blob: 7483aa6d83a6b114c37f5c22855d2ff30dc81537 [file] [log] [blame]
include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.1.9.0.yaml
# Increase the severity of the unused_import hint.
unused_import: warning
# There are currently 10k violations in test/ and tool/.
always_declare_return_types: ignore
# There are currently 5000 violations in lib/. This just does not fit well
# with the analyzer team's style.
omit_local_variable_types: ignore
# There are currently 3360 violations in lib/.
prefer_single_quotes: ignore
# Ignoring "style" lint rules from pedantic for now. There are pre-existing
# violations that need to be cleaned up. Each one can be cleaned up and
# enabled according to the value provided.
# TODO(srawlins): At the time of writing, 500 violations in lib/. The fix
# is mechanical, via `dartfmt --fix-doc-comments`.
slash_for_doc_comments: ignore
# There are currently 2000 violations in lib/.
unnecessary_this: ignore
- avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
- empty_statements
- unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps