blob: 1a007d66eaa063be2bcfd61482644418676c5cb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library defines how to read a test specification from a Yaml
/// file. We expect specifications written in this format:
/// dependencies:
/// b: a
/// main: [b, expect]
/// flags:
/// - constant-update-2018
/// packages:
/// c: .
/// a: a
/// Where:
/// - the dependencies section describe how modules depend on one another,
/// - the flags section show what flags are needed to run that specific test,
/// - the packages section is used to create a package structure on top of the
/// declared modules.
/// When defining dependencies:
/// - Each name corresponds to a module.
/// - Module names correlate to either a file, a folder, or a package.
/// - A map entry contains all the dependencies of a module, if any.
/// - If a module has a single dependency, it can be written as a single
/// value.
/// When defining packages:
/// - The name corresponds to a package name, this doesn't need to match
/// the name of the module. That said, it's common for some modules
/// and packages to share their name (especially for the default set of
/// packages included by the framework, like package:expect).
/// - The value is a path to the folder containing the libraries of that
/// package.
/// The packages entry is optional. If this is not specified, the test will
/// still have a default set of packages, like package:expect and package:meta.
/// If the packages entry is specified, it will be extended with the definitions
/// of the default set of packages as well. Thus, the list of packages provided
/// is expected to be disjoint with those in the default set. The default set is
/// defined directly in the code of `loader.dart`.
/// The logic in this library mostly treats these names as strings, separately
/// `loader.dart` is responsible for validating, attaching dependency
/// information to a set of module definitions, and resolving package paths.
/// The framework is agnostic of what the flags are, but at this time we only
/// use the name of experimental language features. These are then used to
/// decide what options to pass to the tools that compile and run the tests.
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// Parses [contents] containing a module dependencies specification written in
/// yaml, and returns a [TestSpecification].
TestSpecification parseTestSpecification(String contents) {
var spec = loadYaml(contents);
if (spec is! YamlMap) {
return _invalidSpecification("spec is not a map");
var dependencies = spec['dependencies'];
if (dependencies == null) {
return _invalidSpecification("no dependencies section");
if (dependencies is! YamlMap) {
return _invalidSpecification("dependencies is not a map");
Map<String, List<String>> normalizedMap = {};
dependencies.forEach((key, value) {
if (key is! String) {
_invalidSpecification("key: '$key' is not a string");
final values = normalizedMap[key] = [];
if (value is String) {
} else if (value is List) {
value.forEach((entry) {
if (entry is! String) {
_invalidSpecification("entry: '$entry' is not a string");
} else {
"entry: '$value' is not a string or a list of strings");
List<String> normalizedFlags = [];
dynamic flags = spec['flags'];
if (flags is String) {
} else if (flags is List) {
} else if (flags != null) {
"flags: '$flags' expected to be string or list of strings");
Map<String, String> normalizedPackages = {};
final packages = spec['packages'];
if (packages != null) {
if (packages is Map) {
normalizedPackages.addAll(packages.cast<String, String>());
} else {
_invalidSpecification("packages is not a map");
return TestSpecification(normalizedFlags, normalizedMap, normalizedPackages);
/// Data specifying details about a modular test including dependencies and
/// flags that are necessary in order to properly run a test.
class TestSpecification {
/// Set of flags necessary to properly run a test.
/// Usually this contains flags enabling language experiments.
final List<String> flags;
/// Dependencies of the modules that are expected to exist on the test.
/// Note: some values in the map may not have a corresponding key. That may be
/// the case for modules that have no dependencies and modules that are not
/// specified explicitly because they are added automatically by the framework
/// (for instance, the module of `package:expect` or the sdk itself).
final Map<String, List<String>> dependencies;
/// Map of package name to a relative path.
/// The paths in this map are meant to be resolved relative to the location
/// where this test specification was defined.
final Map<String, String> packages;
TestSpecification(this.flags, this.dependencies, this.packages);
_invalidSpecification(String message) {
throw InvalidSpecificationError(message);
class InvalidSpecificationError extends Error {
final String message;
String toString() => "Invalid specification: $message";