blob: c239abeea0bbe95ebaa1554e1596364da30554d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of observe;
/** The callback used in the [CompoundBinding.combinator] field. */
typedef Object CompoundBindingCombinator(Map objects);
* Model-Driven Views contains a helper object which is useful for the
* implementation of a Custom Syntax.
* var binding = new CompoundBinding((values) {
* var combinedValue;
* // compute combinedValue based on the current values which are provided
* return combinedValue;
* });
* binding.bind('name1', obj1, path1);
* binding.bind('name2', obj2, path2);
* //...
* binding.bind('nameN', objN, pathN);
* CompoundBinding is an object which knows how to listen to multiple path
* values (registered via [bind]) and invoke its [combinator] when one or more
* of the values have changed and set its [value] property to the return value
* of the function. When any value has changed, all current values are provided
* to the [combinator] in the single `values` argument.
// TODO(jmesserly): rename to something that indicates it's a computed value?
class CompoundBinding extends ObservableBase {
CompoundBindingCombinator _combinator;
// TODO(jmesserly): ideally these would be String keys, but sometimes we
// use integers.
Map<dynamic, StreamSubscription> _bindings = new Map();
Map _values = new Map();
bool _scheduled = false;
bool _disposed = false;
Object _value;
CompoundBinding([CompoundBindingCombinator combinator]) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is a tweak to the original code, it seemed to me
// that passing the combinator to the constructor should be equivalent to
// setting it via the property.
// I also added a null check to the combinator setter.
this.combinator = combinator;
CompoundBindingCombinator get combinator => _combinator;
set combinator(CompoundBindingCombinator combinator) {
_combinator = combinator;
if (combinator != null) _scheduleResolve();
static const _VALUE = const Symbol('value');
get value => _value;
void set value(newValue) {
_value = notifyPropertyChange(_VALUE, _value, newValue);
void bind(name, model, String path) {
_bindings[name] = new PathObserver(model, path).bindSync((value) {
_values[name] = value;
void unbind(name, {bool suppressResolve: false}) {
var binding = _bindings.remove(name);
if (binding == null) return;
if (!suppressResolve) _scheduleResolve();
// TODO(rafaelw): Is this the right processing model?
// TODO(rafaelw): Consider having a seperate ChangeSummary for
// CompoundBindings so to excess dirtyChecks.
void _scheduleResolve() {
if (_scheduled) return;
_scheduled = true;
void resolve() {
if (_disposed) return;
_scheduled = false;
if (_combinator == null) {
throw new StateError(
'CompoundBinding attempted to resolve without a combinator');
value = _combinator(_values);
void dispose() {
for (var binding in _bindings.values) {
_disposed = true;
value = null;