blob: acfd07e7447049c86eca401f1f06429e57c95f02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/cache_new.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/extended_printer.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/logger.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/luci.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/luci_api.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/results/configuration_environment.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/results/result_models.dart' as models;
import 'package:gardening/src/results/status_files.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/results/test_result_service.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/results/testpy_wrapper.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/results/util.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/util.dart';
import 'package:gardening/src/workflow/workflow.dart';
import 'results_status_workflow.dart';
/// Class [StatusCommand] handles the 'status' subcommand and provides
/// sub-commands for interacting with status files.
class StatusCommand extends Command {
String get description => "Tools for checking and updating status files.";
String get name => "status";
StatusCommand() {
addSubcommand(new CheckStatusCommand());
addSubcommand(new UpdateStatusCommand());
/// Class [CheckStatusCommand] checks a suite of status files for overlapping
/// sections.
class CheckStatusCommand extends Command {
String usage = "Usage: check <suite> or check <suite> <test>";
String get description => "Checks a suite of status files for duplicate "
"entries. $usage";
String get name => "check";
CheckStatusCommand() {
negatable: false, help: "Print entries in status files for each test");
Future run() async {
if ( == 0 || > 2) {
print("Incorrect number of arguments.\n$usage");
var suite =;
bool specificTest = == 2;
String testArg = specificTest ? "$suite/${}" : suite;
Map<String, Iterable<String>> statusFilesMap =
await statusFileListerMapFromArgs([testArg]);
var statusFilePaths = statusFilesMap[suite].map((file) {
return "${PathHelper.sdkRepositoryRoot()}/$file";
}).where((sf) {
return new File(sf).existsSync();
print("We need to download all latest configurations. "
"This may take some time...");
Logger logger = createLogger();
CreateCacheFunction createCache = createCacheFunction(logger);
WithCacheFunction dayCache = createCache(duration: new Duration(days: 1));
var luciApi = new LuciApi();
var primaryBuilders =
await getPrimaryBuilders(luciApi, DART_CLIENT, dayCache);
var testResultService = new TestResultService(logger, createCache);
StatusFiles statusFilesWrapper =;
List<models.TestResult> testResults =
await waitWithThrottle(primaryBuilders, 20, (builder) {
return testResultService.latestForBuilder(BUILDER_PROJECT, builder);
var allResults = testResults.fold<models.TestResult>(
new models.TestResult(),
(sum, testResult) => sum..combineWith([testResult]));
var activeConfigurations = await futureWhere(
allResults.configurations.values, (configuration) async {
// Check that this configuration is using the suite from arguments.
var confStatusFiles = await statusFileListerMap(configuration);
return statusFilesMap.keys
.any((testSuite) => confStatusFiles.containsKey(testSuite));
if (!specificTest) {
// Get all tests from and check every one.
var suiteTests = await testsForSuite(suite);
activeConfigurations, => getQualifiedNameForTest(test)),
} else {
activeConfigurations, [], statusFilesWrapper);
void _checkTests(Iterable<models.Configuration> configurations,
Iterable<String> tests, StatusFiles statusFiles) {
int configurationLength = configurations.length;
int configurationCounter = 1;
var printer = new ExtendedPrinter();
for (var configuration in configurations) {
printer.preceding = "";
var conf = configuration
.toArgs(includeSelectors: false)
.map((arg) => arg.replaceAll("--", ""));
printer.println("Configuration $configurationCounter of "
"$configurationLength: ${conf.join(', ')}");
ConfigurationEnvironment environment =
new ConfigurationEnvironment(configuration);
Map<String, Iterable<StatusSectionEntry>> results = {};
for (var test in tests) {
Iterable<StatusSectionEntry> result =
statusFiles.sectionsWithTestForConfiguration(environment, test);
if (result.length > 1) {
results.putIfAbsent(test, () => result);
if (results.length > 0) {
if (argResults["print-test"]) {
printOverlappingSectionsForTest(printer, results);
} else {
printOverlappingSectionsForTestsGrouped(printer, results);
} else {
printer.println("No overlapping status sections.");
void printOverlappingSectionsForTest(ExtendedPrinter printer,
Map<String, Iterable<StatusSectionEntry>> testSectionEntries) {
for (var test in testSectionEntries.keys) {
(StatusSectionEntry entry) {
return "${entry.section.lineNumber}: [ ${entry.section.condition} ] \n"
"\t${entry.entry.lineNumber}: ${entry.entry.path}: ${entry.entry.expectations}";
}, header: (StatusSectionEntry entry) {
return entry.statusFile.path;
}, itemPreceding: "\t");
void printOverlappingSectionsForTestsGrouped(ExtendedPrinter printer,
Map<String, Iterable<StatusSectionEntry>> testSectionEntries) {
Iterable<StatusSectionEntry> expandedResult =
testSectionEntries.values.expand((id) => id);
var allFiles = => result.statusFile).toSet();
for (var file in allFiles) {
printer.preceding = "";
var all = expandedResult.where((x) => x.statusFile == file).toList();
all.sort((a, b) => a.entry.lineNumber.compareTo(b.entry.lineNumber));
var sections = => entry.section).toSet();
for (var section in sections) {
printer.preceding = "\t";
printer.println("${section.lineNumber}: [ ${section.condition} ]");
var entries = all
.where((entry) => entry.section == section)
.map((entry) => entry.entry)
printer.preceding = "\t\t";
for (var entry in entries) {
printer.println("${entry.lineNumber}: "
"${entry.path}: "
/// Class [UpdateStatusCommand] handles the 'status update' subcommand and
/// updates status files.
class UpdateStatusCommand extends Command {
String get description => "Update status files, from failure data and "
"existing status entries.";
String get name => "update";
Future run() async {
var workflow = new Workflow();
return workflow.start(new AskForLogs());