blob: a608f62717eb295480f39c13fd22bf062fd7c41f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'cache_new.dart';
import 'logger.dart';
/// Checks that [haystack] contains substring [needle], case insensitive.
/// Throws an exception if either parameter is `null`.
bool containsIgnoreCase(String haystack, String needle) {
if (haystack == null) {
throw "Unexpected null as the first paramter value of containsIgnoreCase";
if (needle == null) {
throw "Unexpected null as the second parameter value of containsIgnoreCase";
return haystack.toLowerCase().contains(needle.toLowerCase());
/// Split [text] using [infixes] as infix markers.
List<String> split(String text, List<String> infixes) {
List<String> result = <String>[];
int start = 0;
for (String infix in infixes) {
int index = text.indexOf(infix, start);
if (index == -1)
throw "'$infix' not found in '$text' from offset ${start}.";
result.add(text.substring(start, index));
start = index + infix.length;
return result;
/// Pad [text] with spaces to the right to fit [length].
String padRight(String text, int length) {
if (text.length < length) return '${text}${' ' * (length - text.length)}';
return text;
/// Pad [text] with spaces to the left to fit [length].
String padLeft(String text, int length) {
if (text.length < length) return '${' ' * (length - text.length)}${text}';
return text;
bool LOG = const bool.fromEnvironment('LOG', defaultValue: false);
void log(Object text) {
if (LOG) print(text);
Logger createLogger({bool verbose: false}) {
return new StdOutLogger(verbose ? Level.debug :;
CreateCacheFunction createCacheFunction(Logger logger,
{bool disableCache: false}) {
return disableCache
? noCache()
: initCache(Uri.base.resolve('temp/gardening-cache/'), logger);
class HttpException implements Exception {
final Uri uri;
final int statusCode;
HttpException(this.uri, this.statusCode);
String toString() => '$uri: $statusCode';
/// Reads the content of [uri] as text.
Future<String> readUriAsText(
HttpClient client, Uri uri, Duration timeout) async {
HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(uri);
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw new HttpException(uri, response.statusCode);
if (timeout != null) {
return response.timeout(timeout).transform(UTF8.decoder).join();
} else {
return response.transform(UTF8.decoder).join();
class Flags {
static const String cache = 'cache';
static const String commit = 'commit';
static const String help = 'help';
static const String logdog = 'logdog';
static const String noCache = 'no-cache';
static const String verbose = 'verbose';
ArgParser createArgParser() {
ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
argParser.addFlag(, help: "Help");
abbr: 'v', negatable: false, help: "Turn on logging output.");
argParser.addFlag(Flags.noCache, help: "Disable caching.");
help: "Use <dir> for caching test output.\n"
"Defaults to 'temp/gardening-cache/'.");
negatable: true,
defaultsTo: true,
help: "Pull test results from logdog.");
return argParser;
void processArgResults(ArgResults argResults) {
if (argResults[Flags.verbose]) {
LOG = true;
if (argResults[Flags.cache] != null) {
cache.base = Uri.base.resolve('${argResults[Flags.cache]}/');
if (argResults[Flags.noCache]) {
cache.base = null;
/// Strips un-wanted characters from string [category] from CBE json.
String sanitizeCategory(String category) {
var reg = new RegExp(r"^[0-9]+(.*)\|all$");
var match = reg.firstMatch(category);
return match != null ? : category;
/// Returns a function (dynamic, StackTrace) -> Void, useful for printing
/// exceptions.
exceptionPrint(String message) {
return (dynamic ex, {StackTrace st}) {
if (message != null) {
if (st != null) {
} else if (ex is Error) {
/// Zips two iterables to a new list, by calling [f]. [second] has to be at
/// least the same length as [first].
Iterable<T> zipWith<T, X, Y>(
Iterable<X> first, Iterable<Y> second, T f(X x, Y y)) sync* {
var yIterator = second.iterator;
for (var x in first) {
if (!yIterator.moveNext()) {
throw new Exception("second have to be at least the same length of xs.");
yield f(x, yIterator.current);
typedef T ErrorLogger<T>(error, StackTrace s);
/// errorLogger with a return-value, which can be used for onError and
/// catchError in futures.
ErrorLogger<T> errorLogger<T>(Logger logger, String message, T returnValue) {
return (dynamic e, StackTrace s) {
// TODO(mkroghj,johnniwinther): Pass [s] to [Logger.error] when in developer
// mode.
logger.error(message, e);
return returnValue;
/// Iterates over [items] and spawns [concurrent] x futures, by calling [f].d
/// When a future completes it will try to take the next in the list. The
/// function will complete when all items has been processed.
Future<Iterable<S>> waitWithThrottle<T, S>(
Iterable items, int concurrent, Future<S> f(T item)) async {
// Listify the items, to make sure length is constant.
var inputs = items.toList();
List<S> results = new List<S>(inputs.length);
var current = 0;
await Future.wait(new Iterable.generate(
(int _) => Future.doWhile(() async {
if (current >= inputs.length) {
return false;
int index = current++;
results[index] = await f(inputs[index]);
return true;
return results;
/// Iterates over [items] and spawns [concurrent] x futures, by calling [f].
/// When a future completes it will try to take the next in the list. The
/// function will complete when all items has been processed.
Future<Iterable<S>> waitWithThrottle2<T, S>(
Iterable items, int concurrent, Future<S> f(T item)) async {
// Listify the items, to make sure length is constant.
var remainingList = items.toList();
List<S> resultList = new List<S>(remainingList.length);
var finger = 0;
var doWork = (continuation) async {
if (finger >= remainingList.length) {
int thisFinger = finger++;
resultList[thisFinger] = await f(remainingList[thisFinger]);
await continuation(continuation);
await Future.wait(new Iterable.generate(concurrent, (_) => doWork(doWork)));
return resultList;
/// Similar to Iterable.where, except, the function [f] returns a future boolean.
Future<Iterable<T>> futureWhere<T>(
Iterable<T> items, Future<bool> f(T item)) async {
List<bool> results =
(await Future.wait( => f(item)))).toList();
var index = 0;
return items.where((item) => results[index++]).toList();
/// Run the python [script] with the provided [args].
Future<ProcessResult> runPython(String script, List<String> args) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
args = []
script = 'python.exe';
return, args);
/// Regular expression matches a Linux or Windows new line character.
final RegExp newLine = new RegExp(r'\r\n|\n');