blob: faaddf66ac811b4c20317711362efca0b9f1e2df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/syntactic_errors.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../../../generated/test_support.dart';
import '../recovery_test_support.dart';
* A base class that adds support for tests that test how well the parser
* recovers when the user has entered an incomplete (but otherwise correct)
* construct (such as a top-level declaration, class member, or statement).
* Because users often add new constructs between two existing constructs, these
* tests effectively test whether the parser is able to recognize where the
* partially entered construct ends and where the next fully entered construct
* begins. (The preceding construct is irrelevant.) Given the large number of
* following constructs the are valid in most contexts, these tests are designed
* to programmatically generate tests based on a list of possible following
* constructs.
abstract class PartialCodeTest extends AbstractRecoveryTest {
* A list of suffixes that can be used by tests of class members.
static final List<TestSuffix> classMemberSuffixes = <TestSuffix>[
new TestSuffix('field', 'var f;'),
new TestSuffix('fieldConst', 'const f = 0;'),
new TestSuffix('fieldFinal', 'final f = 0;'),
new TestSuffix('methodNonVoid', 'int a(b) => 0;'),
new TestSuffix('methodVoid', 'void a(b) {}'),
new TestSuffix('getter', 'int get a => 0;'),
new TestSuffix('setter', 'set a(b) {}')
* A list of suffixes that can be used by tests of top-level constructs that
* can validly be followed by any declaration.
static final List<TestSuffix> declarationSuffixes = <TestSuffix>[
new TestSuffix('class', 'class A {}'),
new TestSuffix('typedef', 'typedef A = B Function(C, D);'),
new TestSuffix('functionVoid', 'void f() {}'),
new TestSuffix('functionNonVoid', 'int f() {}'),
new TestSuffix('var', 'var a;'),
new TestSuffix('const', 'const a = 0;'),
new TestSuffix('final', 'final a = 0;'),
new TestSuffix('getter', 'int get a => 0;'),
new TestSuffix('setter', 'set a(b) {}')
* A list of suffixes that can be used by tests of top-level constructs that
* can validly be followed by anything that is valid after a part directive.
static final List<TestSuffix> postPartSuffixes = <TestSuffix>[
new TestSuffix('part', "part 'a.dart';")
* A list of suffixes that can be used by tests of top-level constructs that
* can validly be followed by any directive or declaration other than a
* library directive.
static final List<TestSuffix> prePartSuffixes = <TestSuffix>[
new TestSuffix('import', "import 'a.dart';"),
new TestSuffix('export', "export 'a.dart';")
* A list of suffixes that can be used by tests of statements.
static final List<TestSuffix> statementSuffixes = <TestSuffix>[
new TestSuffix('assert', "assert (true);"),
new TestSuffix('block', "{}"),
new TestSuffix('break', "break;"),
new TestSuffix('continue', "continue;"),
new TestSuffix('do', "do {} while (true);"),
new TestSuffix('if', "if (true) {}"),
new TestSuffix('for', "for (var x in y) {}"),
new TestSuffix('labeled', "l: {}"),
new TestSuffix('localFunctionNonVoid', "int f() {}"),
new TestSuffix('localFunctionVoid', "void f() {}"),
new TestSuffix('localVariable', "var x;"),
new TestSuffix('switch', "switch (x) {}"),
new TestSuffix('try', "try {} finally {}"),
new TestSuffix('return', "return;"),
new TestSuffix('while', "while (true) {}"),
* Build a group of tests with the given [groupName]. There will be one test
* for every combination of elements in the cross-product of the lists of
* [descriptors] and [suffixes], and one additional test for every descriptor
* where the suffix is the empty string (to test partial declarations at the
* end of the file). In total, there will be
* `descriptors.length * (suffixes.length + 1)` tests generated.
buildTests(String groupName, List<TestDescriptor> descriptors,
List<TestSuffix> suffixes,
{String head, bool includeEof: true, String tail}) {
group(groupName, () {
for (TestDescriptor descriptor in descriptors) {
if (includeEof) {
descriptor, TestSuffix.eof, 0, head, tail);
for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) {
descriptor, suffixes[i], i + 1, head, tail);
if (descriptor.failing != null) {
test('${}_failingList', () {
Set<String> failing = new Set.from(descriptor.failing);
if (includeEof) {
failing.removeAll( suffix) =>;
expect(failing, isEmpty,
'There are tests marked as failing that are not being run');
* Build a single test based on the given [descriptor] and [suffix].
_buildTestForDescriptorAndSuffix(TestDescriptor descriptor, TestSuffix suffix,
int suffixIndex, String head, String tail) {
test('${}_${}', () {
// Compose the invalid and valid pieces of code.
StringBuffer invalid = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer valid = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer base = new StringBuffer();
if (head != null) {
if (suffix.text.isNotEmpty) {
invalid.write(' ');
valid.write(' ');
base.write(' ');
if (tail != null) {
// Determine the existing errors in the code without either valid or
// invalid code.
GatheringErrorListener listener =
new GatheringErrorListener(checkRanges: true);
parseCompilationUnit2(base.toString(), listener);
var baseErrorCodes = <ErrorCode>[];
listener.errors.forEach((AnalysisError error) {
if (error.errorCode == ParserErrorCode.BREAK_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP ||
error.errorCode == ParserErrorCode.CONTINUE_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP ||
error.errorCode == ParserErrorCode.CONTINUE_WITHOUT_LABEL_IN_CASE) {
var expectedValidCodeErrors = <ErrorCode>[];
if (descriptor.expectedErrorsInValidCode != null) {
var expectedInvalidCodeErrors = <ErrorCode>[];
if (descriptor.errorCodes != null) {
// Run the test.
List<String> failing = descriptor.failing;
if (descriptor.allFailing ||
(failing != null && failing.contains( {
bool failed = false;
try {
invalid.toString(), expectedInvalidCodeErrors, valid.toString(),
expectedErrorsInValidCode: expectedValidCodeErrors);
failed = true;
} catch (e) {
// Expected to fail.
if (failed) {
fail('Expected to fail, but passed');
} else {
invalid.toString(), expectedInvalidCodeErrors, valid.toString(),
expectedErrorsInValidCode: expectedValidCodeErrors);
* A description of a set of tests that are to be built.
class TestDescriptor {
* The name of the test.
final String name;
* Invalid code that the parser is expected to recover from.
final String invalid;
* Error codes that the parser is expected to produce.
final List<ErrorCode> errorCodes;
* Valid code that is equivalent to what the parser should produce as part of
* recovering from the invalid code.
final String valid;
* Error codes that the parser is expected to produce in the valid code.
final List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorsInValidCode;
* A flag indicating whether all of the tests are expected to fail.
final bool allFailing;
* A list containing the names of the suffixes for which the test is expected
* to fail.
final List<String> failing;
* Initialize a newly created test descriptor.
TestDescriptor(, this.invalid, this.errorCodes, this.valid,
{this.allFailing: false, this.failing, this.expectedErrorsInValidCode});
* Return a new description that is exactly like this descriptor except with
* the given [expectedErrorsInValidCode].
TestDescriptor withExpectedErrorsInValidCode(
List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorsInValidCode) =>
new TestDescriptor(name, invalid, errorCodes, valid,
allFailing: allFailing,
failing: failing,
expectedErrorsInValidCode: expectedErrorsInValidCode);
* A description of a set of suffixes that are to be used to construct tests.
class TestSuffix {
static final TestSuffix eof = new TestSuffix('eof', '');
* The name of the suffix.
final String name;
* The code to be appended to the test code.
final String text;
* Initialize a newly created suffix.
TestSuffix(, this.text);