blob: 2f6a59d7688ab930a1290692e841956674004d52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* *Warning*: this library is experimental, and APIs are subject to change.
* This library is used to observe changes to [Observable] types. It also
* has helpers to implement [Observable] objects.
* For example:
* class Monster extends Unit with ObservableMixin {
* int _health = 100;
* get health => _health;
* set health(value) {
* _health = notifyChange(const Symbol('health'), _health, value);
* }
* void damage(int amount) {
* print('$this takes $amount damage!');
* health -= amount;
* }
* toString() => 'Monster with $health hit points';
* }
* main() {
* var obj = new Monster();
* obj.changes.listen((records) {
* print('Changes to $obj were: $records');
* });
* // Schedules asynchronous delivery of these changes
* obj.damage(10);
* obj.damage(20);
* print('done!');
* }
library observe;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:mirrors';
part 'src/compound_binding.dart';
part 'src/observable_box.dart';
part 'src/observable_list.dart';
part 'src/observable_map.dart';
part 'src/path_observer.dart';
* Interface representing an observable object. This is used by data in
* model-view architectures to notify interested parties of [changes].
* This object does not require any specific technique to implement
* observability.
* You can use [ObservableMixin] as a base class or mixin to implement this.
abstract class Observable {
* The stream of change records to this object.
* Changes should be delivered in asynchronous batches by calling
* [queueChangeRecords].
* [deliverChangeRecords] can be called to force delivery.
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes;
* Base class implementing [Observable].
* When a field, property, or indexable item is changed, a derived class should
* call [notifyPropertyChange]. See that method for an example.
typedef ObservableBase = Object with ObservableMixin;
* Mixin for implementing [Observable] objects.
* When a field, property, or indexable item is changed, a derived class should
* call [notifyPropertyChange]. See that method for an example.
abstract class ObservableMixin implements Observable {
StreamController _broadcastController;
List<ChangeRecord> _changes;
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes {
if (_broadcastController == null) {
_broadcastController =
new StreamController<List<ChangeRecord>>.broadcast(sync: true);
void _deliverChanges() {
var changes = _changes;
_changes = null;
if (hasObservers && changes != null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): make "changes" immutable
* True if this object has any observers, and should call
* [notifyPropertyChange] for changes.
bool get hasObservers => _broadcastController != null &&
* Notify that the field [name] of this object has been changed.
* The [oldValue] and [newValue] are also recorded. If the two values are
* identical, no change will be recorded.
* For convenience this returns [newValue]. This makes it easy to use in a
* setter:
* var _myField;
* get myField => _myField;
* set myField(value) {
* _myField = notifyPropertyChange(
* const Symbol('myField'), _myField, value);
* }
// TODO(jmesserly): should this be == instead of identical, to prevent
// spurious loops?
notifyPropertyChange(Symbol field, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
if (hasObservers && !identical(oldValue, newValue)) {
notifyChange(new PropertyChangeRecord(field));
return newValue;
* Notify observers of a change. For most objects [notifyPropertyChange] is
* more convenient, but collections sometimes deliver other types of changes
* such as a [ListChangeRecord].
void notifyChange(ChangeRecord record) {
if (!hasObservers) return;
if (_changes == null) {
_changes = [];
/** Records a change to an [Observable]. */
abstract class ChangeRecord {
/** True if the change affected the given item, otherwise false. */
bool change(key);
/** A change record to a field of an observable object. */
class PropertyChangeRecord extends ChangeRecord {
/** The field that was changed. */
final Symbol field;
bool changes(key) => key is Symbol && field == key;
String toString() => '#<PropertyChangeRecord $field>';
/** A change record for an observable list. */
class ListChangeRecord extends ChangeRecord {
/** The starting index of the change. */
final int index;
/** The number of items removed. */
final int removedCount;
/** The number of items added. */
final int addedCount;
ListChangeRecord(this.index, {this.removedCount: 0, this.addedCount: 0}) {
if (addedCount == 0 && removedCount == 0) {
throw new ArgumentError('added and removed counts should not both be '
'zero. Use 1 if this was a single item update.');
/** Returns true if the provided index was changed by this operation. */
bool changes(key) {
// If key isn't an int, or before the index, then it wasn't changed.
if (key is! int || key < index) return false;
// If this was a shift operation, anything after index is changed.
if (addedCount != removedCount) return true;
// Otherwise, anything in the update range was changed.
return key < index + addedCount;
String toString() => '#<ListChangeRecord index: $index, '
'removed: $removedCount, addedCount: $addedCount>';
* Synchronously deliver [Observable.changes] for all observables.
* If new changes are added as a result of delivery, this will keep running
* until all pending change records are delivered.
// TODO(jmesserly): this is a bit different from the ES Harmony version, which
// allows delivery of changes to a particular observer:
// However the binding system needs delivery of everything, along the lines of:
// TODO(jmesserly): in the future, we can use this to trigger dirty checking.
void deliverChangeRecords() {
if (_deliverCallbacks == null) return;
while (!_deliverCallbacks.isEmpty) {
var deliver = _deliverCallbacks.removeFirst();
try {
} catch (e, s) {
// Schedule the error to be top-leveled later.
new Completer().completeError(e, s);
// Null it out, so [queueChangeRecords] will reschedule this method.
_deliverCallbacks = null;
/** Queues an action to happen during the [deliverChangeRecords] timeslice. */
void queueChangeRecords(void deliverChanges()) {
if (_deliverCallbacks == null) {
_deliverCallbacks = new Queue<Function>();
Queue _deliverCallbacks;
* Converts the [Iterable] or [Map] to an [ObservableList] or [ObservableMap],
* respectively. This is a convenience function to make it easier to convert
* literals into the corresponding observable collection type.
* If [value] is not one of those collection types, or is already [Observable],
* it will be returned unmodified.
* If [value] is a [Map], the resulting value will use the appropriate kind of
* backing map: either [HashMap], [LinkedHashMap], or [SplayTreeMap].
* By default this performs a deep conversion, but you can set [deep] to false
* for a shallow conversion. This does not handle circular data structures.
* If a conversion is peformed, mutations are only observed to the result of
* this function. Changing the original collection will not affect it.
// TODO(jmesserly): ObservableSet?
toObservable(value, {bool deep: true}) =>
deep ? _toObservableDeep(value) : _toObservableShallow(value);
_toObservableShallow(value) {
if (value is Observable) return value;
if (value is Map) return new ObservableMap.from(value);
if (value is Iterable) return new ObservableList.from(value);
return value;
_toObservableDeep(value) {
if (value is Observable) return value;
if (value is Map) {
var result = new ObservableMap._createFromType(value);
value.forEach((k, v) {
result[_toObservableDeep(k)] = _toObservableDeep(v);
return result;
if (value is Iterable) {
return new ObservableList.from(;
return value;