is VariableElement) {
((element2 as VariableElementImpl)).type = declaredType;
if (element2 is PropertyInducingElement) {
PropertyInducingElement variableElement = element2 as PropertyInducingElement;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter2 = variableElement.getter as PropertyAccessorElementImpl;
FunctionTypeImpl getterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(getter2);
getterType.returnType = declaredType;
getter2.type = getterType;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter2 = variableElement.setter as PropertyAccessorElementImpl;
if (setter2 != null) {
FunctionTypeImpl setterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(setter2);
setterType.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
setterType.normalParameterTypes = <Type2> [declaredType];
setter2.type = setterType;
} else {
return null;
* Return the class element that represents the class whose name was provided.
* @param identifier the name from the declaration of a class
* @return the class element that represents the class
ClassElementImpl getClassElement(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
if (identifier == null) {
return null;
Element element2 = identifier.element;
if (element2 is! ClassElementImpl) {
return null;
return element2 as ClassElementImpl;
* Return an array containing all of the elements associated with the parameters in the given
* list.
* @param parameterList the list of parameters whose elements are to be returned
* @return the elements associated with the parameters
List<ParameterElement> getElements(FormalParameterList parameterList) {
List<ParameterElement> elements = new List<ParameterElement>();
for (FormalParameter parameter in parameterList.parameters) {
ParameterElement element2 = parameter.identifier.element as ParameterElement;
if (element2 != null) {
return new List.from(elements);
* The number of type arguments in the given type name does not match the number of parameters in
* the corresponding class element. Return the error code that should be used to report this
* error.
* @param node the type name with the wrong number of type arguments
* @return the error code that should be used to report that the wrong number of type arguments
* were provided
ErrorCode getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(TypeName node) {
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
if (parent2 is ConstructorName) {
parent2 = parent2.parent;
if (parent2 is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if (((parent2 as InstanceCreationExpression)).isConst()) {
} else {
return StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS;
* Given the multiple elements to which a single name could potentially be resolved, return the
* single interface type that should be used, or {@code null} if there is no clear choice.
* @param elements the elements to which a single name could potentially be resolved
* @return the single interface type that should be used for the type name
InterfaceType getType(List<Element> elements) {
InterfaceType type = null;
for (Element element in elements) {
if (element is ClassElement) {
if (type != null) {
return null;
type = ((element as ClassElement)).type;
return type;
* Return the type represented by the given type name.
* @param typeName the type name representing the type to be returned
* @return the type represented by the type name
Type2 getType5(TypeName typeName) {
Type2 type2 = typeName.type;
if (type2 == null) {
return _dynamicType;
return type2;
* Return the type arguments associated with the given type.
* @param type the type whole type arguments are to be returned
* @return the type arguments associated with the given type
List<Type2> getTypeArguments(Type2 type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return ((type as InterfaceType)).typeArguments;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
return ((type as FunctionType)).typeArguments;
return TypeImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Record that the static type of the given node is the given type.
* @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
* @param type the static type of the node
Object recordType(Expression expression, Type2 type) {
if (type == null) {
expression.staticType = _dynamicType;
} else {
expression.staticType = type;
return null;
* Resolve the types in the given with and implements clauses and associate those types with the
* given class element.
* @param classElement the class element with which the mixin and interface types are to be
* associated
* @param withClause the with clause to be resolved
* @param implementsClause the implements clause to be resolved
void resolve(ClassElementImpl classElement, WithClause withClause, ImplementsClause implementsClause) {
if (withClause != null) {
List<InterfaceType> mixinTypes2 = resolveTypes(withClause.mixinTypes, CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_OF_NON_CLASS);
if (classElement != null) {
classElement.mixins = mixinTypes2;
if (implementsClause != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> interfaces2 = implementsClause.interfaces;
List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes = resolveTypes(interfaces2, CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_NON_CLASS);
List<TypeName> typeNames = new List.from(interfaces2);
String dynamicKeyword = sc.Keyword.DYNAMIC.syntax;
List<bool> detectedRepeatOnIndex = new List<bool>.filled(typeNames.length, false);
for (int i = 0; i < detectedRepeatOnIndex.length; i++) {
detectedRepeatOnIndex[i] = false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++) {
TypeName typeName = typeNames[i];
String name3 =;
if (name3 == dynamicKeyword) {
reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DYNAMIC, typeName, []);
} else {
Element element3 =;
if (element3 != null && element3 == classElement) {
reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_SELF, typeName, [name3]);
if (!detectedRepeatOnIndex[i]) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < typeNames.length; j++) {
Element element4 =;
TypeName typeName2 = typeNames[j];
Identifier identifier2 =;
String name2 =;
Element element2 = identifier2.element;
if (element4 != null && element4 == element2) {
detectedRepeatOnIndex[j] = true;
reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_REPEATED, typeName2, [name2]);
if (classElement != null) {
classElement.interfaces = interfaceTypes;
* Return the type specified by the given name.
* @param typeName the type name specifying the type to be returned
* @param nonTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be something other than
* a type
* @return the type specified by the type name
InterfaceType resolveType(TypeName typeName, ErrorCode nonTypeError) {
Type2 type2 = typeName.type;
if (type2 is InterfaceType) {
return type2 as InterfaceType;
Identifier name2 =;
if ( != sc.Keyword.DYNAMIC.syntax) {
reportError(nonTypeError, name2, []);
return null;
* Resolve the types in the given list of type names.
* @param typeNames the type names to be resolved
* @param nonTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be something other than
* a type
* @return an array containing all of the types that were resolved.
List<InterfaceType> resolveTypes(NodeList<TypeName> typeNames, ErrorCode nonTypeError) {
List<InterfaceType> types = new List<InterfaceType>();
for (TypeName typeName in typeNames) {
InterfaceType type = resolveType(typeName, nonTypeError);
if (type != null) {
return new List.from(types);
void setElement(Identifier typeName, Element element2) {
if (element2 != null) {
if (typeName is SimpleIdentifier) {
((typeName as SimpleIdentifier)).element = element2;
} else if (typeName is PrefixedIdentifier) {
PrefixedIdentifier identifier = typeName as PrefixedIdentifier;
identifier.identifier.element = element2;
SimpleIdentifier prefix2 = identifier.prefix;
Element prefixElement = nameScope.lookup(prefix2, definingLibrary);
if (prefixElement != null) {
prefix2.element = prefixElement;
* Set the return type and parameter type information for the given function type based on the
* given return type and parameter elements.
* @param functionType the function type to be filled in
* @param returnType the return type of the function, or {@code null} if no type was declared
* @param parameters the elements representing the parameters to the function
void setTypeInformation(FunctionTypeImpl functionType, TypeName returnType2, List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
List<Type2> normalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>();
List<Type2> optionalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>();
LinkedHashMap<String, Type2> namedParameterTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Type2>();
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
while (true) {
if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.REQUIRED) {
} else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) {
} else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
namedParameterTypes[] = parameter.type;
if (!normalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
functionType.normalParameterTypes = new List.from(normalParameterTypes);
if (!optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
functionType.optionalParameterTypes = new List.from(optionalParameterTypes);
if (!namedParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
functionType.namedParameterTypes = namedParameterTypes;
if (returnType2 == null) {
functionType.returnType = _dynamicType;
} else {
functionType.returnType = returnType2.type;
* Instances of the class {@code ClassScope} implement the scope defined by a class.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ClassScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope.
* @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed
* @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this scope
ClassScope(Scope enclosingScope, ClassElement typeElement) : super(new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope)) {
* Define the instance members defined by the class.
* @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this scope
void defineMembers(ClassElement typeElement) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in typeElement.accessors) {
for (MethodElement method in typeElement.methods) {
* Define the type parameters for the class.
* @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this scope
void defineTypeParameters(ClassElement typeElement) {
Scope parameterScope = enclosingScope;
for (TypeVariableElement parameter in typeElement.typeVariables) {
* Instances of the class {@code EnclosedScope} implement a scope that is lexically enclosed in
* another scope.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class EnclosedScope extends Scope {
* The scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed.
Scope _enclosingScope;
* Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope.
* @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed
EnclosedScope(Scope enclosingScope) {
this._enclosingScope = enclosingScope;
LibraryElement get definingLibrary => _enclosingScope.definingLibrary;
AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener => _enclosingScope.errorListener;
* Return the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed.
* @return the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed
Scope get enclosingScope => _enclosingScope;
Element lookup3(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
Element element = localLookup(name, referencingLibrary);
if (element != null) {
return element;
return _enclosingScope.lookup3(name, referencingLibrary);
* Instances of the class {@code FunctionScope} implement the scope defined by a function.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class FunctionScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope.
* @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed
* @param functionElement the element representing the type represented by this scope
FunctionScope(Scope enclosingScope, ExecutableElement functionElement) : super(new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope)) {
* Define the parameters for the given function in the scope that encloses this function.
* @param functionElement the element representing the function represented by this scope
void defineParameters(ExecutableElement functionElement) {
Scope parameterScope = enclosingScope;
if (functionElement.enclosingElement is ExecutableElement) {
String name2 =;
if (name2 != null && !name2.isEmpty) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in functionElement.parameters) {
if (!parameter.isInitializingFormal()) {
* Instances of the class {@code FunctionTypeScope} implement the scope defined by a function type
* alias.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class FunctionTypeScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope.
* @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed
* @param typeElement the element representing the type alias represented by this scope
FunctionTypeScope(Scope enclosingScope, FunctionTypeAliasElement typeElement) : super(new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope)) {
* Define the parameters for the function type alias.
* @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this scope
void defineParameters(FunctionTypeAliasElement typeElement) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in typeElement.parameters) {
* Define the type variables for the function type alias.
* @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this scope
void defineTypeVariables(FunctionTypeAliasElement typeElement) {
Scope typeVariableScope = enclosingScope;
for (TypeVariableElement typeVariable in typeElement.typeVariables) {
* Instances of the class {@code LabelScope} represent a scope in which a single label is defined.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class LabelScope {
* The label scope enclosing this label scope.
LabelScope _outerScope;
* The label defined in this scope.
String _label;
* The element to which the label resolves.
LabelElement _element;
* The marker used to look up a label element for an unlabeled {@code break} or {@code continue}.
static String EMPTY_LABEL = "";
* The label element returned for scopes that can be the target of an unlabeled {@code break} or{@code continue}.
static SimpleIdentifier _EMPTY_LABEL_IDENTIFIER = new SimpleIdentifier.full(new sc.StringToken(sc.TokenType.IDENTIFIER, "", 0));
* Initialize a newly created scope to represent the potential target of an unlabeled{@code break} or {@code continue}.
* @param outerScope the label scope enclosing the new label scope
* @param onSwitchStatement {@code true} if this label is associated with a {@code switch}statement
* @param onSwitchMember {@code true} if this label is associated with a {@code switch} member
LabelScope.con1(LabelScope outerScope, bool onSwitchStatement, bool onSwitchMember) {
_jtd_constructor_280_impl(outerScope, onSwitchStatement, onSwitchMember);
_jtd_constructor_280_impl(LabelScope outerScope, bool onSwitchStatement, bool onSwitchMember) {
_jtd_constructor_281_impl(outerScope, EMPTY_LABEL, new LabelElementImpl(_EMPTY_LABEL_IDENTIFIER, onSwitchStatement, onSwitchMember));
* Initialize a newly created scope to represent the given label.
* @param outerScope the label scope enclosing the new label scope
* @param label the label defined in this scope
* @param element the element to which the label resolves
LabelScope.con2(LabelScope outerScope2, String label2, LabelElement element2) {
_jtd_constructor_281_impl(outerScope2, label2, element2);
_jtd_constructor_281_impl(LabelScope outerScope2, String label2, LabelElement element2) {
this._outerScope = outerScope2;
this._label = label2;
this._element = element2;
* Return the label element corresponding to the given label, or {@code null} if the given label
* is not defined in this scope.
* @param targetLabel the label being looked up
* @return the label element corresponding to the given label
LabelElement lookup(SimpleIdentifier targetLabel) => lookup2(;
* Return the label element corresponding to the given label, or {@code null} if the given label
* is not defined in this scope.
* @param targetLabel the label being looked up
* @return the label element corresponding to the given label
LabelElement lookup2(String targetLabel) {
if (_label == targetLabel) {
return _element;
} else if (_outerScope != null) {
return _outerScope.lookup2(targetLabel);
} else {
return null;
* Instances of the class {@code LibraryImportScope} represent the scope containing all of the names
* available from imported libraries.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class LibraryImportScope extends Scope {
* The element representing the library in which this scope is enclosed.
LibraryElement _definingLibrary;
* The listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* A list of the namespaces representing the names that are available in this scope from imported
* libraries.
List<Namespace> _importedNamespaces = new List<Namespace>();
* Initialize a newly created scope representing the names imported into the given library.
* @param definingLibrary the element representing the library that imports the names defined in
* this scope
* @param errorListener the listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered
LibraryImportScope(LibraryElement definingLibrary, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
this._definingLibrary = definingLibrary;
this._errorListener = errorListener;
void define(Element element) {
if (!Scope.isPrivateName( {
LibraryElement get definingLibrary => _definingLibrary;
AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener => _errorListener;
Element lookup3(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
Element foundElement = localLookup(name, referencingLibrary);
if (foundElement != null) {
return foundElement;
for (Namespace nameSpace in _importedNamespaces) {
Element element = nameSpace.get(name);
if (element != null) {
if (foundElement == null) {
foundElement = element;
} else {
foundElement = new MultiplyDefinedElementImpl(_definingLibrary.context, foundElement, element);
if (foundElement is MultiplyDefinedElementImpl) {
if (foundElement != null) {
return foundElement;
* Create all of the namespaces associated with the libraries imported into this library. The
* names are not added to this scope, but are stored for later reference.
* @param definingLibrary the element representing the library that imports the libraries for
* which namespaces will be created
void createImportedNamespaces(LibraryElement definingLibrary) {
NamespaceBuilder builder = new NamespaceBuilder();
for (ImportElement element in definingLibrary.imports) {
* Instances of the class {@code LibraryScope} implement a scope containing all of the names defined
* in a given library.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class LibraryScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope representing the names defined in the given library.
* @param definingLibrary the element representing the library represented by this scope
* @param errorListener the listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered
LibraryScope(LibraryElement definingLibrary, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) : super(new LibraryImportScope(definingLibrary, errorListener)) {
* Add to this scope all of the public top-level names that are defined in the given compilation
* unit.
* @param compilationUnit the compilation unit defining the top-level names to be added to this
* scope
void defineLocalNames(CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) {
for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) {
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement element in compilationUnit.functionTypeAliases) {
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.types) {
* Add to this scope all of the names that are explicitly defined in the given library.
* @param definingLibrary the element representing the library that defines the names in this
* scope
void defineTopLevelNames(LibraryElement definingLibrary) {
for (PrefixElement prefix in definingLibrary.prefixes) {
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in {
* Instances of the class {@code Namespace} implement a mapping of identifiers to the elements
* represented by those identifiers. Namespaces are the building blocks for scopes.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class Namespace {
* A table mapping names that are defined in this namespace to the element representing the thing
* declared with that name.
Map<String, Element> _definedNames;
* An empty namespace.
static Namespace EMPTY = new Namespace(new Map<String, Element>());
* Initialize a newly created namespace to have the given defined names.
* @param definedNames the mapping from names that are defined in this namespace to the
* corresponding elements
Namespace(Map<String, Element> definedNames) {
this._definedNames = definedNames;
* Return the element in this namespace that is available to the containing scope using the given
* name.
* @param name the name used to reference the
* @return the element represented by the given identifier
Element get(String name) => _definedNames[name];
* Return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this namespace.
* @return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this namespace
Map<String, Element> get definedNames => new Map<String, Element>.from(_definedNames);
* Instances of the class {@code NamespaceBuilder} are used to build a {@code Namespace}. Namespace
* builders are thread-safe and re-usable.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class NamespaceBuilder {
* Initialize a newly created namespace builder.
NamespaceBuilder() : super() {
* Create a namespace representing the export namespace of the given library.
* @param library the library whose export namespace is to be created
* @return the export namespace that was created
Namespace createExportNamespace(LibraryElement library) => new Namespace(createExportMapping(library, new Set<LibraryElement>()));
* Create a namespace representing the import namespace of the given library.
* @param library the library whose import namespace is to be created
* @return the import namespace that was created
Namespace createImportNamespace(ImportElement element) {
LibraryElement importedLibrary2 = element.importedLibrary;
if (importedLibrary2 == null) {
return Namespace.EMPTY;
Map<String, Element> definedNames = createExportMapping(importedLibrary2, new Set<LibraryElement>());
definedNames = apply(definedNames, element.combinators);
definedNames = apply2(definedNames, element.prefix);
return new Namespace(definedNames);
* Create a namespace representing the public namespace of the given library.
* @param library the library whose public namespace is to be created
* @return the public namespace that was created
Namespace createPublicNamespace(LibraryElement library) {
Map<String, Element> definedNames = new Map<String, Element>();
addPublicNames(definedNames, library.definingCompilationUnit);
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in {
addPublicNames(definedNames, compilationUnit);
return new Namespace(definedNames);
* Add all of the names in the given namespace to the given mapping table.
* @param definedNames the mapping table to which the names in the given namespace are to be added
* @param namespace the namespace containing the names to be added to this namespace
void addAll(Map<String, Element> definedNames, Map<String, Element> newNames) {
for (MapEntry<String, Element> entry in getMapEntrySet(newNames)) {
definedNames[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue();
* Add all of the names in the given namespace to the given mapping table.
* @param definedNames the mapping table to which the names in the given namespace are to be added
* @param namespace the namespace containing the names to be added to this namespace
void addAll2(Map<String, Element> definedNames2, Namespace namespace) {
if (namespace != null) {
addAll(definedNames2, namespace.definedNames);
* Add the given element to the given mapping table if it has a publicly visible name.
* @param definedNames the mapping table to which the public name is to be added
* @param element the element to be added
void addIfPublic(Map<String, Element> definedNames, Element element) {
String name2 =;
if (name2 != null && !Scope.isPrivateName(name2)) {
definedNames[name2] = element;
* Add to the given mapping table all of the public top-level names that are defined in the given
* compilation unit.
* @param definedNames the mapping table to which the public names are to be added
* @param compilationUnit the compilation unit defining the top-level names to be added to this
* namespace
void addPublicNames(Map<String, Element> definedNames, CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) {
addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) {
addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement element in compilationUnit.functionTypeAliases) {
addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.types) {
addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (VariableElement element in compilationUnit.topLevelVariables) {
addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
* Apply the given combinators to all of the names in the given mapping table.
* @param definedNames the mapping table to which the namespace operations are to be applied
* @param combinators the combinators to be applied
Map<String, Element> apply(Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
for (NamespaceCombinator combinator in combinators) {
if (combinator is __imp_combi.HideCombinator) {
hide(definedNames, ((combinator as __imp_combi.HideCombinator)).hiddenNames);
} else if (combinator is __imp_combi.ShowCombinator) {
definedNames = show(definedNames, ((combinator as __imp_combi.ShowCombinator)).shownNames);
} else {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError("Unknown type of combinator: ${combinator.runtimeType.toString()}");
return definedNames;
* Apply the given prefix to all of the names in the table of defined names.
* @param definedNames the names that were defined before this operation
* @param prefixElement the element defining the prefix to be added to the names
Map<String, Element> apply2(Map<String, Element> definedNames, PrefixElement prefixElement) {
if (prefixElement != null) {
String prefix =;
Map<String, Element> newNames = new Map<String, Element>();
for (MapEntry<String, Element> entry in getMapEntrySet(definedNames)) {
newNames["${prefix}.${entry.getKey()}"] = entry.getValue();
return newNames;
} else {
return definedNames;
* Create a mapping table representing the export namespace of the given library.
* @param library the library whose public namespace is to be created
* @param visitedElements a set of libraries that do not need to be visited when processing the
* export directives of the given library because all of the names defined by them will
* be added by another library
* @return the mapping table that was created
Map<String, Element> createExportMapping(LibraryElement library, Set<LibraryElement> visitedElements) {
javaSetAdd(visitedElements, library);
try {
Map<String, Element> definedNames = new Map<String, Element>();
for (ExportElement element in library.exports) {
LibraryElement exportedLibrary2 = element.exportedLibrary;
if (exportedLibrary2 != null && !visitedElements.contains(exportedLibrary2)) {
Map<String, Element> exportedNames = createExportMapping(exportedLibrary2, visitedElements);
exportedNames = apply(exportedNames, element.combinators);
addAll(definedNames, exportedNames);
addAll2(definedNames, ((library.context as InternalAnalysisContext)).getPublicNamespace(library));
return definedNames;
} finally {
* Hide all of the given names by removing them from the given collection of defined names.
* @param definedNames the names that were defined before this operation
* @param hiddenNames the names to be hidden
void hide(Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> hiddenNames) {
for (String name in hiddenNames) {
* Show only the given names by removing all other names from the given collection of defined
* names.
* @param definedNames the names that were defined before this operation
* @param shownNames the names to be shown
Map<String, Element> show(Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> shownNames) {
Map<String, Element> newNames = new Map<String, Element>();
for (String name in shownNames) {
Element element = definedNames[name];
if (element != null) {
newNames[name] = element;
return newNames;
* The abstract class {@code Scope} defines the behavior common to name scopes used by the resolver
* to determine which names are visible at any given point in the code.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
abstract class Scope {
* The prefix used to mark an identifier as being private to its library.
static String PRIVATE_NAME_PREFIX = "_";
* The suffix added to the declared name of a setter when looking up the setter. Used to
* disambiguate between a getter and a setter that have the same name.
static String SETTER_SUFFIX = "=";
* The name used to look up the method used to implement the unary minus operator. Used to
* disambiguate between the unary and binary operators.
static String UNARY_MINUS = "unary-";
* Return {@code true} if the given name is a library-private name.
* @param name the name being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given name is a library-private name
static bool isPrivateName(String name) => name != null && name.startsWith(PRIVATE_NAME_PREFIX);
* A table mapping names that are defined in this scope to the element representing the thing
* declared with that name.
Map<String, Element> _definedNames = new Map<String, Element>();
* Initialize a newly created scope to be empty.
Scope() : super() {
* Add the given element to this scope. If there is already an element with the given name defined
* in this scope, then an error will be generated and the original element will continue to be
* mapped to the name. If there is an element with the given name in an enclosing scope, then a
* warning will be generated but the given element will hide the inherited element.
* @param element the element to be added to this scope
void define(Element element) {
String name = getName(element);
if (name != null && !name.isEmpty) {
if (_definedNames.containsKey(name)) {
errorListener.onError(getErrorForDuplicate(_definedNames[name], element));
} else {
_definedNames[name] = element;
* Return the element with which the given identifier is associated, or {@code null} if the name
* is not defined within this scope.
* @param identifier the identifier associated with the element to be returned
* @param referencingLibrary the library that contains the reference to the name, used to
* implement library-level privacy
* @return the element with which the given identifier is associated
Element lookup(Identifier identifier, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) => lookup3(, referencingLibrary);
* Add the given element to this scope without checking for duplication or hiding.
* @param element the element to be added to this scope
void defineWithoutChecking(Element element) {
_definedNames[getName(element)] = element;
* Return the element representing the library in which this scope is enclosed.
* @return the element representing the library in which this scope is enclosed
LibraryElement get definingLibrary;
* Return the error code to be used when reporting that a name being defined locally conflicts
* with another element of the same name in the local scope.
* @param existing the first element to be declared with the conflicting name
* @param duplicate another element declared with the conflicting name
* @return the error code used to report duplicate names within a scope
AnalysisError getErrorForDuplicate(Element existing, Element duplicate) {
Source source2 = duplicate.source;
if (source2 == null) {
source2 = source;
return new AnalysisError.con2(source2, duplicate.nameOffset,, CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION, []);
* Return the listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered.
* @return the listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered
AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener;
* Return the source object representing the compilation unit with which errors related to this
* scope should be associated.
* @return the source object with which errors should be associated
Source get source => definingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit.source;
* Return the element with which the given name is associated, or {@code null} if the name is not
* defined within this scope. This method only returns elements that are directly defined within
* this scope, not elements that are defined in an enclosing scope.
* @param name the name associated with the element to be returned
* @param referencingLibrary the library that contains the reference to the name, used to
* implement library-level privacy
* @return the element with which the given name is associated
Element localLookup(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) => _definedNames[name];
* Return the element with which the given name is associated, or {@code null} if the name is not
* defined within this scope.
* @param name the name associated with the element to be returned
* @param referencingLibrary the library that contains the reference to the name, used to
* implement library-level privacy
* @return the element with which the given name is associated
Element lookup3(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary);
* Return the name that will be used to look up the given element.
* @param element the element whose look-up name is to be returned
* @return the name that will be used to look up the given element
String getName(Element element) {
if (element is MethodElement) {
MethodElement method = element as MethodElement;
if ( == "-" && method.parameters.length == 0) {
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = element as PropertyAccessorElement;
if (accessor.isSetter()) {
return "${}${SETTER_SUFFIX}";
* Instances of the class {@code ConstantVerifier} traverse an AST structure looking for additional
* errors and warnings not covered by the parser and resolver. In particular, it looks for errors
* and warnings related to constant expressions.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ConstantVerifier extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> {
* The error reporter by which errors will be reported.
ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* Initialize a newly created constant verifier.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter by which errors will be reported
ConstantVerifier(ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
this._errorReporter = errorReporter;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
return null;
Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (node.modifier != null) {
for (Expression element in node.elements) {
validate(element, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_LIST_ELEMENT);
return null;
Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
bool isConst = node.modifier != null;
Set<String> keys = new Set<String>();
for (MapLiteralEntry entry in node.entries) {
StringLiteral key2 = entry.key;
EvaluationResultImpl result = validate(key2, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY);
if (result is ValidResult && ((result as ValidResult)).value is String) {
String value2 = ((result as ValidResult)).value as String;
if (keys.contains(value2)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.EQUAL_KEYS_IN_MAP, key2, []);
} else {
javaSetAdd(keys, value2);
if (isConst) {
validate(entry.value, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_VALUE);
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
return null;
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
validate(node.expression, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_CASE_EXPRESSION);
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
Expression initializer2 = node.initializer;
if (initializer2 != null && node.isConst()) {
VariableElementImpl element2 = node.element as VariableElementImpl;
EvaluationResultImpl result = element2.evaluationResult;
if (result == null) {
result = validate(initializer2, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_VALUE);
element2.evaluationResult = result;
} else if (result is ErrorResult) {
reportErrors(result, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_VALUE);
return null;
* If the given result represents one or more errors, report those errors. Except for special
* cases, use the given error code rather than the one reported in the error.
* @param result the result containing any errors that need to be reported
* @param errorCode the error code to be used if the result represents an error
void reportErrors(EvaluationResultImpl result, ErrorCode errorCode) {
if (result is ErrorResult) {
for (ErrorResult_ErrorData data in ((result as ErrorResult)).errorData) {
_errorReporter.reportError(errorCode, data.node, []);
* Validate that the given expression is a compile time constant. Return the value of the compile
* time constant, or {@code null} if the expression is not a compile time constant.
* @param expression the expression to be validated
* @param errorCode the error code to be used if the expression is not a compile time constant
* @return the value of the compile time constant
EvaluationResultImpl validate(Expression expression, ErrorCode errorCode) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor());
reportErrors(result, errorCode);
return result;
* Validate that the default value associated with each of the parameters in the given list is a
* compile time constant.
* @param parameters the list of parameters to be validated
void validateDefaultValues(FormalParameterList parameters2) {
if (parameters2 == null) {
for (FormalParameter parameter in parameters2.parameters) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
DefaultFormalParameter defaultParameter = parameter as DefaultFormalParameter;
Expression defaultValue2 = defaultParameter.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue2 != null) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = validate(defaultValue2, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALUE);
if (defaultParameter.isConst()) {
VariableElementImpl element2 = parameter.element as VariableElementImpl;
element2.evaluationResult = result;
* Instances of the class {@code ErrorVerifier} traverse an AST structure looking for additional
* errors and warnings not covered by the parser and resolver.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ErrorVerifier extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> {
* The error reporter by which errors will be reported.
ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* The current library that is being analyzed.
LibraryElement _currentLibrary;
* The type representing the type 'dynamic'.
Type2 _dynamicType;
* The object providing access to the types defined by the language.
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* This is set to {@code true} iff the visitor is currently visiting children nodes of a{@link ConstructorDeclaration} and the constructor is 'const'.
* @see #visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration)
bool _isEnclosingConstructorConst = false;
* This is set to {@code true} iff the visitor is currently visiting children nodes of a{@link CatchClause}.
* @see #visitCatchClause(CatchClause)
bool _isInCatchClause = false;
* This is set to {@code true} iff the visitor is currently visiting code in the SDK.
bool _isInSystemLibrary = false;
* The class containing the AST nodes being visited, or {@code null} if we are not in the scope of
* a class.
ClassElement _enclosingClass;
* The method or function that we are currently visiting, or {@code null} if we are not inside a
* method or function.
ExecutableElement _enclosingFunction;
* This map is initialized when visiting the contents of a class declaration. If the visitor is
* not in an enclosing class declaration, then the map is set to {@code null}.
* <p>
* When set the map maps the set of {@link FieldElement}s in the class to an{@link INIT_STATE#NOT_INIT} or {@link INIT_STATE#INIT_IN_DECLARATION}. <code>checkFor*</code>
* methods, specifically {@link #checkForAllFinalInitializedErrorCodes(ConstructorDeclaration)},
* can make a copy of the map to compute error code states. <code>checkFor*</code> methods should
* only ever make a copy, or read from this map after it has been set in{@link #visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration)}.
* @see #visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration)
* @see #checkForAllFinalInitializedErrorCodes(ConstructorDeclaration)
Map<FieldElement, INIT_STATE> _initialFieldElementsMap;
* A list of types used by the {@link CompileTimeErrorCode#EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS} and{@link CompileTimeErrorCode#IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS} error codes.
ErrorVerifier(ErrorReporter errorReporter, LibraryElement currentLibrary, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
this._errorReporter = errorReporter;
this._currentLibrary = currentLibrary;
this._isInSystemLibrary = currentLibrary.source.isInSystemLibrary();
this._typeProvider = typeProvider;
_isEnclosingConstructorConst = false;
_isInCatchClause = false;
_dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
_DISALLOWED_TYPES_TO_EXTEND_OR_IMPLEMENT = <InterfaceType> [typeProvider.numType, typeProvider.intType, typeProvider.doubleType, typeProvider.boolType, typeProvider.stringType];
Object visitArgumentDefinitionTest(ArgumentDefinitionTest node) {
return super.visitArgumentDefinitionTest(node);
Object visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
return super.visitAssertStatement(node);
Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
return super.visitAssignmentExpression(node);
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
bool previousIsInCatchClause = _isInCatchClause;
try {
_isInCatchClause = true;
return super.visitCatchClause(node);
} finally {
_isInCatchClause = previousIsInCatchClause;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement outerClass = _enclosingClass;
try {
_enclosingClass = node.element;
checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_NAME);
ClassElement classElement = node.element;
if (classElement != null) {
List<FieldElement> fieldElements = classElement.fields;
_initialFieldElementsMap = new Map<FieldElement, INIT_STATE>();
for (FieldElement fieldElement in fieldElements) {
if (!fieldElement.isSynthetic()) {
_initialFieldElementsMap[fieldElement] = fieldElement.initializer == null ? INIT_STATE.NOT_INIT : INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_DECLARATION;
return super.visitClassDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_initialFieldElementsMap = null;
_enclosingClass = outerClass;
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME);
return super.visitClassTypeAlias(node);
Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
return super.visitConditionalExpression(node);
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
_isEnclosingConstructorConst = node.constKeyword != null;
return super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_isEnclosingConstructorConst = false;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
return super.visitDefaultFormalParameter(node);
Object visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
return super.visitDoStatement(node);
Object visitExtendsClause(ExtendsClause node) {
return super.visitExtendsClause(node);
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
return super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
return super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
} finally {
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME);
return super.visitFunctionTypeAlias(node);
Object visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
return super.visitIfStatement(node);
Object visitImplementsClause(ImplementsClause node) {
return super.visitImplementsClause(node);
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorName constructorName2 = node.constructorName;
TypeName typeName = constructorName2.type;
Type2 type2 = typeName.type;
if (type2 is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type2 as InterfaceType;
checkForConstOrNewWithAbstractClass(node, typeName, interfaceType);
checkForTypeArgumentNotMatchingBounds(node, constructorName2.element, typeName);
return super.visitInstanceCreationExpression(node);
Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (node.modifier != null) {
TypeArgumentList typeArguments2 = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments2 != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> arguments2 = typeArguments2.arguments;
if (arguments2.length != 0) {
checkForInvalidTypeArgumentInConstTypedLiteral(arguments2, CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_LIST);
return super.visitListLiteral(node);
Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
TypeArgumentList typeArguments2 = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments2 != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> arguments2 = typeArguments2.arguments;
if (arguments2.length != 0) {
if (node.modifier != null) {
checkForInvalidTypeArgumentInConstTypedLiteral(arguments2, CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_MAP);
return super.visitMapLiteral(node);
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement previousFunction = _enclosingFunction;
try {
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
if (node.isSetter()) {
} else if (node.isOperator()) {
return super.visitMethodDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingFunction = previousFunction;
Object visitNativeFunctionBody(NativeFunctionBody node) {
return super.visitNativeFunctionBody(node);
Object visitRethrowExpression(RethrowExpression node) {
return super.visitRethrowExpression(node);
Object visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
return super.visitReturnStatement(node);
Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node);
Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
return super.visitSwitchStatement(node);
Object visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) {
return super.visitThrowExpression(node);
Object visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
return super.visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(node);
Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME);
return super.visitTypeParameter(node);
Object visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
return super.visitVariableDeclarationList(node);
Object visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
return super.visitVariableDeclarationStatement(node);
Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
return super.visitWhileStatement(node);
* This verifies that the passed constructor declaration does not violate any of the error codes
* relating to the initialization of fields in the enclosing class.
* @param node the {@link ConstructorDeclaration} to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see #initialFieldElementsMap
bool checkForAllFinalInitializedErrorCodes(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (node.factoryKeyword != null || node.redirectedConstructor != null || node.externalKeyword != null) {
return false;
bool foundError = false;
Map<FieldElement, INIT_STATE> fieldElementsMap = new Map<FieldElement, INIT_STATE>.from(_initialFieldElementsMap);
NodeList<FormalParameter> formalParameters = node.parameters.parameters;
for (FormalParameter formalParameter in formalParameters) {
FormalParameter parameter = formalParameter;
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
parameter = ((parameter as DefaultFormalParameter)).parameter;
if (parameter is FieldFormalParameter) {
FieldElement fieldElement = ((parameter.element as FieldFormalParameterElementImpl)).field;
INIT_STATE state = fieldElementsMap[fieldElement];
if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.NOT_INIT)) {
fieldElementsMap[fieldElement] = INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_FIELD_FORMAL;
} else if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_DECLARATION)) {
if (fieldElement.isFinal() || fieldElement.isConst()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FINAL_INITIALIZED_IN_DECLARATION_AND_CONSTRUCTOR, formalParameter.identifier, []);
foundError = true;
} else if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_FIELD_FORMAL)) {
if (fieldElement.isFinal() || fieldElement.isConst()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FINAL_INITIALIZED_MULTIPLE_TIMES, formalParameter.identifier, []);
foundError = true;
NodeList<ConstructorInitializer> initializers2 = node.initializers;
for (ConstructorInitializer constructorInitializer in initializers2) {
if (constructorInitializer is ConstructorFieldInitializer) {
ConstructorFieldInitializer constructorFieldInitializer = constructorInitializer as ConstructorFieldInitializer;
SimpleIdentifier fieldName2 = constructorFieldInitializer.fieldName;
Element element2 = fieldName2.element;
if (element2 is FieldElement) {
FieldElement fieldElement = element2 as FieldElement;
INIT_STATE state = fieldElementsMap[fieldElement];
if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.NOT_INIT)) {
fieldElementsMap[fieldElement] = INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_INITIALIZERS;
} else if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_DECLARATION)) {
if (fieldElement.isFinal() || fieldElement.isConst()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FIELD_INITIALIZED_IN_INITIALIZER_AND_DECLARATION, fieldName2, []);
foundError = true;
} else if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_FIELD_FORMAL)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FIELD_INITIALIZED_IN_PARAMETER_AND_INITIALIZER, fieldName2, []);
foundError = true;
} else if (identical(state, INIT_STATE.INIT_IN_INITIALIZERS)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FIELD_INITIALIZED_BY_MULTIPLE_INITIALIZERS, fieldName2, []);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
* This checks that the return statement of the form <i>return e;</i> is not in a generative
* constructor.
* <p>
* This checks that return statements without expressions are not in a generative constructor and
* the return type is not assignable to {@code null}; that is, we don't have {@code return;} if
* the enclosing method has a return type.
* <p>
* This checks that the return type matches the type of the declared return type in the enclosing
* method or function.
* @param node the return statement to evaluate
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see StaticWarningCode#RETURN_WITHOUT_VALUE
* @see StaticTypeWarningCode#RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE
bool checkForAllReturnStatementErrorCodes(ReturnStatement node) {
FunctionType functionType = _enclosingFunction == null ? null : _enclosingFunction.type;
Type2 expectedReturnType = functionType == null ? DynamicTypeImpl.instance : functionType.returnType;
Expression returnExpression = node.expression;
bool isGenerativeConstructor = _enclosingFunction is ConstructorElement && !((_enclosingFunction as ConstructorElement)).isFactory();
if (returnExpression != null) {
if (isGenerativeConstructor) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.RETURN_IN_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR, returnExpression, []);
return true;
if (!expectedReturnType.isVoid()) {
Type2 actualReturnType = getType(returnExpression);
if (!actualReturnType.isAssignableTo(expectedReturnType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE, returnExpression, [,,]);
return true;
} else {
if (!isGenerativeConstructor && !VoidTypeImpl.instance.isAssignableTo(expectedReturnType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.RETURN_WITHOUT_VALUE, node, []);
return false;
* This verifies that the passed argument definition test identifier is a parameter.
* @param node the {@link ArgumentDefinitionTest} to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForArgumentDefinitionTestNonParameter(ArgumentDefinitionTest node) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier2 = node.identifier;
Element element2 = identifier2.element;
if (element2 != null && element2 is! ParameterElement) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION_TEST_NON_PARAMETER, identifier2, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed identifier is not a keyword, and generates the passed error code
* on the identifier if it is a keyword.
* @param identifier the identifier to check to ensure that it is not a keyword
* @param errorCode if the passed identifier is a keyword then this error code is created on the
* identifier, the error code will be one of{@link CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_NAME},{@link CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME} or{@link CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME}
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(SimpleIdentifier identifier, ErrorCode errorCode) {
sc.Token token2 = identifier.token;
if (identical(token2.type, sc.TokenType.KEYWORD)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(errorCode, identifier, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed variable declaration list does not have a built-in identifier.
* @param node the variable declaration list to check
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE
bool checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName2(VariableDeclarationList node) {
TypeName typeName = node.type;
if (typeName != null) {
Identifier identifier =;
if (identifier is SimpleIdentifier) {
SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = identifier as SimpleIdentifier;
sc.Token token2 = simpleIdentifier.token;
if (identical(token2.type, sc.TokenType.KEYWORD)) {
if (((token2 as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword != sc.Keyword.DYNAMIC) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE, identifier, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed switch statement does not have a case expression with the
* operator '==' overridden.
* @param node the switch statement to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForCaseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals(SwitchStatement node) {
Expression expression2 = node.expression;
Type2 type = expression2.staticType;
if (type != null && type != _typeProvider.intType && type != _typeProvider.stringType) {
Element element2 = type.element;
if (element2 is ClassElement) {
ClassElement classElement = element2 as ClassElement;
MethodElement method = classElement.lookUpMethod("==", _currentLibrary);
if (method != null && method.enclosingElement.type != _typeProvider.objectType) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPE_IMPLEMENTS_EQUALS, expression2, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed method declaration is abstract only if the enclosing class is
* also abstract.
* @param node the method declaration to evaluate
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForConcreteClassWithAbstractMember(MethodDeclaration node) {
if (node.isAbstract() && _enclosingClass != null && !_enclosingClass.isAbstract()) {
SimpleIdentifier methodName =;
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.CONCRETE_CLASS_WITH_ABSTRACT_MEMBER, methodName, [,]);
return true;
return false;
bool checkForConflictingConstructorNameAndMember(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ConstructorElement constructorElement = node.element;
SimpleIdentifier constructorName =;
if (constructorName != null && constructorElement != null && !constructorName.isSynthetic()) {
String name2 =;
ClassElement classElement = constructorElement.enclosingElement;
List<FieldElement> fields2 = classElement.fields;
for (FieldElement field in fields2) {
if ( == name2) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_FIELD, node, [name2]);
return true;
List<MethodElement> methods2 = classElement.methods;
for (MethodElement method in methods2) {
if ( == name2) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_METHOD, node, [name2]);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed constructor declaration is not 'const' if it has a non-final
* instance variable.
* @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForConstConstructorWithNonFinalField(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (!_isEnclosingConstructorConst) {
return false;
ConstructorElement constructorElement = node.element;
if (constructorElement != null) {
ClassElement classElement = constructorElement.enclosingElement;
List<FieldElement> elements = classElement.fields;
for (FieldElement field in elements) {
if (!field.isFinal() && !field.isConst() && !field.isStatic() && !field.isSynthetic()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NON_FINAL_FIELD, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed throw expression is not enclosed in a 'const' constructor
* declaration.
* @param node the throw expression expression to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForConstEvalThrowsException(ThrowExpression node) {
if (_isEnclosingConstructorConst) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed normal formal parameter is not 'const'.
* @param node the normal formal parameter to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER
bool checkForConstFormalParameter(NormalFormalParameter node) {
if (node.isConst()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed instance creation expression is not being invoked on an abstract
* class.
* @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate
* @param typeName the {@link TypeName} of the {@link ConstructorName} from the{@link InstanceCreationExpression}, this is the AST node that the error is attached to
* @param type the type being constructed with this {@link InstanceCreationExpression}
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see StaticWarningCode#CONST_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS
* @see StaticWarningCode#NEW_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS
bool checkForConstOrNewWithAbstractClass(InstanceCreationExpression node, TypeName typeName, InterfaceType type) {
if (type.element.isAbstract()) {
ConstructorElement element2 = node.element;
if (element2 != null && !element2.isFactory()) {
if (identical(((node.keyword as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword, sc.Keyword.CONST)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.CONST_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS, typeName, []);
} else {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.NEW_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS, typeName, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that if the passed instance creation expression is 'const', then it is not being
* invoked on a constructor that is not 'const'.
* @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#CONST_WITH_NON_CONST
bool checkForConstWithNonConst(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorElement constructorElement = node.element;
if (node.isConst() && constructorElement != null && !constructorElement.isConst()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_NON_CONST, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that there are no default parameters in the passed function type alias.
* @param node the function type alias to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForDefaultValueInFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
bool result = false;
FormalParameterList formalParameterList = node.parameters;
NodeList<FormalParameter> parameters2 = formalParameterList.parameters;
for (FormalParameter formalParameter in parameters2) {
if (formalParameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
DefaultFormalParameter defaultFormalParameter = formalParameter as DefaultFormalParameter;
if (defaultFormalParameter.defaultValue != null) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.DEFAULT_VALUE_IN_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS, node, []);
result = true;
return result;
* This verifies that the passed extends clause does not extend classes such as num or String.
* @param node the extends clause to test
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS
bool checkForExtendsDisallowedClass(ExtendsClause extendsClause) => checkForExtendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass(extendsClause.superclass, CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS);
* This verifies that the passed type name does not extend or implement classes such as 'num' or
* 'String'.
* @param node the type name to test
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see #checkForExtendsDisallowedClass(ExtendsClause)
* @see #checkForImplementsDisallowedClass(ImplementsClause)
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS
bool checkForExtendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass(TypeName typeName, ErrorCode errorCode) {
if (typeName.isSynthetic()) {
return false;
Type2 superType = typeName.type;
for (InterfaceType disallowedType in _DISALLOWED_TYPES_TO_EXTEND_OR_IMPLEMENT) {
if (superType != null && superType == disallowedType) {
if (superType == _typeProvider.numType) {
ASTNode grandParent = typeName.parent.parent;
if (grandParent is ClassDeclaration) {
ClassElement classElement = ((grandParent as ClassDeclaration)).element;
Type2 classType = classElement.type;
if (classType != null && (classType == _typeProvider.intType || classType == _typeProvider.doubleType)) {
return false;
_errorReporter.reportError(errorCode, typeName, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed field formal parameter is in a constructor declaration.
* @param node the field formal parameter to test
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForFieldInitializerOutsideConstructor(FieldFormalParameter node) {
ASTNode parent2 = node.parent;
if (parent2 != null) {
ASTNode grandparent = parent2.parent;
if (grandparent != null && grandparent is! ConstructorDeclaration && grandparent.parent is! ConstructorDeclaration) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FIELD_INITIALIZER_OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that final fields that are declared, without any constructors in the enclosing
* class, are initialized. Cases in which there is at least one constructor are handled at the end
* of {@link #checkForAllFinalInitializedErrorCodes(ConstructorDeclaration)}.
* @param node the class declaration to test
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#FINAL_NOT_INITIALIZED
bool checkForFinalNotInitialized(ClassDeclaration node) {
NodeList<ClassMember> classMembers = node.members;
for (ClassMember classMember in classMembers) {
if (classMember is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return false;
bool foundError = false;
for (ClassMember classMember in classMembers) {
if (classMember is FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration field = classMember as FieldDeclaration;
foundError = javaBooleanOr(foundError, checkForFinalNotInitialized2(field.fields));
return foundError;
* This verifies that the passed variable declaration list has only initialized variables if the
* list is final or const. This method is called by{@link #checkForFinalNotInitialized(ClassDeclaration)},{@link #visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration)} and{@link #visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement)}.
* @param node the class declaration to test
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#FINAL_NOT_INITIALIZED
bool checkForFinalNotInitialized2(VariableDeclarationList node) {
bool foundError = false;
if (!node.isSynthetic() && (node.isConst() || node.isFinal())) {
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables2 = node.variables;
for (VariableDeclaration variable in variables2) {
if (variable.initializer == null) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.FINAL_NOT_INITIALIZED, variable, []);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
* This verifies that the passed implements clause does not implement classes such as 'num' or
* 'String'.
* @param node the implements clause to test
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForImplementsDisallowedClass(ImplementsClause implementsClause) {
bool foundError = false;
for (TypeName type in implementsClause.interfaces) {
foundError = javaBooleanOr(foundError, checkForExtendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass(type, CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS));
return foundError;
* This verifies that the passed switch statement case expressions all have the same type.
* @param node the switch statement to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForInconsistentCaseExpressionTypes(SwitchStatement node) {
NodeList<SwitchMember> switchMembers = node.members;
bool foundError = false;
Type2 firstType = null;
for (SwitchMember switchMember in switchMembers) {
if (switchMember is SwitchCase) {
SwitchCase switchCase = switchMember as SwitchCase;
Expression expression2 = switchCase.expression;
if (firstType == null) {
firstType = expression2.staticType;
} else {
Type2 nType = expression2.staticType;
if (firstType != nType) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.INCONSISTENT_CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPES, expression2, [expression2.toSource(),]);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
* This verifies that the passed assignment expression represents a valid assignment.
* @param node the assignment expression to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see StaticTypeWarningCode#INVALID_ASSIGNMENT
bool checkForInvalidAssignment(AssignmentExpression node) {
Expression lhs = node.leftHandSide;
Expression rhs = node.rightHandSide;
VariableElement leftElement = getVariableElement(lhs);
Type2 leftType = (leftElement == null) ? getType(lhs) : leftElement.type;
Type2 rightType = getType(rhs);
if (!rightType.isAssignableTo(leftType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT, rhs, [,]);
return true;
return false;
* Checks to ensure that first type argument to a map literal must be the 'String' type.
* @param arguments a non-{@code null}, non-empty {@link TypeName} node list from the respective{@link MapLiteral}
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForInvalidTypeArgumentForKey(NodeList<TypeName> arguments) {
TypeName firstArgument = arguments[0];
Type2 firstArgumentType = firstArgument.type;
if (firstArgumentType != null && firstArgumentType != _typeProvider.stringType) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_FOR_KEY, firstArgument, []);
return true;
return false;
* Checks to ensure that the passed {@link ListLiteral} or {@link MapLiteral} does not have a type
* parameter as a type argument.
* @param arguments a non-{@code null}, non-empty {@link TypeName} node list from the respective{@link ListLiteral} or {@link MapLiteral}
* @param errorCode either {@link CompileTimeErrorCode#INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_LIST} or{@link CompileTimeErrorCode#INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_MAP}
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForInvalidTypeArgumentInConstTypedLiteral(NodeList<TypeName> arguments, ErrorCode errorCode) {
bool foundError = false;
for (TypeName typeName in arguments) {
if (typeName.type is TypeVariableType) {
_errorReporter.reportError(errorCode, typeName, []);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
* Checks to ensure that native function bodies can only in SDK code.
* @param node the native function body to test
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForNativeFunctionBodyInNonSDKCode(NativeFunctionBody node) {
if (!_isInSystemLibrary) {
_errorReporter.reportError(ParserErrorCode.NATIVE_FUNCTION_BODY_IN_NON_SDK_CODE, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* Checks to ensure that the expressions that need to be of type bool, are. Otherwise an error is
* reported on the expression.
* @param condition the conditional expression to test
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see StaticTypeWarningCode#NON_BOOL_CONDITION
bool checkForNonBoolCondition(Expression condition) {
Type2 conditionType = getType(condition);
if (conditionType != null && !conditionType.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.boolType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION, condition, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed assert statement has either a 'bool' or '() -> bool' input.
* @param node the assert statement to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see StaticTypeWarningCode#NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION
bool checkForNonBoolExpression(AssertStatement node) {
Expression expression = node.condition;
Type2 type = getType(expression);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (!type.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.boolType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION, expression, []);
return true;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType functionType = type as FunctionType;
if (functionType.typeArguments.length == 0 && !functionType.returnType.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.boolType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION, expression, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies the passed operator-method declaration, does not have an optional parameter.
* <p>
* This method assumes that the method declaration was tested to be an operator declaration before
* being called.
* @param node the method declaration to evaluate
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForOptionalParameterInOperator(MethodDeclaration node) {
FormalParameterList parameterList = node.parameters;
if (parameterList == null) {
return false;
bool foundError = false;
NodeList<FormalParameter> formalParameters = parameterList.parameters;
for (FormalParameter formalParameter in formalParameters) {
if (formalParameter.kind.isOptional()) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_IN_OPERATOR, formalParameter, []);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
* This checks for named optional parameters that begin with '_'.
* @param node the default formal parameter to evaluate
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForPrivateOptionalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
sc.Token separator2 = node.separator;
if (separator2 != null && separator2.lexeme == ":") {
NormalFormalParameter parameter2 = node.parameter;
SimpleIdentifier name = parameter2.identifier;
if (!name.isSynthetic() &&"_")) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.PRIVATE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This checks that the rethrow is inside of a catch clause.
* @param node the rethrow expression to evaluate
* @return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
* @see CompileTimeErrorCode#RETHROW_OUTSIDE_CATCH
bool checkForRethrowOutsideCatch(RethrowExpression node) {
if (!_isInCatchClause) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.RETHROW_OUTSIDE_CATCH, node, []);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the type arguments in the passed instance creation expression are all within
* their bounds as specified by the class element where the constructor \[that is being invoked\] is
* declared.
* @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate
* @param typeName the {@link TypeName} of the {@link ConstructorName} from the{@link InstanceCreationExpression}, this is the AST node that the error is attached to
* @param constructorElement the {@link ConstructorElement} from the instance creation expression
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForTypeArgumentNotMatchingBounds(InstanceCreationExpression node, ConstructorElement constructorElement, TypeName typeName) {
if (typeName.typeArguments != null && constructorElement != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> typeNameArgList = typeName.typeArguments.arguments;
List<TypeVariableElement> boundingElts = constructorElement.enclosingElement.typeVariables;
int loopThroughIndex = Math.min(typeNameArgList.length, boundingElts.length);
for (int i = 0; i < loopThroughIndex; i++) {
TypeName argTypeName = typeNameArgList[i];
Type2 argType = argTypeName.type;
Type2 boundType = boundingElts[i].bound;
if (argType != null && boundType != null) {
if (!argType.isSubtypeOf(boundType)) {
_errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS, argTypeName, [, boundingElts[i].name]);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies if the passed setter method declaration, has only one parameter.
* <p>
* This method assumes that the method declaration was tested to be a setter before being called.
* @param node the method declaration to evaluate
* @return return {@code true} if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool checkForWrongNumberOfParametersForSetter(MethodDeclaration node) {
FormalParameterList parameterList = node.parameters;
if (parameterList == null) {
return false;
NodeList<FormalParameter> formalParameters = parameterList.parameters;
int numberOfParameters = formalParameters.length;
if (numberOfParameters != 1) {
_errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_SETTER,, [numberOfParameters]);
return true;
return false;
* Return the type of the given expression that is to be used for type analysis.
* @param expression the expression whose type is to be returned
* @return the type of the given expression
Type2 getType(Expression expression) {
Type2 type = expression.staticType;
return type == null ? _dynamicType : type;
* Return the variable element represented by the given expression, or {@code null} if there is no
* such element.
* @param expression the expression whose element is to be returned
* @return the variable element represented by the expression
VariableElement getVariableElement(Expression expression) {
if (expression is Identifier) {
Element element2 = ((expression as Identifier)).element;
if (element2 is VariableElement) {
return element2 as VariableElement;
return null;
* This enum holds one of four states of a field initialization state through a constructor
* signature, not initialized, initialized in the field declaration, initialized in the field
* formal, and finally, initialized in the initializers list.
class INIT_STATE implements Comparable<INIT_STATE> {
static final INIT_STATE NOT_INIT = new INIT_STATE('NOT_INIT', 0);
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
INIT_STATE(this.__name, this.__ordinal) {
int compareTo(INIT_STATE other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;
* The enumeration {@code ResolverErrorCode} defines the error codes used for errors detected by the
* resolver. The convention for this class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem
* that caused the error to be generated and for the error message to explain what is wrong and,
* when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
class ResolverErrorCode implements Comparable<ResolverErrorCode>, ErrorCode {
static final ResolverErrorCode BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER = new ResolverErrorCode('BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER', 0, ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR, "Break label resolves to case or default statement");
static final ResolverErrorCode CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH = new ResolverErrorCode('CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH', 1, ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR, "A continue label resolves to switch, must be loop or switch member");
static final ResolverErrorCode MISSING_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_WITH_PART = new ResolverErrorCode('MISSING_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_WITH_PART', 2, ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR, "Libraries that have parts must have a library directive");
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
* The type of this error.
ErrorType _type;
* The message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error.
String _message;
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given type and message.
* @param type the type of this error
* @param message the message template used to create the message to be displayed for the error
ResolverErrorCode(this.__name, this.__ordinal, ErrorType type, String message) {
this._type = type;
this._message = message;
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => _type.severity;
String get message => _message;
ErrorType get type => _type;
bool needsRecompilation() => true;
int compareTo(ResolverErrorCode other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;