blob: 8be5681ba15ba4af248ad2aedda662ab7ad34af1 [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/issue42181.dart:10:9: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int Function(int)' because 'Null' is nullable and 'int Function(int)' isn't.
// F f = null; // Static error
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "org-dartlang-testcase:///issue42181_lib.dart";
static method f1(core::int x) core::int?
return x;
static method test() void {
(core::int*) core::int* f = let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd_mixed/issue42181.dart:10:9: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int Function(int)' because 'Null' is nullable and 'int Function(int)' isn't.
F f = null; // Static error
^" in null;
f = #C1;
static method main() → dynamic {}
import self as self2;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef F = (core::int*) →* core::int*;
constants {
#C1 = tearoff self::f1