blob: e65e35240a1c5c5866df2e2916b9356e998f9dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
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/// A container that is either [T1] or [T2].
class Either2<T1, T2> {
final int _which;
final Object? _value;
Either2.t1(T1 t1)
: _which = 1,
_value = t1;
Either2.t2(T2 t2)
: _which = 2,
_value = t2;
T map<T>(T Function(T1) f1, T Function(T2) f2) {
if (_which == 1) {
return f1(_value as T1);
} else {
return f2(_value as T2);
Future<T> mapAsync<T>(Future<T> Function(T1) f1, Future<T> Function(T2) f2) {
if (_which == 1) {
return f1(_value as T1);
} else {
return f2(_value as T2);
String toString() => map((t) => t.toString(), (t) => t.toString());