blob: fcc9fe919607d52209e1008dd35ee316b1de9401 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:gardening/src/results/result_models.dart' as models;
import 'package:gardening/src/workflow/workflow.dart';
Future<models.TestResult> getTestResults(String input) {
return new Future.value(new models.TestResult());
class AskForLogs extends WorkflowStep {
List<Future<models.TestResult>> futureTestResults = new List<Future>();
Future<WorkflowAction> input(String input) {
// No input entered.
if (input == null || input.isEmpty && futureTestResults.length == 0) {
print("ERROR: Needs to add at least one result log.");
return new Future.value(new WaitForInputWorkflowAction());
// Navigate to next step.
if (input == null || input.isEmpty) {
return new Future.value(new NavigateStepWorkflowAction(
new ComputeStep(),
new ComputeStepPayload(Future.wait(futureTestResults),
"The tool is fetching result logs...", new PresentFailures())));
// Otherwise, add fetch results via future and return input to the user.
var newFutureTestResult = getTestResults(input);
if (newFutureTestResult == null) {
print("ERROR: The input '$input' is invalid.");
} else {
print("The tool is acquiring the logs from the input. Add another log or "
"<Enter> to continue.");
return new Future.value(new WaitForInputWorkflowAction());
Future<bool> onLeave() {
return new Future.value(false);
Future<WorkflowAction> onShow(payload) async {
// This is the first step, so payload is disregarded.
if (futureTestResults.length == 0) {
// prefetch builders
} else {
return new WaitForInputWorkflowAction();
void askForInputFirstTime() {
print("The tool needs to lookup tests and their expectations to make "
"suggestions. The more data-points the tool can find, the better it "
"can report on potential changes to status files.");
print("You can add test results by the following commands:");
print("\t<uri> : Either a relative file path, url to a "
"try builder or url to result log.");
print("\t<builder-group> : The builder-group name.");
print("\t<builder-name> : Name of the builder.");
print("\t<builder-name> <number> : Name and build number for a builder.");
print("\tall <commit> : All bots for a commit (slow)");
print("\t<number> <patchset> : The commit number and patchset "
"for a CL.");
print("Input one of the above commands to add a log:");
void askForInputOtherTimes() {
print("Add additional logs or write <Enter> to continue.");
class PresentFailures extends WorkflowStep<List<models.TestResult>> {
Future<WorkflowAction> input(String input) {
if (input == "back") {
return new Future.value(new BackWorkflowAction());
return new Future.value(null);
Future<bool> onLeave() {
return new Future.value(false);
Future<WorkflowAction> onShow(List<models.TestResult> payload) {
print("The tool has observed that the following tests have failed. The "
"tests are grouped by their resulting expectation and all failing "
"configurations are shown below.");
print("If you would like to go back and add more result logs, type the "
"'back' command.");
return new Future.value(new WaitForInputWorkflowAction());