blob: 3ff76ab464e72dfe61c8d6f92188a53bf4bb676d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.loader;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'builder/builder.dart' show Builder, LibraryBuilder;
import 'deprecated_problems.dart' show firstSourceUri;
import 'messages.dart'
show LocatedMessage, Message, messagePlatformPrivateLibraryAccess;
import 'severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'target_implementation.dart' show TargetImplementation;
import 'ticker.dart' show Ticker;
abstract class Loader<L> {
final Map<Uri, LibraryBuilder> builders = <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
final Queue<LibraryBuilder> unparsedLibraries = new Queue<LibraryBuilder>();
final List<L> libraries = <L>[];
final TargetImplementation target;
/// List of all handled compile-time errors seen so far by libraries loaded
/// by this loader.
/// A handled error is an error that has been added to the generated AST
/// already, for example, as a throw expression.
final List<LocatedMessage> handledErrors = <LocatedMessage>[];
/// List of all unhandled compile-time errors seen so far by libraries loaded
/// by this loader.
/// An unhandled error is an error that hasn't been handled, see
/// [handledErrors].
final List<LocatedMessage> unhandledErrors = <LocatedMessage>[];
final Set<String> seenMessages = new Set<String>();
LibraryBuilder coreLibrary;
/// The first library that we've been asked to compile. When compiling a
/// program (aka script), this is the library that should have a main method.
LibraryBuilder first;
int byteCount = 0;
Uri currentUriForCrashReporting;
Ticker get ticker => target.ticker;
/// Look up a library builder by the name [uri], or if such doesn't
/// exist, create one. The canonical URI of the library is [uri], and its
/// actual location is [fileUri].
/// Canonical URIs have schemes like "dart", or "package", and the actual
/// location is often a file URI.
/// The [accessor] is the library that's trying to import, export, or include
/// as part [uri], and [charOffset] is the location of the corresponding
/// directive. If [accessor] isn't allowed to access [uri], it's a
/// compile-time error.
LibraryBuilder read(Uri uri, int charOffset,
{Uri fileUri, LibraryBuilder accessor, LibraryBuilder origin}) {
LibraryBuilder builder = builders.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
if (fileUri == null) {
switch (uri.scheme) {
case "package":
case "dart":
fileUri = target.translateUri(uri);
fileUri = uri;
LibraryBuilder library =
target.createLibraryBuilder(uri, fileUri, origin);
if (uri.scheme == "dart" && uri.path == "core") {
coreLibrary = library;
if (library.loader != this) {
// This library isn't owned by this loader, so not further processing
// should be attempted.
return library;
// Add any additional logic after this block. Setting the
// firstSourceUri and first library should be done as early as
// possible.
firstSourceUri ??= uri;
first ??= library;
if (target.backendTarget.mayDefineRestrictedType(origin?.uri ?? uri)) {
library.mayImplementRestrictedTypes = true;
if (uri.scheme == "dart") {
return library;
if (accessor != null &&
!accessor.isPatch &&
.allowPlatformPrivateLibraryAccess(accessor.uri, uri)) {
messagePlatformPrivateLibraryAccess, charOffset, accessor.fileUri);
return builder;
void ensureCoreLibrary() {
if (coreLibrary == null) {
read(Uri.parse("dart:core"), -1);
assert(coreLibrary != null);
Future<Null> buildBodies() async {
assert(coreLibrary != null);
for (LibraryBuilder library in builders.values) {
currentUriForCrashReporting = library.uri;
await buildBody(library);
currentUriForCrashReporting = null;
ticker.log((Duration elapsed, Duration sinceStart) {
int libraryCount = builders.length;
double ms =
elapsed.inMicroseconds / Duration.MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;
String message = "Built $libraryCount compilation units";
$sinceStart: $message ($byteCount bytes) in ${format(ms, 3, 0)}ms, that is,
${format(byteCount / ms, 3, 12)} bytes/ms, and
${format(ms / libraryCount, 3, 12)} ms/compilation unit.""");
Future<Null> buildOutlines() async {
while (unparsedLibraries.isNotEmpty) {
LibraryBuilder library = unparsedLibraries.removeFirst();
currentUriForCrashReporting = library.uri;
await buildOutline(library);
currentUriForCrashReporting = null;
ticker.log((Duration elapsed, Duration sinceStart) {
int libraryCount = builders.length;
double ms =
elapsed.inMicroseconds / Duration.MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;
String message = "Built outlines for $libraryCount compilation units";
// TODO(ahe): Share this message with [buildBodies]. Also make it easy to
// tell the difference between outlines read from a dill file or source
// files. Currently, [libraryCount] is wrong for dill files.
$sinceStart: $message ($byteCount bytes) in ${format(ms, 3, 0)}ms, that is,
${format(byteCount / ms, 3, 12)} bytes/ms, and
${format(ms / libraryCount, 3, 12)} ms/compilation unit.""");
Future<Null> buildOutline(covariant LibraryBuilder library);
/// Builds all the method bodies found in the given [library].
Future<Null> buildBody(covariant LibraryBuilder library);
/// Register [message] as a compile-time error.
/// If [wasHandled] is true, this error is added to [handledErrors],
/// otherwise it is added to [unhandledErrors].
void addCompileTimeError(Message message, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{bool wasHandled: false, LocatedMessage context}) {
if (addMessage(message, charOffset, fileUri, Severity.error,
context: context)) {
(wasHandled ? handledErrors : unhandledErrors)
.add(message.withLocation(fileUri, charOffset));
void addWarning(Message message, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{LocatedMessage context}) {
addMessage(message, charOffset, fileUri, Severity.warning,
context: context);
void addNit(Message message, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{LocatedMessage context}) {
addMessage(message, charOffset, fileUri, Severity.nit, context: context);
/// All messages reported by the compiler (errors, warnings, etc.) are routed
/// through this method.
/// Returns true if the message is new, that is, not previously
/// reported. This is important as some parser errors may be reported up to
/// three times by `OutlineBuilder`, `DietListener`, and `BodyBuilder`.
bool addMessage(
Message message, int charOffset, Uri fileUri, Severity severity,
{LocatedMessage context}) {
String trace = """
message: ${message.message}
charOffset: $charOffset
fileUri: $fileUri
severity: $severity
if (!seenMessages.add(trace)) return false;, charOffset), severity);
if (context != null) {, severity);
recordMessage(severity, message, charOffset, fileUri, context: context);
return true;
Builder getAbstractClassInstantiationError() {
return target.getAbstractClassInstantiationError(this);
Builder getCompileTimeError() => target.getCompileTimeError(this);
Builder getDuplicatedFieldInitializerError() {
return target.getDuplicatedFieldInitializerError(this);
Builder getNativeAnnotation() => target.getNativeAnnotation(this);
void recordMessage(
Severity severity, Message message, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{LocatedMessage context}) {}
String format(double d, int fractionDigits, int width) {
return d.toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits).padLeft(width);