blob: ff65e376af0cc94c3a87ad0191e796b9bad6118d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/abstract_scanner.dart'
show ScannerConfiguration;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/compiler_context.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/uri_translator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/parser_ast_helper.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/textual_outline.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/identifier_context.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import "parser_ast.dart";
import "abstracted_ast_nodes.dart";
// Overall TODO(s):
// * If entry is given as fileuri but exists as different import uri...
// Does that matter?
// * Setters vs non-setters with naming conflicts.
// * -> also these might be found on "different levels", e.g. the setter might
// be in the class and the getter might be in an import.
// * show/hide on imports and exports.
// * Handle importing/exporting non-existing files.
// * Tests.
// * Maybe bypass the direct-from-parser-ast stuff for speed?
// * Probably some of the special classes can be combined if we want to
// (e.g. Class and Mixin).
// * Extensions --- we currently basically mark all we see.
// => Could be perhaps only include them if the class they're talking about
// is included? (or we don't know).
// * E.g. "factory Abc.b() => Abc3();" is the same as
// "factory Abc.b() { return Abc3(); }" and Abc3 shouldn't be marked by it.
// -> This is basically a rough edge on the textual outline though.
// -> Also, the same applies to other instances of "=>".
// * It shouldn't lookup private stuff in other libraries.
// * Could there be made a distinction between for instance
// `IdentifierContext.typeReference` and `IdentifierContext.expression`?
// => one might not have to include content of classes that only talk about
// typeReference I think.
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
if (args.length != 2) {
throw "Needs 2 arguments: packages file/dir and file to process.";
Uri packages = Uri.base.resolve(args[0]);
Uri file = Uri.base.resolve(args[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
await extractOutline([file], packages: packages, verbosityLevel: 40);
print("Finished in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms "
"(textual outline was "
"${latestProcessor!.textualOutlineStopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms)"
"(get ast was "
"${latestProcessor!.getAstStopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms)"
"(extract identifier was "
"${latestProcessor!.extractIdentifierStopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms)"
_Processor? latestProcessor;
Future<Map<Uri, String>> extractOutline(List<Uri> entryPointUris,
{Uri? sdk,
required Uri? packages,
Uri? platform,
Target? target,
int verbosityLevel: 0}) {
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions() = target
..packagesFileUri = packages
..sdkSummary = platform
..sdkRoot = sdk;
ProcessedOptions pOptions =
new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: entryPointUris);
return CompilerContext.runWithOptions(pOptions, (CompilerContext c) async {
FileSystem fileSystem = c.options.fileSystem;
UriTranslator uriTranslator = await c.options.getUriTranslator();
_Processor processor =
new _Processor(verbosityLevel, fileSystem, uriTranslator);
latestProcessor = processor;
List<TopLevel> entryPoints = [];
for (Uri entryPointUri in entryPointUris) {
TopLevel entryPoint = await processor.preprocessUri(entryPointUri);
return await processor.calculate(entryPoints);
class _Processor {
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final UriTranslator uriTranslator;
final int verbosityLevel;
final Stopwatch textualOutlineStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
final Stopwatch getAstStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
final Stopwatch extractIdentifierStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Map<Uri, TopLevel> parsed = {};
_Processor(this.verbosityLevel, this.fileSystem, this.uriTranslator);
void log(String s) {
if (verbosityLevel <= 0) return;
Future<TopLevel> preprocessUri(Uri importUri, {Uri? partOf}) async {
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) log("$importUri =>");
Uri fileUri = importUri;
if (importUri.scheme == "package") {
fileUri = uriTranslator.translate(importUri)!;
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) log("$fileUri");
final List<int> bytes =
await fileSystem.entityForUri(fileUri).readAsBytes();
// TODO: Support updating the configuration; also default it to match
// the package version.
final ScannerConfiguration configuration = new ScannerConfiguration(
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: true,
enableTripleShift: true);
final String? outlined = textualOutline(bytes, configuration);
if (outlined == null) throw "Textual outline returned null";
final List<int> bytes2 = utf8.encode(outlined);
List<Token> languageVersionsSeen = [];
final ParserAstNode ast = getAST(bytes2,
enableExtensionMethods: configuration.enableExtensionMethods,
enableNonNullable: configuration.enableNonNullable,
enableTripleShift: configuration.enableTripleShift,
languageVersionsSeen: languageVersionsSeen);
_ParserAstVisitor visitor = new _ParserAstVisitor(
verbosityLevel, outlined, importUri, partOf, ast, languageVersionsSeen);
TopLevel topLevel = visitor.currentContainer as TopLevel;
if (parsed[importUri] != null) throw "$importUri already set?!?";
parsed[importUri] = topLevel;
_IdentifierExtractor identifierExtractor = new _IdentifierExtractor();
for (IdentifierHandle identifier in identifierExtractor.identifiers) {
if (identifier.context == IdentifierContext.typeVariableDeclaration) {
// Hack: Put type variable declarations into scope so any overlap in
// name doesn't mark usages (e.g. a class E shouldn't be marked if we're
// talking about the type variable E).
ParserAstNode content = identifier;
AstNode? nearestAstNode =[content];
while (nearestAstNode == null && content.parent != null) {
content = content.parent!;
nearestAstNode =[content];
if (nearestAstNode == null) {
content = identifier;
nearestAstNode =[content];
while (nearestAstNode == null && content.parent != null) {
content = content.parent!;
nearestAstNode =[content];
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Token t = identifier.token;
// for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// t = t.previous!;
// }
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
sb.write("$t ");
t =!;
throw "$fileUri --- couldn't even find nearest ast node for "
"${identifier.token} :( -- context $sb";
(nearestAstNode.scope[identifier.token.lexeme] ??= [])
return topLevel;
Future<void> _premarkTopLevel(List<_TopLevelAndAstNode> worklist,
Set<TopLevel> closed, TopLevel entrypointish) async {
if (!closed.add(entrypointish)) return;
for (AstNode child in entrypointish.children) {
child.marked = Coloring.Marked;
worklist.add(new _TopLevelAndAstNode(entrypointish, child));
if (child is Part) {
if (child.uri.scheme != "dart") {
TopLevel partTopLevel = parsed[child.uri] ??
await preprocessUri(child.uri, partOf: entrypointish.uri);
await _premarkTopLevel(worklist, closed, partTopLevel);
} else if (child is Export) {
for (Uri importedUri in child.uris) {
if (importedUri.scheme != "dart") {
TopLevel exportTopLevel =
parsed[importedUri] ?? await preprocessUri(importedUri);
await _premarkTopLevel(worklist, closed, exportTopLevel);
Future<List<TopLevel>> _preprocessImportsAsNeeded(
Map<TopLevel, List<TopLevel>> imports, TopLevel topLevel) async {
List<TopLevel>? imported = imports[topLevel];
if (imported == null) {
// Process all imports.
imported = [];
imports[topLevel] = imported;
for (AstNode child in topLevel.children) {
if (child is Import) {
child.marked = Coloring.Marked;
for (Uri importedUri in child.uris) {
if (importedUri.scheme != "dart") {
TopLevel importedTopLevel =
parsed[importedUri] ?? await preprocessUri(importedUri);
} else if (child is PartOf) {
child.marked = Coloring.Marked;
if (child.partOfUri.scheme != "dart") {
TopLevel part = parsed[child.partOfUri]!;
List<TopLevel> importsFromPart =
await _preprocessImportsAsNeeded(imports, part);
return imported;
Future<Map<Uri, String>> calculate(List<TopLevel> entryPoints) async {
List<_TopLevelAndAstNode> worklist = [];
Map<TopLevel, List<TopLevel>> imports = {};
// Mark all top-level in entry point. Also include parts and exports (and
// exports exports etc) of the entry point.
Set<TopLevel> closed = {};
for (TopLevel entryPoint in entryPoints) {
await _premarkTopLevel(worklist, closed, entryPoint);
Map<TopLevel, Set<String>> lookupsAll = {};
Map<TopLevel, List<String>> lookupsWorklist = {};
while (worklist.isNotEmpty || lookupsWorklist.isNotEmpty) {
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
_TopLevelAndAstNode entry = worklist.removeLast();
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) {
log("\n-----\nProcessing ${entry.entry.node.toString()}");
_IdentifierExtractor identifierExtractor = new _IdentifierExtractor();
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) {
log("Found ${identifierExtractor.identifiers}");
List<AstNode>? prevLookupResult;
for (IdentifierHandle identifier in identifierExtractor.identifiers) {
ParserAstNode content = identifier;
AstNode? nearestAstNode =[content];
while (nearestAstNode == null && content.parent != null) {
content = content.parent!;
nearestAstNode =[content];
if (nearestAstNode == null) {
throw "couldn't even find nearest ast node for "
"${identifier.token} :(";
if (identifier.context == IdentifierContext.typeReference ||
identifier.context == IdentifierContext.prefixedTypeReference ||
identifier.context ==
IdentifierContext.typeReferenceContinuation ||
identifier.context == IdentifierContext.constructorReference ||
identifier.context ==
IdentifierContext.constructorReferenceContinuation ||
identifier.context == IdentifierContext.expression ||
identifier.context == IdentifierContext.expressionContinuation ||
identifier.context == IdentifierContext.metadataReference ||
identifier.context == IdentifierContext.metadataContinuation) {
bool lookupInThisScope = true;
if (!identifier.context.isContinuation) {
prevLookupResult = null;
} else if (prevLookupResult != null) {
// In continuation.
// either 0 or all should be imports.
for (AstNode prevResult in prevLookupResult) {
if (prevResult is Import) {
lookupInThisScope = false;
} else {
continue nextIdentifier;
} else {
// Still in continuation --- but prev lookup didn't yield
// anything. We shouldn't search for the continuation part in this
// scope (and thus skip looking in imports).
lookupInThisScope = false;
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) {
log("${identifier.token} (${identifier.context})");
// Now we need parts at this point. Either we're in the entry point
// in which case parts was read by [_premarkTopLevel], or we're here
// via lookups on an import, where parts were read too.
List<AstNode>? lookedUp;
if (lookupInThisScope) {
lookedUp = findInScope(
identifier.token.lexeme, nearestAstNode, entry.topLevel);
prevLookupResult = lookedUp;
if (lookedUp != null) {
for (AstNode found in lookedUp) {
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) log(" => found $found");
if (found.marked == Coloring.Untouched) {
found.marked = Coloring.Marked;
TopLevel foundTopLevel = entry.topLevel;
if (found.parent is TopLevel) {
foundTopLevel = found.parent as TopLevel;
worklist.add(new _TopLevelAndAstNode(foundTopLevel, found));
} else {
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) {
log("=> Should find this via an import probably?");
List<TopLevel> imported =
await _preprocessImportsAsNeeded(imports, entry.topLevel);
Set<Uri>? wantedImportUrls;
if (!lookupInThisScope && prevLookupResult != null) {
for (AstNode castMeAsImport in prevLookupResult) {
Import import = castMeAsImport as Import;
assert(import.asName != null);
(wantedImportUrls ??= {}).addAll(import.uris);
for (TopLevel other in imported) {
if (!lookupInThisScope && prevLookupResult != null) {
assert(wantedImportUrls != null);
if (!wantedImportUrls!.contains(other.uri)) continue;
Set<String> lookupStrings = lookupsAll[other] ??= {};
if (lookupStrings.add(identifier.token.lexeme)) {
List<String> lookupStringsWorklist =
lookupsWorklist[other] ??= [];
} else {
if (verbosityLevel >= 30) {
log("Ignoring ${identifier.token} as it's a "
Map<TopLevel, List<String>> lookupsWorklistTmp = {};
for (MapEntry<TopLevel, List<String>> lookups
in lookupsWorklist.entries) {
TopLevel topLevel = lookups.key;
// We have to make the same lookups in parts and exports too.
for (AstNode child in topLevel.children) {
TopLevel? other;
if (child is Part) {
child.marked = Coloring.Marked;
// do stuff to part.
if (child.uri.scheme != "dart") {
other = parsed[child.uri] ??
await preprocessUri(child.uri, partOf: topLevel.uri);
} else if (child is Export) {
child.marked = Coloring.Marked;
// do stuff to export.
for (Uri importedUri in child.uris) {
if (importedUri.scheme != "dart") {
other = parsed[importedUri] ?? await preprocessUri(importedUri);
} else if (child is Extension) {
// TODO: Maybe put on a list to process later and only include if
// the on-class is included?
if (child.marked == Coloring.Untouched) {
child.marked = Coloring.Marked;
worklist.add(new _TopLevelAndAstNode(topLevel, child));
if (other != null) {
Set<String> lookupStrings = lookupsAll[other] ??= {};
for (String identifier in lookups.value) {
if (lookupStrings.add(identifier)) {
List<String> lookupStringsWorklist =
lookupsWorklistTmp[other] ??= [];
for (String identifier in lookups.value) {
List<AstNode>? foundInScope = topLevel.findInScope(identifier);
if (foundInScope != null) {
for (AstNode found in foundInScope) {
if (found.marked == Coloring.Untouched) {
found.marked = Coloring.Marked;
worklist.add(new _TopLevelAndAstNode(topLevel, found));
if (verbosityLevel >= 20) {
log(" => found $found via import (${found.marked})");
lookupsWorklist = lookupsWorklistTmp;
if (verbosityLevel >= 40) {
// Extract.
int count = 0;
Map<Uri, String> result = {};
// We only read imports if we need to lookup in them, but if a import
// statement is included in the output the file has to exist if it actually
// exists to not get a compilation error.
Set<Uri> imported = {};
for (MapEntry<Uri, TopLevel> entry in parsed.entries) {
if (verbosityLevel >= 40) log("${entry.key}:");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (AstNode child in entry.value.children) {
if (child.marked == Coloring.Marked) {
String substring = entry.value.sourceText.substring(
child.startInclusive.charOffset, child.endInclusive.charEnd);
if (verbosityLevel >= 40) {
if (child is Import) {
for (Uri importedUri in child.uris) {
if (importedUri.scheme != "dart") {
if (sb.isNotEmpty) count++;
Uri uri = entry.key;
Uri fileUri = uri;
if (uri.scheme == "package") {
fileUri = uriTranslator.translate(uri)!;
result[fileUri] = sb.toString();
for (Uri uri in imported) {
TopLevel? topLevel = parsed[uri];
if (topLevel != null) continue;
// uri imports a file we haven't read. Check if it exists and include it
// as an empty file if it does.
Uri fileUri = uri;
if (uri.scheme == "package") {
fileUri = uriTranslator.translate(uri)!;
if (await fileSystem.entityForUri(fileUri).exists()) {
result[fileUri] = "";
print("=> Long story short got it to $count non-empty files...");
return result;
List<AstNode>? findInScope(
String name, AstNode nearestAstNode, TopLevel topLevel,
{Set<TopLevel>? visited}) {
List<AstNode>? result;
result = nearestAstNode.findInScope(name);
if (result != null) return result;
for (AstNode child in topLevel.children) {
if (child is Part) {
visited ??= {topLevel};
TopLevel partTopLevel = parsed[child.uri]!;
if (visited.add(partTopLevel)) {
result =
findInScope(name, partTopLevel, partTopLevel, visited: visited);
if (result != null) return result;
} else if (child is PartOf) {
visited ??= {topLevel};
TopLevel partOwnerTopLevel = parsed[child.partOfUri]!;
if (visited.add(partOwnerTopLevel)) {
result = findInScope(name, partOwnerTopLevel, partOwnerTopLevel,
visited: visited);
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
class _TopLevelAndAstNode {
final TopLevel topLevel;
final AstNode entry;
_TopLevelAndAstNode(this.topLevel, this.entry);
class _IdentifierExtractor {
List<IdentifierHandle> identifiers = [];
void extract(ParserAstNode ast) {
if (ast is IdentifierHandle) {
List<ParserAstNode>? children = ast.children;
if (children != null) {
for (ParserAstNode child in children) {
class _ParserAstVisitor extends ParserAstVisitor {
final Uri uri;
final Uri? partOfUri;
late Container currentContainer;
final Map<ParserAstNode, AstNode> map = {};
final int verbosityLevel;
final List<Token> languageVersionsSeen;
_ParserAstVisitor(this.verbosityLevel, String sourceText, this.uri,
this.partOfUri, ParserAstNode rootAst, this.languageVersionsSeen) {
currentContainer = new TopLevel(sourceText, uri, rootAst, map);
if (languageVersionsSeen.isNotEmpty) {
// Use first one.
Token languageVersion = languageVersionsSeen.first;
ParserAstNode dummyNode = new NoInitializersHandle(ParserAstType.HANDLE);
LanguageVersion version =
new LanguageVersion(dummyNode, languageVersion, languageVersion);
version.marked = Coloring.Marked;
currentContainer.addChild(version, map);
void log(String s) {
if (verbosityLevel <= 0) return;
Container? x = currentContainer.parent;
int level = 0;
while (x != null) {
x = x.parent;
print(" " * level + s);
void visitClass(
ClassDeclarationEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
TopLevelDeclarationEnd parent = node.parent! as TopLevelDeclarationEnd;
IdentifierHandle identifier = parent.getIdentifier();
log("Hello from class ${identifier.token}");
Class cls = new Class(
parent, identifier.token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(cls, map);
Container previousContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = cls;
super.visitClass(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer = previousContainer;
void visitClassConstructor(
ClassConstructorEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Class);
List<IdentifierHandle> ids = node.getIdentifiers();
if (ids.length == 1) {
ClassConstructor classConstructor = new ClassConstructor(
node, ids.single.token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(classConstructor, map);
log("Hello from constructor ${ids.single.token}");
} else if (ids.length == 2) {
ClassConstructor classConstructor = new ClassConstructor(node,
"${ids.first.token}.${ids.last.token}", startInclusive, endInclusive);
map[node] = classConstructor;
currentContainer.addChild(classConstructor, map);
log("Hello from constructor ${ids.first.token}.${ids.last.token}");
} else {
throw "Unexpected identifiers in class constructor";
super.visitClassConstructor(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitClassFactoryMethod(
ClassFactoryMethodEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Class);
List<IdentifierHandle> ids = node.getIdentifiers();
if (ids.length == 1) {
ClassFactoryMethod classFactoryMethod = new ClassFactoryMethod(
node, ids.single.token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(classFactoryMethod, map);
log("Hello from factory method ${ids.single.token}");
} else if (ids.length == 2) {
ClassFactoryMethod classFactoryMethod = new ClassFactoryMethod(node,
"${ids.first.token}.${ids.last.token}", startInclusive, endInclusive);
map[node] = classFactoryMethod;
currentContainer.addChild(classFactoryMethod, map);
log("Hello from factory method ${ids.first.token}.${ids.last.token}");
} else {
Container findTopLevel = currentContainer;
while (findTopLevel is! TopLevel) {
findTopLevel = findTopLevel.parent!;
String src = findTopLevel.sourceText
.substring(startInclusive.charOffset, endInclusive.charEnd);
throw "Unexpected identifiers in class factory method: $ids "
"(${ => e.token.lexeme).toList()}) --- "
"error on source ${src} --- "
super.visitClassFactoryMethod(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitClassFields(
ClassFieldsEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Class);
List<String> fields =
node.getFieldIdentifiers().map((e) => e.token.lexeme).toList();
ClassFields classFields =
new ClassFields(node, fields, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(classFields, map);
log("Hello from class fields ${fields.join(", ")}");
super.visitClassFields(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitClassMethod(
ClassMethodEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Class);
String identifier;
try {
identifier = node.getNameIdentifier();
} catch (e) {
Container findTopLevel = currentContainer;
while (findTopLevel is! TopLevel) {
findTopLevel = findTopLevel.parent!;
String src = findTopLevel.sourceText
.substring(startInclusive.charOffset, endInclusive.charEnd);
throw "Unexpected identifiers in visitClassMethod --- "
"error on source ${src} --- "
ClassMethod classMethod =
new ClassMethod(node, identifier, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(classMethod, map);
log("Hello from class method $identifier");
super.visitClassMethod(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitEnum(EnumEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
List<IdentifierHandle> ids = node.getIdentifiers();
Enum e = new Enum(
ids.skip(1).map((e) => e.token.lexeme).toList(),
currentContainer.addChild(e, map);
log("Hello from enum ${ids.first.token} with content "
"${ids.skip(1).map((e) => e.token).join(", ")}");
super.visitEnum(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitExport(ExportEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
String uriString = node.getExportUriString();
Uri exportUri = uri.resolve(uriString);
List<String>? conditionalUriStrings = node.getConditionalExportUriStrings();
List<Uri>? conditionalUris;
if (conditionalUriStrings != null) {
conditionalUris = [];
for (String conditionalUri in conditionalUriStrings) {
// TODO: Use 'show' and 'hide' stuff.
Export e = new Export(
node, exportUri, conditionalUris, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(e, map);
log("Hello export");
void visitExtension(
ExtensionDeclarationEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
ExtensionDeclarationBegin begin =
node.children!.first as ExtensionDeclarationBegin;
TopLevelDeclarationEnd parent = node.parent! as TopLevelDeclarationEnd;
log("Hello from extension ${}");
Extension extension =
new Extension(parent,, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(extension, map);
Container previousContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = extension;
super.visitExtension(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer = previousContainer;
void visitExtensionConstructor(
ExtensionConstructorEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
// TODO: implement visitExtensionConstructor
throw node;
void visitExtensionFactoryMethod(ExtensionFactoryMethodEnd node,
Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
// TODO: implement visitExtensionFactoryMethod
throw node;
void visitExtensionFields(
ExtensionFieldsEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Extension);
List<String> fields =
node.getFieldIdentifiers().map((e) => e.token.lexeme).toList();
ExtensionFields classFields =
new ExtensionFields(node, fields, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(classFields, map);
log("Hello from extension fields ${fields.join(", ")}");
super.visitExtensionFields(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitExtensionMethod(
ExtensionMethodEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Extension);
ExtensionMethod extensionMethod = new ExtensionMethod(
node, node.getNameIdentifier(), startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(extensionMethod, map);
log("Hello from extension method ${node.getNameIdentifier()}");
super.visitExtensionMethod(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitImport(ImportEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token? endInclusive) {
IdentifierHandle? prefix = node.getImportPrefix();
String uriString = node.getImportUriString();
Uri importUri = uri.resolve(uriString);
List<String>? conditionalUriStrings = node.getConditionalImportUriStrings();
List<Uri>? conditionalUris;
if (conditionalUriStrings != null) {
conditionalUris = [];
for (String conditionalUri in conditionalUriStrings) {
// TODO: Use 'show' and 'hide' stuff.
// endInclusive can be null on syntax errors and there's recovery of the
// import. For now we'll ignore this.
Import i = new Import(node, importUri, conditionalUris,
prefix?.token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive!);
currentContainer.addChild(i, map);
if (prefix == null) {
log("Hello import");
} else {
log("Hello import as '${prefix.token}'");
void visitLibraryName(
LibraryNameEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
LibraryName name = new LibraryName(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
name.marked = Coloring.Marked;
currentContainer.addChild(name, map);
void visitMetadata(
MetadataEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
Metadata m = new Metadata(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(m, map);
void visitMixin(
MixinDeclarationEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
TopLevelDeclarationEnd parent = node.parent! as TopLevelDeclarationEnd;
IdentifierHandle identifier = parent.getIdentifier();
log("Hello from mixin ${identifier.token}");
Mixin mixin = new Mixin(
parent, identifier.token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(mixin, map);
Container previousContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = mixin;
super.visitMixin(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer = previousContainer;
void visitMixinFields(
MixinFieldsEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Mixin);
List<String> fields =
node.getFieldIdentifiers().map((e) => e.token.lexeme).toList();
MixinFields mixinFields =
new MixinFields(node, fields, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(mixinFields, map);
log("Hello from mixin fields ${fields.join(", ")}");
super.visitMixinFields(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitMixinMethod(
MixinMethodEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
assert(currentContainer is Mixin);
MixinMethod classMethod = new MixinMethod(
node, node.getNameIdentifier(), startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(classMethod, map);
log("Hello from mixin method ${node.getNameIdentifier()}");
super.visitMixinMethod(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitNamedMixin(
NamedMixinApplicationEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
TopLevelDeclarationEnd parent = node.parent! as TopLevelDeclarationEnd;
IdentifierHandle identifier = parent.getIdentifier();
log("Hello from named mixin ${identifier.token}");
Mixin mixin = new Mixin(
parent, identifier.token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(mixin, map);
Container previousContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = mixin;
super.visitNamedMixin(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer = previousContainer;
void visitPart(PartEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
String uriString = node.getPartUriString();
Uri partUri = uri.resolve(uriString);
Part i = new Part(node, partUri, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(i, map);
log("Hello part");
void visitPartOf(PartOfEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
// We'll assume we've gotten here via a "part" so we'll ignore that for now.
// TODO: partOfUri could - in an error case - be null.
PartOf partof = new PartOf(node, partOfUri!, startInclusive, endInclusive);
partof.marked = Coloring.Marked;
currentContainer.addChild(partof, map);
void visitTopLevelFields(
TopLevelFieldsEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
List<String> fields =
node.getFieldIdentifiers().map((e) => e.token.lexeme).toList();
TopLevelFields f =
new TopLevelFields(node, fields, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(f, map);
log("Hello from top level fields ${fields.join(", ")}");
super.visitTopLevelFields(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitTopLevelMethod(
TopLevelMethodEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
TopLevelMethod m = new TopLevelMethod(node,
node.getNameIdentifier().token.lexeme, startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(m, map);
log("Hello from top level method ${node.getNameIdentifier().token}");
super.visitTopLevelMethod(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);
void visitTypedef(TypedefEnd node, Token startInclusive, Token endInclusive) {
Typedef t = new Typedef(node, node.getNameIdentifier().token.lexeme,
startInclusive, endInclusive);
currentContainer.addChild(t, map);
log("Hello from typedef ${node.getNameIdentifier().token}");
super.visitTypedef(node, startInclusive, endInclusive);