blob: 835de90e35497ca3e3d01dc252d698eeed7f4020 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
// We need to use the 'io' prefix here, otherwise io.exitCode will shadow
// CommandOutput.exitCode in subclasses of CommandOutput.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:status_file/expectation.dart';
import 'command_output.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A command executed as a step in a test case.
class Command {
static Command contentShell(
String executable,
String htmlFile,
List<String> options,
List<String> dartFlags,
Map<String, String> environment) {
return new ContentShellCommand._(
executable, htmlFile, options, dartFlags, environment);
static Command browserTest(String url, Configuration configuration,
{bool retry}) {
return new BrowserTestCommand._(url, configuration, retry);
static Command browserHtmlTest(
String url, Configuration configuration, List<String> expectedMessages,
{bool retry}) {
return new BrowserHtmlTestCommand._(
url, configuration, expectedMessages, retry);
static Command compilation(
String displayName,
String outputFile,
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies,
String executable,
List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environment,
{bool alwaysCompile: false,
String workingDirectory}) {
return new CompilationCommand._(displayName, outputFile, alwaysCompile,
bootstrapDependencies, executable, arguments, environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
static Command kernelCompilation(
String outputFile,
bool neverSkipCompilation,
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies,
String executable,
List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environment) {
return new KernelCompilationCommand._(outputFile, neverSkipCompilation,
bootstrapDependencies, executable, arguments, environment);
static Command analysis(String executable, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new AnalysisCommand._(executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
static Command specParse(String executable, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new SpecParseCommand._(executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
static Command vm(String executable, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new VmCommand._(executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
static Command vmBatch(String executable, String tester,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides,
{bool checked: true}) {
return new VmBatchCommand._(
executable, tester, arguments, environmentOverrides,
checked: checked);
static Command adbPrecompiled(String precompiledRunner, String processTest,
String testDirectory, List<String> arguments, bool useBlobs) {
return new AdbPrecompilationCommand._(
precompiledRunner, processTest, testDirectory, arguments, useBlobs);
static Command jsCommandLine(
String displayName, String executable, List<String> arguments,
[Map<String, String> environment]) {
return new JSCommandlineCommand._(
displayName, executable, arguments, environment);
static Command process(
String displayName, String executable, List<String> arguments,
[Map<String, String> environment, String workingDirectory]) {
return new ProcessCommand._(
displayName, executable, arguments, environment, workingDirectory);
static Command copy(String sourceDirectory, String destinationDirectory) {
return new CleanDirectoryCopyCommand._(
sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory);
static Command makeSymlink(String link, String target) {
return new MakeSymlinkCommand._(link, target);
/// A descriptive name for this command.
final String displayName;
/// Number of times this command *can* be retried.
int get maxNumRetries => 2;
/// Reproduction command.
String get reproductionCommand => null;
/// We compute the Command.hashCode lazily and cache it here, since it might
/// be expensive to compute (and hashCode is called often).
int _cachedHashCode;
int get hashCode {
if (_cachedHashCode == null) {
var builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
_cachedHashCode = builder.value;
return _cachedHashCode;
operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(runtimeType == other.runtimeType && _equal(other as Command));
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(covariant Command other) =>
hashCode == other.hashCode && displayName == other.displayName;
String toString() => reproductionCommand;
bool get outputIsUpToDate => false;
class ProcessCommand extends Command {
/// Path to the executable of this command.
String executable;
/// Command line arguments to the executable.
final List<String> arguments;
/// Environment for the command.
final Map<String, String> environmentOverrides;
/// Working directory for the command.
final String workingDirectory;
ProcessCommand._(String displayName, this.executable, this.arguments,
[this.environmentOverrides, this.workingDirectory])
: super._(displayName) {
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
// Windows can't handle the first command if it is a .bat file or the like
// with the slashes going the other direction.
// NOTE: Issue 1306
executable = executable.replaceAll('/', '\\');
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(ProcessCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) &&
executable == other.executable &&
deepJsonCompare(arguments, other.arguments) &&
workingDirectory == other.workingDirectory &&
deepJsonCompare(environmentOverrides, other.environmentOverrides);
String get reproductionCommand {
var env = new StringBuffer();
environmentOverrides?.forEach((key, value) =>
(io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows')
? env.write('set $key=${escapeCommandLineArgument(value)} & ')
: env.write('$key=${escapeCommandLineArgument(value)} '));
var command = ([executable]..addAll(batchArguments)..addAll(arguments))
.join(' ');
if (workingDirectory != null) {
command = "$command (working directory: $workingDirectory)";
return "$env$command";
bool get outputIsUpToDate => false;
/// Arguments that are passed to the process when starting batch mode.
/// In non-batch mode, they should be passed before [arguments].
List<String> get batchArguments => const [];
class CompilationCommand extends ProcessCommand {
final String _outputFile;
/// If true, then the compilation is run even if the input files are older
/// than the output file.
final bool _alwaysCompile;
final List<Uri> _bootstrapDependencies;
String displayName,
String executable,
List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides,
{String workingDirectory})
: super._(displayName, executable, arguments, environmentOverrides,
bool get outputIsUpToDate {
if (_alwaysCompile) return false;
var file = new io.File(new Path("$_outputFile.deps").toNativePath());
if (!file.existsSync()) return false;
var lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
var dependencies = <Uri>[];
for (var line in lines) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.isNotEmpty) {
var jsOutputLastModified = TestUtils.lastModifiedCache
.getLastModified(new Uri(scheme: 'file', path: _outputFile));
if (jsOutputLastModified == null) return false;
for (var dependency in dependencies) {
var dependencyLastModified =
if (dependencyLastModified == null ||
dependencyLastModified.isAfter(jsOutputLastModified)) {
return false;
return true;
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(CompilationCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) &&
_outputFile == other._outputFile &&
_alwaysCompile == other._alwaysCompile &&
deepJsonCompare(_bootstrapDependencies, other._bootstrapDependencies);
class KernelCompilationCommand extends CompilationCommand {
String outputFile,
bool neverSkipCompilation,
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies,
String executable,
List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides)
: super._('dartk', outputFile, neverSkipCompilation,
bootstrapDependencies, executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
int get maxNumRetries => 1;
/// This is just a Pair(String, Map) class with hashCode and operator ==
class AddFlagsKey {
final String flags;
final Map env;
AddFlagsKey(this.flags, this.env);
// Just use object identity for environment map
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is AddFlagsKey && flags == other.flags && env == other.env;
int get hashCode => flags.hashCode ^ env.hashCode;
class ContentShellCommand extends ProcessCommand {
String executable,
String htmlFile,
List<String> options,
List<String> dartFlags,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides)
: super._("content_shell", executable, _getArguments(options, htmlFile),
_getEnvironment(environmentOverrides, dartFlags));
// Cache the modified environments in a map from the old environment and
// the string of Dart flags to the new environment. Avoid creating new
// environment object for each command object.
static Map<AddFlagsKey, Map<String, String>> environments = {};
static Map<String, String> _getEnvironment(
Map<String, String> env, List<String> dartFlags) {
var needDartFlags = dartFlags != null && dartFlags.isNotEmpty;
if (needDartFlags) {
if (env == null) {
env = const <String, String>{};
var flags = dartFlags.join(' ');
return environments.putIfAbsent(
new AddFlagsKey(flags, env),
() => new Map<String, String>.from(env)
..addAll({'DART_FLAGS': flags, 'DART_FORWARDING_PRINT': '1'}));
return env;
static List<String> _getArguments(List<String> options, String htmlFile) {
var arguments = options.toList();
return arguments;
int get maxNumRetries => 3;
class BrowserTestCommand extends Command {
Runtime get browser => configuration.runtime;
final String url;
final Configuration configuration;
final bool retry;
BrowserTestCommand._(this.url, this.configuration, this.retry)
: super._(;
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(BrowserTestCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) &&
browser == other.browser &&
url == other.url &&
identical(configuration, other.configuration) &&
retry == other.retry;
String get reproductionCommand {
var parts = [
return' ');
int get maxNumRetries => 4;
class BrowserHtmlTestCommand extends BrowserTestCommand {
List<String> expectedMessages;
BrowserHtmlTestCommand._(String url, Configuration configuration,
this.expectedMessages, bool retry)
: super._(url, configuration, retry);
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(BrowserHtmlTestCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) &&
identical(expectedMessages, other.expectedMessages);
class AnalysisCommand extends ProcessCommand {
AnalysisCommand._(String executable, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides)
: super._('dart2analyzer', executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
class SpecParseCommand extends ProcessCommand {
SpecParseCommand._(String executable, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides)
: super._('spec_parser', executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
class VmCommand extends ProcessCommand {
VmCommand._(String executable, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides)
: super._('vm', executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
class VmBatchCommand extends ProcessCommand implements VmCommand {
final String dartFile;
final bool checked;
VmBatchCommand._(String executable, String dartFile, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides,
{this.checked: true})
: this.dartFile = dartFile,
super._('vm-batch', executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
List<String> get batchArguments =>
checked ? ['--checked', dartFile] : [dartFile];
bool _equal(VmBatchCommand other) {
return super._equal(other) &&
dartFile == other.dartFile &&
checked == other.checked;
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
class AdbPrecompilationCommand extends Command {
final String precompiledRunnerFilename;
final String processTestFilename;
final String precompiledTestDirectory;
final List<String> arguments;
final bool useBlobs;
: super._("adb_precompilation");
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(AdbPrecompilationCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) &&
precompiledRunnerFilename == other.precompiledRunnerFilename &&
useBlobs == other.useBlobs &&
arguments == other.arguments &&
precompiledTestDirectory == other.precompiledTestDirectory;
String toString() => 'Steps to push precompiled runner and precompiled code '
'to an attached device. Uses (and requires) adb.';
class JSCommandlineCommand extends ProcessCommand {
String displayName, String executable, List<String> arguments,
[Map<String, String> environmentOverrides = null])
: super._(displayName, executable, arguments, environmentOverrides);
/// [ScriptCommand]s are executed by dart code.
abstract class ScriptCommand extends Command {
ScriptCommand._(String displayName) : super._(displayName);
Future<ScriptCommandOutput> run();
class CleanDirectoryCopyCommand extends ScriptCommand {
final String _sourceDirectory;
final String _destinationDirectory;
CleanDirectoryCopyCommand._(this._sourceDirectory, this._destinationDirectory)
: super._('dir_copy');
String get reproductionCommand =>
"Copying '$_sourceDirectory' to '$_destinationDirectory'.";
Future<ScriptCommandOutput> run() {
var watch = new Stopwatch()..start();
var destination = new io.Directory(_destinationDirectory);
return destination.exists().then((bool exists) {
Future cleanDirectoryFuture;
if (exists) {
cleanDirectoryFuture = TestUtils.deleteDirectory(_destinationDirectory);
} else {
cleanDirectoryFuture = new Future.value(null);
return cleanDirectoryFuture.then((_) {
return TestUtils.copyDirectory(_sourceDirectory, _destinationDirectory);
}).then((_) {
return new ScriptCommandOutput(this, Expectation.pass, "", watch.elapsed);
}).catchError((error) {
return new ScriptCommandOutput(
this,, "An error occured: $error.", watch.elapsed);
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(CleanDirectoryCopyCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) &&
_sourceDirectory == other._sourceDirectory &&
_destinationDirectory == other._destinationDirectory;
/// Makes a symbolic link to another directory.
class MakeSymlinkCommand extends ScriptCommand {
String _link;
String _target;
MakeSymlinkCommand._(this._link, this._target) : super._('make_symlink');
String get reproductionCommand =>
"Make symbolic link '$_link' (target: $_target)'.";
Future<ScriptCommandOutput> run() {
var watch = new Stopwatch()..start();
var targetFile = new io.Directory(_target);
return targetFile.exists().then((bool targetExists) {
if (!targetExists) {
throw new Exception("Target '$_target' does not exist");
var link = new io.Link(_link);
return link.exists().then((bool exists) {
if (exists) return link.delete();
}).then((_) => link.create(_target));
}).then((_) {
return new ScriptCommandOutput(this, Expectation.pass, "", watch.elapsed);
}).catchError((error) {
return new ScriptCommandOutput(
this,, "An error occured: $error.", watch.elapsed);
void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
bool _equal(MakeSymlinkCommand other) =>
super._equal(other) && _link == other._link && _target == other._target;