blob: 84048b8f03c2f8e3b914316090776d7f2890dceb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
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package org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol;
* An enumeration of the kinds of elements that can be included in a completion suggestion.
* @coverage dart.server.generated.types
public class CompletionSuggestionKind {
* A list of arguments for the method or function that is being invoked. For this suggestion kind,
* the completion field is a textual representation of the invocation and the parameterNames,
* parameterTypes, and requiredParameterCount attributes are defined.
public static final String ARGUMENT_LIST = "ARGUMENT_LIST";
public static final String IMPORT = "IMPORT";
* The element identifier should be inserted at the completion location. For example "someMethod"
* in import 'myLib.dart' show someMethod;. For suggestions of this kind, the element attribute is
* defined and the completion field is the element's identifier.
public static final String IDENTIFIER = "IDENTIFIER";
* The element is being invoked at the completion location. For example, 'someMethod' in
* x.someMethod();. For suggestions of this kind, the element attribute is defined and the
* completion field is the element's identifier.
public static final String INVOCATION = "INVOCATION";
* A keyword is being suggested. For suggestions of this kind, the completion is the keyword.
public static final String KEYWORD = "KEYWORD";
* A named argument for the current call site is being suggested. For suggestions of this kind, the
* completion is the named argument identifier including a trailing ':' and a space.
public static final String NAMED_ARGUMENT = "NAMED_ARGUMENT";
public static final String OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT = "OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT";
* An overriding implementation of a class member is being suggested.
public static final String OVERRIDE = "OVERRIDE";
public static final String PARAMETER = "PARAMETER";