blob: ecdc27c13eb9a4bba0ac3258109eed67d332b62a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library defines runtime operations on objects used by the code
/// generator.
part of dart._runtime;
class InvocationImpl extends Invocation {
final Symbol memberName;
final List positionalArguments;
final Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments;
final List<Type> typeArguments;
final bool isMethod;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
InvocationImpl(memberName, List<Object> positionalArguments,
List typeArguments,
this.isMethod: false,
this.isGetter: false,
this.isSetter: false})
: memberName =
isSetter ? _setterSymbol(memberName) : _dartSymbol(memberName),
positionalArguments = new List.unmodifiable(positionalArguments),
namedArguments = _namedArgsToSymbols(namedArguments),
typeArguments = typeArguments == null
? const []
: new List.unmodifiable(;
static Map<Symbol, dynamic> _namedArgsToSymbols(namedArgs) {
if (namedArgs == null) return const {};
return new Map.unmodifiable(new Map.fromIterable(
key: _dartSymbol,
value: (k) => JS('', '#[#]', namedArgs, k)));
/// Given an object and a method name, tear off the method.
/// Sets the runtime type of the torn off method appropriately,
/// and also binds the object.
/// If the optional `f` argument is passed in, it will be used as the method.
/// This supports cases like `` where we need to tear off the method
/// from the superclass, not from the `obj` directly.
// TODO(leafp): Consider caching the tearoff on the object?
bind(obj, name, method) {
if (obj == null) obj = jsNull;
if (method == null) method = JS('', '#[#]', obj, name);
var f = JS('', '#.bind(#)', method, obj);
// TODO(jmesserly): canonicalize tearoffs.
JS('', '#._boundObject = #', f, obj);
JS('', '#._boundMethod = #', f, method);
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _runtimeType, getMethodType(getType(obj), name));
return f;
/// Binds the `call` method of an interface type, handling null.
/// Essentially this works like `obj?.call`. It also handles the needs of
/// [dsend]/[dcall], returning `null` if no method was found with the given
/// canonical member [name].
/// [name] is typically `"call"` but it could be the [extensionSymbol] for
/// `call`, if we define it on a native type, and [obj] is known statially to be
/// a native type/interface with `call`.
bindCall(obj, name) {
if (obj == null) return null;
var ftype = getMethodType(getType(obj), name);
if (ftype == null) return null;
var method = JS('', '#[#]', obj, name);
var f = JS('', '#.bind(#)', method, obj);
// TODO(jmesserly): canonicalize tearoffs.
JS('', '#._boundObject = #', f, obj);
JS('', '#._boundMethod = #', f, method);
JS('', '#[#] = #', f, _runtimeType, ftype);
return f;
tagStatic(type, name) {
var f = JS('', '#.#', type, name);
if (JS('', '#[#]', f, _runtimeType) == null) {
JS('', '#[#] = #[#][#]', f, _runtimeType, type, _staticMethodSig, name);
return f;
/// Instantiate a generic method.
/// We need to apply the type arguments both to the function, as well as its
/// associated function type.
gbind(f, @rest typeArgs) {
var result =
JS('', '(...args) => #.apply(null, #.concat(args))', f, typeArgs);
var sig = JS('', '#[#].instantiate(#)', f, _runtimeType, typeArgs);
tag(result, sig);
return result;
// Warning: dload, dput, and dsend assume they are never called on methods
// implemented by the Object base class as those methods can always be
// statically resolved.
dload(obj, field, [mirrors = undefined]) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function" && # == "call"', obj, field)) {
return obj;
var f = _canonicalMember(obj, field);
if (f != null) {
var type = getType(obj);
if (hasField(type, f) || hasGetter(type, f)) return JS('', '#[#]', obj, f);
if (hasMethod(type, f)) return bind(obj, f, null);
// Always allow for JS interop objects.
if (!JS('bool', '#', mirrors) && isJsInterop(obj)) {
return JS('', '#[#]', obj, f);
return noSuchMethod(
obj, new InvocationImpl(field, JS('', '[]'), isGetter: true));
// Version of dload that matches legacy mirrors behavior for JS types.
dloadMirror(obj, field) => dload(obj, field, true);
_stripGenericArguments(type) {
var genericClass = getGenericClass(type);
if (genericClass != null) return JS('', '#()', genericClass);
return type;
// Version of dput that matches legacy Dart 1 type check rules and mirrors
// behavior for JS types.
// TODO(jacobr): remove the type checking rules workaround when mirrors based
// PageLoader code can generate the correct reified generic types.
dputMirror(obj, field, value) => dput(obj, field, value, true);
dput(obj, field, value, [mirrors = undefined]) {
var f = _canonicalMember(obj, field);
if (f != null) {
var setterType = getSetterType(getType(obj), f);
if (setterType != null) {
if (JS('bool', '#', mirrors))
setterType = _stripGenericArguments(setterType);
return JS('', '#[#] = #._check(#)', obj, f, setterType, value);
// Always allow for JS interop objects.
if (!JS('bool', '#', mirrors) && isJsInterop(obj)) {
return JS('', '#[#] = #', obj, f, value);
obj, new InvocationImpl(field, JS('', '[#]', value), isSetter: true));
return value;
/// Check that a function of a given type can be applied to
/// actuals.
_checkApply(type, actuals) => JS('', '''(() => {
// TODO(vsm): Remove when we no longer need mirrors metadata.
// An array is used to encode annotations attached to the type.
if ($type instanceof Array) {
$type = type[0];
if ($actuals.length < $type.args.length) return false;
let index = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < $type.args.length; ++i) {
if ($actuals.length == $type.args.length) return true;
let extras = $actuals.length - $type.args.length;
if ($type.optionals.length > 0) {
if (extras > $type.optionals.length) return false;
for(let i = 0, j=index; i < extras; ++i, ++j) {
return true;
// TODO(leafp): We can't tell when someone might be calling
// something expecting an optional argument with named arguments
if (extras != 1) return false;
// An empty named list means no named arguments
if ($getOwnPropertyNames($type.named).length == 0) return false;
let opts = $actuals[index];
let names = $getOwnPropertyNames(opts);
// Type is something other than a map
if (names.length == 0) return false;
for (var name of names) {
if (!($$type.named, name))) {
return false;
return true;
_toSymbolName(symbol) => JS('', '''(() => {
let str = $symbol.toString();
// Strip leading 'Symbol(' and trailing ')'
return str.substring(7, str.length-1);
_toDisplayName(name) => JS('', '''(() => {
// Names starting with _ are escaped names used to disambiguate Dart and
// JS names.
if ($name[0] === '_') {
// Inverse of
switch($name) {
case '_get':
return '[]';
case '_set':
return '[]=';
case '_negate':
return 'unary-';
case '_constructor':
case '_prototype':
return $name.substring(1);
return $name;
Symbol _dartSymbol(name) {
return (JS('bool', 'typeof # === "symbol"', name))
? JS('Symbol', '#(new, #))', const_, PrivateSymbol,
_toSymbolName(name), name)
: JS('Symbol', '#(', const_, Symbol, _toDisplayName(name));
Symbol _setterSymbol(name) {
return (JS('bool', 'typeof # === "symbol"', name))
? JS('Symbol', '#(new + "=", #))', const_, PrivateSymbol,
_toSymbolName(name), name)
: JS('Symbol', '#( + "="))', const_, Symbol, _toDisplayName(name));
/// Extracts the named argument array from a list of arguments, and returns it.
// TODO(jmesserly): we need to handle named arguments better.
extractNamedArgs(args) {
if (JS('bool', '#.length > 0', args)) {
var last = JS('', '#[#.length - 1]', args, args);
if (JS(
'bool', '# != null && #.__proto__ === Object.prototype', last, last)) {
return JS('', '#.pop()', args);
return null;
_checkAndCall(f, ftype, obj, typeArgs, args, name) => JS('', '''(() => {
let originalTarget = obj === void 0 ? f : obj;
function callNSM() {
return $noSuchMethod(originalTarget, new $
$name, $args, {
namedArguments: ${extractNamedArgs(args)},
typeArguments: $typeArgs,
isMethod: true
if (!($f instanceof Function)) {
// We're not a function (and hence not a method either)
// Grab the `call` method if it's not a function.
if ($f != null) {
$f = ${bindCall(f, _canonicalMember(f, 'call'))};
$ftype = null;
if ($f == null) return callNSM();
// If f is a function, but not a method (no method type)
// then it should have been a function valued field, so
// get the type from the function.
if ($ftype == null) $ftype = $f[$_runtimeType];
if ($ftype == null) {
// TODO(leafp): Allow JS objects to go through?
if ($typeArgs != null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): is there a sensible way to handle these?
$throwTypeError('call to JS object `' + $obj +
'` with type arguments <' + $typeArgs + '> is not supported.');
return $f.apply($obj, $args);
// Apply type arguments
if ($ftype instanceof $GenericFunctionType) {
let formalCount = $ftype.formalCount;
if ($typeArgs == null) {
$typeArgs = $ftype.instantiateDefaultBounds();
} else if ($typeArgs.length != formalCount) {
return callNSM();
} else {
$ftype = $ftype.instantiate($typeArgs);
} else if ($typeArgs != null) {
return callNSM();
if ($_checkApply($ftype, $args)) {
if ($typeArgs != null) {
return $f.apply($obj, $typeArgs.concat($args));
return $f.apply($obj, $args);
// TODO(leafp): throw a type error (rather than NSM)
// if the arity matches but the types are wrong.
// TODO(jmesserly): nSM should include type args?
return callNSM();
dcall(f, @rest args) => callFunction(f, null, args);
dgcall(f, typeArgs, @rest args) => callFunction(f, typeArgs, args);
callFunction(f, typeArgs, args) {
return _checkAndCall(f, null, JS('', 'void 0'), typeArgs, args, 'call');
/// Helper for REPL dynamic invocation variants that make a best effort to
/// enable accessing private members across library boundaries.
_dhelperRepl(object, field, callback) => JS('', '''(() => {
let rawField = $field;
if (typeof(field) == 'symbol') {
// test if the specified field exists in which case it is safe to use it.
if ($field in $object) return $callback($field);
// Symbol is from a different library. Make a best effort to
$field = $field.toString();
$field = $field.substring('Symbol('.length, field.length - 1);
} else if ($field.charAt(0) != '_') {
// Not a private member so default call path is safe.
return $callback($field);
// If the exact field name is present, invoke callback with it.
if ($field in $object) return $callback($field);
// TODO(jacobr): warn if there are multiple private members with the same
// name which could happen if super classes in different libraries have
// the same private member name.
let proto = $object;
while (proto !== null) {
// Private field (indicated with "_").
let symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(proto);
let target = 'Symbol(' + $field + ')';
for (let s = 0; s < symbols.length; s++) {
let sym = symbols[s];
if (target == sym.toString()) return $callback(sym);
proto = proto.__proto__;
// We didn't find a plausible alternate private symbol so just fall back
// to the regular field.
return $callback(rawField);
dloadRepl(obj, field) => _dhelperRepl(obj, field, (f) => dload(obj, f, false));
dputRepl(obj, field, value) =>
_dhelperRepl(obj, field, (f) => dput(obj, f, value, false));
callMethodRepl(obj, method, typeArgs, args) => _dhelperRepl(
obj, method, (f) => callMethod(obj, f, typeArgs, args, method));
dsendRepl(obj, method, @rest args) => callMethodRepl(obj, method, null, args);
dgsendRepl(obj, typeArgs, method, @rest args) =>
callMethodRepl(obj, method, typeArgs, args);
/// Shared code for dsend, dindex, and dsetindex.
callMethod(obj, name, typeArgs, args, displayName) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function" && # == "call"', obj, name)) {
return callFunction(obj, typeArgs, args);
var symbol = _canonicalMember(obj, name);
if (symbol == null) {
return noSuchMethod(
obj, new InvocationImpl(displayName, args, isMethod: true));
var f = obj != null ? JS('', '#[#]', obj, symbol) : null;
var type = getType(obj);
var ftype = getMethodType(type, symbol);
// No such method if dart object and ftype is missing.
return _checkAndCall(f, ftype, obj, typeArgs, args, displayName);
dsend(obj, method, @rest args) => callMethod(obj, method, null, args, method);
dgsend(obj, typeArgs, method, @rest args) =>
callMethod(obj, method, typeArgs, args, method);
dindex(obj, index) => callMethod(obj, '_get', null, JS('', '[#]', index), '[]');
dsetindex(obj, index, value) =>
callMethod(obj, '_set', null, JS('', '[#, #]', index, value), '[]=');
/// TODO(leafp): This duplicates code in types.dart.
/// I haven't found a way to factor it out that makes the
/// code generator happy though.
_ignoreMemo(f) => JS('', '''(() => {
let memo = new Map();
return (t1, t2) => {
let map = memo.get(t1);
let result;
if (map) {
result = map.get(t2);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
} else {
memo.set(t1, map = new Map());
result = $f(t1, t2);
map.set(t2, result);
return result;
final _ignoreTypeFailure = JS('', '''(() => {
return $_ignoreMemo((actual, type) => {
// TODO(vsm): Remove this hack ...
// This is primarily due to the lack of generic methods,
// but we need to triage all the types.
if ($_isFutureOr(type)) {
// Ignore if we would ignore either side of union.
let typeArg = $getGenericArgs(type)[0];
let typeFuture = ${getGenericClass(Future)}(typeArg);
return $_ignoreTypeFailure(actual, typeFuture) ||
$_ignoreTypeFailure(actual, typeArg);
if (!!$isSubtype(type, $Iterable) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Iterable) ||
!!$isSubtype(type, $Future) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Future) ||
!!$isSubtype(type, $Map) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Map) ||
!!$isSubtype(type, $Stream) && !!$isSubtype(actual, $Stream)) {
console.warn('Ignoring cast fail from ' + $typeName(actual) +
' to ' + $typeName(type));
return true;
return false;
bool instanceOf(obj, type) {
if (obj == null) {
return JS('bool', '# == # || #', type, Null, _isTop(type));
return JS('#', '!!#', isSubtype(getReifiedType(obj), type));
cast(obj, type, bool typeError) {
if (obj == null) return obj;
var actual = getReifiedType(obj);
var result = isSubtype(actual, type);
if (JS(
'# === true || # === null && dart.__ignoreWhitelistedErrors && #(#, #)',
type)) {
return obj;
return castError(obj, type, typeError);
bool test(bool obj) {
if (obj == null) _throwBooleanConversionError();
return obj;
bool dtest(obj) {
if (obj is! bool) booleanConversionFailed(obj);
return obj;
void _throwBooleanConversionError() =>
throw new BooleanConversionAssertionError();
void booleanConversionFailed(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
var actual = getReifiedType(obj);
var expected = JS('', '#', bool);
throw new TypeErrorImplementation.fromMessage(
"type '${typeName(actual)}' is not a subtype of "
"type '${typeName(expected)}' in boolean expression");
castError(obj, type, bool typeError) {
var objType = getReifiedType(obj);
if (JS('bool', '!dart.__ignoreAllErrors')) {
var errorInStrongMode = isSubtype(objType, type) == null;
var actual = typeName(objType);
var expected = typeName(type);
if (JS('bool', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger');
var error = JS('bool', '#', typeError)
? new TypeErrorImplementation(obj, actual, expected, errorInStrongMode)
: new CastErrorImplementation(obj, actual, expected, errorInStrongMode);
throw error;
JS('', 'console.error(#)',
'Actual: ${typeName(objType)} Expected: ${typeName(type)}');
return obj;
asInt(obj) {
if (obj == null) return null;
if (JS('bool', 'Math.floor(#) != #', obj, obj)) {
castError(obj, JS('', '#', int), false);
return obj;
/// Checks that `x` is not null or undefined.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we inline this?
notNull(x) {
if (x == null) throwNullValueError();
return x;
/// The global constant map table.
final constantMaps = JS('', 'new Map()');
constMap<K, V>(JSArray elements) {
Function(Object, Object) lookupNonTerminal = JS('', '''function(map, key) {
let result = map.get(key);
if (result != null) return result;
map.set(key, result = new Map());
return result;
var count = elements.length;
var map = lookupNonTerminal(constantMaps, count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
map = lookupNonTerminal(map, JS('', '#[#]', elements, i));
map = lookupNonTerminal(map, K);
var result = JS('', '#.get(#)', map, V);
if (result != null) return result;
result = new ImmutableMap<K, V>.from(elements);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, V, result);
return result;
bool dassert(value) {
if (JS('bool', '# != null && #[#] instanceof #', value, value, _runtimeType,
AbstractFunctionType)) {
value = JS('', '#(#)', dcall, value);
return dtest(value);
/// Store a JS error for an exception. For non-primitives, we store as an
/// expando. For primitive, we use a side cache. To limit memory leakage, we
/// only keep the last [_maxTraceCache] entries.
final _error = JS('', 'Symbol("_error")');
Map _primitiveErrorCache;
const _maxErrorCache = 10;
bool _isJsError(exception) {
return JS('bool', '#.Error != null && # instanceof #.Error', global_,
exception, global_);
// Record/return the JS error for an exception. If an error was already
// recorded, prefer that to [newError].
recordJsError(exception, [newError]) {
if (_isJsError(exception)) return exception;
var useExpando =
exception != null && JS('bool', 'typeof # == "object"', exception);
var error;
if (useExpando) {
error = JS('', '#[#]', exception, _error);
} else {
if (_primitiveErrorCache == null) _primitiveErrorCache = {};
error = _primitiveErrorCache[exception];
if (error != null) return error;
if (newError != null) {
error = newError;
} else {
// We should only hit this path when a non-Error was thrown from JS. In
// case, there is no stack trace on the exception, so we create one:
error = JS('', 'new Error()');
if (useExpando) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', exception, _error, error);
} else {
_primitiveErrorCache[exception] = error;
if (_primitiveErrorCache.length > _maxErrorCache) {
return error;
throw_(obj) {
// Note, we create the error here to avoid the extra frame.
// package:stack_trace and tests appear to assume this. We could fix use
// cases instead, but we're already on the exceptional path here.
recordJsError(obj, JS('', 'new Error()'));
JS('', 'throw #', obj);
rethrow_(obj) {
JS('', 'throw #', obj);
// This is a utility function: it is only intended to be called from dev
// tools.
stackPrint(exception) {
var error = recordJsError(exception);
JS('', 'console.log(#.stack ? #.stack : "No stack trace for: " + #)', error,
error, error);
// Forward to dart:_js_helper to create a _StackTrace object.
stackTrace(exception) => getTraceFromException(exception);
final _value = JS('', 'Symbol("_value")');
/// Looks up a sequence of [keys] in [map], recursively, and
/// returns the result. If the value is not found, [valueFn] will be called to
/// add it. For example:
/// let map = new Map();
/// putIfAbsent(map, [1, 2, 'hi ', 'there '], () => 'world');
/// ... will create a Map with a structure like:
/// { 1: { 2: { 'hi ': { 'there ': 'world' } } } }
multiKeyPutIfAbsent(map, keys, valueFn) => JS('', '''(() => {
for (let k of $keys) {
let value = $map.get(k);
if (!value) {
// TODO(jmesserly): most of these maps are very small (e.g. 1 item),
// so it may be worth optimizing for that.
$map.set(k, value = new Map());
$map = value;
if ($map.has($_value)) return $map.get($_value);
let value = $valueFn();
$map.set($_value, value);
return value;
/// The global constant table.
/// This maps the number of names in the object (n)
/// to a path of length 2*n of maps indexed by the name and
/// and value of the field. The final map is
/// indexed by runtime type, and contains the canonical
/// version of the object.
final constants = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Canonicalize a constant object.
/// Preconditions:
/// - `obj` is an objects or array, not a primitive.
/// - nested values of the object are themselves already canonicalized.
const_(obj) => JS('', '''(() => {
// TODO(leafp): This table gets quite large in apps.
// Keeping the paths is probably expensive. It would probably
// be more space efficient to just use a direct hash table with
// an appropriately defined structural equality function.
function lookupNonTerminal(map, key) {
let result = map.get(key);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
map.set(key, result = new Map());
return result;
let names = $getOwnNamesAndSymbols($obj);
let count = names.length;
// Index by count. All of the paths through this map
// will have 2*count length.
let map = lookupNonTerminal($constants, count);
// TODO(jmesserly): there's no guarantee in JS that names/symbols are
// returned in the same order.
// We could probably get the same order if we're judicious about
// initializing fields in a consistent order across all const constructors.
// Alternatively we need a way to sort them to make consistent.
// Right now we use the (name,value) pairs in sequence, which prevents
// an object with incorrect field values being returned, but won't
// canonicalize correctly if key order is different.
// See issue
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let name = names[i];
map = lookupNonTerminal(map, name);
map = lookupNonTerminal(map, $obj[name]);
// TODO(leafp): It may be the case that the reified type
// is always one of the keys already used above?
let type = $getReifiedType($obj);
let value = map.get(type);
if (value) return value;
map.set(type, $obj);
return $obj;
/// The global constant list table.
/// This maps the number of elements in the list (n)
/// to a path of length n of maps indexed by the value
/// of the field. The final map is indexed by the element
/// type and contains the canonical version of the list.
final constantLists = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Canonicalize a constant list
constList(elements, elementType) => JS('', '''(() => {
function lookupNonTerminal(map, key) {
let result = map.get(key);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
map.set(key, result = new Map());
return result;
let count = $elements.length;
let map = lookupNonTerminal($constantLists, count);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
map = lookupNonTerminal(map, elements[i]);
let value = map.get($elementType);
if (value) return value;
map.set($elementType, elements);
return elements;
constFn(x) => JS('', '() => x');
/// Gets the extension symbol given a member [name].
/// This is inlined by the compiler when used with a literal string.
extensionSymbol(String name) => JS('', 'dartx[#]', name);
// The following are helpers for Object methods when the receiver
// may be null. These should only be generated by the compiler.
bool equals(x, y) {
// We handle `y == null` inside our generated operator methods, to keep this
// function minimal.
// This pattern resulted from performance testing; it found that dispatching
// was the fastest solution, even for primitive types.
return JS('bool', '# == null ? # == null : #[#](#)', x, y, x,
extensionSymbol('_equals'), y);
int hashCode(obj) {
return obj == null ? 0 : JS('int', '#[#]', obj, extensionSymbol('hashCode'));
hashKey(k) {
if (k == null) return 0;
switch (JS('String', 'typeof #', k)) {
case "object":
case "function":
return JS('int', '#[#] & 0x3ffffff', k, extensionSymbol('hashCode'));
// For primitive types we can store the key directly in an ES6 Map.
return k;
String _toString(obj) {
if (obj == null) return "null";
return JS('String', '#[#]()', obj, extensionSymbol('toString'));
// TODO(jmesserly): is the argument type verified statically?
noSuchMethod(obj, Invocation invocation) {
if (obj == null) defaultNoSuchMethod(obj, invocation);
return JS('', '#[#](#)', obj, extensionSymbol('noSuchMethod'), invocation);
/// The default implementation of `noSuchMethod` to match `Object.noSuchMethod`.
defaultNoSuchMethod(obj, Invocation i) {
if (JS('bool', 'dart.__trapRuntimeErrors')) JS('', 'debugger');
throw new NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation(obj, i);
runtimeType(obj) {
return obj == null ? Null : JS('', '#[dartx.runtimeType]', obj);
/// Implements Dart's interpolated strings as ES2015 tagged template literals.
/// For example: dart.str`hello ${name}`
String str(strings, @rest values) => JS('', '''(() => {
let s = $strings[0];
for (let i = 0, len = $values.length; i < len; ) {
s += $notNull($_toString($values[i])) + $strings[++i];
return s;
final identityHashCode_ = JS('', 'Symbol("_identityHashCode")');
/// Adapts a Dart `get iterator` into a JS `[Symbol.iterator]`.
// TODO(jmesserly): instead of an adaptor, we could compile Dart iterators
// natively implementing the JS iterator protocol. This would allow us to
// optimize them a bit.
final JsIterator = JS('', '''
class JsIterator {
constructor(dartIterator) {
this.dartIterator = dartIterator;
next() {
let i = this.dartIterator;
let done = !i.moveNext();
return { done: done, value: done ? void 0 : i.current };
_canonicalMember(obj, name) {
// Private names are symbols and are already canonical.
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # === "symbol"', name)) return name;
if (obj != null && JS('bool', '#[#] != null', obj, _extensionType)) {
return JS('', 'dartx.#', name);
// Check for certain names that we can't use in JS
if (JS('bool', '# == "constructor" || # == "prototype"', name, name)) {
JS('', '# = "+" + #', name, name);
return name;
/// Emulates the implicit "loadLibrary" function provided by a deferred library.
/// Libraries are not actually deferred in DDC, so this just returns a future
/// that completes immediately.
Future loadLibrary() => new Future.value();
/// Defines lazy statics.
void defineLazy(to, from) {
for (var name in getOwnNamesAndSymbols(from)) {
defineLazyField(to, name, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, name));