blob: f52240a2c078209850d9660fea7265b4998136a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// NOTE! All code below should be common with RectangleBase.
String toString() {
return 'Rectangle ($left, $top) $width x $height';
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !Rectangle) return false;
return left == other.left && top == && width == other.width &&
height == other.height;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash4(left.hashCode, top.hashCode,
width.hashCode, height.hashCode);
* Computes the intersection of `this` and [other].
* The intersection of two axis-aligned rectangles, if any, is always another
* axis-aligned rectangle.
* Returns the intersection of this and `other`, or null if they don't
* intersect.
Rectangle intersection(Rectangle other) {
var x0 = max(left, other.left);
var x1 = min(left + width, other.left + other.width);
if (x0 <= x1) {
var y0 = max(top,;
var y1 = min(top + height, + other.height);
if (y0 <= y1) {
return new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
return null;
* Returns true if `this` intersects [other].
bool intersects(Rectangle<num> other) {
return (left <= other.left + other.width &&
other.left <= left + width &&
top <= + other.height && <= top + height);
* Returns a new rectangle which completely contains `this` and [other].
Rectangle boundingBox(Rectangle other) {
var right = max(this.left + this.width, other.left + other.width);
var bottom = max( + this.height, + other.height);
var left = min(this.left, other.left);
var top = min(,;
return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
* Tests whether `this` entirely contains [another].
bool containsRectangle(Rectangle<num> another) {
return left <= another.left &&
left + width >= another.left + another.width &&
top <= &&
top + height >= + another.height;
* Tests whether [another] is inside or along the edges of `this`.
bool containsPoint(Point<num> another) {
return another.x >= left &&
another.x <= left + width &&
another.y >= top &&
another.y <= top + height;
Point get topLeft => new Point/*<num>*/(this.left,;
Point get topRight => new Point/*<num>*/(this.left + this.width,;
Point get bottomRight => new Point/*<num>*/(this.left + this.width, + this.height);
Point get bottomLeft => new Point/*<num>*/(this.left, + this.height);
* This is the [Jenkins hash function][1] but using masking to keep
* values in SMI range.
* [1]:
* Use:
* Hash each value with the hash of the previous value, then get the final
* hash by calling finish.
* var hash = 0;
* for (var value in values) {
* hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, value.hashCode);
* }
* hash = JenkinsSmiHash.finish(hash);
class _JenkinsSmiHash {
// TODO(11617): This class should be optimized and standardized elsewhere.
static int combine(int hash, int value) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
return hash ^ (hash >> 6);
static int finish(int hash) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
static int hash2(a, b) => finish(combine(combine(0, a), b));
static int hash4(a, b, c, d) =>
finish(combine(combine(combine(combine(0, a), b), c), d));