blob: cf817ca3131c73516569714d8b81a195857e8ee1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.phase;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'asset_cascade.dart';
import 'asset_id.dart';
import 'asset_node.dart';
import 'asset_set.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'stream_pool.dart';
import 'transform_node.dart';
import 'transformer.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// One phase in the ordered series of transformations in an [AssetCascade].
/// Each phase can access outputs from previous phases and can in turn pass
/// outputs to later phases. Phases are processed strictly serially. All
/// transforms in a phase will be complete before moving on to the next phase.
/// Within a single phase, all transforms will be run in parallel.
/// Building can be interrupted between phases. For example, a source is added
/// which starts the background process. Sometime during, say, phase 2 (which
/// is running asynchronously) that source is modified. When the process queue
/// goes to advance to phase 3, it will see that modification and start the
/// waterfall from the beginning again.
class Phase {
/// The cascade that owns this phase.
final AssetCascade cascade;
/// This phase's position relative to the other phases. Zero-based.
final int _index;
/// The transformers that can access [inputs].
/// Their outputs will be available to the next phase.
final List<Transformer> _transformers;
/// The inputs that are available for transforms in this phase to consume.
/// For the first phase, these will be the source assets. For all other
/// phases, they will be the outputs from the previous phase.
final _inputs = new Map<AssetId, AssetNode>();
/// The transforms currently applicable to assets in [inputs], indexed by
/// the ids of their primary inputs.
/// These are the transforms that have been "wired up": they represent a
/// repeatable transformation of a single concrete set of inputs. "dart2js"
/// is a transformer. "dart2js on web/main.dart" is a transform.
final _transforms = new Map<AssetId, Set<TransformNode>>();
/// Futures that will complete once the transformers that can consume a given
/// asset are determined.
/// Whenever an asset is added or modified, we need to asynchronously
/// determine which transformers can use it as their primary input. We can't
/// start processing until we know which transformers to run, and this allows
/// us to wait until we do.
var _adjustTransformersFutures = new Map<AssetId, Future>();
/// New asset nodes that were added while [_adjustTransformers] was still
/// being run on an old version of that asset.
var _pendingNewInputs = new Map<AssetId, AssetNode>();
/// A map of output ids to the asset node outputs for those ids and the
/// transforms that produced those asset nodes.
/// Usually there's only one node for a given output id. However, it's
/// possible for multiple transformers in this phase to output an asset with
/// the same id. In that case, the chronologically first output emitted is
/// passed forward. We keep track of the other nodes so that if that output is
/// removed, we know which asset to replace it with.
final _outputs = new Map<AssetId, Queue<AssetNode>>();
/// A stream that emits an event whenever this phase becomes dirty and needs
/// to be run.
/// This may emit events when the phase was already dirty or while processing
/// transforms. Events are emitted synchronously to ensure that the dirty
/// state is thoroughly propagated as soon as any assets are changed.
Stream get onDirty =>;
final _onDirtyPool = new StreamPool.broadcast();
/// A controller whose stream feeds into [_onDirtyPool].
/// This is used whenever an input is added, changed, or removed. It's
/// sometimes redundant with the events collected from [_transforms], but this
/// stream is necessary for new and removed inputs, and the transform stream
/// is necessary for modified secondary inputs.
final _onDirtyController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
/// The phase after this one.
/// Outputs from this phase will be passed to it.
final Phase _next;
Phase(this.cascade, this._index, this._transformers, this._next) {
/// Adds a new asset as an input for this phase.
/// [node] doesn't have to be [AssetState.AVAILABLE]. Once it is, the phase
/// will automatically begin determining which transforms can consume it as a
/// primary input. The transforms themselves won't be applied until [process]
/// is called, however.
/// This should only be used for brand-new assets or assets that have been
/// removed and re-created. The phase will automatically handle updated assets
/// using the [AssetNode.onStateChange] stream.
void addInput(AssetNode node) {
// We remove [] from [inputs] as soon as the node is removed rather
// than at the same time [] is removed from [_transforms] so we don't
// have to wait on [_adjustTransformers]. It's important that [inputs] is
// always up-to-date so that the [AssetCascade] can look there for available
// assets.
_inputs[] = node;
node.whenRemoved.then((_) => _inputs.remove(;
if (!_adjustTransformersFutures.containsKey( {
_transforms[] = new Set<TransformNode>();
// If an input is added while the same input is still being processed,
// that means that the asset was removed and recreated while
// [_adjustTransformers] was being run on the old value. We have to wait
// until that finishes, then run it again on whatever the newest version
// of that asset is.
// We may already be waiting for the existing [_adjustTransformers] call to
// finish. If so, all we need to do is change the node that will be loaded
// after it completes.
var containedKey = _pendingNewInputs.containsKey(;
_pendingNewInputs[] = node;
if (containedKey) return;
// If we aren't already waiting, start doing so.
_adjustTransformersFutures[].then((_) {
_transforms[] = new Set<TransformNode>();
}, onError: (_) {
// If there was a programmatic error while processing the old input,
// we don't want to just ignore it; it may have left the system in an
// inconsistent state. We also don't want to top-level it, so we
// ignore it here but don't start processing the new input. That way
// when [process] is called, the error will be piped through its
// return value.
}).catchError((e) {
// If our code above has a programmatic error, ensure it will be piped
// through [process] by putting it into [_adjustTransformersFutures].
_adjustTransformersFutures[] = new Future.error(e);
/// Returns the input for this phase with the given [id], but only if that
/// input is known not to be consumed as a transformer's primary input.
/// If the input is unavailable, or if the phase hasn't determined whether or
/// not any transformers will consume it as a primary input, null will be
/// returned instead. This means that the return value is guaranteed to always
/// be [AssetState.AVAILABLE].
AssetNode getUnconsumedInput(AssetId id) {
if (!_inputs.containsKey(id)) return null;
// If the asset has transforms, it's not unconsumed.
if (!_transforms[id].isEmpty) return null;
// If we're working on figuring out if the asset has transforms, we can't
// prove that it's unconsumed.
if (_adjustTransformersFutures.containsKey(id)) return null;
// The asset should be available. If it were removed, it wouldn't be in
// _inputs, and if it were dirty, it'd be in _adjustTransformersFutures.
return _inputs[id];
/// Gets the asset node for an input [id].
/// If an input with that ID cannot be found, returns null.
Future<AssetNode> getInput(AssetId id) {
return newFuture(() {
// TODO(rnystrom): Need to handle passthrough where an asset from a
// previous phase can be found.
if (id.package == cascade.package) return _inputs[id];
return cascade.graph.getAssetNode(id);
/// Asynchronously determines which transformers can consume [node] as a
/// primary input and creates transforms for them.
/// This ensures that if [node] is modified or removed during or after the
/// time it takes to adjust its transformers, they're appropriately
/// re-adjusted. Its progress can be tracked in [_adjustTransformersFutures].
void _adjustTransformers(AssetNode node) {
// Mark the phase as dirty. This may not actually end up creating any new
// transforms, but we want adding or removing a source asset to consistently
// kick off a build, even if that build does nothing.
// Once the input is available, hook up transformers for it. If it changes
// while that's happening, try again.
_adjustTransformersFutures[] = node.tryUntilStable((asset) {
var oldTransformers = _transforms[]
.map((transform) => transform.transformer).toSet();
return _removeStaleTransforms(asset)
.then((_) => _addFreshTransforms(node, oldTransformers));
}).then((_) {
// Now all the transforms are set up correctly and the asset is available
// for the time being. Set up handlers for when the asset changes in the
// future.
node.onStateChange.first.then((state) {
if (state.isRemoved) {
} else {
}).catchError((e) {
_adjustTransformersFutures[] = new Future.error(e);
}).catchError((error) {
if (error is! AssetNotFoundException || != throw error;
// If the asset is removed, [tryUntilStable] will throw an
// [AssetNotFoundException]. In that case, just remove all transforms for
// the node.
}).whenComplete(() {
// Don't top-level errors coming from the input processing. Any errors will
// eventually be piped through [process]'s returned Future.
_adjustTransformersFutures[].catchError((_) {});
// Remove any old transforms that used to have [asset] as a primary asset but
// no longer apply to its new contents.
Future _removeStaleTransforms(Asset asset) {
return Future.wait(_transforms[].map((transform) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Catch all errors from isPrimary() and redirect to
// results.
return transform.transformer.isPrimary(asset).then((isPrimary) {
if (isPrimary) return;
// Add new transforms for transformers that consider [node]'s asset to be a
// primary input.
// [oldTransformers] is the set of transformers that had [node] as a primary
// input prior to this. They don't need to be checked, since they were removed
// or preserved in [_removeStaleTransforms].
Future _addFreshTransforms(AssetNode node, Set<Transformer> oldTransformers) {
return Future.wait( {
if (oldTransformers.contains(transformer)) return new Future.value();
// If the asset is unavailable, the results of this [_adjustTransformers]
// run will be discarded, so we can just short-circuit.
if (node.asset == null) return new Future.value();
// We can safely access [node.asset] here even though it might have
// changed since (as above) if it has, [_adjustTransformers] will just be
// re-run.
// TODO(rnystrom): Catch all errors from isPrimary() and redirect to
// results.
return transformer.isPrimary(node.asset).then((isPrimary) {
if (!isPrimary) return;
var transform = new TransformNode(this, transformer, node);
/// Processes this phase.
/// Returns a future that completes when processing is done. If there is
/// nothing to process, returns `null`.
Future process() {
if (_adjustTransformersFutures.isEmpty) return _processTransforms();
return _waitForInputs().then((_) => _processTransforms());
Future _waitForInputs() {
if (_adjustTransformersFutures.isEmpty) return new Future.value();
return Future.wait(_adjustTransformersFutures.values)
.then((_) => _waitForInputs());
/// Applies all currently wired up and dirty transforms.
Future _processTransforms() {
// Convert this to a list so we can safely modify _transforms while
// iterating over it.
var dirtyTransforms =
flatten( => transforms.toList()))
.where((transform) => transform.isDirty).toList();
if (dirtyTransforms.isEmpty) return null;
var collisions = new Set<AssetId>();
return Future.wait( {
return transform.apply().then((outputs) {
for (var output in outputs) {
if (_outputs.containsKey( {
} else {
_outputs[] = new Queue<AssetNode>.from([output]);
})).then((_) {
// Report collisions in a deterministic order.
collisions = collisions.toList();
collisions.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
for (var collision in collisions) {
// Ensure that there's still a collision. It's possible it was resolved
// while another transform was running.
if (_outputs[collision].length <= 1) continue;
cascade.reportError(new AssetCollisionException(
_outputs[collision].where((asset) => asset.transform != null)
.map((asset) =>,
/// Properly resolve collisions when [output] is removed.
void _handleOutputRemoval(AssetNode output) {
output.whenRemoved.then((_) {
var assets = _outputs[];
if (assets.length == 1) {
assert(assets.single == output);
// If there was more than one asset, we're resolving a collision --
// possibly partially.
var wasFirst = assets.first == output;
// If this was the first asset, we need to pass the next asset
// (chronologically) to the next phase. Pump the event queue first to give
// [_next] a chance to handle the removal of its input before getting a
// new input.
if (wasFirst) {
newFuture(() => _next.addInput(assets.first));
// If there's still a collision, report it. This lets the user know
// if they've successfully resolved the collision or not.
if (assets.length > 1) {
// Pump the event queue to ensure that the removal of the input triggers
// a new build to which we can attach the error.
newFuture(() => cascade.reportError(new AssetCollisionException(
assets.where((asset) => asset.transform != null)
.map((asset) =>,;