blob: e00c88e82f5bf9edaccfc163f50fa586d244fc40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/clone.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/replacement_visitor.dart';
import 'package:_js_interop_checks/src/js_interop.dart';
class _TypeSubstitutor extends ReplacementVisitor {
final Class _javaScriptObject;
DartType? visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type, int variance) {
if (hasStaticInteropAnnotation(type.classNode)) {
return InterfaceType(_javaScriptObject, type.declaredNullability);
return super.visitInterfaceType(type, variance);
/// Erases usage of `@JS` classes that are annotated with `@staticInterop` in
/// favor of `JavaScriptObject`.
class StaticInteropClassEraser extends Transformer {
final Class _javaScriptObject;
final CloneVisitorNotMembers _cloner = CloneVisitorNotMembers();
late final _TypeSubstitutor _typeSubstitutor;
StaticInteropClassEraser(CoreTypes coreTypes)
: _javaScriptObject =
coreTypes.index.getClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JavaScriptObject') {
_typeSubstitutor = _TypeSubstitutor(_javaScriptObject);
String _factoryStubName(Procedure factoryTarget) =>
/// Either finds or creates a static method stub to replace factories with a
/// body in a static interop class.
/// Modifies [factoryTarget]'s enclosing class to include the new method.
Procedure _findOrCreateFactoryStub(Procedure factoryTarget) {
var factoryClass = factoryTarget.enclosingClass!;
var stubName = _factoryStubName(factoryTarget);
var stubs = factoryClass.procedures
.where((procedure) => == stubName);
if (stubs.isEmpty) {
// Note that the return type of the cloned function is transformed.
var functionNode =
as FunctionNode;
var staticMethod = Procedure(
Name(stubName), ProcedureKind.Method, functionNode,
isStatic: true, fileUri: factoryTarget.fileUri)
..parent = factoryClass;
return staticMethod;
} else {
assert(stubs.length == 1);
return stubs.first;
TreeNode visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
if (hasStaticInteropAnnotation(node.enclosingClass)) {
// Transform children of the constructor node excluding the return type.
var returnType = node.function.returnType;
var newConstructor = super.visitConstructor(node) as Constructor;
newConstructor.function.returnType = returnType;
return newConstructor;
return super.visitConstructor(node);
TreeNode visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
// Avoid changing the return types of factories, but rather cast the type of
// the invocation.
if (node.isFactory && hasStaticInteropAnnotation(node.enclosingClass!)) {
if (node.function.body != null && !node.isRedirectingFactory) {
// Bodies of factories may undergo transformation, which may result in
// type invariants breaking. For a motivating example, consider:
// ```
// factory Foo.fact() => Foo.cons();
// ```
// The invocation of `cons` would have its type erased, but then it
// would no longer match the return type of `fact`, whose return type
// shouldn't get erased as it is a factory. Note that this is only an
// issue when the factory has a body that doesn't simply redirect.
// In order to circumvent this, we introduce a new static method that
// clones the factory body and has a return type of
// `JavaScriptObject`. Invocations of the factory are turned into
// invocations of the static method. The original factory is still kept
// in order to make modular compilations work.
return node;
} else {
// Transform children of the factory node excluding the return type and
// return type of the signature type.
var returnType = node.function.returnType;
var signatureReturnType = node.signatureType?.returnType;
var newProcedure = super.visitProcedure(node) as Procedure;
newProcedure.function.returnType = returnType;
var signatureType = newProcedure.signatureType;
if (signatureType != null && signatureReturnType != null) {
newProcedure.signatureType = FunctionType(
namedParameters: signatureType.namedParameters,
typeParameters: signatureType.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: signatureType.requiredParameterCount,
typedefType: signatureType.typedefType);
return newProcedure;
return super.visitProcedure(node);
TreeNode visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
if (hasStaticInteropAnnotation( {
// Add a cast so that the result gets typed as `JavaScriptObject`.
var newInvocation = super.visitConstructorInvocation(node) as Expression;
return AsExpression(
..fileOffset = newInvocation.fileOffset;
return super.visitConstructorInvocation(node);
/// Transform static invocations that correspond only to factories of static
/// interop classes.
TreeNode visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
var targetClass =;
if ( &&
targetClass != null &&
hasStaticInteropAnnotation(targetClass)) {
var factoryTarget =;
if (factoryTarget.function.body != null &&
!factoryTarget.isRedirectingFactory) {
// Use or create the static method that replaces this factory instead.
// Note that the static method will not have been created yet in the
// case where we visit the factory later. Also note that a cast is not
// needed since the static method already has its type erased.
var args = super.visitArguments(node.arguments) as Arguments;
return StaticInvocation(_findOrCreateFactoryStub(factoryTarget), args,
isConst: node.isConst)
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
} else {
// Add a cast so that the result gets typed as `JavaScriptObject`.
var newInvocation = super.visitStaticInvocation(node) as Expression;
return AsExpression(
..fileOffset = newInvocation.fileOffset;
return super.visitStaticInvocation(node);
DartType visitDartType(DartType type) {
// Variance is not a factor in our type transformation here, so just choose
// `unrelated` as a default.
var substitutedType = type.accept1(_typeSubstitutor, Variance.unrelated);
return substitutedType != null ? substitutedType : type;